Survivor Panama: Exile Island

By Misfit298

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16 Castaways are marooned for the next 39 days on Panama. However, a new twist will turn strategy on it's hea... More

Episode 0: Cast Profiles
Episode 1: The First Exile
Episode 2: Last Picked, First Safe
Episode 3: Domino Effect
Episode 4: Game of Life
Episode 5: A Grueling Treasure Hunt
Episode 7: Recap: The First 18 Days
Episode 8: Let the War Begin
Episode 9: Flip the Script
Episode 10: Gambling with Safety
Episode 11: Island Fever
Episode 12: Cold Blooded
Episode 13: It Pays to Lose
Episode 14: Million Dollar Challenge
Episode 15: Million Dollar Vote.
Episode 16: Reunion Show + Voting Confessionals
Bonus: Life at Ponderosa

Episode 6: The Invisible Target

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By Misfit298

I present to you, another episode of Survivor Panama: Exile Island. I have this episode and the recap done which in general will just involve a summary of the first 18 days including some "deleted scenes" which will give me a chance to get in some great character moments which are my favorite bits to write

But anyways, with all that out the way, here's episode 6. Enjoy!

Current tribes.















Jeff: Previously on Survivor! Herbie's departure left Casaya with only 5 members and they knew that they had to win.

Noah: If we don't win then we might as well have all our torches snuffed.

Jeff: But as they saw at the reward challenge, La Mina wasn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows either.

Jordan: Our tribe seems to have lost our machete.

Scott: Less so lost, more so that Sabrina has hidden it somewhere.

Sabrina: Oh yeah? And a shark just so happened to take our fishing spear?

Jeff: When they won the reward challenge consisting of food and wine.

A shot was shown of Jeff revealing the wine and the castaways reactions to it.

Jeff: A reward consisting of fresh fish, rice, beans, spices and wine left Casaya in high spirits.

Jeff: Casaya wins reward!

Jeff: Leaving La Mina with just a bag of beans and James sent to Exile for a second time.

Willow: It's just a way of saying "ha ha, you suck!".

Jeff: On Exile Island, James deciphered the clues and not only found the hidden immunity idol, put planted a fake one in its spot.

James: I created my own immunity idol so when someone finds it, it throws the suspicion off of me.

Jeff: At Casaya, all eyes were on Ryan as he drank the last of the tribe's wine.

Rita: That son of a bitch.

Jeff: Ryan knew that he was the next to go, so he came up with a plan for his tribe to win immunity.

Ryan: I'm going to make it seem like I'm struggling, so when they pick me for the tiebreaker, I'll chug that thing down so we win and I live to see another day.

Jeff: And at the immunity challenge, tribes had to compete in a gross smoothie challenge. Ryan put his plan in to action, and won his tribe the challenge.

Jeff: Ryan, out of nowhere, finishes his glass in a few seconds. Casaya wins immunity!

Jeff: Before tribal, James made one last pitch to Monty.

Jeff: Scott can go now and Jordan can go next. If he plays his idol, we put 2 votes on Sabrina and she'll go home instead. You'll be safe, I swear.

Jeff: And when the votes were revealed, Monty flipped, and Scott was the 5th person booted.

Jeff: Scott, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 11 are left, who will be voted out tonight?



La Mina got back from tribal council as Sabrina was fuming.

Sabrina (confessional): I cannot believe it. Scott is gone and while I don't care that we were arguing, we were still an alliance.

Sabrina: Happy now? You made the wrong decision tonight, know that.

Monty: Don't even talk to me. Working with you guys was unbearable and I've just reached my breaking point.

Sabrina: Well thanks because now you've screwed us.

Monty: Please, you've screwed yourself.

Neleh, Willow and James were off in the distance, celebrating while Monty and Sabrina were arguing.

Neleh: We are back in this game.

Willow: *whispering*: Fuck you Sabrina! How does it feel?

James: These next couple of days are going to be fun.

Willow: You're telling me.

Neleh (confessional): I'm so happy. Not only am I still in this game, but I also have the majority now. And Sabrina is screwed.

The 3 engaged in a group hug and then headed back to camp to where the others where.

James (confessional): It's best for me to keep the others thinking that Jordan has the idol. Because that way they'll want to get him out. And getting him out is what's best for me because he's way too smart at this game. He's the only one out of this whole tribe that has not pissed Sabrina off and that's a good enough reason to get him out.

After the tribe fell asleep, Sabrina got up again and went towards the fire.

Sabrina (confessional): These people think they're going to have an easy ride to the merge? Not while I'm still around they aren't. I stole the tribe's machete, what's next? How about the fire? We only got it started today so they can spend their next Day or 2 trying to get it back.

Sabrina then grabbed one of the water canisters and poured it over the fire.

Sabrina: One thing this pyro princess knows better than how to start fire's is putting them out. If only I could burn the shelter with everyone in it. That'd be nice.

Sabrina then went to bed, sleeping as far away from everyone else as she could.


Everyone was up doing their own thing. Ryan was up and was met with no reception from the rest of his tribe. He took that as a signal that he was still the next to go.

Ryan (confessional): I don't get why these people won't get over the fact that I made a mistake with the wine. I mean what else to I need to prove to them. I won the last challenge for us, doesn't that count as something?

Ryan then went off to his coconut stash and opened one up.

Ryan (confessional): Maybe they're mad because I'm still here. Well I'm sorry, ya'll are going to have to deal with it.

The other 4 Casaya members were sitting around the campfire eating and chatting about various things.

Rita: My parents wanted me to become an engineer and I got kicked out just because I wanted to go to medical school.

Sandra: Do you have your own apartment?

Rita: Yeah, I've managed to save enough money for a couple months' worth of rent. I love my job, the people there are nice. Makes me glad I left.

Maddie then starts to get up.

Sandra: Where you going?

Maddie: I'm going to look for Ryan, haven't seen him in a while.

Noah: Yeah, good luck with that.

Sandra: I don't even want to talk to him.

Maddie (confessional): I decided to go and look for Ryan. Because my tribe is really straining my game. Even if we win the next challenge, we'll need Ryan to keep our numbers up, because if he flips, we're screwed.

Maddie was then looking for Ryan and expected him to be at the water well which is his new spot.

Maddie (confessional): Not only that, but I just think it's unnecessarily cruel to isolate him like he's not part of the tribe. He's human just like the rest of us. So what? He made a mistake, we all make mistakes. Just take it on the chin and move on like adults.

Maddie then finds Ryan just sitting by the well, surrounded by coconuts.

Ryan: Coconut?

