Owned by Alpha Diétrich |BxB|

Bởi saragrass_author

732K 31.4K 6.8K

Book 1 - Gyres of Hunger (MxM) A world that has divided citizens into different classes, there's people who... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Book 2

Chapter 11

26.6K 1K 393
Bởi saragrass_author

My eyes opened slowly, immediately blinking from the bright rays of the sun that left burning spots into my vision. I felt a hand on my head, massaging my scalp in the most comforting way. The fingers dug deep into my hair, occasionally twisting the messy strands.

I turned slowly around, the familiar scent lingering around me. It was rather calming, warm feeling spreading across my chest as my nose met with the other male's side.


I heard him grumble, the nice feeling vanishing in the air instantly after. My eyebrows knitted together as I lifted my gaze to the man, who was fully dressed next to me; sitting against the headboard with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Hmmh?" I questioned confusedly, the sleep still heaving my eyes down; narrowed just enough to catch the discontent frown Leonel sported. He was focused on the papers in front of him, going occasionally in with his pen.

"You have an hour, go take a shower."

He ordered, the black eyes not even glancing at me. The tone he used irritated me, a scowl also spreading to my lips. For a moment I had the doubt if he really did like me. But I pushed it aside, lifting up my stubborn exterior to defend myself.

"Why?" I asked, pulling the blanket over my shoulders. My eyes briefly lowered down to his body, taking in a new white shirt and black pants. He seemed to be already showered, his hair a bit damp and curlier than what they were as dry.

The hand in my hair still continued the nice rubbing, though being lifted the second I asked the question.

"Because I told you so– now go, we're going to be late for the breakfast", he flicked his hand to me as in 'shoo', the frown deepening on my face. Apparently, I got the annoying Leonel back.

I couldn't understand why he didn't make eye contact with me, why he commanded me once again. Not like he ever had dropped it, but really, not even a 'good morning'?

I narrowed my eyes to him even more, sudden irritation flashing through me. Impulsively, I grabbed the papers from his hands, throwing them into the air. His look was priceless as he froze, watching ahead of him as the dozens of pages started floating around the room.


"Well, fuck you too." I snapped to him, rising up from the bed with the blanket around my body.

He could bitch me all he wanted, but that was exactly what he got in return. Though nothing couldn't prepare me for what was to happen, only sudden ruffling to be heard from behind me as I was pulled back to the bed.

My head hit against the mattress, my startled eyes lifting up to the black ones that were watching me with flaming anger. He didn't say anything; he didn't need to. It was very clear what he told me with his gesture, his other hand around my neck; from which he had pulled me down.

I bit my teeth together, answering to his scorching gaze as the suffocating pheromones filled the room, "You can't bend me with one pretty kiss."

I hissed to his face, my own fury rising as he narrowed his eyes at me. The night before, he had caught me at a vulnerable moment; when I was exhausted and sensitive. But right now, I wouldn't be that.

It could've been that I was embarrassed because of it, now trying to get my dignity back by the only way I knew. And it definitely could've been his irritating way of bouncing me around.

"I think it was more than that, pet" he lowered his head towards me, the tip of his nose nearly gracing my forehead. Our intense staring-contest still continued, both of us grinding our teeth together. I couldn't but faintly blush to his comment, my stomach flipping around from his low and gravelly voice.

The sentence brought various images to the top of my mind, first one of them being me bent over and him fingering me. I think it took me a bit by surprise, panic taking the hold of me as I tried to come back to him as quickly as possible, "Well, it could've been better."

My face grew immediately pale as I had said it, my insides cringing to my stupidity. Leonel raised his brows, a small twinkle appearing into his eyes, "Is that so?"

I wanted to take it back, by all means. But I was too stubborn to actually do it, standing by my sentence with full determination, "Yes."

I swallowed down as I saw the skeptical look he gave me, my body tensing up beneath his stretched frame. He was sitting just next to my head, keeping a hold of my neck that wa tight enough for me to not even be able to flinch my muscles, "It was really, really bad."

