"WTF-" ~ Rochan & Hwitae


610 35 11

⚠️ Takes a while to update ⚠️ Chanhee has been crushing on Yoona Park, a transfer student. Yoona had a boyfri... More

-5- (Short Chapter)
-7- (Hwitae Flashback)


92 4 0

Chanhee was happy to go to school for once. These days weren't like the others, they are special. The days after today would also be special, maybe because he felt butterflies from this one girl in particular.

When she walked into the room his jaw dropped, she stunned him with her beauty. Following her was some ladies man, a casanova is what Chanhee would call him. This angel on earth, Yoona, was talking to this delinquent, except that he never did anything wrong; he was just too perfect for Chanhee. The 2 looked close, the way he would put his arm around her & she would hit him gently and playfully. To say he was jealous would be an understatement. Chanhee was envious of the older boy. It wasn't fair that he was handsome, smart, popular, tall, amazing at everything, & lastly close with Yoona. All those reasons made him dislike him.

Anyways, the devil in disguise walked over to Chanhee and sat in the seat next to him. Chanhee was confused since that's where Yoona sat.

"Sorry, Yoona wanted to sit with her friend."

    The taller male could tell that the boy wanted to sit with Yoona, since he was stealing glances to where the girl now sat. Chanhee's mood went from 100 to 0 real quick, but part of the reason was Rowoon, the thought of Yoona made his heart beat, keeping his heart on track,  unlike the boy next to him.

"I'm Rowoon-"

"I know who you are."

"You must have been paying attention then..."
    Rowoon smirked as he looked at Chanhee's stuff that Chanhee tried to hide for some reason. Chanhee thought he was looking at his stuff for his name, that's why he hid it, he didn't want this weirdo to know his name.



"Ahh- Chani~"

"No. Chanhee."



    Chanhee was tired of bickering back and forth with Rowoon, so he just dropped the whole ChANi~ subject.


The way Rowoon said his name made him feel weird inside, but Chanhee thought the feeling was from his dislike of the other. The teacher arrived right as Rowoon was gonna continue his sentence. Rowoon then pouted, pushing his lips out. For a second Chanhee thought, 'he's kind of cute- NO! He looks like a..weirdo...yea.' He smiled to himself, while a certain someone was looking at him with heart eyes.

You learn new things everyday, because Chanhee has just learned  that the tall jerk- ~ROwoOn~ was in mostly(if not all) of his classes. He also learned that Rowoon sits pretty close to him, he wished it was Yoona instead of him.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nun of your business."

"Was it me?"  Rowoon gave him his usual smirk, and looked at him with an expression that Chanhee couldn't describe without sounding like he liked him. 'Ugh his smile is so annoying, his teeth are too pretty for his ugly....' Chanhee couldn't come up with anything bad about Rowoon, he was perfect- not that Chanhee liked him though he just acknowledged that the older one was perfect.

"Wanna get lunch with me and my friends?"

"Huh- Oh, no i'm eating with some of mine. Bye."

    Chanhee rushed away for Rowoon, he could tell he was smiling as he ran away.

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