Maddie: You seemed lonely, thought I'd sit with you.

Ryan: Meh, I've had better days.

Maddie: You'd think they'd be over it by now. I believe you when you said it was an accident.

Ryan: Thanks. I thought these people were better than this.

Maddie: Trust me, I've experienced being neglected before, it's not fun. But when I moved to New York, my life has gotten better. So, don't think it's the end of the world for you.

Ryan: I just feel like no matter what I do, they still refuse to let me be a part of their conversations. It's annoying.

Maddie: Look, if we win the next immunity challenge and make the merge 5-5, if you're willing to flip, I won't hold it against you or anything but just think about this game wise. Because it would suck going out in 5th or 6th place, I want to make it to the end. And you, I feel like is the person I want to do that with.

Ryan: Yeah, because I definitely want higher than 5th. But I feel like no matter who I'm with, I'm always going to be on the bottom.

Maddie: Well things can always change. Just know that I have your back in this. After all, no one deserves to feel alone here.

It was now time for the reward challenge. There were shots of this challenge shown. There were 2 separate stages with a revolving log in the middle and mud underneath.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

Casaya entered, Jeff signalled them to go on one stage, while La Mina, arriving moments after, went on the other stage.

Jeff: Casaya getting their first look at the new La Mina tribe. Scott voted out at the last tribal council.

There were a couple of surprised faces but they then remembered the argument that the 2 had at the last reward challenge.

Jeff: Alright, it is time to get to today's reward challenge. Here's how it works, one tribe member will square off against another tribe member of the same sex. You will balance on a revolving log, attempting to knock your opponent into the mud. If your opponent falls in to the mud first, you score a point for your tribe. First tribe to 5 points wins reward.

Both tribes notice that there was no covered reward next to Jeff.

Jeff: This reward is everything you need to have a good afternoon and a good old barbeque. This includes some toys you're going to bring to the children of the local Panamanian village that will be your host. You'll have a Panamanian barbeque, chicken, beef, wine, beer, soft drinks, the works.

Both tribes were excited for this reward as it was a good chance to get away and enjoy themselves.

Jeff: Now, normally the winning tribe will get to choose which member of the losing tribe to go to Exile Island. That's not happening today, that'll happen at the immunity challenge. I'll explain more then.

Both tribes were surprised at this but some were relieved as they knew how horrible Exile Island was.

Jeff: Now, La Mina, you have one extra player, you are sitting out one guy to keep the gender rounds even. Who's it going to be?

James and Jordan looked at each other and decided to play rock paper scissors to decide. Jordan won so he raised his hand to sit out.

Jeff: Jordan, take a spot on the bench, everyone else decide the turn order. We'll get started.

Everyone took their positions as Jeff revealed how they were deciding the turn order.

Jeff: Alright guys, we've randomly selected numbers to see who you will compete against. First round is 2 women. Maddie and Neleh.

Maddie and Neleh walked up in front of the log.

Jeff: One foot on the log.

Maddie and Neleh placed their feet on the log.

Jeff: Here we go, Survivors ready? Go!

The 2 women got on the log and watched each other's movements. Both were keeping their balance and were steady. Neleh starting to roll the log, Maddie tried to catch up but couldn't as she fell off in to the pit.

Jeff: Maddie is down, Neleh scores first for La Mina.

Maddie: I'll get you back for that.

Neleh: Sure, you will.

Jeff: Next two, we have James taking on Noah. One foot on the log.

James and Noah eyed each other as they got ready.

Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!

The 2 got on the log and tried to get it rolling. Both were doing a decent job until James slipped, allowing Noah to knock him off the log.

Jeff: James slips, Noah scores for Casaya. We are tied 1-1.

Ryan curses under his breath as he was hoping Noah would fall in. Sabrina on the other hand was trying not to laugh at James.

Jeff: Next round, we have Sabrina and Rita squaring off. Survivors ready? Go!

The two got on the log and concentrated on maintaining their balance. They both got the log rolling and tried their best to keep up with it. Sabrina couldn't keep up and fell in the mud.

Jeff: Sabrina in the mud, Casaya in the lead with 2.

James: I hear mud's good for your complexion.

Sabrina: Shut up.

Jeff: Alright. Next round is Ryan against Monty. Survivors ready? Go!

Ryan and Monty got on the log as they were rolling the log back and forth, trying to get the other off balance. Monty was able to outrun Ryan as he fell in the mud.

Jeff: Ryan in first. La Mina has 2, Casaya has 2. Next round we have Willow against Sandra. One foot on the log.

Willow and Sandra got themselves ready with their right feet on the log.

Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!

Both were on the log as they were focused on keeping their balance before trying to get the other person off. Sandra then put both her feet on one side, allowing Willow to roll the log and knock her off.

Jeff: Willow scores, La Mina takes the lead. All right here's where we're at, La Mina with 3, Casaya with 2. We keep going until we get to 5.

Jeff had the castaways draw numbers again to determine the matchups.

Jeff: Neleh versus Rita. Both won their first rounds, let's see who scores this one. Survivors ready? Go!

Both were focused on rolling the log one way and keeping. Rita went too fast and fell off, scoring Neleh her second point.

Jeff: Rita falls off, La Mina leads 4-2.

Neleh got high fives from most of her team for scoring again for them.

Jeff: Next round, Monty taking on Noah. Survivors ready? Go!

Monty and Noah were hard at work. Noah then thought of a plan. While the log was spinning, he jumped on it to make it stop, knocking Monty off guard as he fell in to the mud.

Jeff: And Noah with a nice move, knocks Monty off. Casaya with 3, La Mina with 4. Next up, Maddie and Sabrina. One foot on the log. Survivors ready? Go!

Both were quick to get the log rolling. They were going back and forth until Sabrina wasn't paying attention and Maddie was quick to roll her in to the mud.

Jeff: And Sabrina just handed the round to Maddie, she wasn't paying attention, letting Maddie knock her in.

Sabrina: Oh please, Jeff.

Jeff: What's that?

Sabrina: I said oh please!

Jeff: Sabrina getting frustrated by me. We are tied 4-4. Next round will be the decider. Whoever wins this one, wins reward. We have James taking on Ryan.

Both former tribe mates prepared themselves for the final round.

Jeff: Here we go, match point. Survivors ready? Go!

James and Ryan were on the log, trying to keep track of the others movements. James was quickly off balance but managed to recover. Both were taking their time as they were moving back and forth with the log.

Jeff: Both taking their time. You have to keep your concentration.

James then put a foot on either side of the log and wobbled it back and forth, causing Ryan to trip and fall off. James then jumped in the mud as a sign of happiness.

