The Wielder Of Ember

By chelsea2096

41.5K 1.6K 44

Yelena isn't Natasha's only sister she has a BIO sister Veronika Sofia Romanova who goes by Rory they are al... More

Rory Info and Such
1995 Chapter 1
Avengers Forming Chapter 2
Asgardians Chapter 3
Playing The God Of Mischief Romanoff Style Chapter 4
Agent Down Chapter 5
Battle Of New York Part 1 Chapter 6
Battle Of New York Part 2 Chapter 7
Thor Dark World Twist
Odd Signals Chapter 8
Kidnapped To An Alien Planet Chapter 9
The Sword Of Ember Chapter 10
A Space Friendship Chapter 11
Saving Xander Chapter 12
Thanos Fight And Returning Home Chapter 13
The Winter Soldier
Briefing Chapter 14
Battleship Chapter 15
Fury Chapter 16
Trauma List Chapter 17
What The Ghost Wants Chapter 18
Bombs Away Chapter 19
Rooftops Chapter 20
What Is With With People And Ember Chapter 21
Speeches And Chaos Chapter 22
Kiss Our Asses Chapter 23
Age Of Ultron
Weird Feelings and The Scepter Chapter 24
First Meetings Chapter 25
Astro Talks Chapter 26
Party Chapter 27
TimeOut Chapter 28
First Kisses Chapter 29
More Astro Talks and Team Talks Chapter 30
We All Make Mistakes Chapter 31
Haunted Past Chapter 32
Sokovia Part 1 Chapter 33
Sokovian Part 2 Chapter 34
A Few Months Later Chapter 35
Spider-Boy Chapter 36
Trauma and Grief Freeday Chapter 37
The New Avengers Chapter 38
Around A Year Later and Anniversaries Chapter 39
Training, Trouble and Leads Chapter 40
Civil War
Rumlow and Lagos Chapter 41
The Accords and Choosing A Side Chapter 42
Funeral's and Bucky Chapter 43
Making Things Worse Chapter 44
Punching Stark and Fake Doctors Chapter 45
Coming For You Chapter 46
Team Cap Vs Team Iron-Man Chapter 47
The Raft Chapter 48
Breaking Out Chapter 49
Black Widow
Dark Side Talks and Being An Adult Chapter 50
Taskmaster Chapter 51
Sister's Reuniting Chapter 52
The Widow's Chapter 53
Fight's and Truth's Chapter 54
Beer's and Planning Chapter 55
Prison Break Chapter 56
Awkward Family Dinner Chapter 57
Found Chapter 58
The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60
Over The Two Years A Little
Relaxing Day Chapter 61
Wanda Birthday Chapter 62
Close Call Chapter 63
Wanda and Rory's 2nd Anniversary Chapter 64
Telling People Chapter 65
Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66
Wedding Planning and meeting Vision Chapter 67
The Night Before and The Wedding Chapter 68
Honeymoon Chapter 69
Magical Surprise Chapter 70
Drama Free Day Chapter 71
Christmas Chapter 72
New Years Chapter 73
Sister Bonding Day Chapter 74
Rory Birthday Chapter 75
Hormonal Wanda Chapter 76
Baby Birth Chapter 77
Our Little Family Chapter 78
Sam and Steve Meeting The Baby Chapter 79
Vision Meeting The Baby Chapter 80
Infinity Wars
3rd Anniversary Chapter 81
Tali's First Birthday Chapter 82
Meeting Vision and Drama Chapter 83
Going Home Chapter 84
Plans Chapter 85
Welcome To Wakanda Chapter 86
The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87
The Snap Chapter 88
Carol and Finding Thanos Chapter 89
Planet Thanos Chapter 90
During The Five Years
Rory Moving Tali and Beda To The Compound Chapter 91
Sisterly Training Chapter 92
Mission Chapter 93
First Anniversary Without Wanda Chapter 94
Natasha and Rory Teaching Tali Things Chapter 95
Stark Wedding Chapter 96
Anniversary Of The Snap Chapter 97
The Cabin Chapter 98
Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99
Tali Learning Sword Fighting Chapter 100
Christmas Chapter 101
Looking For First Borns Chapter 102
Tali Birthday Chapter 103
Roinn Chapter 104
Rory and Tali Bonding Day Chapter 105
Play Dates and Powers Chapter 106
A Heart To Heart Between Sister Chapter 107
Undercover Missions Chapter 108
Leads On First Borns Chapter 109
Talks Between Mother and Daughter Chapter 110
Visitors and Hope Chapter 111
Quantum Machine Chapter 112
Test Jump and Plotting Chapter 113
Vormir and Hero Down Chapter 114
The Reverse Snap Chapter 115
Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116
Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117
Maximoff-Romanoff Family Reuniting Chapter 118
Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119
Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

