TGJ 2: My Grumpy Jerk

bunnyblahblah द्वारा

12.5K 758 247

Hey! It's The Grumpy Jerk again but on its book two! Hit the "Start Reading" button now! Still Rated 13+ Genr... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 13

246 18 9
bunnyblahblah द्वारा

My thoughts about the student council being biased over my complaint keep lingering in my head for twenty-four hours now.

The way they mocked me speaks for it. I don't know if that office has justice in it. They would never forsake the President's son for sure.

"Hey, Miss Sarada,"

Oh, dammit!

I forgot I'm in the middle of the class. My adviser interrupts me from my thoughts and hands me a piece of paper.

What's this?

I read what's written on it. I look around and see everyone holding the same in their hands.

Acquaintance party tomorrow?

"It's an invitation for the acquaintance party tomorrow at the University Convention Room. An acquaintance party is held every year to welcome the freshmen in this university. You better not miss it and enjoy," she tells us about the activity.

It sounds fun but I don't think I will enjoy it at all. Having doubts about my complaint makes it difficult for me to enjoy things.

Although the moron hasn't done anything to me until now, it fears me that he has something bigger than that red tag to be out soon.

No, I'm overthinking. I should not stress out on this and focus on my studies. I'm getting headaches sometimes too when I think of a lot of things.

"Sarada, honey, take care of yourself there. Eat plenty of healthy foods, have enough good sleep, and enjoy your stay there," mom called me.

"Don't worry about me, mom. I'm doing fine and besides, Chocho is here to remind me of all that," I need to use Chocho so she won't worry more.

"Yes, I know she is looking after you and I can't thank her enough for that. Don't give her too much headache, okay?" she sounds persistent now.

"I know that mom. See you soon," I say goodbye and I head back to where Chocho is. We are having snacks on the benches when she called.

"Will you come to the acquaintance party tomorrow?" I say upon sitting down beside her.

"Of course, it's for us freshmen, right?" she raises one brow.

"I suppose," I reply.

"Is there something bothering you?" she seems worried.

"Nothing. My complaint report is what bugs me until now," I answer her.

"Can't you forget about it? I mean he has not bothered you since then. Move on?" she implies I should forget about it.

"Should I? I don't know but I have been so wary about it. I feel there is something wrong," I express my doubt about it to her.

"Sarada..." she sounds sad. She suddenly grabs my hand.

"Don't overthink. If something bad will happen, I will always be here to back you up. If I can prevent it from happening, I'll do it," she cheers me up.

"Chocho, thank you," I can't stop myself from hugging her. Thank goodness I have her as a friend.

"What are you saying? Is it what a friend is supposed to do? You told me that before," she winks at me.

"Yeah," I chuckle.

"By the way, we badly need to get a part-time job, Sarada. My pocket is almost empty," she sobs.

We tried looking for a job last week but we failed. We did not fit the qualifications needed. Honestly, my wallet is almost empty too. I can't burden mom with all my allowance. I need to do something for financial support. Besides, I need to help Chocho with her tuition fee since she has not told her parents about the university.

"We will try again this weekend. I hope we will get one this time," I smile at her and she somewhat feels relieved.

"Okay. By the way, let's come to the acquaintance party tomorrow, okay?" she reminds me of it again.

"Okay. I guess I have no choice," I say wryly.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today we are celebrating this year's acquaintance party.  I am encouraging you all to make friends and socialize with others so we will have a harmonious relationship inside the premise for the school year. I hope you guys will enjoy it," the host speaks well on the microphone. I think all levels are here. The convention room is full and people are enjoying themselves at the moment.

"I didn't know acquaintance parties are this fun," Chocho mentions. She is waving at a group of girls. Oh, she got new friends already, and here I am still struggling to tag along with my classmates.

"You're friendly as always, Chocho," I tell her.

"Not really, it's just a matter of smiling at those you meet on the way," she smiles and winks at me.