Jeff: Ryan in the mud first. La Mina wins reward!

La Mina started cheering loudly at their win. Ryan then hugged James and whispered in to his ear.

Ryan: If we lose, I'm gone. If you throw it, I'm on your side.

James nods at this, getting Ryan's message loud and clear. They both helped each other out of the mud and went back to join their tribes.

Jeff: La Mina, big win today. It's time to party. Have a good time, the boat's waiting for you.

La Mina headed out, excited to head to the village and celebrate.

Jeff: Casaya, got nothing for you. Grab your things and head back to camp.

Casaya grabbed their things and went back to camp, disappointed in their loss.


La Mina were on a boat, heading towards the Panamanian village. They were excited that they get to eat and deliver toys to the kids. Shots of the village were shown, showing people doing various things. The boat then arrived on shore.

Jordan (confessional): We had won the reward challenge. As a fan of this game, this is a once in a lifetime experience for me so I want to make sure I savour every bit of it. Knowing we were going to eat after so long, we were just excited to get off the boat.

Shots were shown of the Castaways handing out toys to the kids as they were helping them off the boat.

Willow (confessional): This is quite the experience for me. I don't have any brothers or sisters and seeing all these kids run up to you and help you off the boat, it felt nice.

One of the boys was holding James's hand as he wanted to show him around the village.

James (confessional): It was so cool. A young boy grabbed my hand and I thought he was just going to show me around the village. And then he asks me if I want to eat and I suddenly remember "Oh yeah, we get food! Yay"!

La Mina were then at the barbeque, being served all sorts of food. They were sitting at the side, enjoying themselves and the food.

Willow: Are we making you jealous with the beer?

James: Not really. Can I have a sniff?

Willow: Sure.

Willow then showed James the bottle. She was then laughing at his reaction to it.

James: Wow, that is potent.

Willow: We should have this at your next birthday.

James: Yeah, my first beer, my first drunken rant and my first hangover all in one night!

James was then offered soup which he gladly accepted.

James (confessional): They just kept handing you more rice, more soup, more everything. And I was eating as much as I can. After all, we still have 23 days out here. You have to load up.

Jordan (confessional): I could go on for hours about what food we were served. It was a fun time. Even Sabrina looked like she was enjoying herself. Then again, I guess she's used to people handing stuff to her.

James: We should make a bet later on about who's going to throw up first.

Willow: For someone who has never had alcohol before, I'll gladly take you up on that.

Neleh was then looking at all the kids who were having fun with their toys and started to get emotional about it.

Willow: Thinking about your kids?

Neleh: They just remind me a lot of them. Like how they loved to play a lot. How I'd always come home and they'd greet me with the biggest smiles.

Neleh (confessional): The most special part for me wasn't the food. It was being able to see all these families and all of the kids just being there and greeting us and being nice to us. It reminds me of when my kids would always run up and hug me whenever I got home. It just made me miss home more than ever.

James then put his arm around her for comfort.

James: Don't worry, remember why you're here.

Neleh (confessional): I miss my kids, I miss my wife. But I think this really just put in to perspective for me that they're fine and that's why I am here and I have to keep going for them.

Willow and James then went off to go and have fun with some of the kids.

Willow: Is this what having a brother is like?

James: Sure is. He can get annoying in his older years but he's still fun to be around.

Willow (confessional): I guess it was just nice to be around people other than these people for the last few days. Seeing these kids have fun, it really has made my day. Much needed.

Sabrina was just wandering off by herself, burger in hand until she saw a dog wander over to her. She then decided to get a piece of bread and feed it to the dog.

Sabrina (confessional): I have a soft spot for dogs. I mean they're just so cute. And I needed something to ease my mind from the game so I gave him a piece of my bread and I pet him for a bit.

Jordan was then curiously watching from the distance as he saw Sabrina being nice to the dog.

Jordan (confessional): Sabrina is an interesting person. She's nice to animals more than she's nice to people. But I made a mental note about it to maybe talk to her later.

After James and Willow were done playing with the children, they went off to talk strategy.

James: So, I know you may disagree with me on this, but I think we need to throw the immunity challenge.

Willow: Really? What makes you say that?

James: After the challenge today, Ryan came up to me and says he's on the bottom of the tribe and that if we throw it to them, he'll be safe, and he'll be with us come the merge.

Willow: Wow, that is something to think about.

Willow (confessional): Throwing the next immunity challenge is a big risk. But the more I think about it, the more I realise how much this benefits us. If we go to the merge with Sabrina, no doubt in my mind she'll flip on us. So, if we get her out next, Ryan then flips over to our side and boom! We have the majority.

Willow: I wouldn't put it past Sabrina to flip on us. I don't know, let's talk about this later.

James: Ok.

They both went back and joined the others. There was a montage of La Mina doing various things around the village. Monty was showing his karate, Willow was dancing with one of the kids and Jordan was playing football with some of them.

Monty (confessional): I have had many experiences in my life. But this one easily cracks top 5 for me. I was so touched and overwhelmed in so many different ways. We got a feast, we got to hangout. We got to watch the sunset, it was beautiful. One of the best days of my life.

The scene then closed off during night time where La Mina was shown getting back on the boat and waving bye to the villagers. The boat then sailed off back to camp.


Not much happened last night. Casaya were going about their usual routine until they went to sleep. When they woke up, it was the same reception as last night. Noah was relaxing on the beach, happy about his position.

Noah (confessional): I'm probably in the best position right now. La Mina is dysfunctional as usual so I'm confident we'll get at least 1 or 2 of them to flip. If we lose, Ryan is gone. Simple as that. Ryan dug himself in his own grave and the hole is only getting deeper with each passing day. So, I can pretty much see the million dollars right now.

Sandra and Rita were then talking about their personal lives.

Sandra: Being a teacher was the worst 5 years of my life. I'm so glad I quit.

Rita: Yeah, kids can be annoying. Luckily me and my boyfriend aren't thinking past marriage.

The 2 of them laughed at this before their conversation topic changed to Ryan.

Sandra: I can't believe he's still here. He thinks he's all mighty just because he won us the last immunity challenge.

Rita: The damage has already been done. We probably won't even need him for the merge.

Rita (confessional): Ryan has done nothing but isolate himself from the tribe. It honestly annoys me how he thinks he's the victim in all of this.

Rita: I know how much of a loose cannon Sabrina is so she'll join us. We think we can also flip Willow, tell her that we'll get the 4 original Bayonetta's back together. But really, it's you, me and Noah in the final 3, guaranteed.

