Black Boys Bloom Thorns First...

By uzumaki_rebellion

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Erik N'Jadaka Stevens. Top student in his graduating class at the Naval Academy. The youngest graduate to do... More

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Finale

Chapter 24

386 29 23
By uzumaki_rebellion

"This may only be a dream
We come and we go
Like the ripples of a stream
So love me

Love me tonight
Tomorrow was made for some
Tomorrow may never come
For all we know"

Donny Hathaway – "For All We Know"

Disa watched Erik walk in the line of officers and her hand went to her throat. He looked spectacular in his uniform. It took her breath away to see him move with fixed strides alongside his peers. This was real. He was an officer. A real soldier. He would travel to Illinois while she traveled to California to set up house for them. The plan was for her to stay in the Airbnb studio apartment and find an affordable place in Coronado for them while she flooded the West Coast with resumes at the top universities there. She could take her time finding the right fit as opposed to rushing to grab anything. Disa stopped fussing about being frugal when Erik transferred thirty thousand dollars into her checking account without blinking an eye. She shut up about it real quick. He wanted a townhouse or a condo, not an apartment for them.

Erik would do the mini-BUDs training in Illinois, then fly out to San Diego for the actual BUDs training—Basic Underwater Demolition school—on the man-made island of Coronado. After that, if he made it through the grueling training and passed, he would go on to parachute Jump School and then SEAL qualification training. Sea. Air. Land. SEALs life.

She shuddered to think of him jumping out of planes and helicopters, placing bombs on submarines, and shooting at other men. His father had been a lieutenant in the Wakandan military and flew planes, so Disa could understand the old follow in your father's footsteps routine. But something didn't sit right with her about Erik wanting to serve a bully nation like the U.S. Going to Wakanda and training with his own people on the motherland made more sense to her. He could have dual citizenship and take advantage of reconnecting with his father's people that way. Erik stayed tight-lipped about that country. He said he didn't know that much about it except for what his father told him and he had stars in his eyes for his father. Joseph Stephens. Actually, N'Jobu Udaku. Disa stayed tight-lipped about asking him why a Prince of another nation would even want to fight for America. She decided it didn't matter at the moment. Erik was brilliant, had a career goal planned out, and loved the shit out of her mentally, physically, and spiritually. It's what she wanted in a man that she was head over heels for.

She took a train and then a cab to meet Bakari and Shavonne at the graduation site, and they transferred her travel bags to their car in a packed parking lot. Following the eager family members who traveled far to see their loved ones graduate, she basked in the glow of excitement.

"You look so lovely," Shavonne said.

"Thank you. Both of you look so fancy," she said.

Bakari and Shavonne wore coordinated white and blue outfits. They were so cute together. Grad school sweethearts. Just like Disa and Erik.

She followed Bakari as he led them to find seats in a large auditorium that was draped with military regalia. A brass band struck up tunes to serenade people to chairs lined in neat rows. They camped out in a spot where they could catch pictures of the graduates as they walked in. The ceremony started on time and she held back a squeal when she recognized Erik marching in. Shavonne grabbed her hand in her zeal and squeezed Disa's hand. They snapped what they could with their phones and Disa almost started hyperventilating, thinking about holding him again. The moment they were allowed to snap pictures before the start, she hustled toward the front with her cell. When her eyes locked on his, her heart sped up and her skin flushed with an immediate warmth. They would be together for twelve days before they had to return to the states to start the next part of their lives together.

Her heart had been in her throat when Erik called and asked her to move to California with him. She wanted to go, was even ready to suggest the idea herself, but she wanted him to concentrate on his training and not feel pressure from her to stick next to him like crazy glue. No man had ever made her want to pull up stakes and run off anywhere without question. The new feeling made her dizzy with its power. She would follow him anywhere and that was so not her.

His voice had been coy and a little far-away sounding when he spoke to her. It was a Sunday, and he was allowed to use his phone for family time, which was rare. She assumed they exhausted him from training, but that wasn't it.

"Disa, would you be willing to come out to San Diego with me-?"


She blurted the word out and clutched the landline in her house. Erik laughed for a long time.

"What is so funny?" she asked.

"I was scared you would say no," he said in a soft voice.

She immediately scoured real estate websites to find an inexpensive place to live. She freshened up her resume and tried to forget that the east coast colleges and universities she applied to for jobs turned her down. It was a sign from Allah that it was time to start fresh somewhere else.

She did have a slight panic attack after she collected rent deposits from four grad students who were moving into her house for the new school year. It occurred as she packed away personal items in storage for her and Erik. Strangers would live in her love nest. The house was so drenched with her and Erik's essence that she found it distasteful to think some other people would roam through their home. Using their furniture. She got over it as the days neared to see Erik once more.