I pulled the blanket subtly higher on my body, something awfully warm starting to grow in my lower stomach. The black eyes watched me with a sly smirk behind them, his lips twitching slightly upwards, "Why don't you go to the shower, hmh?"

He suggested, making me tense up even more as it wasn't anything that I had anticipated. The mischievous tone of his clearly indicated that he had more than that in his mind, leaving me only uncertain for the future.

He let go of my neck, tilting his frame away from me as I stayed put with a madly red face.

God, I hated him.

With smoke rising up from my ears, I quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom; through an open door where I saw black tiles. The blanket was obviously coming with me, the door slamming behind me, as a part of showing my mind to the other. I disregarded the sheet somewhere, rubbing my eyes in frustration. My cheeks were still hot and red, the images I tried to avoid coming to the front of my mind every now and then. Why was I excited for what he had said, for what he had left out through the lines?

I groaned quietly, looking around me as I lowered down my hands. There was a plain shower and a bathtub, a nasty carpet laying in the middle of the room. For a Royal, it definitely wasn't that pricey and flashy as the other spaces here were. For a moment I even wondered if I was going to be even dirtier once I'd finished showering but decided to just go with it.

I forgot all my shampoos and soaps, with a frown stepping under the shower head. I wasn't even sure where my backpack was; where all my stuff was. I simply rinsed myself, going very precisely so I'd at least know that I had washed my body. The final result can be whatever then, I didn't really get any better right now.

It didn't take me but around ten minutes to get out, the blanket working as my towel. I wrapped it around my shoulders after drying up, stepping back to the room as I got the door unlocked. My eyes raked through it quickly, seeing Leonel still on the bed; now his all paperwork gathered back from the floor.

I let out a low sigh, hoping that it wouldn't be me who had to open the conversation.

I fucking needed my clothes. And that meant my backpack.

And I had a wild guess that he knew where it was.

So, with an irritated tone, I had to unfortunately inquire about it from him; as he wouldn't again even look at me, knowing for sure that I was here, "Where's my backpack?"

I was certain that he didn't even hear me as I had already stood like a dumbass for a good second, impatiently opening my mouth again. Though I was interrupted by him, the other lowering down his papers at the same time, "On the hallway."

I glared at him, after stomping to the door. For some reason he really annoyed me right now; and I had a feeling that I was exactly the same for him. But besides that, there was the similar tension there had always been; both of us a little tense and wary of each other's presence. Now with the twist that we could do something to it.

I took my backpack from the hallway, glancing at each direction at the same time. It was still eerie quiet, not a single soul to be seen. I drew back into the room, turning towards the bathroom.

Though I couldn't help but ask about it, as it had been bothering me since we arrived here, "Why's there no one?"

I briefly watched the other man who was now standing up and adjusting his shirt's cuffs and the jewelry around his neck. He stayed silent for a while, then walked to the door with a blank expression, "Go dress up."

He said, my frown deepening.

Why couldn't he answer to a simple question; more so, why the fuck was he ordering me around again?

I bit my lip in a flame of irritation, stepping to the bathroom with a mimicking voice of the other's, "Go wank yourself off."

My tone had deepened many notches, a small laugh escaping my mouth as I saw his head snapping towards me the second I shut the door.

Ezekiel 1 - Leonel 0.

I dropped my backpack to the floor, searching out my clothes. I decided to go with a simple black T-shirt and similar coloured jeans. They fitted my frame a bit loosely, but there were a nice number of pockets where to hide things. Which reminded me of my equipment that Leonel had with him; I had to get them back the second we were out of here.

I slightly stroked my hair better, pulling it down to my forehead and ears.


I heard the man on the other side of the door grumble, most likely being in a hurry; though I was pretty sure that we were early. I took my backpack with knitted brows, opening the door and stepping out of it.