Sandra: I don't doubt that for a second.

They were helping themselves to some beans cooked by Noah as he went down to join them.

Noah: These last couple of days have been fun, haven't they?

Rita: I was just talking to Sandra about how this is the final 3 if we get down to it. We simply just flip Sabrina and Willow over to our side. We can get rid of Ryan no problem, then the rest of La Mina, then Maddie.

Noah: Yeah, it surprises me how good Maddie is at this. Makes me wonder if it's worth taking her to the merge.

Sandra: We can Maddie out later. I think Ryan is more likely to flip to the other side than she is.

Rita (confessional): Maddie and I have been closely aligned, but that doesn't mean anything to me. We both know that we're out here for ourselves. And I'll gladly turn on her because she's a big threat to win this whole thing.

Maddie and Ryan were then by the rocks, looking for something to eat.

Maddie: Do you think we can win tomorrow. I mean that other tribe seems pretty strong, especially after that reward.

Ryan: Well I may or may not have pulled some more strings.

Maddie was then surprised at this and started to get excited.

Maddie: What did you do?

Ryan: After the reward challenge I made a deal with James. I told him how I was on the bottom and that I was next to go if we lose. So, I said to him "listen, if you throw the next challenge to keep me safe, I'll flip to your side come the merge".

Maddie: Wow, that's amazing. You could get yourself another 3 days out here.

Ryan: Yeah, but if we lost last time, and I was gone, and we lose again, it would have been you going home. You know, that right?

Maddie: Yeah, I've thought about it. And there are a lot if risks involved in this. And I do want to make it to the end.

Ryan: Same here. You seem to treat this game like it's your life out here. What gives?

Maddie: *sigh* Can I tell you something I've never told anyone in this game?

Ryan: Yeah?

Maddie: When I was young, my parents were those types of people that believed in arranged marriages and everyone should get married and stuff like that.

Ryan: Were your parents arranged too?

Maddie: Yep. Knew each other for 2 weeks until they got married and had me.

Ryan: Wow, really?

Maddie: Yeah, and I just didn't feel the same way and because of that, they were just verbally assaulting me and things like that. I was never happy. So, I escaped the night before my wedding to New York. I became roommates with my best friend.

Ryan: So that's why you're on this show.

Maddie: Yeah, so there will be a time in this game where we will have to turn on each other. And as much as it's going to suck, I can't waste my opportunity at getting a happy life for us. The million dollars is going to help me. So, we can try and go as far in this game together as we can. But there will be that one point, and I want you to be prepared for that when it happens.

Ryan: No, I understand you completely. We will have to go against each other. Thank you for being straight up with me.

Ryan (confessional): After Maddie opened up about why she was here, I respected her more as a human being. She's a great person that I trust will be honest with me.

Maddie (confessional): I took to the fact that Ryan liked someone who was honest and reliable. So, I took to that by telling him that while I'm willing to go far with him, going to the end with him seems highly unlikely. And he seemed to respect me for it, and I respect him just as much.


Jordan was currently looking for someone else to pitch his case to as to why he should stay in the game.

Jordan (confessional): My game was going brilliantly until the 5th tribal council where Scott ended up going home. I think I'm next so I need to find someone in the alliance to talk to and tell them why it is beneficial to keep me here instead of Sabrina.

Jordan then finds Neleh meditating in her "circle of piece".

Jordan *whispering*: Neleh!

Neleh opened her eyes and turned to see him. She then stopped what she was doing as she listened as to what he had to stay.

Jordan: Sorry, was I interrupting you?

Neleh: No, it's fine. I was just finishing up. Did you need anything.

Jordan: I just wanted to plead my case. I know I'm walking on eggshells right now.

Neleh: I'd say you're more walking on eggs that are ready to crack.

Jordan: Yeah, good one. So, look, if you guys keep me, I promise I'll still be on your side come the merge. I can't say the same for Sabrina.

Neleh: Yeah, she's just making herself a bigger target. I don't get what's up with her.

Jordan: And I'm not lying when I say I have the idol. When we merge at 5-5, we can use it to give us the majority.

Neleh: Yeah, that's been weighing on my mind for a while now. And she's too dumb to notice that we knew she put out that fire. But we've had that big reward so it didn't affect us as much.

Jordan: That's all I have to say. I trust that you will make the right decision.

Neleh: No problem, thanks for talking!

As Jordan was walking back to camp, he passed Sabrina who was doing her usual sunbathing routine. Jordan thought this was the perfect time to ask her.

Jordan: So, what was up with you and that dog earlier.

Sabrina then looked up and made sure put emphasis on each of her next words.

Sabrina: Do. Not. Say. A. God. Damn. Word. Okay?

Jordan: Alright.

Sabrina: I just like dogs. That's all.

Jordan: Thought so.

Neleh was then looking for James and Willow and finds them by the water well.

Neleh: Guys, are you sure we should get rid of Jordan? He'd be a valuable number come the merge.

James: Yeah, we were just talking about that. He has more of a chance of sticking with us than Sabrina does. That's not all.

Willow: Yeah, Ryan and James made a deal that if James threw the next immunity, then Ryan will flip to our side. We can get Sabrina out, and get Ryan with us both at once.

Neleh: Not only that, Jordan said we can use his idol when the merge hits. So, if Ryan doesn't flip, we can flush the idol and get the majority anyway.

James: It's a triple win. Alright, so we'll throw the challenge, and get Sabrina out. Simple as that.

Neleh: Yeah, almost too simple.

Willow: Simple enough that we can go the distance.

Sabrina then walked up to the group, already knowing that they were talking about her.

Sabrina: Hey, you assholes conspiring against me?

Willow: How did you guess?

Sabrina: You guys' decision making is as shallow as my bottle of water which is why I came for a refill, now move.

Willow: Fine, have it your way, again.

James (confessional): Sabrina's like the invisible target. We know she exists, we know what she's capable of but we never really see her coming. But still, I think she's using it as a strategy to make her target to abnormally gigantic that we'd actually want to keep her here as a shield. It's a pretty impressive play.


It was another cold night for La Mina as they struggled to go to sleep. They were starting to get annoyed by how numb they were starting to feel.

Neleh: I can't deal with this right now. Nothing is keeping me warm.

James: We just need more layers that's all.

Willow: Yeah, well we need to be warm and comfy.

Monty: Well I have an idea that I think may help.

Willow: And what's that.

Monty: We haven't used much of our toilet paper lately.

James: Except for when we got back from the reward. There was practically a cue.

