Eyes of an Uchiha, Body of a...

By elicixcook

8.8K 190 24

Glowing red eyes glinted in the moonlight as she stared with wide, terror filled eyes at the bloody scene in... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1 - An Eventful Morning.
Chapter 2 - Team Selection
Chapter 4 - Team Survival Exercise Part 1- Morning.
Chapter 5 - Survival Exercise Part 2.
Chapter 6 - Survival Exam Begins!
Chapter 7 - Missions... yay?
Chapter 8 - Zabuza Momoochi
Chapter 9 - Fighting Zabuza
Chapter 10 - Tree Walking
Chapter 11 - Water Walking
Chapter 12 - Midnight Trainings.
Chapter 13 - Zabuza and Haku
Chapter 14 - Back to Konoha!
Chapter 15 - Stealing Scrolls and Meeting Sand Nin
Chapter 16 - Chunin Exams!
Chaper 17 - Chunin Exams Part 2
Chapter 18 - Chunin Exams Part 3
Chapter 19 - Chunin Exams Part 4
Chapter 20 - Chunin Exams Part 5
Chapter 21 - Chunin Exams Part 6, The End of the Third Hokage.
Chapter 22 - Journey to Find Tsunade!
Chapter 23 - Back to Konoha.
Chapter 24 - Why..?
Chapter 25 - Akari vs Naruto & Sasuke

Chapter 3 - Team Introductions

385 11 1
By elicixcook

THE FRESH GENINS are sitting in a classroom waiting for their incompetent Sensei.

Akari POV:

After another hour of waiting, and Sakura and Naruto bickering.. Our Jounin Sensei has finally arrived.
Naruto and Sakura stopped their bickering at the hand that appeared at the door.


The eraser falls on the mans head.
Naruto laughs, while I manage a small smile, Sasuke looks dumbfounded and Sakura is apologising.

"I am SO SORRY SENSEI, It was all Naruto" Sakura says.
"My first impression of you all, I hate you, meet me at the rooftop in 2 minutes." Sensei says and poofs into smoke.
Naruto and Sasuke race to the roof while me and Sakura walk behind them.
"Sigh, These idiots don't know when to quit." I mutter understand my breath.
I saw Sakura glance at me from the corner of my eye.
"What's up Pinky?" I ask her.
"PINKY?!" Sakura yells with a Irk Mark.
"Well yeah your hair is pink so-" I get cut off to a punch to my head.

Our bickering continue as we slam open the door glaring at each other with lightning between our eyes.
Sasuke, Naruto and Sensei just sweatdrop in confusion.


'I swear they were calm earlier what happened?' The boys thought, dumbfounded

Sakura and Akari grip the collar of each others clothing glaring at each other.

Sensei clears his through
"Shall we get on with introductions then?"

Sakura and Akari let go of each other and walk to separate places of the rooftop all while glaring at each other.

"How about you go first Sensei" Sakura says breaking our eye contact.
"Yeah you look suspicious" Naruto adds, nodding along.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake, My likes are none of your concern, neither are my dislikes, my hobbies well you don't need to know that and my dream? No clue."

The students just sweatdrop at their Sensei
"We literally only know his name" Akari and Sakura say in sync.
They snap their heads towards each other and glare.
Kakashi snaps them out of their trance.
"You blonde, your go introduce yourself."
"The Names Naruto Uzumaki, My likes are Ramen and the Ramen Iruka-Sensei buys for me, My dislikes are waiting for the ramen to cook for 3 minutes, My hobbies are Pranking, And my Dream is to become the most Powerful Hokage so everyone with accept and notice me! Dattebayo!"
'Well he grew up in a interesting way.' Kakashi noted.
"You next Pinky"
Akari stifles a laugh while Sakura glares at Kakashi and Akari.
"My Name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are *glances at Sasuke* My hobbies are *Glances at Sasuke* and sometimes training (I'm going to make it so she has more power is this, she has so much potential which Kishimoto wasted..) My dreams are *Glances at Sasuke blushing more* To be a medical Ninja like the Legendary, Tsunade Senju."
'A fan girl, with a lot of potential' Kakashi thinks.
"You, the emo duckbutt"
Akari stifles another laugh while Sasuke glares at Kakashi, And Akari but with more hatred when he turns his gaze to her.
"My Name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything, what I have is not a dream, because I will make it a Reality.. I'm going to restore my clan and Kill a certain someone."
Sasuke broods while glaring at me saying the last sentence.
'Oh god I hope he doesn't mean me' Naruto sweats
'Emo duckbutt ' Akari just blankly stares at him
'Just what I thought' Kakashi thinks.
"So basically you wanna kill someone and get laid?" Akari asks Bluntly.
Sasuke flushes deep red glaring at Akari, Kakashi stifles a laugh, Naruto full on cackles like a mad man, Sakura sweatdrops while blushing and Akari just blankly stares at the sky.

"You the weasel, introduce yourself." Kakashi commands, looking at Akari.
Sakura giggles, Sasuke Smirks, Naruto laughs a bit.

Akari grows a irk mark and throws rocks she found on the ground at each of their heads.
"Greetings, Background characters *They all grow a irk mark* my names Akari Uchiha not weasel, My likes are Tomatoes and Training. I hate Emo Duckbutts *Sasuke grows another irk mark*, Perverted Scarecrows*So does kakashi* Orphan Slayers *Sakura grows 3 irk marks*. The Orange Hokage is alright I guess *Naruto gives a 1000-watt grin* My hobbies are none of your Buisness *They all grow another irk mark* And my dreams is to kill someone, not get laid *Sasuke grows another irk mark as Akari smirks at him* and I don't know become the Shadow Hokage and Narutos right hand woman.*Naruto grins without any irk marks*"Akari says bluntly looking at the sky.

Everyone except Naruto  pick up the rocks Akari threw at them and Chuck it at her head, Akari dodges 2 of them but Kakashi one manages to hit

"OI WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Akari shouts with a Irk Mark.
"You called me a Emo duckbutt" Sasuke
"You called me a Perverted Scarecrow" Kakashi
"You Called me a ORPHAN SLAYER" Sakura
"So you are implying it was you guys I was talking about? So basically you are calling yourselves those nicknames not me cause I didn't say your names"
They grow irk marks again but leave it as that.

Akari POV:

I zone out as Kakashi goes on about survival exercises, random percentages and not eating breakfast. We all leave as I give a nudge to Sakura's hip with my elbow and run off home while Sakura just shouts at me about being a dumb weasel and to get back here.

*sigh* what a day.....

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