My gaze flicked instantly to Leonel who was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, looking at me with a bland expression. I dropped my backpack next to his as I noticed it, then walked up to him. I could feel his dark eyes on me every second, somehow the suffocating atmosphere only intensified.

I lifted my hand to the doorknob, the other grabbing my wrist as I did so. I could feel him leaning down closer, the hot breath of his fanning over my cheek, "You do as I say once we get out of this room, understood?"

I pursed my lips with fire circling in my eyes, moving them up to his face. My nose nearly graced his, the proximity close to making me flinch. He raised his brows in question, as if emphasizing his point.

I only grit my teeth, not really keen on the idea. I didn't like to sit in his lap; or maybe I would, but not in such a manner as if he'd simply owned me as an object. I didn't like his different tone either that he used to me when we were with the others. And I definitely didn't like to be his little puppet.

His finger was suddenly on my chin, lifting it up ever so carefully. I blushed in response as his face got closer, the dark orbs staring at my lips right from between his half-closed eyes. The way he affected me didn't even occur to me, the thoughts of mine stopping completely until he'd step back. I let my tongue wet my lips, after that gliding against my teeth.

"You'll get a reward, just like good pets will."

He murmured, his lips occasionally touching my own. I shuddered. Something in the sentence turned me on, how he claimed me; but it had to be on precise moments, otherwise it would anger me. Though he seemed to know exactly when to poke me to get what he wanted.

My breathing had turned ragged, my legs slightly twisting together as they shook. No other thing passed my thoughts but the man in front of me, all my struggle against him vanishing in the air.

I wouldn't fight him; I would let him do anything.

It was scary, but at the same time I knew that somewhere deep down, he wouldn't hurt me. He hadn't done so yet; he had achieved some of my trust.

I closed my eyes in anticipation, the man's lips slowly landing on mine.

Though after that it wasn't anything slow, both of our hands going for the other's clothes and skin. I kissed him fiercely, opening my mouth to shove my tongue into his.

His hands slithered up to my shirt, making me moan quietly as he pushed me against the door with a thump. I grabbed his hair in exchange, pulling his head down. He gave me what I wanted, lifting my other leg to his waist.

His crotch was as hard as mine was, grinding against my own. He took a hold of my thigh, pressing his fingers into my skin; and like a toxin, the tingles of the touch spread all over me.

I think we both forgot everything for a moment, just enjoying the pleasure and hotness that we both radiated of. It was hungry, addicting and so good.

I only wanted more, and more; my hands moving down to his shirt's buttons. But I didn't have the time to start undressing him, the other gently swatting me off.

"Ngh" I let out a desperate whine as his lips separated from mine, my eyes opening up to a heavily breathing and messy-haired Royal. The other corner of his lips tugged into a smirk, making my red and glazy form a frown.

But he didn't say anything, simply pulling away and opening the door for us. I for sure wasn't ready to go, frozen in my footing as I tried to even out my breath. Though I couldn't really decide, Leonel grabbing my bicep and dragging me out.

I staggered in my steps, lifting my hand up to my lips to dry them from the saliva. If anyone saw me, they'd know exactly what had gone down. The thought embarrassed me slightly, making my usually confident exterior draw in a bit.

I glanced here and there at the male next to me, the other just walking ahead like he knew our destination even with his eyes closed. I was still awfully burning from need, but he didn't seem to have any problem.

Only his lips were swollen and red, but nothing else was out of the ordinary. I guess it made me a bit wary; did he like it as much as I did? Did it have the same effect on him, or was it only me?

I didn't know him, and that was my biggest issue.

Though my thoughts were nearly instantly interrupted as Leonel opened a wide door, setting his hand down to my lower back to guide me in.

It was a huge dining room that had a wide table in the middle of it, a fireplace right next to it. Though it was not lit, which could've been one of the reasons the air was so cold, shivers raking through me. But the room didn't have anyone there, the table still full of food and drinks. The walls were black, the floor dark brown and the ceiling just as high as everywhere. There was no light but the sun that peeked through the covered windows, not shedding any colour but rather exposing every little speck of dust.