Monty: Well why don't we wrap ourselves in toilet paper to keep our body parts nice and warm. Since we can't get a fire going for some weird reason.

Sabrina: Yeah, real mystery. Look, let's just go with it. I don't want to be waddling to the immunity challenge like a penguin.

Jordan: All right, I'll get us a few rolls.

James: I cannot believe we're actually doing this.

Willow (confessional): Because of the numbing coldness, Monty came up with the idea of wrapping us up in toilet paper to keep us warm. Since we didn't have many extra clothes and the toilet paper has been barely used, we just went with it. So, we just stayed up, wrapping ourselves warm.

A compilation was shown of everyone wrapping up their cold body parts with enough layers of toilet paper.

Willow (confessional): It was probably one of the most hilariously stupidest things I have ever done. I think it goes without saying why I've never gone out trick or treating as a kid. Not only that, but without any clothes on, we'd just be wearing toilet paper around random parts of our bodies like a bunch of mummy strippers.

After everyone was done, they settled back in their shelter, ready for the next day.


Noah and Maddie woke up early and headed to collect their tree mail. When they opened the box, they found a cartoonish looking skull inside.

Ryan: Ooh, creepy.

Maddie: Cool.

The duo went back to the shelter to tell the others about tree mail. When they got back, the others were still asleep.

Ryan: Hey guys, wake up.

There was some movement but no one could be bothered enough to get up.

Ryan: Alright, that's it.

Maddie: What are you doing?

Ryan: If these people want a rude awakening, they're sure as hell going to get one.

Ryan then went over to get the teams pot as well as one of the sticks. He then went over to them. Maddie took this as a sign and covered her hears. Ryan started banging the pot with the stick, making a loud noise.

Ryan: Hey guys! Wake up!

This was more than enough to get them woken up as they rubbed their eyes in annoyance. Maddie held back her laughter.

Noah: Do you have to be more of an ass?

Ryan: Tree mail, read, now!

Ryan then handed Noah the weird shaped skull as he started to read it out loud to everyone else.

Noah: With strengths and smarts today, we'll see, how hard you'll compete for immunity. You'll have to think, you'll have to be mean, in order for your tribe to live to see Day 19. Sounds like quite the challenge.

Sandra: So, we have to be physical and mental for this? I think we can do this.

Rita: All right, let's even the numbers up.

Maddie (confessional): It is critical that we win. We want even numbers going to the merge but seeing how these last couple of days have been, the numbers have been all over the place. But still, that could make this immunity challenge the most important one yet.

It was now time for the immunity challenge. The challenge was shown to be this giant set up consisting of 2 zig zag paths, 1 for each team that kept going until they joined together and split across to 4 separate stations. A skull then came into view which was almost identical to the one from tree mail.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

Both tribes made their way in and got their first look at the challenge. As they arrived, both tribes set their things down and put their tribe flags down.

Jeff: Alright, it is time to get to today's immunity challenge. First things first Noah. Thank you.

Noah handed the immunity idol back to Jeff as he put it back in its holder.

Jeff: Once again immunity is back up for grabs. Here's how it works. On my go, three members from each tribe will race out to the field to collect puzzle pieces. You'll go one at a time. You'll untie it, lower it, unhook it and bring it back. Once you have all 4 pieces, the 2 remaining tribe members will use those pieces to solve a spinning puzzle. First tribe to solve it correctly, wins immunity.

Everyone was preparing themselves, knowing this challenge has big stakes.

Jeff: The losers, somebody will be voted out tonight. And one more thing, the winning tribe will decide which member of the losing tribe to send to Exile Island. The difference is this time, the person you send to Exile Island will not go to tribal council tonight.

Everyone gasped at this news. James was now having second thoughts about throwing the challenge.

Jeff: That means they cannot vote but cannot be voted out. So instead of punishing someone, you are protecting somebody. Big stakes at this point in the game. La Mina, you have one extra member, you're sitting somebody out. Who's it going to be.

The tribe started whispering for a bit.

James: I think I can do the puzzle.

Jordan: Yeah, same here. Sabrina, do you want to sit out.

Sabrina: No way. I'm competing.

Willow: It's fine I'll sit out.

Willow then reluctantly raised her hand.

Jeff: Willow will sit out. Now you'll decide you will be the 3 people who will get the puzzle pieces. La Mina.

Monty: Me, Neleh and Sabrina.

Jeff: Alright, that leaves Jordan and James to solve the puzzle. Casaya, who's going to gather puzzle pieces for you guys?

Noah: Me, Maddie and Rita.

Jeff: Alright, that leaves Ryan and Sandra to solve the puzzle. Take your spots, we'll get started.

Everyone took their positions at the start of the field.

Jeff: Alright, for immunity. Survivors ready? Go!

Monty and Maddie were the first out for their tribes. They were racing out to their first pieces, avoiding colliding each other. Monty had a decent lead and got to his station first. Maddie got there seconds after.

Jeff: The faster you get those pieces back, the more time you give your tribe to solve.

Maddie is trying her hardest to untie the rope. Monty has already started to lower his piece in order to unclip it.

Jeff: Monty is through his knot. Got his piece lowered.

Monty quickly got his piece unhooked, picked it up and started heading back to the start.

Jeff: He has his piece unhooked and is heading back. Maddie losing a little time. Those puzzle pieces are heavy.

Maddie was struggling to untie her piece. Monty was already back to the start with the first piece. He then placed it down. Sabrina then raced out to get her piece.

Jeff: Go La Mina! Sabrina is now on the course, getting La Mina's second piece.

Maddie got his rope and quickly lowered the piece down to her level.

Jeff: Maddie has her rope undone. Maddie unhooks, she's now getting her piece back.

Maddie was running back as fast as she can, hoping to make up for lost time. Sabrina rushes to her team's second gate, starting to work on her rope.

Jeff: Sabrina, untying her rope quickly.

Maddie managed to get back to her team and places her piece down. Noah then starts to head for his team's second piece.

Jeff: Go Casaya! Noah now on the course for Casaya. It is La Mina with a bit of a lead right now but Casaya is working hard to stay in this.

Sabrina unties her rope and is lowering her piece down. She then unclips the piece and heads back.

Jeff: Sabrina now has her second puzzle piece for La Mina.

Noah manages to get to his station as he works on his knot.

Jeff: Noah now on her station. He's now working on the knots forCasaya.

Sabrina now got back with her second piece of the puzzle.

Jeff: Sabrina now back. Go La Mina! Neleh's now on the course, heading for that third piece. Noah still trying to get his second piece for Casaya.

Neleh quickly gets to her piece but then remembers her alliance's plan to throw the challenge so she decides to take her time.