"I guess so," I usually smile at the people I crossed paths with but I guess it's not what I think it is as making friends. I got mad at someone on my first day. It's not a good start for me.

"Let's come over there," she drags me closer to the stage. I cannot properly look at people's faces since the crowd is having so much fun with the fast tune music playing on air. Yells everywhere.

"I apologize for interrupting your fun. I would like to start with the first part of the activity. It is the university's tradition to introduce the top three students with the highest scores achieved during the entrance examination since they are going to present their departments in various competitions to be held in the future," he explains.

"You will be introduced in public now?" Chocho looks at me with a surprised expression.

"I don't have any idea," I reply and we switch our gaze back at the host.

"Alright, are you ready to meet them?" he shouts, and the crowd replies with a roaring yes.

"I think I'm starting to shake," I murmur.

"What did you say?" she wonders if I said something. I know their voice shouting at once was deafening.

"Nothing," I shake my head at her, and she stares back at the stage.

"Okay. If your name is called, kindly come up the stage," I think it has already started. Cheers from the crowd reverberate in the room.

"For the top three. It's none other than the President's son, Shinki," the crowd roar like thunder. He got a crazy fan club. The usual fangirls.

"They're crazy," I mutter and I think Chocho hears me this time.

"As expected from the President's son. He sure got cringe fangirls," she shrugs.

I'm dead once I got in his way. There's no chance of winning against him if I'll keep insisting on my complaint. The first to attack me is going to be these crazy girls. Such a drag.

"Are you okay?" she checks on me.

"I think I have no chance against him," my shoulders drop.

He stands in front of everyone with his casually serious and annoying face and his crazy fangirls keep shouting and cheering for him.

"It's embarrassing to be standing in front of everyone in this university," I start to have cold feet, and my knees slightly shiver too.

"You'll be okay. It's your time to shine," she winks at me. I can't believe we could still hear each other despite the loud cheers.

"Seems like Shinki got the girls crazy over him," the host chuckles on the mic and the bastard looks not bothered at all.

"He looks hot I can't blame girls for going wild," Chocho fans herself using her hand. I think she means something by her statement. I narrow my eyes at her and she giggles like a small kid.

"And for the top two reveal yourself and join us here, please come up Kawaki," he welcomes him with so much energy.

Guess what?

"Oh my! It's the super hot Kawaki of the Medical department!"

"Oh my gosh! Can't believe these hotties are geniuses too!"

"He is so cool!"

"Can I ask him to be my doctor in the future? Can't wait!"

I can't believe I'm hearing all this absurdity in public. I almost cover up my ears to stop hearing how irritating their voice are. They are not celebrities or high-ranking officials to be obsessed about.

"Kawaki and Shinki's fan clubs are the official rivals now," Chocho states.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

"They're untouchable," she grows her eyes bigger like giving me a heads up.

"They are not gods or anything to be worshiped by those scary cults," I say. They are both dumb and are jerks. I don't know what's wrong with these girls.

"Watch out your mouth," she scolds me.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

"Please come up the stage, Kawaki," the host repeats and I see someone moves from the crowd. The girls start to giggle again.

"He looks annoyed. As expected from him," Chocho chuckles.

Not going to lie, he changed a lot. He was not the guy you can order around or force him to do something he does not like or want to.

He joined the two on stage and both fan clubs start to scream and shout their names.

"Alright! We have the two lads here now and for the top one," the host keeps calling out names.

"It's going to be you," Chocho pokes me on my side.

"Hm," I feel more nervous than earlier.

"Please join us here, Sarada. This year's top one," Chocho slightly pushes me forward trying to tell me to go. But, everyone becomes silent. Silence welcomes me. It's weird. Nobody dares to cheer for me.

I move to the stage, take the stairs and join them. Once I get to see the crowd from above, they start to mumble and whisper. Inaudible sounds echo inside the room. It feels like they are criticizing me in their heads and mouths. It's disappointing to see them act that way towards me.

