Clover (Daryl Dixon X Male Ch...

By gay_vent_dweller

107K 2.6K 555

Jaxx then moved onto Sophia when the bushes nearby began to sway with movement, Caught up in the cut Sophia h... More

Missing Wonderboy
Clover finds Wonderboy
The dream
Jim couldn't make it
Im Alive, wow
Jenner is a bitch
Found Again
Shane can kiss my ass
and now for something completely different
wish I replaced Shane with Otis
Daraxx abc's because Jaxx has writers block
Daraxx abc's after hours ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cherokee Rose (fuck shane)
the chupacabra and the angel
Rootin' tootin'- oh fuck thats Daryl!
random headcanon list because I once again am head empty
walkers? in my barn? its more likey than you think
Evil Jaxx au based on that one picrew I made
fuck this stupid barn
well, we found sophia :)
Daryl doesn't like halloween
Familiarity amongst bullshit
everythings going to hell
now is not the time to be emo, Beth
Mercy Kill
Rotten Honey
Grief, Forgiveness, And An Odd Occurrence
Better Angels pt1
Better Angels pt2
I'm gonna miss the farm
A Winters Passing
Family trouble
Clover: A Christmas Special
Caged Birds
hey... whats up :) happy late valentines
An announcement..

I just remembered the governor exists

749 27 4
By gay_vent_dweller

A/N: I just remembered the governor exists and I hate it. I hate that man.🧍‍♂️anyway chapter song is monster from adventure time, it really sounds like a song about their relationship from Daryl's point of view.

Crossing the courtyard towards the visitors center door, Jaxx cut the lock and chains on the door before opening it. Inside it was dark, musty, and like every other building, filthy. The waiting rooms chairs were stacked as a sort of makeshift barrier blocking the visiting room, and the vending machines were smashed in and cleared out. "Maybe someone survived.." He said to himself, moving the chairs out of his way and entering the visiting room. Usually, there were 20 tables with 3 chairs at each table, and 7 different vending machines lined up against a wall. Now, the chairs were gone. The table tops were ripped from the bolted bottoms, and 2 of the vending machines were moved.

In a corner of the room, there was a makeshift shelter made out of the table tops and two vending machines. Jaxx drew his knife and looked inside, nothing. There was just a blow up mattress, a flat couch cushion made up to be a pillow, and a large leather jacket on top of a thin blanket. "This could be useful.." Jaxx said to himself as he picked up the jacket. It was just a plain black leather jacket, the only wear and tear it seemed to suffer was a large tear in it's lower back, but that was something he could easily fix.

In it's pockets, he found nothing except a semi faded picture of a man and what seemed to be his child. The boy seemed to be around seven when the photo was taken. "Oh, poor boy.." Jaxx said to himself after realizing he had seen the father earlier, as a walker in the courtyard. after putting the photo back in the jacket pocket, Jaxx tried the leather jacket on.

As Jaxx began to clear out the snack machines that weren't raided, he heard the safety of a gun click behind him. He froze, was it a survivor? Someone in the group that had just come to check on him? "Turn around.." a small voice squeaked out. 'Alright either it's a stupidly small woman or a child.' Jaxx thought as he turned. Once he was facing this person, his suspicions were correct. The same boy from the photo, just a bit older, stood there practically shaking. In his hands were Jaxx's own gun.

"Goodness gracious Lad I can't say I'm not impressed, you swiped my gun right off me.." Jaxx said calmly, his only goal was to safely remove the loaded gun from the boys hand. "Where's my dad." The boy demanded firmly, Jaxx couldn't help but let his soft smile drop. The boys father was currently a rotting corpse in the yard, how long had he been a walker?

"He's.. He's gone. I'm so sorry-" Jaxx began, but before he could finish his response the boy raised the gun back up towards Jaxx. "You killed him!" He exclaimed, Jaxx put his hands up at his eye level and shook his head. "No! No I promise I didn't he was a walker- you know those things out there?" Jaxx replied before directing his eyes towards the nearby window. Surely this boy would know about the walkers.