Jeff: Noah now has his piece undone!

Noah then heads over to unhook his piece and heads back to the start with it.

Jeff: Noah now heading back with the second puzzle piece forCasaya. Casaya still trying to make up some time. Neleh is still working on the knots.

Noah then gets back and puts his piece with the other one.

Jeff: Noah now back with his second piece! Rita's now on the course for Casaya. Neleh, struggling getting through those ropes.

Rita now gets to her station and is quickly getting through those knots.

Jeff: Rita is whipping through those knots.

Neleh took that as a sign that she needs to pick it up before her team gets suspicious of her. She quickly finishes her ropes and gets her piece.

Jeff: Neleh now has her piece down. She's heading back.

Rita was still trying to get her piece down. She gets through all of the ropes as she starts to lower her piece down. She then unclips it and runs back.

Jeff: Rita has her piece. We are neck and neck at this stage.

Neleh was able to get back with her piece as Monty then starts to run for the last piece.

Jeff: Monty now back on the course. La Mina has just one piece left.

Rita was now back as Maddie then runs out.

Jeff: Maddie now back on the course for Casaya. Both teams have just one piece left.

Monty was already at his station, whipping through those ropes as quick as he did the first time.

Jeff: Monty now working on that last piece. La Mina still with a slight lead.

Maddie then reaches her station and starts untying her rope.

Jeff: Maddie now at the last station.

Monty now has his piece untied and lowered, allowing him to unclip it.

Jeff: Monty now has his rope undone. He's now heading back with the last piece for La Mina.

Maddie had her piece untied and unclipped. She learned from her first time.

Jeff: Maddie now heading back with her piece for Casaya!

Monty was now back with his last piece. James and Jordan now ran in to pick them up.

Jeff: Monty's back with the last puzzle piece. Start solving it!

James and Jordan were trying a couple pieces to see what works.

Jeff: James and Jordan now quickly getting to work.

James then thought of a couple ideas. He tried to fit a piece in but it didn't work.

Jordan: Come on, let's try another piece.

Maddie was now back. She put her piece down as Sandra and Ryan were quick to pick them up.

Jeff: Maddie's back with her piece. Casaya can start solving the puzzle.

James was still trying the same piece in the same spot, spinning a couple of the notches.

Jeff: James struggling with getting the first piece in. La Mina has made no progress so far.

All 4 people were spinning pieces, seeing what fits and what doesn't.

Jeff: Both tribes looking for some sort of pattern. Once you get one piece in, the puzzle starts to come together.

Ryan: Wait, let me try something here.

Sandra: Okay.

Jeff: Ryan and Sandra working well together. They think they're on to something.

Ryan and Sandra manage to figure out which piece goes in to the top right.

Jeff: Casaya now getting closer to getting their first piece.

Ryan then manages to get the piece in. Casaya was cheering them on.

Jeff: Casaya now thinks they have a pattern going.

Jordan then manages to get the bottom right piece in for his team.

Jeff: Jordan has his first piece in for La Mina. Both teams have their first pieces in.

Jordan then tries to look over at the other team. He then finds out which piece goes in to the top right as he rushes to get that piece from his side. James meanwhile was just standing there.

Jeff: Jordan trying to get the second piece in for La Mina. James just watching him.

Ryan then finds out which piece goes in the bottom right, picks it up and manages to place it in.

Jeff: Ryan has the second piece for Casaya. Jordan seeing if his piece fits in.

James: I think that piece goes somewhere else.

Jordan: No, I saw them, the piece goes here.

Jeff: At this point, James is just another piece that Jordan has to manage.

Jordan then manages to fit the piece in that he saw Casaya put in.

Jeff: Jordan has the second piece in for La Mina. We're tied 2-2.

Ryan and Sandra both manage to get the bottom left piece figured out. They just needed a couple of spins and they got it in.

Jeff: Casaya has their third piece! Immunity at stake. Power over who goes to Exile Island. Everyone fighting to see Day 19.

Ryan and Sandra were now on their top left piece. They were close to solving it.

Jeff: Casaya on the edge of the last piece. This could do it.

Both Ryan and Sandra pushed down on the last piece and it fit then erupted in to cheers of joy.

Jeff: Casaya wins immunity for the third time!

Casaya were both excited and relieved. Jordan and Sabrina were both disappointed because they knew time was up for one of them.

Jeff: Casaya, another great comeback. Huge win today.

Sandra and Ryan both held the idol up in the air.

Jeff: Immunity keeps you safe from tribal council tonight. And now, you have a big decision to make. You are going to send one person to Exile Island right now. That person cannot be voted out tonight.

Before Casaya could discuss their options, Sabrina raised her hand, causing everyone to look at her.

Sabrina: Jeff, can I say something real quick?

Jeff: Sure, go ahead.

Sabrina: Great.

Sabrina then turned to Casaya.

Sabrina: Guys listen. The bottom line is, I am on the bottom of this tribe. I am set to go home next. So, my pitch is simple. If you choose to keep me safe by sending me to Exile, I'll be on your side come the merge. This is your opportunity to get the majority and I wouldn't waste it. That's it.

La Mina had shocked faces as did Jeff. Casaya then proceeded to have their discussion.

Rita: This could be our chance to get her and Willow on our side.

Ryan: Are we sure about this? I feel like I can get James to join us.

Sandra: You heard her, we can't waste this opportunity.

Noah: It's pretty much a no brainer for me.

Rita: Same here.

Noah: Then it's decided.

Jeff: Casaya, who's it going to be?

Noah: We've thought about it, and we're going to pick Sabrina.

Sabrina: Smart choice.

James, Willow and Neleh were not happy as this ruined their plans completely.

Jeff: Sabrina, going to Exile Island. The boats waiting.

Sabrina: Bye guys, have fun at tribal.

Sabrina walked off to the boat.

Jeff: Keep in mind, Sabrina will get another clue to the whereabouts of the hidden immunity idol, whether or not somebody's already found it. Who knows?

Willow *whispering*: Oh, she's just raised a whole lotta hell, that's what she did.

James looked back at her and nodded.

Jeff: Casaya, grab your things and enjoy the night off.

Casaya then headed back to their camp. Ryan then looked back to James and mouthed the words "thank you" to him. James was still uneasy about what will happen tonight now that Sabrina is safe.

Jeff: La Mina, all I have for you is a date with me tonight at tribal council. Somebody going home. Grab your stuff and head on back to camp, see you at tribal.

La Mina grabbed their things and went back to their camp, unsure as to how tonight will play out.