I didn't understand how anyone could flourish here; not that I had seen anyone do so. It was weird how the place was dead silent, not a single soul travelling in the hallways. Where were the people, the warriors and their children? The pack houses were supposed to be filled with life and joy, though this was the exact opposite of it.

Like a haunted house.

Leonel pushed me gently from my back, getting my attention right after. He drew himself a chair, and then settled down to it comfortably. The black eyes flicked to my face as I stayed standing, a deepening frown spreading to my face.

He tapped his thigh with expectation, opening his crotch more for me. I rolled my eyes to him in irritation, whirling around to drop into his lap. The man's scent puffed to my face, lingering around me, and creating a calm atmosphere. I felt his hands slither to my waist, pulling my back tightly against his chest.

"Rule number one."

I heard him whisper into my ear, his enticing tone vibrating through my body. It made me tense up, the calmness shattering into something else. I could understand immediately that it was a dare, that it was something that would lead into more.

"Do not roll your eyes to me."

His lips graced the tip of my ear, a sharp inhale being heard from my end. I lowered both of my hands to the armrests, trying to lean away from him. Though it was not possible, a grim expression spreading to my slightly blushing features.

I could feel his fingers on my thigh, gently stroking it.

My head turned to him, my pale eyes watching him over my shoulder.

Just as challenging as his were.

"Rule number two." I started, the other raising his brow in an interested manner; like he was a bit amused by it, "Ezekiel can do whatever he wants."

I turned back just in time to hear a low chuckle erupting from his chest, ready to snap back and maybe even hit him. But I didn't have the time to do it as the door we just had walked through was opened.

My gaze moved to the arriving people, my mood sinking down by what I was met with.

Alpha Öchdir and the girl took their spots next to us on the table, keeping the distance of a few rows of chairs. The girl was crawling with her limbs, her long hair now not covering her body. She seemed just as suffering as the others, but not in the similar way the next girl, who also crawled in. She was the third Alpha's slave, the one's whose name was still a mystery for me. Her hair completely plucked out, not a single peck of her skin untouched. It really made me sad, even sick, as I wondered about all the things that these poor people had to go through.

Just because of their status and position. Just because of their gender, race or ability.

It was nauseating to even start to think what kind of people those Alphas were. Did they simply enjoy inflicting pain; did they get off of it? What sick fantasies did their broken minds hold?

The last one to come in was Alpha Kell, the neko boy crawling behind him as well. The chain jingled all the way to their seat, the slave sitting to the ground like a dog.

My angry eyes were lifted up to the blonde-haired Royal, his caramel eyes already on me. A slight smile tugged his lips as he sat down, after that focusing on the dishes ahead of him.

God, did I want to just shoot that piece of shit.

"I imagine you would like for them to be delivered ordinarily?" Kell was the first one to open his mouth, his eyes briefly glancing to my direction. I frowned back at him, leaning against the man behind me.

Leonel's hands came to my vision, grabbing the cutlery on the table. I watched as he went in for a piece of bacon and eggs, mechanically cutting them with his knife and fork, "Yes."

He said behind me, his hands lifting up to the air. The fork in his jewelry-covered fingers didn't go past me though, coming right ahead of my mouth. Even though my mouth was watering for how delicious it looked, I couldn't but scowl at the piece of metal.

I most certainly knew how to eat myself.


I staggered in my place as I was startled by the quiet sound right behind my head, the realization hitting me. Part of the etiquette what came to sex slaves, was that I couldn't fend for myself if we were in public, meaning that he could choose to feed me if he wanted, or how he wanted.

My eyes raked through the room quickly, a wave of guilt washing over me as I saw a piece of lettuce being thrown to the floor; the neko having to reach for it, hunger glistening in his eyes.

It was covered in dust and dirt, but it seemed to be the best thing that would most likely occur for the kid in the span of days.