The Red Room Part 1 Chapter 59

271 10 0
By chelsea2096

Wanda wakes up in a cell a low groan escapes her lips as she sits up

Wanda looks around and finds Natasha in another cell and Alexei in another

Wanda moves to her feet

Natasha -Wanda

Yes it's me -Natasha

Wanda. Natasha -Alexei

Where's Rory -Wanda panics

Somewhere else -Natasha

Wanda swallows her fear for now closes her eyes and focuses on there bond and her anger begins to fill her as she feels pain, fear and vulnerability threw there bond

Wanda zones back into the world around her and she listens to the other two as well as trying to find a way out of the cell without using her powers knowing she needed to be stealthy about this

Natasha. I can't save us. I need you to know that I'm sorry. I pledged my life to a cause. You know, I thought I was being very brave possibly the bravest. But I wasn't being brave I was a coward... In Cuba when they came and took you and your sisters away from me. No cause is worth that. You should only sacrifice yourself for something -Alexei gets out then the doors to the cells all slid open

How did you do that -Alexei asks Natasha as the three of them go to her

You're not Natasha... are you -Wanda

Correct. I'm the one who designed these cells Alexei, I know everything about them -Fake Natasha says as she pulls off her mask which reveals herself as Melina

What? What? I bared my soul to you... And it was just you the whole time? -Alexei

Yes, I'm afraid so. But, wait shh I'm on comms with Yelena -Melina

Alexei nodded and raised his hand to his ear

Wanda knew neither she or Alexei had ear pieces

Yelena it's me. It's Mama -Melina

I can't hear anything -Alexei says tapping his ear repeatedly

Neither I nor you have Ear pieces -Wanda sighs a little

Alexei has a sheepish look on his face

You have a two inch blade concealed in your belt line... Outside your right hip -Melina

Why don't I have an earpiece? -Alexei

Because it wans't part of the plan -Melina

Speaking of the plan -Wanda

Natasha is dealing with Dreykov. Yelena is going to retrieve the vials of the antidote so we can free the widows -Melina

and my girlfriend. Where the hell is Rory -Wanda

You won't like it -Melina

You have two seconds to tell me where the hell my girlfriend is and point me in her direction before I go into your head and find out for myself -Wanda snaps enough with Melina's bullshit

She was taken off. Dreykov wants to finish what he started with her all those years ago. he wants her under his control as his weapon... And he wants her sword -Melina

Wanda's blood turns cold

Did you know me and Rory share a bond -Wanda

A bond -Alexei

We can feel each others emotions and pain. Right now she's scared and hurting badly. The pain is getting worse -Wanda

I did not know that -Melina

No, you didn't but the more pain she is in the angry I get -Wanda says her eyes turning red

Your find her in the Barrocks Block -Melina

Once I have Rory we're go find Yelena -Wanda says then she rushes off to find her girlfriend leaving Melina and Alexei behind not giving them time to say or do anything


With Rory

A fist meets Rory in the jaw causing her head to roll back

Blood flying from her mouth

Where is the sword -Guard

Rory says nothing

A fist meets her in the ribs hard

Rory bites back a groan and leans forward a little

A hand then grabs her roughly by the hair

Where. Is. The. Sword -Guard growls in her face

Rory spites her blood in his face

Go. Fuck. Yourself -Rory counters

The guard wipes the blood from his face

The guard has  a look of pure Fury on his face then he punches her under the chin sending her head into a wall behind her

Don't feel like talking huh... Well maybe this will losen your lips -Guard says pulling out two discs which Rory knew to be portable Widow Bites and swallows a little

Fear fills Rory

The Guard smirks

If you wanted my lips to losen maybe you should try some toothpaste -Rory says weakly

The Guard glares at her then he throws the Two widow bites at her

One lands on her chest

Another one lands on her thigh

Both go off at the same time

A high pitched scream slips from Rory's lips

The guard just laughs

Rory isn't sure how long it goes on for before it stops

Rory's head is hung low and she's struggling for breath

Awww is someone hurt -Guard says mockingly

Rory says nothing but looks up at him with a glare

The Guard slaps her which splits her lip

Answer when your betters are talking to you -Guard glares

Rory spites blood on the floor and looks at the Guard

When my better's come I'll keep that in mind -Rory

The Guard pulls out a knife which he in his anger puts threw the Rory's leg

Rory grunts a little

Did that hurt -Guard

Am not the kind of girl who gets impaled -Rory

Well we can change that -Guard

In your fucking dreams maybe -Rory

The guard just smirks

Well, I have to make you talk. Dreykov won't care how I get you to talk -Guard

Red mist then grabs around him and he then bounces from wall to wall until a little while then he is thrown across the room and he slids down a wall

Wanda -Rory whimpers

Oh Detka -Wanda says and rushes over to her

Wanda removes the restraights from her and checks over her wounds and panick fills her as she see's the knife