His eyes were serious-looking. Fierce even. Clean-shaven. Focused. Proud. Erik sat in his seat looking fine as hell, and Disa just knew that he could tell that her arousal was on high-heat. She wanted to sit on his lips and bounce on them the way he liked her to. She would suck his dick as he held her cheeks, begging her to smash her thick buns down on him. Smothering his face was a kink for him with her ass, and she gave him what he wanted. He showed appreciation by cumming in her mouth and screaming her name into her slick folds.

Disa blew him a kiss after taking some shots and returned to her seat. She beamed with pride when he accepted his awards.

Once they were back together, he kept her close to his side, strutting across the auditorium with her. She knew he did that to impress his peers, but she loved that about him. He was proud to be with her, and she felt the same about him.

The navy captain stopped Erik from whisking her away to their freedom. She itched to find a quiet tree outside to hide behind so they could really kiss. The grip he had on her hand turned up her need to be affectionate with him and have a bit of intimacy alone and away from prying eyes. The captain had his claws in Erik. Disa recognized the signs of Captain Lewis wanting to keep Erik close in his career file. What leader wouldn't want Erik as a feather in their cap?

"This is my fiancé, Dr. Disa Abdullah-Woods."

Disa blinked rapidly. The warmth of Erik's arm around her waist expanded when he pulled her in tighter to his hip.

"You all have a stellar young officer here. We expect exciting things from him. You should all be proud. I have my eye on you, Officer Stevens."

There were other words said, but Disa didn't remember them. She stood there, rigid and confused.

"You're marrying a hell of a soldier, Dr. Abdullah-Woods."

Disa caught the rays of sunlight that indicated the exit door and Erik pulled her out of the building with her robotic legs. Sunlight touched her eyes and Disa faced Erik.

"Fiance?" she gasped.

And Lord Jesus, that man was fishing something out of his pocket and dropping on one knee.

"Will you marry me, Disa?"

His eyes had her spellbound. The trickster brown eyes that fanboy Erik once had for her morphed into a steady hand that reached out toward her with an expensive diamond ring. Was this real life? Instead of saying yes, she started crying, bursting into grateful tears that he misread as a no. His eyes widened with uncertainty and she dropped to the grass in front of him and threw her arms around his neck.

"I'll marry you!' she shrieked.

Shavonne started jumping around before she pulled out her cell phone to document the event. Bakari stood there with a broad grin on his face. Erik pulled the ring out of the box and placed it on her ring finger. He cradled her face and kissed her, a deep kiss with their tongues dancing with an eager reunion. Erik lifted her up, and she had to brush away the tears that kept springing out of her eyes.

"Had me going for a minute, Ma. Thought you were about to give me a negative," Erik joked.

She dropped her face onto his shoulder and tried to calm her breathing, which had become erratic.

"I love you. I want you for my wife. I'm going to work hard and make a life for us that will make you proud of me," he whispered in her ear.

"I'm proud of you already," she said with shuddery breath.

"Don't mess up your make-up, baby,"

"I don't care," she quipped.

"I couldn't wait to ask you. I was going to do it before I left, but I wanted you to miss me first," he teased.

She slapped his shoulders, and he kissed her nose and then her cheek.

"You'll really be my wife?"


"All mine?"


Disa had no idea what they ate for the graduation dinner while surrounded by other officers and enlisted men. It might've been dry chicken. Burnt steak. Pasta. She kept staring at her ring finger and admiring her new engagement ring. Dying to call her mother and her girlfriends, she leaned into Erik and sniffed his cologne while occasionally kissing his cheek.

Bakari accompanied Erik to go retrieve his duffle bags, and Shavonne took pictures of Disa cheesing with the ring. She sent out a mass message to her close friends after speaking to her mother and Erik's grandfather. Her phone blew up then. She put out another message that she was busy with her fiancé and would get back to everyone when they returned from Brazil. Getting the ring and going away already felt like they were married. Sao Paulo was like a honeymoon now. She accepted one person-to-person call from Marisol who was thrilled to death.

"We will have an engagement party for you! Oh! Isso é incrível! How soon will you be married?"

"Not for a few years. Erik wants to get his career established and I want to work too. Hopefully, within the year, I can find a gig."


"Why what?"

"Why work? Let JaJa take care of you. He has plenty of money. You can kick back and let him spoil you."

"His pockets aren't that deep, Marisol—"

The laughter over the phone surprised her.

"Oh, I get it. He's pretending to be a pauper," Marisol said.