I swallowed down a lump, ever so carefully taking the forkful of breakfast into my mouth. Though I couldn't enjoy it anymore, not when the scene in front of me proceeded. It was just a dry bite in my mouth, I having to mull it repeatedly between my teeth so I could get it down.

I was feeling miserable.

"So, we're on the same page for not assigning the blood suckers to the fledgling?" Öchdir suddenly spoke out while digging into his own food, ignoring his slave beside him.

My brows knitted together as I tried to understand the topic of the conversation, Kell answering to the other meanwhile, "Well, I'm not a fool."

"It would just be the best to see that pit of abnormalities die."

The frown on my face deepened as I overheard them, another forkful of food coming towards my lips. Leonel's other hand was laying on my thigh, here and there pressing and stroking it. He hadn't yet eaten anything himself, only sitting quietly.

Kell glanced to our direction after his sentence, something undecipherable on his face, "It would be good business too."

I took in the second forkful a bit reluctantly, the third of the Alpha's speaking out, "We could just take the possession of the land while everyone's looking somewhere else."

"No one would be missing the Quillios'."

I tensed up in a flash, my head snapping towards the third Alpha, my heart beating ten times faster than a second ago.

Öchdir guffawed at the comment, the brown-haired Royal glaring at him, "No, but think about it."

I sunk my nails into the armrest, my breathing turning more ragged. I didn't even know what to think; only a deep hole digging my stomach open.

"If we offer them our help, we can subtly take over the throne."

He continued a bit more absentmindedly, here and there glancing at his slave. His forehead furrowed ever so slightly, watching his companion as if she'd be irritating him.

A clank of a fork made me flinch, my head turning to Alpha Kell who was now leaning against the table with a sly smirk. He seemed to be on the verge of saying something, though Leonel's voice cut him off, "Do you have milk or white cream?"

Everyone's heads turned around to our direction, my anxiety filled mind simply watching them back with round eyes.

Something flashed in Kell's eyes, making me shiver and draw in closer to my mate. His lips stretched into a wide, sugary smile, "No."

Leonel hummed behind me, as if he would've not even been interested in their discussion. Though it seemed to bother the others as much, Öchdir opening his mouth next, "How about you, Leonel?"

My heart hammered against my chest; my face fully pale from shock. I couldn't process the fact that they were talking about taking over my kingdom, Celian's kingdom.

For a moment it was eerie silent, every Royal's eyes on the Alpha behind me. It seemed like his opinion mattered, but at the same time there was something that I couldn't grasp on.

"Well, let's say it was as easy as you said" the low voice started from behind me, my breathing stopping altogether. Though I felt immediately a pinch on my thigh, startling me, "You'd make peace with The King, and you'd be left with a huge goldmine."

My eyes lowered down to his hand on my thigh, my mind reeling on his cold and insensitive tone for a second longer. My muscles relaxed slowly as I realized that he was trying to communicate with me; show me that he was still there.

That he wasn't speaking out loud, but rather the coulisse that he had created.

"But you're underestimating the Quillios' Royal."

I let out my breath, my shaking hands pressuring the armrests with white knuckles.

"He's not stupid; he'll not accept your offer after you've basically driven him into war. It doesn't make sense. It's full of flaws."

The man spoke, his hands now digging into a piece of cake with slow and calculated movements. Like he'd be talking about the weather instead about a full-on war. He was something scary to watch if I was being honest.

"Well, why don't we then just barge in?" the third Alpha grumbled out, watching the food like it would've done something bad to him.

Leonel laughed dryly from behind me, guiding a piece of cake at the same time to his own lips, "Do it, then."

The room went silent again, everyone slightly wary of the changing atmosphere. Leonel's answer hadn't pleased them, but they couldn't really express it either. No one disagreed with him.

Not if they wouldn't be stupid, of course.

But people surprise you.

Though everything was cut off as Öchdir shouted aloud, suddenly turning around to smack his hand down under the table, "What the fuck are you doing?"

