
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

23K 737 63

When my father left my mother and me for a better life, I was devastated and naively thought my life couldn't... More

Chapter 1 - Lacey
Chapter 2 - Ryder
Chapter 3 - West
Chapter 4 - Lacey
Chapter 5 - Lacey
Chapter 6 - Lacey
Chapter 7 - Lacey
Chapter 8 - Ryder
Chapter 9 - Lacey
Chapter 10 - Lacey
Chapter 12 - Dane
Chapter 13 - Ryder
Chapter 14 - Lacey
Chapter 15 - Lacey
Chapter 16 - Lacey
Chapter 17 - West
Chapter 18 - Lawson
Chapter 19 - Lacey
Chapter 20 - Saint
Chapter 21 - Lacey
Chapter 22 - Lacey
Chapter 23 - Lacey
Chapter 24 - Lacey
Chapter 25 - Lacey
Chapter 26 - Lawson
Chapter 27 - Lacey
Chapter 28 - Lacey
Chapter 29 - Ryder
Chapter 30 - West
Chapter 31 - Saint
Chapter 32 - Lacey
Chapter 33 - Matt
Chapter 34 - Lacey
Chapter 35 - Ryder
Chapter 36 - Lacey
Chapter 37 - Lacey
Chapter 38 - Lacey - Saint
Chapter 39 - Lacey
Chapter 40 - Ryder

Chapter 11 - Lacey

490 18 0
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

By Wednesday I can't stand the way Mr. Marone looks at me any longer, so I pull my big girl socks up and go and see the guidance officer. Knocking on their door I am greeted by an elderly, kind looking lady. She is dressed in a sharp suit, her hair twisted into a tight bun on top of her. Pushing her glasses up her nose, she extends a frail looking hand towards me in greeting. "You must be Lacey. Please come in" she offers politely, a genuine smile on her face. Finally, a teacher that didn't look they wanted to fuck me nor fuck me up.

"Pleased to meet you Mrs. Bower" I say as I sit down in the chair she has indicated. "So Lacey, what brings you to my office today," Mrs. Bower says in a low, pleasant voice. "I was wondering if you could please help me find a tutor for math's. I am not falling behind just yet but need help with staying on top of it," I offer politely, there was no way I was going to tell anyone the genuine reason. Would anyone believe me, the trailer trash that I was, if I accused their much-loved math teacher Mr. Marone for inappropriate predatory behavior? Most likely not, so my best bet was to find someone willing to assist me so that I could stay off his radar.

"Let me just have a quick look at which student offers math tutoring and see if they have any time available to help you" Mrs. Bower replies, softly clicking away at her keyboard. "There is a tutoring session available this afternoon at half past three in the library, would you like me to book it in for you Lacey?" she continues once she had unearthed what she was looking for. "Sure. That would be great. Thank you, Mrs. Bower," I reply. "Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you need anything else Lacey" she replies with a smile. Well that was easy I think to myself as I leave her office.

Walking down the hallway I realize belatedly that I forgot to ask the tutor's name. Oh well, I guess I would find out soon enough. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I pull up the group chat.

Me: I won't need a lift home this afternoon Ryder.

West: ??

Lawson: Finally going to go on a date with me? I can book us in the at the registry office for this afternoon *winky face *love heart *bride and groom emoji *wedding ring emoji

Saint: Finally found a friend?

West: Shut up Saint.

Lawson: I am her friend. *winky face emoji With benefits...

Ryder: What's up Lacey? Why wouldn't you need a lift home?

Rolling my eyes, I wonder briefly if I should put my phone back in my pocket and not bother replying. It would give me considerable satisfaction to leave them on read. However, I am not stupid and know that if I do that one of them will find me within minutes and give me the third degree.

Me: I have a tutoring session for an hour this afternoon. I will be home before 5 Dad xx *eyeroll emoji

Ryder: Who is the tutor? Are they male or female? Lacey if you need help with something just ask one of us. What subject?

Me: I am unsure who the tutor is, I forgot to ask *shoulder shrug emoji Math.

Ryder: Saint is a math whizz, he could help you.

Saint: Ryder, you have no right to offer my services to someone I don't want to help.

West: Don't be a dick.

Ryder: WTF Saint

Lawson: I will teach you what 1 plus 1 equals Lacey *winky face emoji I am sure I could show you the 69 also. *peach emoji *eggplant emoji *moisture emoji

Me: Saint, I would rather poke my eyeballs out with a glow in the dark dildo than willingly sit with you for an hour. So you are safe.

Me: Ryder I will see you at home later.