Wanda then looks around the room mentally cheers on finding a box of matches

Your going to be fine soon enough Detka -Wanda

What's the plan -Rory

Am gonna patch you up then we're going to go find Yelena -Wanda

Kaykay -Rory says as Wanda gets to work


A Little Later

You have good timing. Did I say that -Rory

Not lately no -Wanda

Well you do -Rory

Where is this coming from Detka -Wanda

The guard was ordered to get the info out of me where Ember was and it's secrets by any means necessary -Rory

Rage fills Wanda

He's a dead man -Wanda says her eyes turning to Scarlett

Rory smiles a little at this

Let's find Yelena first then we can free the widows and then kill Dreykov -Rory

Wanda nods a little calming down her eyes turning back to normal

He dies today -Wanda

Agreed love -Rory

The two then carry on running around the halls that is until they find Yelena who is fiddling with a vent cover

And what are you doing -Rory says ina  deep voice

Yelena jumps away from the vent and tackles Rory to the floor a knife in hand

Oh it's you -Yelena

Rude you're the who tackled me then insulted me -Rory

You snuck up on me! -Yelena

Wanda lets out a sigh

Come on children we have a job to do -Wanda

You're girlfriend's mean -Yelena

Well she did save me from being Tortured -Rory

You were Tortured -Yelena says as she gets up off of Rory

Wanda helps Rory to here feet

She was being Tortured I saved her and patched her up. But well there's nothing more we can do about the blood on her -Wanda

Yelena then notices the dried blood on Rory and rage fills her

Look. Find the Vials first then kill Dreykov later -Rory says seeing the look in her sisters eyes

Fine but that prick won't touch you again after today -Yelena

Agreed -Wanda says then she uses her powers to yank off of the cover

Well that was faster -Yelena

She's great like that -Rory grins at her girlfriend who blushes a little

Rory then gives Yelena a boost up then she jumps up into the Vent and Wanda follows not to far later


Thirty Minutes Later

The Trio is close to the the exist of the Vent

As they went they saw Dreykov's Soldier's running around looking for them with guns in hand

We need to find the girl. Dreykov want's the sword -Soldier

Agreement rings it

The Trio pause hearing this

Rory sighs a little

They then carry on

Yelena kicks the vent cover off

Yelena jumps down and lands in Natasha's pose

That was disgusting -Yelena shivers standing up

Rory jumps down and laughs a little

Shut up! -Yelena

Wanda sighs a little at the pair

I don't understand how Natasha can do it. The landing is very -Yelena trails off trying to find the right word

Uncomfortable -Rory offers

Yes! wait how do you do it -Yelena

Am stubborn and will take any chance at mocking Natasha I can get -Rory

Well she's not wrong -Wanda

The three then begin walking off until they get to where they need to go but find a soldier guarding the door

After you little sister -Rory

Yelena grins and she slides in kicking the guard in the leg

Rory then jumps in she grabs the Soldier by the collar and slams his head against the wall knocking him out

Yelena and Rory share a grin and a High five

Yelena then grabs the Soldier by one arm and Rory grabs the other and they lift him off the floor then Rory picks up his hand an dputs it on the fingerprint scanner on the wall

When the door opens they drop the guy and step over him

They then walk into the room

Wanda follows after them

The three begin searching threw the cabinets and such to find the Vials/Red gas

After a little while, they found them

Mama, me, Rory and Wanda found the vials -Yelena

Very good. I've had a slight setback -Melina

A setback -Yelena

Both Rory and Wanda turns to Yelena

You, Rory, and Wanda, will need to get to the widows -Melina

On it. Come on we have to get to the widows -Yelena

Mama huh -Rory

she is the cloest thing we have had to a mother -Yelena

Rory nods knowing she was right but wasn't sure if she was willing to forgive Melina just yet


On The Bridge

Rory, Wanda and Yelena were running across the bridge when sudden the floor shakes and an explosion is heard

What the hell was that -Rory

Am sure it was nothing -Wanda

Yelena's Comms then crackles

Yelena, slight change of plan. I completely demolished one of the engines and we are going into a controlled crash -Melina

Fantastic. Rory, I and Wanda are heading to the Widows now -Yelena says then turns to the other two

One of the engines has been blown up -Yelena

I stand corrected -Wanda

Great -Rory rolls her eyes

Wanda raises an eyebrow at Rory

Not you love. About the Engine -Rory

Wanda hmmms not completely believing her then going ahead

You're in the dog house -Yelena teased

and I will work on getting out of the dog house once Dreykov is dead -Rory

How will you do that -Yelena

Flowers, Gifts, Groveling and treating her like the queen she is -Rory

Yelena nods with a teasing smile

Rory curses realizing she fell into her trap

You're going to use this against me aren't you -Rory

Yelena shoots her a fake innocent look

Just what I thought -Rory sighs

They then carry on and keep walking until they get to Dreykov's office

Oh my god -Rory

No -Yelena

Nat -Wanda

All three see Natasha getting her ass kicked by a team of mind controlled Widow's


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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