The boy looked through the window, a blank expression on his face. "My dads.. a monster?" He said quietly, dropping the gun from his hand. After picking the gun up and turning the safety on, Jaxx attempted to console the child. "I'm so sorry, lad... what's your name?" Jaxx asked as he put his gun back in the holster.

"Kingston... or King.." the boy said quietly, his eyes were still glued to the courtyard outside. Jaxx kneeled so he could get Kingston to look at him instead of the window. "Kingston, would you like to come with me? To my group? We don't have much but we stick together." Jaxx offered, he hated placing such a risky decision on a boy so young, all while doing it behind ricks back, but he couldn't just abandon this child.

"You ain't gonna leave me?" Kingston asked, looking out the window once more. Jaxx held Kingstons hand, it made the boy jump with surprise but it also made him look back towards Jaxx.

"I promise you, I will never leave your side Kingston. You have my word." Jaxx swore, he didn't care if he would get reprimanded for this. Kingstons lower lip quivered, as if he'd never heard such a promise.

After standing back up, keeping kingstons small hand in his own, Jaxx picked up all he could from the broken snack machines and stuffed them in the two duffle bags and one backpack he carried. After clearing out the visitors center, they made their way towards the exit together. "Who are you, anyway?" Kingston asked.

"I'm Jaxx, you'll meet the others here soon.. would you like to carry a bag?" He asked, Kingston nodded.

Giving Kingston the lightest bag, the duffle bag on his left arm, Jaxx chuckled when Kingston slung it over his shoulder. "I think you'll fit in just fine, King." Jaxx commented as they crossed the yard and got back inside the cell block. Once inside, Kingston hid behind Jaxx's legs at the first sight of people.

"Jaxx! You're back, did you find anything? Medicine?" Beth asked as he opened the cell block gate with his ring of keys. "Found Food, some water, blankets, jackets... and him." Jaxx said, making Kingstons presence known.

"A kid?" Carl asked, happy to finally have another kid besides Beth in the group. "Is he infected?" Lori asked, Jaxx shook his head.

"No, no not a scratch on him.. he's been in that visitors center since this all started." Jaxx replied, Kingston clung to Jaxx's jeans and refused to look at the others.

After a gentle tug, Jaxx got Kingston to let go and kneeled again. "Kingston, this is part of the group. Beth, Carl, Carol, and Lori.. guys this is Kingston. He's going to be joining us under my responsibility." Jaxx introduced, Lori looked displeased at that last statement but said nothing.

Carl was the first to approach Kingston. "Hey, How old are you?" Carl asked. Kingston had to think for a moment before whispering out a very shy "I'm eight."

The response seemed to please Carl. As Beth approached to talk to the boy, Jaxx could hear frantic talking and the sound of wheels coming from the hall beside the cell block. "I think the others are coming back.." Jaxx said, looking from the closed block gate and to Kingston.

"Beth can you put king in Carls room for now please?" He asked, Beth nodded and after some convincing got Kingston to follow her.

As he opened the gate, the others came back in a panic. Herschel was being driven around on a tray cart, his left leg severed at the knee. "Jesus father all mighty what happened?!" Jaxx shouted, he couldn't even figure out what anyone had said in response. Following them into Beth and Herschel's cell, Jaxx finally got his answer. "He got bit!" Rick said, Jaxx was shocked. They had all been so careful, how could this happened?

Helping Daryl, Rick, and Glenn lift Herschel, the four men laid him down in the bottom bunk. "Jaysus we need SO many bandages!" Jaxx exclaimed as he peeled the blood soaked wash cloths off of the stump. "It's all we had!" Glenn said, Jaxx looked around for something to lessen the bleeding.

"Fuck it!" He said before pulling his own shirt off and using the thick cloth to cover the stump. As he elevated the leg and talked through options with the others, Daryl called for Jaxx.

"Okay, Carol keep this pressed against the wound!" Jaxx ordered before leaving the block to see his husband aiming at the door where they came from. "There's others." Daryl said bluntly, Jaxx sighed. "Yeah, about that.." he began, but he was cut short by a prisoner coming out of the darkness of the hall. And then another. Then another... four men came from the darkness, then a fifth. But Jaxx knew the fifth.

"Jaxx? Jaxx! Daryl I knew it was you man! It's me it's Axel!"

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