A piece of cake appeared in front of my lips, though I couldn't focus on it; I was too terrified of what was about to happen. The red-haired man was gripping tightly to his slave's throat, pressing so hardly that she was already turning red. Everyone else seemed to be at ease, not really even bothered about the situation. As if it would happen so often, that it was already part of some kind of structure of the norms.

Though to me it wasn't; my frustration and anger shooting up to the skies. I didn't know if it was the shock slowly fading away, or if I was abruptly woken up from something.

But all these people.

I hated them. I wish I could brutally murder every single one of them. Make them suffer the way they made others suffer. Degrade them like they degraded others. Leave them hungry, leave them cold, leave them without clothes, leave them without any dignity; dehumanizing every one of them like they did to others.

The world was cruel and unequal because of them.

Look at this place, look how filthy and unhappy it is. There's no one, there's no laughter, joy or love. They use, manipulate, kill and take without remorse.

Maybe it was exactly it. Maybe they did every dehumanizing act as a reflection of their own emptiness and lack of emotions.

They weren't compassionate, they weren't emphatic. They weren't human.

They were like wild rogues.

Taking, taking and taking.

I slammed my hand to the table with the uttermost fury I've ever felt, instantly getting everyone's attention.

I was so gone, so angry that I couldn't keep it inside of me. Every day I fought against them, every day they won.

I was tired of it.

"You are fucking disgusting, pieces of shit!" I shouted, a plate of porridge dropping to the floor from the hard impact of my hand.

"Get on your knees, rip your clothes off and starve every day! Try what it feels like; try to fucking understand how it feels like!"

I would've already jumped on them if it weren't the iron grip of Leonel's around my lower torso, pulling me tightly back to himself.

"A war!? A war!? Aren't you making people suffer enough!?" I screamed on top of my lungs; all the pent-up feelings being released from my chest.

If Celian would've been here, I wouldn't even know what he'd think.

That I had lost my mind?


My head was suddenly snapped backwards, my shouting cutting off by the dark, stormy orbs that were staring down at me.

"That. Is. Enough." Leonel growled at me, a serious warning on his face.

He wasn't just mad.

He was mad, mad.

But I couldn't care right now, my pale eyes watching back at him with the exact same storm. He was reeking of pheromones, all the dominance building up to his voice and the position. It tried to rip me apart, force me to submit to him.

But not a peck in me was affected by it, not now.

Not when I didn't want to.

Not when I was so furious.

"You should put your pet in order."

A voice cut our staring contest, the black eyes flicking up from my face to somewhere to the table. I recognized it as Kell's voice, though I couldn't see anything but the ceiling; my neck craned out rather painfully.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Leonel asked ever so lowly, the wrath behind his voice vibrating through it like dozens of blades of katanas. It was so cold that it made even the sun go behind the clouds for a moment, darkness settling into the room.

He was a man of power, not like these greenhorns.

There was nothing but silence, only my ragged and uneven breathing to be heard. Not a single clank of a cutlery, not a single swoosh of anyone's clothes.

Dead silent.

"You're getting too comfortable, Tristan."

Leonel drawled out, letting go of my hair at the same time. I lifted my hand to my throat instantly, rubbing it to soothe the slight strain that it had accustomed because of the harsh stretch.

The chair screeched under us, the man behind me pushing me to my feet. I ground my teeth together as Leonel also stood up, taking a tight hold of my shoulder, "Now, if you'd excuse us."

It was the last thing he said before dragging me out of the room, furiously stepping ahead.

Like a bull that saw nothing but red.

And I knew that I had fucked up, not as in 'you deserve an hour of cooling time'.

But I was too pissed off, not really caring about the other's feelings right now. I didn't care that he was mad to me, I didn't care that I was going to be responsible for my own actions; even when I'd argue that I didn't actually do anything wrong.

Whatever he had in his mind, I wasn't going to simply bend into it.

If he slaps me, I will slap him back.

If he yells at me, I will yell back.

Though everything didn't always go as planned.

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