Reunion of the Dragon family(...

By CrqzyCalico

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*this story is currently under full revision. Lots of changes will be made afterwards* The fourth true dragon... More

Notice or A/N or whatever you call it
Chapter 1 - Beginning of the journey
Chapter 2 - Nation of Dwarves
Chapter 3 - Frozen Continent
Chapter 4 - Walprugis I
Chapter 6 - A daughter and a niece
Chapter 7 - Back to the forest
Chapter 8 - Spirit queen and the conquerer of flame
Chapter 9 - Showing affection
Chapter 10 - Friend and foe
Chapter 11 - Confrontation with Chaos
Chapter 12 - Labyrinth I
Chapter 13 - Labyrinth II
Chapter 14 - Misunderstanding
Chapter 15 - Sceme and punishment
Chapter 16 - Hero awakened
Chapter 17 - Preparation
Chapter 18 - To the battle field
Chapter 19 - Revenge
Side chapter - Mission
Chapter 20 - Fiery sister
Chapter 21 - Imposter
Chapter 22 - Aftermath
Chapter 23 - Velzard
Chapter 24 - War cloud
Chapter 25 - Demon's battle
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - Gathering forces
Chapter 28 - Enemy at doorstep
Chapter 29 - The battle of dragon I
Chapter 30 - The battle of dragon II
The battle of dragon III
Chapter 32 - Rising nightmare
Chapter 33 - Darkness
Chapter 34

Chapter 5 - Walprugis II

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By CrqzyCalico

Rimuru POV

  Me and Ciel were escorted to the same room with Milim, Karion and Frey. They were escorted to same room since Karion and Frey is now Milim's subordinates. As soon as we entered the room Milim turned toward me with a wide smile on her face.

"So, are you really my uncle?" Milim asked with a sparkling eyes.

"Yes I am." I replied with a smile.

"You are so cool! It was the most fun fight I've ever had in centuries!" Milim exclaimed, boucing around me. She kinda reminds me of Veldora when he was young.

I went up to Karion and Frey while Milim was busy talking with her 'auntie'.

"Thank you for taking care of my niece." I bowed to them.

"It was nothing, although she acts too childish most of the time as you can see."

"Oh, also Karion, I'll rebuild your capital since Milim is the one who destoyed it and I want to thank you for taking care of her."

"Thank you sir." Karion said with a voice full of gratitude.

"I'm the one who should thank you, also just call me Rimuru. I don't like being called formally." I smiled.

"Well then, thank you Rimuru." Karion said, also smiling.

While I was talking with Karion, Ciel joined the talk. "Honey, I think we should visit Milim's land for a while."

"I have no objections, but is there some reasons?"

"Yes, actually there are two. If you are going to visit Velgrynd, we can't stay in the frozen continent. Also Milim want me to teach her followers how to cook. She seems to hate their offerings since they always send raw vegetables."

'Raw vegetables for a kid like Milim? That must have been hard.' I then looked at Milim who was staring at me with puppy dog eyes. 'That is actually dangerous.'

"Alright, but we need to return to frozen continent to tell Velzard." (Rimuru)

"Yayyy!" Milim exclaimed and hugged me with her all might. It was okay for me but a normal being would have been splitted in half or at least get their spine crushed.

"Oh by the way, do you know where Valentin's room is? I want to ask his maid some questions." (Rimuru)

"Ooh, so you noticed too! It's next to our room. Her name is Luminas Valentine, the actual demon lord. She is hiding her identity now." Milim said it out loud in front of Karion and Frey who were surprised at what she said.

"What?! Is it really true?" Karion exclaimed with a same shocked face with Frey.

"Uhh Milim? Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth heavy sometimes." I said to Milim who was starting to get uneasy.

  I left the room, leaving Milim get bombarded with questions from Karion and Frey. I went to Valentin's waiting room and knocked the door.

  The door opened and the butler Gunther, opened the door. 

"May I ask why are you here sir?" He asked in a polite manner.

"I have some question to your master." (Rimuru)

"I'll inform Lord Valentin. Please wait for a moment." (Gunther)

  I stopped him before he went inside again. "I wish to talk with your real master, Luminas Valentine."