*Lacey has left the group chat

*Lacey has been added to the group chat

Ryder: Last warning Lacey. STOP. LEAVING. THE. GROUP. CHAT. *angry emoji

Whatever Ryder I huff. Thankful that my last period is a study period so I head to the library to get some work done and wait for the tutor. Settling into a desk at the far corner, I hear laughter seconds before I feel sticky warm shit running down my head and over my uniform. "Whoops. It looks like I accidently got trash on the trash" Lyndsay laughs hysterically, her minions joining in. How original I think harshly. Tipping gross shit on the poor girl. These bitches needed to step up their game if they think a little microwaved thick shake would frighten me. "Hey Lyndsay. The 90s called and they want their lame as fuck prank back. That was so fucking pathetic" I say as I stand slowly and begin peeling my uniform off. "What are you doing" Lyndsay hisses when she sees I am now only standing in my lacey black matching bra and thong set.

"Did you sincerely think I would run screaming and crying just because you are so fucking uncoordinated and apparently can't walk without tripping over nothing?" I reply with bored disinterest, trying my hardest to channel Saint. "Fuck off and find someone else to mess with Lyndsay. I don't have time for you or your childish bullshit," I continue, turning my back on her and siting down at my desk in a blatant dismissal. I can't help but laugh when I hear her huff of exasperation and the sound of her heels clicking angrily on the tiles as she stalks away, clearly not happy with me for not taking the bait of her milkshake assault. It reminds of those lyrics my milkshake brings all the boys to the library. Close enough, I think. You get what I mean.

Being in my underwear in public was not an ideal situation but nor would it kill me. So I put my head down and studied as much as I could for the next hour, making sure that I stayed on top of all my other subjects. I couldn't afford to fail my last year of high school. Especially if I wanted to get into college next year, I knew I would not get into anything fancy but at least having attended Saint G my prospects should be marginally better than none.

"Lacey," a familiar voice asks huskily from behind me. "What are you doing in the your underwear" Matt rasps out. Of course I would have to be recognized. I was a fool to believe I could sit here in my little black undies and get away without anyone noticing. Turning around in my chair I look Matt in the eye, in my peripheral I could see he was already sporting a sizeable bulge. "Hi Matt," I reply with a slight wave of my hand. "What are you doing here, it is after three already? Shouldn't you be heading home? I continue, one eyebrow arched in question.

"Ummmm" Matt replies, distracted. Coughing loudly, he composes himself to continue "I am here as your math tutor Lacey. Though I can't say I have ever tutored someone while they were wearing a lace thong." A small smirk lifts the corners of his lips up as he takes his backpack off and places it beside mine before taking a seat opposite me. "Well then" I smirk in return "I guess it is your lucky day then Matt". "Do I even want to know the story behind your lack of clothing," Matt asks with a laugh. "A magician never reveals their secrets. You should know that" I retort, laughing at my own joke because my clothes have disappeared. Get it, magician. Missing clothes. No? What ever then.

Matt and I spend the next hour going over math problems and I swear I am like one of those memes where they have tears in their eyes asking people to repeat things at least three times until it starts to sink in. I feel so stupid. I am not really, but it was hard to concentrate with the way I kept catching Matts wandering eyes, making me squeeze my thighs together tightly. I am so thankful that most people have gone home by the time we are ready to leave as I am sure the wet spot in my underwear is noticeable. I pretend to not notice it and walk confidently out of the library towards the front doors of the school ready to walk home.

"Do you want a lift home Lacey" Matt asks sheepishly as he runs his hand through his hair nervously. "It wouldn't feel right letting you walk home dressed like" he continues, seemingly unable to find the words to finish his sentence. "Like what," I tease. I know I am being a shit but it is fun to joke with Matt. "Like" he gestures towards my body with his hand "that" is all he manages before his face is flushing a deep red. "You are a real knight in shining armor you know that Matt. A lift home would be great," I reply with an appreciative smile. "Here," Matt says, pulling his tight white shirt off his body one handedly. Holy fuck was that hot as sin the way he removed it in one smooth move. And holy fuck was he seriously ripped under his clothing.

"I am sorry I didn't think to offer it to you before now," Matt says sheepishly. "No, your not," I reply with a broad grin on my face. "No, your right. I am not sorry. Seeing you in lace was something else. I won't be able to think of anything else for weeks," he says with a flirty wink. "You should have taken a picture," I retort as I climb into the passenger seat of his car to the sound of a pained groan. Looking back in the side mirror, I can see Matt biting his clenched fist and rearranging his dick in his jeans before he climbs into the driver's side and cranks the radio.

"Thanks for the lift, Matt," I say when he drops me at the front door. Before he leaves, I lean in his window and place a quick kiss on his cheek. "I really appreciate you saving me all the time," I continue before pulling away and heading inside. I am grateful when I find the house empty. I didn't need the headache of trying to explain to those boys why I was A: wearing another mans shirt B: Why I was sitting in my underwear in the library. After I shower the sickly sweet and sticky chocolate milkshake from my skin, I can't resist the urge to lay down on my bed and nap for a while. Since I had caught up on all my schoolwork, I could afford to slack off a little this week.

