Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Rid...

By thejasuri

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Life seemed perfect for you, When your mother had died it didn't hurt so much while you were living under the... More

Year 1- Cast
Hogwarts Letter
On Brothers and Family
The troll
Care And Christmas
Nichloas Flamel and Catch Up
A Day to Relax
The Philosher's Stone
The Battle
The End or is it?
Year 2- Caste
It Is back to Hogwarts
Gilderoy Lockhart
The Flying Car
Dueling what just happened?
The Diary
Voices and Petrified
Voices and Petrified (2)
Polyjuice Potion
Diary OF Tom Riddle
Diary of Tom Riddle(2)
What the Heck Gilderoy?
The Memory and Tom Riddle
Chamber Of Secrets and Questions.
Year 3- Cast
On An Winter
False Claims or is it?
Remus Lupin
Divination and Care for magical creatures
He's been Spotted
Hogesmade -
Wintery Lies
An Patronus to cast
His Daughter and Forgiveness
His daughter and forgive
Werwolves and Dogs
Saving Sirius Black
His Freedom
Year 4 Cast
Year Four Proluge
The Quiditch World Cup
Quiditch World Cup (2)
Problems and Deep thoughts
At School
The Champions Selections
The First Task
An Challenge To Win
Information and Memories
Information and Memories
The Second Task
Warm Night
The Yule Ball
Finally we Talk
The Second Task Underwater
Mad Eye Moody
The Third Task
Return of Voldemort
How could you?
The Ending (Edited)
Year 5- Caste
The Order Of Pheonix Meeting
The Hearing
Dolores Umbridge
Pillow Talks and Comfort
The first DADA class of the year
Forbidden Forest
Dolores Umbridge's Rules
Fight Fire With Fire
The Creators of Dumbeldore's Army
A Rose
The Inqurisitorial Squad
Hogwart's teachers Quality check
Expulsion Of Professor Teralwany
Dumbeldore's Escape
The Best action I ever took
The First Christmas without you
Breaking the Ice
The Most Powerful Black Witch Origins
Getting Umbridge Expelled
Department of Mysteries
A Rose for Love
The Beginning of the war
Year 6- Caste
Professor Slughorn
Narcissa's Tears
Aboard The Hogwarts Express
The Professors of Potion and DADA
Professor Dumbledore's Caution
Luciana's Tears
The Truth Stings
Amour et Nexus
Many Missions
In Voldemort's Lair
The Malfoy's relationship with Luciana Black
The Memories again and again
The Rise Of The Lost Prophecy
Letters To The Malfoy's
An Frosty Christmas
A Memory Found
The Secret Of The Tampered Memories
The Words Of The Lost Prophecy
Someone To Remember
White Tomb
Year 7- Caste
Going Away From Home
The Battle In The Sky
Departure Before The Wedding
An Split
A Gift To Cure Hunger, To Stop Death and Escape
One More Chance For The Memories
Finding The Secrets Of Snape
Building Connections
Let The Hocruxe Hunt Begin
A Newly-Found Spark
The Coldest Christmas
Torture At Malfoy Manor
Destroyed Hocruxes and Restoration
Previous Mistakes
Letting Go
Bathilda Bagshot's Trick
Restoring The Hocruxes
The Final Stance
The Battle Of Hogwarts
Rewinding The Past Memories
Rewinding The Past Memories||2
The Epoch Of The Beginning
The Final Two
Marking Of The Prophecy -Part 1.-

Godric's Hollow Door No.383

440 9 0
By thejasuri

The next day you were supposed to leave just after breakfast, During the breakfast-Ginny kept giving you uncertain looks, while Mad-eye was intensely looking at you, He knew you would not go back now, and you had to go. So Alastor decided to come along with you, So you all have a good chance of making it alive.
Soon after breakfast, you had arranged everything the night before so all you had to do know was sneak out of the Blackhouse.

"Are you sure you all have to do this? I mean if you-know-who knows Y/n and Harry are out in the open... He won't think twice to strike." Ginny said her eyebrows furrowed and worried written all on her face. "I don't even know why I agreed to this?" It was like Ginny was regretting even saying yes. "I know but we have told you, right on Lucina's tampered memories? This is the final memory if we get to see this memory, all doubts of what Happened in Luciana's life will be clear." Harry backed up.

"It's very dangerous still, what if you don't make it?" Ginny said almost angrily, "Ginny we have talked about this. We only need the memory." Harry said almost losing his patience. With that, you hugged Ginny comfortingly and gave her a reassuring smile before walking out the door.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron were close behind you.

"Now where are we going to go?" Ron asked once you all had made it outside the gloomy house. "I've booked seats on the train. It's not far from here. I've booked decent inns as well. Hopefully, we'll get what we need." The mad eye was a safe distance away from you all.