  Gunther froze for a second when I mentioned her name. He seemed to think for a moment and finally replied. "Follow me sir." He said opening the door for me.

  I entered the room to see Valentin and Luminas sitting on their chair. Luminous was wearing a gothic dress instead of her maid uniform. They looked at me with a confused look. 

"Gunther, why did you bring him in without telling me?" Valentin asked. I could say that what he really wanted to say was 'Why did you bring him here? Her cover will be blown."

"He wishes to talk with Luminas-sama." Gunther replied with an uneasy look on his face.

  Valentin looked surprised while Luminas maintained her stoic expression.

"Did you tell the other demon lords about me?" Luminas asked in a cold voice.

"Well... about that. I didn't tell them, but Milim did." 

"Tch, that stupid dragonoid." Luminas muttered under her breath. "What do you want with me anyway?"

"I saw you earlier getting angry at the mention of my brother's name. I just want to know the reason."

"Your bro- of course that stupid lizard had to be a true dragon." Luminas muttered angrily.

"May I ask why you are angry with my brother?" (Rimuru)

"Hundreds of years ago, that stupid lizard destroyed the capital of my country for fun! Are you satisfied now." She scowled and looked away cursing Veldora with all kind of insults.

  I guessed that he caused some big trouble but I totally didn't expect something like this. I feel like I can understand Velzard and Velgrynd now.

"I'm really sorry for my little brother's foolishness. I will have my sister punish him later. Would you mind if I bring him here to apologize?" I said, slightly bowing to her.

  It's not my fault but since Veldora is my brother, I guess I have some responsibility on him.

"Huh, at least you are good and well-mannered unlike some stupid lizard. I would accept your offer. However, I would like to see him get 'punished' with my own eyes." (Luminas)

'Is she a sadist?' I thought.

"I have to ask Guy about that, but I'll do what I can." (Rimuru)

  Luminas simply nodded with stoic expression but I caught a glimpse of triumph in her eyes. 

  Since I have no more business in that room I headed back to our waiting room to find Treyni waiting in front of the door.

  She bowed upon noticing me. "Rimuru-sama, Ramiris-sama said she wants to talk to you."

"Well, okay. Lead the way." (Rimuru)

"Actually, she is waiting in the room Rimuru-sama." (Treyni)

  I just nodded and went inside the room. As soon as I entered, Ramiris flew straight toward me.

"Rimuru, can you do me a favor?"

'Huh? A favor?' I thought. "Sure, what is it?"

"Do you remember Clayman's iron golem that you destroyed? You see, I've never had an iron golem and I think it'll be a goo edition to my labyrinth." Ramiris said with sparkling eyes.

  She did help us attend walprugis and I did call her tiny, so I think I should make her one.

"Alright, do you mind if it's a doll with a demon inside? It's not the same but it'll be stronger." (Rimuru)

"Of course!"

  I processed some magisteel that was inside the imaginary space. I used them before to make Kaijin's swords, but I still have plenty of supplies.

  I arranged the pieces inside a magic. I then summoned a greater demon and put it inside the doll. It slowly stood up and knelt in front of me. 

"Good. Your name will be Beretta from now on. Also your master will be demon lord Ramiris. Serve her well." (Rimuru)

  Beretta was engulfed in black mist as I named her and evolved into an arch doll. Beretta slowly stood up, bowed to me and knelt in front of Ramiris.

"Greetings Ramiris-sama. I am Beretta and I'll serve you as my only master from now on." (Beretta)

  Ramiris seemed overjoyed and thanked me. "Thank you Rimuru, this is perfect!"

"Don't mention it. You also helped me too." (Rimuru)

  They left the room and I walked over to Ciel who was drinking a cup of tea on the couch.

"Ciel, Luminas Valentine will visit Guy's place after this." (Rimuru)

"I thought you were just going to talk with her. Why is she coming?" Ciel asked, even though I'm pretty sure she can see roughly what's going on.