"I know he's a Prince, but his country is not rich and that side of his family doesn't even fuck with him."

"He never told you about Tony Stark?"

"I've met Tony. Erik only worked a year for him."

"Have JaJa tell you how he's able to sit on stacks."



Disa took a deep breath.


"JaJa never has to work again if he doesn't want to."

"Should you be telling all his business like this, Marisol?"

"Why not? You're family now."

Disa glanced around to see if Erik or Bakari were back. Shavonne stood away from her on another call to Serah.

"How did he get the money from Tony?"

Disa reasoned it would be better to hear it from Marisol rather than question Erik. He might think she was marrying him for his money.

"JaJa is a card shark. Do you know what that is?" Marisol asked.

"I do."

"When he was a boy, his cousin Junie back in Oakland taught him how to play. He went up against high rollers there and down here. Back then, he had to hustle money to survive with a lot of gangsters. JaJa was a bad boy. He went to jail too—"

"Ohmigod, Marisol... this is a lot."

"I can't believe he never told you all of this. You are so open-minded. I can't believe he'd be scared to tell you how wild he was... and still is—"

"Excuse me?"

"Tony Stark had him play poker with a Prince in New York. JaJa won and made Tony pay him for his skills. The man you are going to marry is a multi-millionaire."

Disa glimpsed Erik and Bakari strolling her way.

"I have to go, Marisol. Do not tell Erik that you told me all this."

"I won't. I'm going to plan your rooftop party now. Ciao, Disa!"

She slipped her cell into her purse as Erik approached, carrying one of his bags. His fingers threaded with her ring finger and he tugged her in close for another kiss.

"Who were you talking to?"

"I was sharing the news with Marisol. She's throwing us an engagement party."

"Our family needs good times again."

He tossed his bag in the car's trunk as Bakari did the same with his other duffle.

"Need me to drive, Unc?" Erik asked.

"No, you get in the back with wifey and I will chauffeur you two on a guided road tour."

"You do the first three hours and I'll do the rest," Erik said.

He opened the backseat door for her and made sure she didn't hit her head as he helped her step inside. He practically skipped to the other side of the car to join her. Slamming the car door, he flung his arm around her.

"Hurry! Let's bounce. I want this place in the back of my head!" he shouted.

Bakari started up the car, and two seconds later Erik's lips were crashing over hers.

"Don't get too wild back there now," Bakari joked.

Twenty minutes into the ride, they drove to a large gas station. Bakari pulled into the full-service aisle.

"Going to use the restroom and load us up with some road snacks," Shavonne said

The older couple left them alone.

Finally. A quiet moment for them.

Erik unfastened his seat belt, and she did too. He glanced to peek out of the window.

"It's crowded in there. They'll be yoked up for a minute," he said.

He sat back and stared at her. She stroked his face, and he kissed her fingers.

"I can't wait to get you in a bed and make love to you all night like a real husband, baby," he said.

She grew bashful suddenly. The intense heat in his face made her giddy, like she was drunk on something strong.

"I want to make you so happy, Disa. I can't put into words how you make me feel knowing you are with me... I mean really with me."

He cradled her neck and drew her in close.

"Give me five years. Five years to train and master this life and then we can set a date. You decide when and where and we'll become husband and wife legally."

She nodded, and a single tear ran down her face.

"Why are you crying again?"

He thumbed away her tear. She shrugged her shoulders, unsure of the water pressing out from her lids.

"You are my wife. The moment you said yes made it true for me. Remember that."

His lips ghosted over hers. He took in her scent and stroked her hair, which was in a high ponytail.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

He lowered his lips to the seam of hers, and she opened for him. His tongue was gentle as it probed her mouth and soon, they were smacking their lips together. He kept his hand on her face as she gave into wet kisses. His fleshy lips overpowered hers as they both realized that six weeks were way too long to be apart. The dark blue uniform he wore became an extra aphrodisiac as she kept clutching onto the lapels of his jacket. His sex appeal went through the roof in uniform. Every few seconds, they had to come up for air and Erik would nuzzle her ear.

"I can't wait to get in your pussy, baby."

Disa gasped. He was already playing unfairly. It was going to take at least eight hours to get to D.C. He was heating up her pussy, knowing they couldn't do anything while with his aunt and uncle. They were just supposed to kiss and make googly eyes. Her pussy did acrobatics in her soaked panties. She pulled back from him to save the torture-fest he was trying to put her through. He reached a hand around her ass and squeezed her plump rump.

"Give me some more," he said.

His voice was husky and low in his throat. She tried turning her face away to keep them chaste and calm, but the strength in his arm refuted that notion. He forced her to look up at him. His eyes had narrowed with lust. She gazed at him with the same fire.