Sabrina stepped off of the boat, on to Exile Island. She was thrilled that she wouldn't have to worry about going home.

Sabrina (confessional): I think I just pulled one of the greatest "save my own ass" moments in Survivor history. Now I'm on Exile Island which to me is like a vacation away from these annoying people. There was a pretty strong alliance of 4 going on.

Sabrina then went to raise the sail on the skull of Exile Island. She then got the paper filled with idol clues.

Sabrina (confessional): My hope is that Jordan does have the idol. But just in case he doesn't and it's still here, I'm going to look for it. If I can find that idol, then come the merge, I'll be unstoppable.

Sabrina: Clue #6: It is not found here but it is in the shade for most of the day.

She then wandered off, doing various things such as exploring the island and laying down, sunbathing.

Sabrina: This is the life. No Scott or Monty here to yell at me. I can do what I want.

Once she got enough energy, Sabrina headed out to go and look for the idol. She payed attention to most of the trees to see if one of them was a clue. She then looked at the "Y" shaped tree.

Sabrina: That's going back to the first clue, isn't it? I think I got it.

She then starts digging with her bare hands under one of the rocks. It wasn't long before she discovered the box, buried closer to the surface than it was last time.

Sabrina: What is this?

She then lifted the box up with most of her might. She then opened it and inside was James's fake idol which Sabrina believes to be the real thing.

Sabrina: Hell yes. These people are so screwed.

Sabrina (confessionals): I'm glad the idol is in my possession and not with one of the gremlins. So, this means that Jordan doesn't have the idol. But hopefully they believe he does so they all turn on each other.


The members of La Mina were in various places around camp but were all sharing the same dread that was tribal council. James and Monty were walking together to the water well.

James: This is fine. This gives us the chance to get rid of Jordan and his idol.

Monty: Right but what if he tries to get me out?

James: How about you go to him and say you want to vote out one of the girls. That means you won't have to worry about his vote and we can all vote him out.

Monty: I'll try and be as convincing as I can.

After they fill up their bottles, Monty goes off in search for Jordan. Neleh and Willow then come up to him and talk about a plan B.

Willow (confessional): The plan was nice and simple. We were going to have an easy tribal. Until Sabrina opens her mouth like she usually does and convinces the other team that she'll flip to their side. I don't know if that's true or not. We will have Ryan on our side hopefully so the votes will at least be a tie. But now we got to work out a plan B.

Willow: There's always a twist, isn't there? Not only is she safe, but she could have the immunity idol by now.

James (confessional): I'm not worried about Sabrina finding the idol because I already found it. What I am worried about is Jordan and Monty teaming up and trying to flip one of the girls. I have to think of something fast here.

Neleh: I'm nervous. How do we get Jordan out without worrying if he has an idol or not?

James: Well how about this? We try to force a tie.

Willow: How do we when there's only 3 of us?

James: I'll vote for Jordan, you 2 vote for Monty and hopefully Monty votes for Jordan.

Neleh: Oh! So, if Jordan plays an idol, Monty goes home.

Willow: And if he doesn't, we vote him out on the re-vote.

James: And here's another thing. If those 2 vote one of you, we still have 2 votes to send Monty home. So, there's nothing to worry about.

Neleh (confessional): James is really smart. He comes up with these plans on the spot and it makes me think about if I should still work with him going forward. I need him for tonight's vote, but after that, anything can happen.

Monty and Jordan were over next to the shelter, talking.

Monty: Are you mad at me?

Jordan: No, I'm not mad. I actually wanted to talk to you. What if we flip this game right now by eliminating the biggest threat? You, me and James can all join forces.

Monty: I think I'm on board with that plan. Who do you have in mind?

Jordan: Honestly, I think we need to get out Willow. She's playing an amazing game right now. She has connections on the other side, she has not had a vote cast against her yet. She is dangerous.

Monty: She is. I don't want to worry about that kind of competition. Plus, I remember the deal we made.

Jordan: Me too. We just need to convince James and we're set.

Jordan (confessional): With Sabrina safe, I know I'm in trouble. So, in a last ditch effort to save myself, I came up with the idea of the 3 guys coming together and getting out the biggest strategic and social threat in this game, Willow. I'm hoping Monty can go and convince James so we can flip this game on its head.

Monty (confessional): So, I know I wanted to talk to Jordan just to make sure he's not voting for me, but his idea actually sounds like it could benefit my game. If we vote Willow out, it cuts her ties of working with Maddie and Rita at the merge.

Monty then came to James with the idea that Jordan pitched.

Monty: So, Jordan came to me with the idea of us 3 voting for Willow. And honestly? It doesn't sound like a bad idea.

James: Well, to me it does. She's the only person that's keeping Neleh from flipping to the other side. And Jordan and Sabrina are still working together.

Monty: I don't feel comfortable going to the merge with her. She could plot against me when she gets the chance.

James: I highly doubt it. Just think about it more, ok?

Monty: Alright.


The 5 La Mina members made their way to tribal council. They entered the cave, torches in hand. Jeff was waiting for them. They put their torches in to their holders and sat down next to the flame, in front of Jeff.

Jeff: La Mina. Welcome back to tribal council.

Monty rolled his eyes at this, annoyed they're here for a third time now.

Jeff: Let's start by talking about who's not here. Monty, at the challenge, Sabrina made it clear that she was on the bottom of your tribe. Is that really the case?

Monty: It was kind of obvious. With the way she's been acting around camp and all, she put a target on her own back and she only has herself to blame.

Jeff: So, Willow, it was going to be Sabrina out next?

Willow: After talking about it with everyone else, it just seemed like the best overall move for us. We can't trust her, she said she was going to flip and we're nervous if she's being honest or not. And she's given me way more headache's than I deserve, being with her for 18 days.

Jeff: Neleh, do you think it was smart that Casaya did that? Because she made her agenda as clear as she could.

Neleh: I think they knew that she was on the bottom, because there are a couple of people over there that had to live with her. She just made sure she made that deal so they had a reason to save her. So yeah, it was a smart move because Casaya are going to try and get the majority any way they can.

Jeff: Jordan, how would tight would you say this group is? Because all the drama I've heard from the last 2 tribals have been coming from Scott and Sabrina and neither of them are here right now.

Jordan: I guess you can say this group is drama free. But everyone sees this as a numbers game and had we based these votes based on who caused the most drama then Sabrina would have been gone days ago.

Jeff: But it was just said that Sabrina would have been voted out had she have been here. Is that for strategic reasons only?

Willow: Mostly, I mean almost all of us have butted heads with Sabrina before but we were never really on the same side when it came to strategy or voting.