You reached the train station with the loud hustle and bustle "This one G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4, oh and G-5 as well we can use it nobody else is there." You said gesturing them to their seats while you Levitated there bags.
"So how long is this ride?" Hermione asked still worried "I think six hours." You replied, "The seats are quite comfortable." Ron remarked, "Yes, we are traveling for six hours so we need good seats." You said to the remark.

"How many more trains do we take?" Harry asked, "Actually you said you've booked inns?" 

"Well... Yes. Two of them actually, We travel from here and now it's 9 am so by 4 pm we should be getting down. There is another train to catch and by 8 pm we should be at the inn, I'm sorry I shouldn't have bought all of you, The journey is very exhausting.
"We are glad you told us." Harry said reassuring you, "I'm so happy you didn't go on your own." Hermione added.
The six-hour journey was extremely long, but you guys passed the time by talking, about this and that. The food that they served was good as well. 

Meanwhile at the Black House-

Everyone had been in a hassle as to where the four of you all went. They were searching every corner of the room, "DID YOU FIND THEM?!" Yelled Molly. 
"No! No! where could they have possibly gone?" Arthur shouted back. "Moony where-" Sirius was extremely worried, especially for you and Harry, He was worried about Hermione and Ron as well. 
"No Padfoot have not seen them," Remus said frantically. "I have sent a few of the older members to search for them, but since they didn't Apparate or use the Floo powder there are no traces on them." Said Tonks.

Ginny looked around uncomfortably when the whole day had gone by and they hadn't found anyone of you Sirius sat on the couch with an arm around his head. 
He looked sad and scared, Remus sat beside him while everyone to came after a while. "I just don't get it," Sirius said with sadness "Where could they have gone? They are not in any trouble right?" 
"Calm down Sirius will find them." Remus assured "How? especially the kids there not even seventeen, what if something happens?" 

You and your friends reached the inn exhausted and tired, "Will dinner be served?" Asked Ron, "What are you saying Ron? Of course, it'll be served I'll just collect the keys from the recaption you guys can go to the hotel. It's just there." You pointed to the hotel with many tourists." They nodded weekly making their way to the hotel.

You went inside the inn collected the keys and met your friends who looked much better after they had gotten their very much needed food fuel. You ate discussing what was going to happen next. 
After you had rested peacefully through the night, you knew you all had to be extra cautious since you were all in the open, Death eaters and Voldemort they could track you down. You had to be even more alert since Harry was with you, The next day you were all set to the train station after a lovely breakfast. "We are very near to Godric's hollow now, By tomorrow if everything goes well.... we should be there by morning tomorrow." You said sighing in relief. "The journey is not so bad as I expected it's quite okay," Hermione said setting her things down the compartment.

"We are so close to the memory now, we can use the Floo network once we reach the house." You said pleasantly, "The day looks nice as well with V-" You quickly interrupted Harry.
"Harry! you shouldn't say you-know-who's name! It has Taboo. If you say his name he can track you down!" 
"Oh," Harry said apologetically. "It's only five hours?" You checked your watch "Oh... I must have miscalculated looks as we'll arrive sooner than expected." You said happily. "We'll arrive by dusk." 

The train's wheels stopped at the station, "Oh finally!" Ron said getting up to stretch his now cramped legs, "Finally we arrived....No more traveling." Harry added. You went and softly whispered something in Harry's ear. "Oh," He said quietly.
"I thought since we are here.." You said hesitantly "You'd want to see." 

Harry nodded "It's near to my grandparent's house." 
"When can I go there?" Harry asked, "By today." You rubbed his shoulder as Hermione walked next to you, "Where does he want to go?" Hermione whispered.

You looked at her "Mr. Potter. and Mrs. Potter's grave." You said in a quiet voice. Hermione nodded.

You took out the bright red envelope with your grandparent's house located in it When you suddenly felt a hand jerk your shoulder while Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked pale like they had seen a ghost. You quickly turned around and you just stared.

"Mad eye." Harry asked shocked "What'd you expect, moving here and there while giving yourselves to the death eaters?!" He asked gruffly. "Uhm uh.." You all didn't know what to say, finally, you spoke up, "You followed us?" You asked quietly. 

"Now if I hadn't." He paused abruptly "What were you thinking?" 
"It's important look it's not even that far." You said afraid he was going to call everyone. 

"Y/n do you even know?! your father is a mess! in an bad way." He said you became quiet "I'll get the memory and we'll be back." You persisted. 
"How far is it?"

You saw an huge hill "On that hill, cab you see that house upon the hill it is there's." Mad eye nodded and he Apparated all off you to the house. You took a deep breath and rang the door bell. After an while an woman wearing exotic jewels and an strange dress opened the door. She carefully looked at you, "How may I help you?" She asked quietly "I'm Luciana's daughter Y/n Black, and you are my grand parents." You said softly. She looked at you and the next moment she warmly embraced you. Crying. 

"I knew one day you'd come! and we are lucky we've waited." She claimed. After consoling her she smiled warmly and welcomed you in. 

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