"Ooh, I know that look," he said.

His lips took command of hers again. A gas station attendant finally arrived to pump their gas. The windows were tinted, so he couldn't see much of anything. Erik reached his hand down the front of her dress to feel on her breast. He unfastened the two top buttons of her blazer dress to give his hand room to maneuver under her bra.

"Erik, we can't."

"Yes, we can."

He shoved her large cup aside and popped a titty out like it was nothing. Plucking at her nipple, he latched onto her lips again and fondled her breast. Her legs became jello as he tongued her down. He groaned into her wet mouth and licked her lips before sucking her tongue.

"That pussy creamy for me yet?" he asked.

She whimpered into his mouth before he dropped his head down to suck on her nipple. Her eyes darted around for his family. They were still stuck inside the crowded convenience store.

"Ahh, baby, my dick is so hard. Feel it."

He grabbed her hand and placed it on the steel rod that poked out of his uniform. She gave it a few squeezes to test his declaration. She felt sorry for her walls already.

"Play with my dick," he demanded.

The tip of his index finger drew lazy circles around her stiff nipple while her hand fondled his stiff erection.

"Being all disrespectful to a man in uniform, " he said before swallowing her nipple between his lips.

Erik's teeth grazed around her areola, then he teased her nipple with sharp bites. She missed his gold slugs, and the thought of them made her pussy clench. The rest of her body trembled with his closeness and her head fell back.

"We need to stop, Erik... please."

"Nah, stroke this dick. You like it all stiff in your hand. Especially while I'm dressed like this. You like being nasty with a soldier, huh?"

Her mouth went lax, and she tugged on her bra cup to cover herself up. He slapped her hand away.


The rough tone in his throat made her hand freeze.

His lips poked out. She had stoked the flames of that other Erik. The one who didn't play when it came to her body or what he wanted from it. He unfastened the metal clasps in the front of her designer bra, releasing both breasts. She overflowed with so much abundance that it weakened him. Disa took advantage of his fuck up. She held up her breasts for him.

"Hurry up and suck on these titties, you spoiled brat," she ordered.

His eyes looked watery. He latched onto a nipple and fumbled under her dress. Without stockings on, he could find the heat of her covered vulva easily. She slapped his hand.

"Don't," she hissed.

Her pussy throbbed just to have his fingers trailing the outline of her sticky folds. But she wanted to give him a taste of his actions, too.

"Lemme play in my pussy, Disa."

There was a growl there. He was losing control.

"Sending a nigga pictures of it all the time, shit," he snarled, shoving her panties to the side.

His thick fingers sank into the creamy mess her pussy had become.

"Fuck," he moaned, "pussy clenching on my fingers already."

He traced around the swollen inner lips that plumped up even more with his gentle touches. She reached over and rubbed on his dick. He sucked on her nipples and slipped two fingers in and out of her ready slit. Her thighs opened wider for him and he sank his digits in deeper.

"Keeping Daddy's pussy so nasty, Disa!"

His hips wiggled as she stroked his erection harder. He lifted his face from her chest so he could kiss her. She allowed it and their lips melded together, each tongue exploring the other's wet, greedy mouth. Releasing her tongue to pant and groan, he stuffed his face in the valley of her tits, then stared up at her from her breasts with a big nipple gripped between his teeth. His fingers sat enveloped inside her walls.

"Fuckkk! Disa, you're making me nut... oh... shit... you're being a good wifey to me. I'm nuttin' all in my pants!"

Her own release took over then, and her orgasm flowed over his snug fingers and throbbed around them. He stretched his mouth around her breast to keep his cries of pleasure between them, but she shoved him back and fumbled with her pillowy mounds to stuff them back into their cups.

"I see them!" she shouted.

There was nothing Erik could do about his soaked military pants, but she put herself back together quickly. He licked his fingers.

"Good pussy," he said.

Bakari and Shavonne hopped back in the car.

"Chips?" Shavonne asked.

She handed Disa a bag of Doritos as Bakari started the car.

"Sorry it took so long. Lines were crazy. This is a popular load-up spot before folks make long road trips. That's what the cashier said when I asked about all these people," Bakari said.

Disa opened her chips and snacked. Erik took a bag of plain Lay's potato chips. They both stuffed their faces to keep themselves from bursting out with laughter. Eventually, he leaned against her, threw an arm around her waist, and fell into a deep sleep.

With cum all in his pants.

Disa chuckled to herself and stared out of the car window. They would fly out of the country soon on a new adventure. She couldn't wait.

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