Jeff: Well, so far, I haven't gotten any indication of who's on the chopping block tonight. I mean it was clear that Sabrina was but now that she's on Exile then who feels like they're in trouble.

Jordan then raised his hand.

Jordan: If we're all being honest here. I know I'm in some hot water. But I've already pitched to these guys as to why I should stay. I'm not the biggest threat physically, Casaya is most likely to target me first, among other things.

Jeff: Monty, if I'm looking at starting tribal lines then you and Jordan are the only people to have known each other since the start of the game. Could that come in to play tonight?

Monty: It could, but honestly? Is it really worth the risk? I mean anything can happen but risking your position in the game, especially long term could be a million dollar mistake.

Jeff: Neleh, in your mind is it clear who you're voting for? Or are you still exploring all your options.

Neleh: I'm always exploring my options because that's how I work in my personal life. It's always better to have an open mindset rather than a fixed mindset. And let's not forget that this is a game for a million dollars. So just because your focused on one option, doesn't mean that your other options can't happen.

Jeff: Jordan, let's say you do go home tonight. What will the tribe be losing?

Jordan: I'd say I've been more of a positive light around camp than some other people. I've worked on the same beach since I've got here. I've also pulled my weight in the challenge today. I did my part better than some others might have.

Jeff: Alright, so tonight's vote, like your other votes, seem to be up in the air. James and Jordan, you are still the only people to have been to Exile Island, the immunity idol could come in to play, you'll let me know after the vote if that is the case. It is time to vote, Jordan you're up.

Jordan gets up to vote. He gets to the voting booth as he writes down Willow.

Jordan: Feeling nervous as always. But from one great player to another, I can see you going the distance.

Neleh got up and went to vote. She put her vote in the urn as she went back to sit down. James then enters the booth as he casts his vote to Jordan.

James: Never wait for strike 3 to go by. You waited way too long to talk strategy. Too little too late.

Willow then gets up to vote. She hopes her vote doesn't come back to bite her. Monty then got up as he felt like he was the swing vote again. He hesitated for a bit until making his decision. He then goes back to sit down.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Shots of a couple of the players, as well as parts of the tribal were shown. Jeff then got back with the urn.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff pulled the lid of the urn as he took out the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Jordan.

Jordan nods his head, looking down.

Jeff: Willow.

Willow seemed slightly surprised but wasn't that worried.

Jeff: Monty.

Monty's jaw was slightly down as his eyebrows were raised.

Jeff: That's 1 vote Jordan, 1 vote Willow, 1 vote Monty.

Jordan then looked up, hoping that the others flipped.

Jeff: Monty, that's 2 votes Monty, 1 vote Jordan, 1 vote Willow, 1 vote left.

Monty was then looking at his alliance in shock before eyeing that last vote nervously.

Jeff: ...Jordan. We have a tie.

Jordan then sighed in nervousness. Monty looked at his tribe, eyes widened. James also showed a face of confusion.

James: Damn...

Jeff: Alright here's how this is going to work. We are going to re-vote. Monty and Jordan, you will not vote. James, Neleh, Willow, you 3 can only vote for Jordan or Monty. One more thing, the hidden immunity idol cannot be played at the re-vote, so if you have it and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Monty eyed Jordan nervously as all eyes were on him. Jordan sighed and shook his head, signalling that he did not have the idol.

Jeff: Okay, time to re-vote. Neleh, if you could come and grab the urn.

Neleh grabbed the urn from Jeff as she brought it back to the booth. Her, James and Willow all casted their votes without any issue.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Jeff then went to the booth and came back with the urn.

Jeff: I'll read the votes.

Jeff pulled out the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Jordan.

Jordan nodded his head as he gathered his things. He just waited for Jeff to make it official.

Jeff: 6th person voted out of Survivor: Exile Island. Jordan that's 2, that's enough, need to bring me your torch.

Jordan nodded as he got up. He shook hands with everyone before he went to grab his torch.

Jordan: Thank you guys. It has been an experience of a lifetime for me. Good luck.

Neleh: Thanks Jordan.

James: Bye.

Jordan then placed his torch in front of Jeff.

Jeff: Jordan, the tribe has spoken.

Jordan's torch was then snuffed. He then waved to everyone else before he headed off towards the exit.

Jeff: Well, another older guy has left the game. Being the last one standing could be a curse, but could also be a blessing in disguise. Grab your torches, head back to camp. Goodnight.

The 4 remaining members got up and got their torches. As they were heading back, the credits were rolling.

Jeff: Next time on Survivor, the moment our top 10 survivors have been expecting, is here.

Rita: Congratulations, you are merged!

A scene of Casaya, getting off their boat to join La Mina was shown.

Jeff: And the gameplay rises to a new all-time high.

James: I want you to take your fate into your own hands.

Ryan: Maybe it's time I do flip on my old tribe.

Jeff: Sabrina gets a little too comfortable with her fake idol.

Sabrina: Voting me out would be the cowards way out.

Sandra: Just make it stop!

Jeff: And a tribal council that is all over the place.

A shot is shown of Jeff sitting at tribal council, shocked.

Jeff: Wow, I... I think I'm speechless. I did not expect things to fly off the rails like they did tonight.

Final words.

Jordan: I fought as hard as they could but it turns out that my idol lie only got me more trouble. I'm just annoyed, knowing that if I just had voted Monty out, I'd still have a shot in this game. But being able to be a part of an experience like this for this long is truly amazing. I wish luck to La Mina, those guys are incredible players. And I'm not saying that because they got me out "laughs".


James = Jordan

Monty = Jordan

Neleh = Monty

Willow = Monty

Jordan = Willow


James = Jordan

Neleh = Jordan

Willow = Jordan

11th place: Jordan

12th place: Scott

13th place: Herbie

14th place: Monica

15th place: Chloe

16th place: Daniel

Authors note: Wow, that episode sure was a thriller. I'm sorry if everyone talking about the merge got a little too annoying, it was really just them thinking ahead. Also, there didn't seem like enough character moments but I wanted to save those for the Panamanian village reward. We also had Maddie opening up to Ryan which I thought was a touching and realistic enough scene. And Jordan ended up getting taken out because of one simple mistake. Good on Monty for voting like he did or else he would be gone. But now that he's the last of the older guys, it'll be interesting to see how he'll survive.

So like I said, the recap episode is strictly optional. You don't have to watch it if you just want the story aspect but if your looking for more character moments, I recommend giving that episode a read.

So anyways, thanks for reading! Until next time, see you whenever!

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