Indian Girl with Korean Boy 2...

By Alicereena

924 102 7

As you guys liked and voted Indian Girl with Korean Boy πŸ’œ So, I want to continue it, My story line is same... More

Shifting πŸ’œ
Hangouts with Bestie
Love Or Like
Short DriveπŸ₯°
New RoomπŸ₯°
Party Tonight 🎢
World Wide Handsome πŸ’–
One Night Stay
Fly to Jeju
Unexpected Proposal


45 0 0
By Alicereena

As I saw Ji Hoon standing infront of me with flowers in his hands. I was shock and not able to believe what was going at this min. Ji Hoon came to me and knee down with raising his hand with flowers.

Ji Hoon: Nithya, Do you remember when we met in class at first time?

Nithya: Yeah.

Ji Hoon: The moment I saw you, you came and sat beside of me, I fall for you and finally today without any fear I'm standing infront of you with this beautiful flowers

I love you Nithya

Nithya: Ji Hoon, I'm so sorry forrrrr youuuuuuu.

Ji Hoon: Nithya, please don't say. If you want, you can take time.

Nithya: Sorry, I never fall for you and I feel you are my bestfriend and my well-wisher.

Ji Hoon: Nithya?

Nithya: Sorry Ji Hoon, I have someone who i am loving. So please try to understand.

Ji Hoon: Sorry Nithya, It is my fault. Butttttttt?

Nithya: I' m sorry , I have to leave.

As Ji Hoon talking to me, I ran out of garden. After reaching room, someone knock my door, It's was Jeong.

Nithya: Why are here? What do you want?

Jeong: You bitch, How dare you are?

Nithya: look Jeong, I am not in mood to fight with you, Just leave.

Jeong: Woww, I thought you trapped Jin Oppa only. But now you trapped my brother too.

Nithya: What the-------- , Who is your brother.

Jeong: Don't try to act Nithya, I am going to kill you if something happens to my brother.

Nithya: Jeong, shut up and leave.

Jeong: Now even Jin oppa seen your real colours.

Nithya: What?

Jeong: Me and Jin oppa saw everything happen in garden.

Nithya: What? But how did you know? That I'm there?

Jeong: Alice told to everyone that my brother is going to propose you.

Nithya: What-t-t-t?? Is Ji Hoon is your brother?

Jeong: Yes, he is my brother. Better you stay far from my brother and Jin oppa too.
Or else I will kill you for sure.

Nithya: What didn't you say. Ji Hoon is your brother ah.

Jeong: Then, What did you think that how i came here without knowing about your trip with BTS.


Ji Hoon Pov's

I have to pack my bag. While I am packing bag my sister came to my room.

Jeong: Oppa, Why are you packing your clothes? Are you leaving house?

Ji Hoon: Jeonggggg

Jeong: Okay Okay, I will not tease you, tell me where are you going?

Ji Hoon: I am going to Jeju.

Jeong: Wow, but why are you going now?

Ji Hoon: To see Nithya.

Jeong: Why the hell are you going to see her?

Ji Hoon: Jeong who many times I told you not to treat Nithya like that. Anyhow she went with BTS.

Jeong: What?? Okay got it, oppa, i will also come with you.

Ji Hoon: hmmm okay. But only on one condition.

Jeong: What is that?

Ji Hoon : You should hide my identity.

Jeong: uff okay.


Nithya's Pov:

What the hell, why ji Hoon lied me. It hurting me alot and what about jin oppa. What he could think about me when he saw me with Ji Hoon. Heyyyyy..........


Jin's Pov:

Jin: What are you doing here? Get lost

Jeong: Oppa, Pls Don't be mad on me.

Jin: I told you to leave.

Jeong: uff, upto now she trapped my brother.

Jin: You have brother? Who?

Jeong: Ji Hoon is my brother.

Jin: What???

Jeong: Yeah, it's true Ji Hoon is my own brother.

Jin: What the hell is going on here? First get out from here.

Jeong: oppaaa

After Jeong left my room. I sat on my bed and called my friends to meet. After few minutes. Door opened, V opened door and come inside with Jungkook.

V: What happened Jin? Why did you called us?

Jungkook: It's all about Nithya. Right?

Jin: Yeah

V: What? Do you have feeling on Nithya?

Jin: Yes

V: Since when?

Jin: Since we saw her at first time.

V: Oh my godd!!!, So nice, then what happen now.

Jungkook: Yeah, did she rejected you or what?

Jin: Even without proposing her how she will reject me.

Jungkook : Then why don't you propose her?

Jin: I have too, but I m afraid of that. She rejected Ji Hoon today

V: I knew her, she did good think.

Jungkook: Brave!

Jin: Ji Hoon is our CEO'S own son and Jeong's own brother.

Jungkook: Whatttttt?????

V: Whattttt????


Hope you guys doing well

Sorry for to late upload😥


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Purple you all💜

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