The Familia. (ZeRoyalChaos TO...

By Newb-Goob

26K 1.7K 539

Anthony is Mafioso turned God Father, and having to deal with all his problems. He isn't what the Mafia sees... More

Blood for blood.
The God Father is dead.
The Executioner
Submission and trust.
Secrets and plotting.
Forgiveness and friends.
Mediums and lovers.
A gunshot in the night.
Just a suggestion.
Hear him out.
What do you know?
This town.
Is reality worse than dreams?
Batting for the other team.
I'm so lost...
The Plan.
Letters from the dead.
Take Action.
The road to the final destination.
The Retributionist.
Home is where the heart is.
And now I'm found.
Forsaken Memories
A guilty man.
Game over
Final A/N
Gag Reel Fun!

Roles you are given.

750 55 19
By Newb-Goob

Max's POV (Trying something a little different)

The heat of the sun outside made me wake up and tear myself from the tangle of sheets. A quick yawn and stretch, as expected from any normal person. I glanced to the bedside table, and a note sat between a lamp and a glass. I picked it up, running my finger across the edge and unfolding the paper.

"Dearest Max,

You mean everything to me, and as a mayor I will try my very hardest to protect you. We were always meant to be together, it was given to us with our roles. Time may pass, and people may frown upon us, but the truth is our souls were bonded from the start. I will always love you, and no matter where we go or what happens that is one fact that will always remain true. No investigator or sheriff could prove it false. I am yours, and because I wrote this I believe you are mine. I wish to hold you every second of the day, and that will be my final wish.

For me to die in your arms, would bring me happiness in my last moments. This was always meant to be, and even when I'm gone I will watch over you.

Stay safe my love, deepest regards,

Adam x"

I bit down on my lip and resisted the urge to cry, but I knew the result of holding in the sadness. It all bottles up, and then boils down to pure rage. One name makes me blind with fury, and Anthony is that name. The God Father is as sick and twisted as I expected, and my only regret in this 'game' was dragging Adam into it. He simply wanted to submit and move on when he felt we were safe. Just as he wrote he did whatever he could to protect me, and I was the reason he died.

I looked down and saw the paper crumpled in my fist. I carefully smoothed it out, and turned it over to fold it again. Crude black letters stood out on the back, and someone had tainted this perfect memory of the man I love.

"Silence is golden..." The handwriting was scruffy, like they were in a hurry.

In my head I saw a clear image of a dark figure standing over my bed, reading this private and cherished note. Surely they took nothing from it but pleasure, and then they left this warning.

It was a threat to make me stay silent, or all my secrets would be revealed to the rest of the town. It's not that I need to keep my secrets anymore, but to bring my relationship with Adam to light would destroy his name. Even in death he has a hold on me, and I do not regret that. He still means everything to me, and the idea of a retributionist was already on my mind before Ze brought it up. However in him doing so he brought the idea to Anthony, and now he would try to prevent any move I would make.

I folded the paper and put it inside the draw instead of on the side. Silence is golden. The phrase came over my mind several times as I went about my morning routine, and I decided it is right. Silence is golden, and if they want my silence they have it.

I don't have to shout anything to break Anthony down. He couldn't say a word that would hurt me, but I know many that would cut him deep. If he thought it was okay to ruin my memories of Adam, then I will ruin any memory of his loved ones I can.

Whether I can say anything this day doesn't matter, because at night I will be free again. One night I will go to him, and though I have no power to physically hurt him, it doesn't mean I can't do it verbally.

The only pain he can bring me now is death, and I welcome it with open arms. Not by his hands, by the towns, so he can try and work against me with them. Trickery will be my new best friend, and it will allow me to reveal him without any accusing words.

I was an investigator, but who says I can't change my role? Who made that a rule? The mayor did, and the mayor is dead. I can be whatever and whoever I want to be, and no-one stands in my way.

He wanted to break me, and I have to say he succeeded, but who said broken things have no purpose?

He broke me as an investigator who had pride and respect for his town. Now I have a chance to be something different, and on my way down I will drag him down with me. I can win in death, and when I reach the golden gates Adam will wait for me. Anthony can plummet into hell, and me and Adam can finally be free of him and the pain he has caused us.

He can't repent for his sins any longer, the confessional can only bring him comfort.

I am going to ruin his mind, and become his every concern and worry. I will be the thing he fears most, because I will take anything he cares about and I will make it rot. Any sense of purity in his thoughts will be stained black, because a monster like him deserves nothing more than an eternity in hell. I will trick him, and he wont be able to pick the truth from the lies.

I am going to become a jester, and I'm going out with a bang.


I just wanted to spice things up with a little Max action. I hope this isn't too repetitive or boring, I had this idea a while ago and am finally going through with it.

I know it's not how TOS works, but it's something I thought could be cool. The whole "Silence is golden" comes from the Wiki's description of a Blackmailer. The TOS Wiki has some really cool little back stories for the characters that I never bothered to read XD They are so worth it, especially the Sk's one.

I hope you enjoyed, and I will update again soon ^-^

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