I switch my stares from the guy on my left to the guy on my right. I was positioned in between the bastard and the jerk. The jerk is not looking at me but in front of him. When I glance at the bastard, a smirk appears on his lips like he is mocking me or something. I start to feel agitated by his gesture.

I can't hear anyone from the crowd shouting my name. Well, what to expect? I am nobody and these guys with me are damn popular. I am nobody. Yes, that's how I describe myself at the moment.

I look down so they won't notice how embarrassed I am. I look pathetic.

"Whoa! You're the best Sarada!" I suddenly lift my head when I hear Chocho's voice. I see her from the crowd and keeps cheering for me. All of their eyes switch at her perhaps confused who was the loud girl keeps cheering for a nobody like me.

I smile at her and it makes me feel that I am not alone in this place. Thank you for coming into my life, Chocho.

"Whoa! That was the spirit. Sarada has her cheerleader as well," the host laughs awkwardly. Chocho's cheer motivates me somehow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to introduce to you the new batch of geniuses that will bring the university to another milestone. They will set the standards high for the upcoming freshmen next year. I'm so proud of you guys," his enthusiasm brings life to the crowd once again. He congratulates us by shaking hands with each of us before letting us walk downstairs.

No words are coming from the boys. I don't know if it's just me but I feel the tension between them. I can still hear the cheers from both parties as we walk downstairs.

I head straight to where Chocho was and she waves at me while smiling. I don't know what happened to the two after.

"All right, the party begins in 3, 2, 1!"

And a loud sound echoes in the room. Students are partying like there is no tomorrow. The heat is on and everyone is getting wild.

"Let's dance, Sarada," one of my classmates invites me to dance but I don't think I know how to do it.

"I think I'll pass," I refuse his invitation.

"Come on," the other guy pulls me closer to their group they are dancing like crazy.

Chocho is having fun with her classmates too. She glances at me from time to time and I do the same at her.

"It is fun!"

The only words I hear from them. The band plays wild and lively songs that make the atmosphere even more convivial.

We spent the day socializing and making friends. Glad that I have got some good friends now.

"Oh my goodness, Sarada. I had so much fun!" Chocho puts her hand in the air. We are on our way to the apartment. It's almost dark and most students are walking home too.

"Me too. It was so cool talking and dancing with other people," I chuckle.

"You're really good," she compliments me.

"Of course not. I was trying so hard," I laugh and she laughs too.

"Did not expect college days to be this fun," she mutters cheerfully.

"Not until exams come," I chuckle.

"Yeah, that's the scary part," she loses her enthusiasm all of a sudden.

"Wait, I forgot my textbook," I mutter when I realized it was missing from my hands.

"Oh? Where was it?" she utters in a low voice?

"In my locker. It's fine, I'll get it tomorrow then," I assure her. It's dark and I don't want to go back there.

"Okay," she replies and we head home instead.

"Good morning, Sarada," one of my classmates greet me. We meet before the entrance.

"Hi, good morning," I greet back.

"It's rare for us to be meeting here at the same time," she adds.

"What do you mean, by the way?" I don't get what she is trying to say though.

"I am always late or almost late," she laughs.

"Really? I did not notice, you know?" I chuckle.

"By the way, this is my best friend, Chocho. Chocho, my classmate," I introduce them to each other. They shake hands and chatter for a while.

We stop in front of our lockers.

"Hey, did you smell that? It's so gross,"

I hear the girl complains and after a while, I have smelled something that stinks as well. Where is it coming from? Most of them are complaining already. I try to ignore them and proceed to open my locker to get my textbook.

To my surprise, a bunch of stinky trash fell to the ground the moment I open my locker.


"It's so gross!"

They are all looking at me.

Damn it! I almost puked and immediately cover my face with my hand. Everyone runs away because they can't take the smell anymore.

Flies are everywhere. My textbooks are covered with filthy and stinky things.

Who the hell did this?!

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