"Well, she has some grudge on Veldora and she wants to watch him suffer... so yeah, that's the reason." (Rimuru)

"Okay. I'll tell Velzard to prepare to educate." Ciel replied with an evil smile. If there is the most fearful being in this universe, it will be scary Ciel.

  I then contacted Guy through thought communication and asked him if Luminas can visit which he accepted without any question.

  He must have known the true identity of her. Well, he is one of the strongest demon lords, so it might not be a big surprise. Also, Luminas did sent off stronger aura then her proxy.

  After about 10 minutes, the banquet was ready. The foods were actually delicious. Ciel analyzed recipes instantly so she can make them later.

  The demon lords returned to their territory one by one after the banquet. Guy, Luminas and us were the last remaining person in the room. 

"Hey Rimuru, we are leaving now. Come quick or you will be stuck here until the next walprugis." Guy called from near the door.

  I immedieately sprang up from my seat and rushed to the door. Ciel also quickly followed me. We had enough of getting stuck in an unknown place for a long time.

  As we entered the portal door, I turned around to see the whole place starting to disappear into nothingness and quickly went through the door.

  Velzard-nee was waiting for us at the door. She greeted me and Ciel with a hug and looked at Luminas.

"So, you are the one who wants my brother educated?" Velzard-nee said with a smile.

"Yes. Do you mind if I help 'educating' that stupid lizard?" Luminas replied with a cold smile on her face.

"Sure. He deserves punishment for what he did." (Velzard)

  I have a feeling that these two will get along very well.

  Velzard-nee told me to bring Veldora which I reluctantly agreed since I don't want to get tangled in the situation.

  I went to Veldora's room and knocked on the door. The door opened and Veldora's head peaked through the gap.

"Oh nii-san! you're finally back!" Veldora exclaimed fully opening the door. I guess he had gone through some strssful moments while I'm gone. I feel really sorry for what I am going to do to him now.

"Veldora, don't ask anything and just follow me." I said turning around and started walking toward the room which might be Veldora's burial place.

  We reached the door and I pushed him inside the room and put a strong barrier around it.

"Wh- what are you doing Rimu-" Veldora stopped as he felt chill along his spine. He turned around to see two glaring eyes full of murderous intent.

"I'm really sorry Veldora, but I can't cover you this time." I said as I put sound barrier, blocking Veldora's desperate last words.

  I returned to my room as fast as I could and laid on the bed. Today was full of events and sending Veldora to his demise didn't help either.

  Ciel joined me a minute later. I don't really get fluster now for sleeping together with Ciel since I've been doing so since we started our journey.

"Is the fox doing okay?" I asked Ciel who had her head leaned on my shoulder. I like it when she does this since I can feel her soft hair resting on me. 

"She was traumatized because of Clayman but Ranga and Raika are taking care of her, so she should be fine." Ciel replied not moving from her place.

  We stayed there in silence for a moment. "Do you think I can meet all of my families again?" I asked.

"Of course you will. And I'm going to be there by your side always, so don't you worry about anything." Ciel replied facing me with a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you Ciel." I said, hugging her. We fell asleep in each others embrace.


  Surprisingly I found Veldora alive in the morning. Even though he was in a horrible state, he survived through the hell of a night. 

  I dragged him to his room where I cured him and put him in {Sleep mode}. I left some manga by his side for him. Even though it was his fault, I kinda feel guilty after seeing him like that.

  Luminas and Velzard seem to have gotten more closer. Luminas looked more alive and her disgust and anger seem to have subsided a lot. She went back to her territory before the sun rise in the ice continent.

  I was walking through the corridors after Luminas left when I saw a child with a fox ear peaking inside each room.

  I smiled and walked up to her. "Are you feeling okay now?" I asked with a smile. But what I didn't expect was what she was going to say.

"I'm better now. Thanks to you, daddy!"



And that's it for this chapter.

Sorry for the delay guys. I planned to update on Monday but my school and academies are trying to choke me with tons of studies.

Also, unfortunately, this will probably the last update this week since I'm really busy now. I'll try to update more next week.

Again, I'm sorry for the delay and I send my gratitude to all readers who had read this story and those who helped me with ideas.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter.

-from the author a.k.a Lico, who hates homework

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