Waking from my slumber with a start due to my door being slammed open I sit up groggily and search for whoever roused me from my cat nap. I roll my eyes when Ryder storms toward my bed, his face, an angry red. "What now brother dearest?" I ask sleepily, rolling my neck to try and work the kink out of it from sleeping funny. "What's this"? he spits out, turning his phone towards me. On the screen are several pictures of me. Two with Mr Marone and his filthy hands on me. The angle makes it look more than what it really is I must admit. The other photo is of me walking with Matt to his car in my underwear. Sigh.

"It is exactly what it looks like I guess Ryder. Now if you are done with your interrogation, can I go back to sleep please. I was having a pleasant dream about Lawson being a pretty unicorn, and I was riding him across a rainbow," I sigh. "So, you are fucking them both. Real classy Lacey," Ryder continues. "Why doesn't that surprise me". "Let me guess, the school bike Lyndsay sent them too you?" I enquire. Get it, bike? Everybody gets a ride of that one. Ryder at least looks ashamed at that and replies "As a matter of fact, she did. It doesn't matter who sent the pictures to me though, Lacey. Lyndsay undoubtedly has my back" he grits out. "Does she Ryder. Mr. Marone is a creep. I asked the guidance officer for a tutor because he keeps insisting I have one on one private lessons with him. I know a predator when I see one so obviously, I don't want to be anywhere near him. And I wonder if Lyndsay informed you of the reason why I was in my undies in the library," I reply, narrowing my eyes at Ryder. "Of course, she didn't" I say when Ryder just stands in front of me like he can't work out what I am talking about.

"The bitch dumped a hot thick shake on my head trying to rattle me. She was super pissed off when I just shucked my clothing and got back to studying." "For a smart man you sure are stupid Ryder. Hot tempered too," I continue, pushing my luck. "That fucking bitch" Ryder growls. "Just wait until I see her at school tomorrow" he seethes. "Now if you are quite done, pony boy is waiting for me," I say, grabbing Ryder by the arm and hauling him into bed with me. "Now stop yapping Ryder and go to sleep. Hopefully you will be in a better mood when you wake up."

Astonishingly I slept like a log beside Ryder. I didn't even hear him snore so I knew that I must have slept like the dead. It was oddly comforting knowing that he was beside me. It was even more surprising when I woke up with him wrapped around me, I had assumed he would have woken up before me and sneaked out of my room. It was nice to be wrong sometimes. His arms felt awesome wrapped around my middle, his face smooshed into the back of my hair. "Good morning baby girl. Guess who was little spoon last night," He jokes. I have no idea what he is talking about but whatever. "Morning Ryder," I reply, gently trying to pry his fingers from my midsection. "Ryder if you don't let go we are going to be late for school". "And," he replies, "Just five more minutes."

Because I am being held in a death grip, I can't see my alarm clock so will just have to take his word for it. If we are late, he can explain why. "Fine," I reply, "Five more minutes." Relaxing back into Ryders embrace I can't help but notice his boner. "Morning wood," I say sarcastically, recalling the harsh words of Saint. "No Lacey. I was hoping that by now you would have figured out just how incredibly attracted to you I am," he whispers in my ear. I involuntarily shiver at his words. Fuck, was I screwed. Those words did naughty things to me. How long could I deny what my pussy wanted?

Could I really sleep with Ryder or one of his friends and walk away with my heart intact? I wasn't sure so threw a fire retardant blanket on the flames that had started heating slowly in my core. Down girl I thought. I didn't know what to say to his bold statement so weird silence hung in the air. I was saved by Saint, Lawson and West entering the room, eyes wide. Or narrowed in Saint's case. "I see you believed what ever nonsense excuses Lacey has given you for the photos," he drawls. "I can see now why you never replied to our messages last night," he continued in his bored fashion.

"And that right there is my cue to leave," I snap back, pulling the blanket from my body in an angry jerk. "Wait" Lawson hollers, sprinting towards us and diving on top. Ryder let out a muffled oof as the weight of Lawson settled between us. "Good morning kitten," he purrs. "Sleep well"? he enquires with a mischievous waggle of his eyebrows. "Get off of me before we are late for school," I whine. "Late for school? Kitten, I called them ten minutes ago and told them you were sick. I knew there was an explanation for the photos of my wifey in her knickers. I LOVED them by the way. Sexy." Lawson snickers. This fool. I didn't know whether to hit him or kiss him. And that there my friends is how I find myself watching old horror movies surrounded by four stooges, stuffing my face with pizza instead of being at school.

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