tmr imagines

By AjIsGayAsHell

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just a bunch of imagines from tmr. More



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By AjIsGayAsHell

a few hours after chuck died.
doesn't follow the plot.
It's ironic how you fall into a coma I know it's just I can't be arsed writitng tons.

"and that boy over there, that's aris. he's been here the longest, almost a week." one of the boy who decided to sit with us explains.

"why is he alone?" newt asks.

"all the girls from his maze got sent to the safe haven." the boy explains.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I say standing up and carrying my food tray over to him.

when I sit infront of him, I immediately fall Inlove.

"hi?" aris says glancing up.

"hi." I reply, looking at him in shock.

"are you alright?" aris asks, looking at my very red face.

"alot happened whislt coming here." I explain.

"you can tell me." aris says looking at me.

"my brother, he got shot by my bestfriend who was stung." I explain, trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm aris by the way." aris introduces.

"I'm y/n." I say, holding out my hand for him to shake it.

when he shakes it, butterflies fill my stomach.

for a few weeks now, I've been having lunch with aris, until one lunch, he gets dragged out.

and after aris gets dragged out, everyone is sent to their rooms early.

I sit on the top bunk of my bed when aris slides through the vents.

I stare at him confused.

"we all need to go." he demands.

"what why?" Thomas asks standing up.

"we know too much, they're coming for us." aris rushes.

"what are we waiting for!?" I yell, jumping off my bed and sliding through the vent.

I crawl until the vents go no more and I jump out, realising everyone is behind me.

"I need to go do something, I'll meet you all outside." aris tells me.

"im coming!" Winston explains.

"I wanna come." I argue.

"no y/n, it's too dangerous." aris argues.

I frown.

"I love you." aris quickly says, grabbing my face and kissing me.

I blush and kiss back.

"I love you too." I tell him smiling.

And then I get dragged away with everyone.

As I run faster, I feel three shots get blasted into my body and everything goes black.

I wake up months, possibly even a year later.

I hear voices around me.

"she's awake?" one whispers.

"aris! Y/n is awake!" I hear Thomas yell.

" am I not meant to be awake?" I ask confused.

"you were in a coma y/n." Thomas tells me.

I let out a small laugh.

"sure i was." i say not believing a word.

Then gally appears in front of me.

I rub my eyes confused.

"newt and Teresa are dead." he explains.

"but you're alive?" I ask confused.

"I watched you kill my little brother and watched my bestfriend put a spear through your chest but you're alive?" I gasp confused.

"Where's aris." I then ask.

Aris rushes in and he looks different.

"ill explain everything to them. Everyone leave." aris warns.

Everyone leaves and I sit up confused.

Aris sits on the bed in front of me and just takes a deep breath.

"you got shot with this stuff by wkd, it doesn't kill you but it sets you into a coma so everyone thinks you're dead." aris quickly explains.

"what about newt and Teresa? And how the fuck gally is still alive." I ask him.

"newt got infected by cranks and it was too late, Teresa betrayed us and then later on proved she's sorry but then sacraficed herself for us and gally got saved." aris explains.

"and what about you?" I ask quietly.

"I got on alright, but I was always thinking about you. I just wanted you to wake up so I could tell you that i love you." aris answers without a question.

"I love you aris, but why didn't you move on?" I ask confused.

"because you're the one I want, I love you so much." aris says sadly smiling.

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