Unknown Love


76.3K 2.3K 316


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty One

1.2K 44 7


Suddenly we heard the noise of a text coming in from David, and we both looked down at the message.

“Please, (YN). You don’t understand how much I miss you.”

I grinned evilly, then turned to Logan.

“Kiss me.” I said to him.

Without hesitation, he pressed his lips against mine. I turned on the flash on my phone, and took a picture of us. I sent it to David, with a message saying:

“And you don’t understand that you’re too late.”

I showed it to Logan and he just smiled and kissed my cheek.

“You do realize that he could post that all over the internet and we’d be exposed as some new Hollywood couple?” He said.

I shrugged. “Fine with me.”

“I thought you didn’t want the paparazzi to be following you everywhere?”

“Well, I put some thought into that and if I’m gonna be your girlfriend, then I need to accept you. ALL of you. Singing and acting are your passion and paparazzi is just something that comes with it, so I need to accept that and get over it. If all I have to do is answer a few questions and take a couple pictures, I’m more than willing to do that if it means I get to be with you.”

Logan pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. “Good. Because I can’t wait to show you off.”

I smiled to myself, and the two of us fell asleep, me still lying in his arms.

I woke up around eleven the next morning, Logan with me this time. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked dead asleep. I reached up so I could kiss his jawline, then slowly and carefully got out of the bed, so as not to disturb him. I looked outside and the hurricane was still going on. I checked my phone and saw a few messages from my dad and Taylor. Turns out the hurricane was effecting them over there, too, and they wouldn’t be home for a few more days. My dad said by Friday to be exact, which gives me three more days to be home alone with Logan...and the other guys who were kind of stuck with us, too. I wonder if they were awake yet? I decided to go downstairs and check on them, but when I did I saw a three sticky notes on the counter.

“Hey love, left around 10am. I’ll text you if I die on my way home! –Carlos”

“Hi, cutie. Couldn’t stop thinking about you and being in your house was driving me crazy. I left with Carlos. –James”

“Hello there sexy, I left with the other two. I just can’t control my love for you. –Kendall”

I laughed at the guys’ attempt to make Logan jealous. Maybe I’d just leave their notes on the counter for Logan to see when he wakes up.

I laughed to myself again as I started to make some breakfast. I took my phone and docked it in the iHome we have installed in our kitchen, then put on some Big Time Rush. I kept the volume low enough not to wake Logan, but loud enough for me to dance around and sing along with it as I made scrambled eggs and pancakes.

It was around 11:45am and I was still singing and dancing. My favorite song, Music Sounds Better With You, started playing and I couldn’t help but sing into the spatula in my hand, belting Carlos’s part from the top of my lungs.

“No sweeter sound than what I found no perfect love-“

And suddenly I felt some arms around my waist from behind and a melodic voice in my ear.

“Could be more perfect than us.” Logan sang his part of the song and I couldn’t help but smile.

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