His Beauty & Her Beast

By CrimsonKnight-

202K 4.4K 369

Legend says a beast like no other was sent from the depths of the underworld to conquer and destroy all life... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 18

3.5K 100 3
By CrimsonKnight-

The fairies then continued to prepare me as they started to bathe me right in front of him as I attempted to cover myself up. I began to cry as they then wrapped me in a towel. Never in my life had I felt so humiliated and exposed.

Hades began to pick out my dress, and lingerie along with my hair style, heels, jewelry and makeup. He chose a long flowy white dress that shined in the light with a set of white corset lingerie and tights along with white glossy heels. They then proceeded to do a half up and half down hair style as they curled the ends leaving two single strands to frame my face as they then put light makeup with a bright red lip that made me feel like a toy.

"Now my angel for the finishing touches" he spoke as I had not looked at him. I suddenly hear a clink sound as my eyes widened he had put a collar on me with a chain to insure he would keep me within range. "No please" I said as I tried to pull it off but only for my hands to get burned when I touched it. I winced as I looked at him in horror. "What is this?"

"It won't hurt when it's around your neck but if you touch it, it will hurt you. But you don't recognize it? It's forged from the same metal that was once intended to kill your little mate. You won't be seeing him around here knowing his history. He would die if he stepped here since he was created in the depths of the underworld." He smirks as he tugged me roughly towards him.

"What do you mean?" I spoke but before he could continue the doors opened as we seen some guards tell us it's time for the ball.

As we walked I felt everyone's eyes on me as I let my head down Hades then said a speech to the king's people as some began to drink wine or what appeared to be blood. "Would you like a taste?" Hades brought a dark glass of blood near my lips before I moved my head away rejecting his offer. He then tugged the chain as I nearly fall.

He then whispered in my ear as I felt fear roll over me. "Obey me or I'll insure you'll suffer" he spoke violently.

He sat on his thrown as the people mingled, I sat on the floor like a pet chained as he forced me to feed him grapes. He tugged on my chains as he pulled me closer kissing my arm pulling me closer to him in front of all these people. I then realized some men and woman began to look at me lustfully, "Why don't we show them that perfect body of yours and give them a show" he whispered into my ears causing me to violently thrash in his arms. His evil laugh was loud and sinister. I looked into a crowd hoping for some hope of escape, but I then began to feel my dress being torn as I immediately knee him in his stomach as I tried to run before, he grabbed the chain and violently slams me to the floor. I let out a gasp as I screamed, he then laughed once more as I opened my eyes to look at him they grew wider. He held a whip in his hand before taking the back of my dress off I let out a scream as he began whipping me.

People laughed while others became aroused. I let out another scream just before a loud growl was heard causing many to scream and run. "Took you long enough" Hades chuckles as he tugs on the chain around my neck once more before a bolt of lightning strikes the chain shattering it causing Hades hand to burn, he remains composed as he grins.

A growl was once more rippled through the air.

He's here.

Leonardo's P.O.V


"I'LL KILL YOU" I roared as he immediately vanished into blue flames I smash the ground with my fits breaking it like glass. I breath heavily as my anger boils inside me. I then feel a light tap on my shoulder from behind I growl and whipped my head to who dares touch me. It was Fiona she immediately jumps as she backs away slightly. "Anger and chaos isn't going to get her back now follow me" she spoke sternly.

-in Fiona's castle-

"you're the only one who has ever escaped Hades how did you do it?" she said with a straight face wanting answers. "I ripped out Hade's heart" of course you cant kill Hades he took centuries to revive...

Fiona looked stunned "Y-you what... h-how?" she looked alarmed "with him weak I was then able to create a portal and escape" I said as I now know going back in wont be so easy. "Time moves differently in the underworld so will have to move fast was could be hours here could be days there..." Elaine must have thought I wouldn't come for her... I release a low growl as I become more angry.

"Will have to find a plan to open a portal to safely get you both in and out... I'll have to talk to the kingdoms to use their magic but who knows how long it could take..." she said worried

"No it will take too long it has to be done now" in rage I begin to summon a portal to Hades. "If you do that you might get stuck there!" She spoke as I growl seeing the portal open with ease...Hades is no fool.. he allowed me to open a portal... Elaine I'm coming for you

*Flash Back Over*

There I saw Elaine chained and wearing torn clothes her screams filled my ears as my rage grew unbearable a deathly growl was released causing some to run in horror. Summoning a bolt of lightning and striking the chain I see Hades smirk at me.

"ah, my old friend welcome to the party I'm glad you could make it" he said as I was suddenly in front of him holding his neck tightly. His eyes held a bit of fear but he covers it as he escapes into black dust I turn to see him sitting with one leg over the other with a cup of red wine in his hand.

"How about for a little story princess? Long ago when the world was at war. The gods decided to create a weapon to stop the war but little did they know I had intended for that weapon to be mine! so I tainted their weapon turning it dark using just a bit of the darkest ancient magic when he won the war I was supposed to be king but... he ruled, so I decided to trap him in the deepest part of hell, where to my surprise he only grew stronger, and since ripping out my heart I have plotted my revenge that's where you came along for me to hurt the one thing he loves most. I'll insure her a slow and painful death... I have already done something" he spoke as I paid no attention to up until the last part.

I let out a growl as I glare at him but immediately go to Elaine and help her sit up "Are you ok what has he done to you" I whisper to her as her sad eyes stare into mine. she gives me a sad smile as she turns weakly revealing her back where her beautiful wings once where my eyes widened turning black immediately. Slow and dangerously I transformed into my beastly form, I let out a rippling growl as I slowly turn my head to Hades, he was in a blaze of joy as I took off my cloak, covering Elaine's frail body.

"Time to take back my power" he said as his hands flamed with blue blazed lava. He threw them one after another as I dodged as I continued to walk toward him. Black flames radiated off my body as I huffed and puffed growling.

He continued to use his powers trying to hit me until I vanished and reappeared in front of him. We then began hand on hand combat using rays of our magic into our hands one hit could rip the flesh of the other causing excruciating pain. His hands glow rays of blue as mine were black, the fighting continued as he throws a punch I grab his arm sending him flying through the wall I immediately flew to him as I smash my foot into his stomach sending him flying once more, he lands near the sea of lava and souls. The souls then try to grab him hoping to devour his flesh, his eyes turn red as the hell soldiers began to use a whip to send them back. He looks back to me and notices I had vanished, I then grab his neck appearing in front of him he then begins to choke as I squeeze hard he then smirks as I feel my breath hitch, his hand now ripping my shoulder my grip loses before retightening.

"It hurts doesn't it" he spoke as my blood gushed out. "You're fighting a god what do you expect..." chains then flew around my body as he casts a spell causing my eyes to darken...

"I have waited long for this... you will finally become my weapon and take on all who defy me" using his magic he seals me, no longer feeling myself conscious in my own body. I hear Elaine screams before I'm swallowed into my subconscious.

Hades P.O.V

After centuries of waiting. I turn to Elaine as I smirk at her as her once mate now transformed into an even more terrifying creature he had chains around his ankles, neck and wrists "His true form" his eyes glow red with power. I snap my fingers now having all three of us standing at the gates of hell where the gods who banished me sat on their high and mighty thrones were. This door would never open no matter what I had done. I will finally take my place as king. The power I will wield will be unfathomable. I raise my hand as my army roars as the beast grabs the door it began to glow as he uses his power to grab it we all feel his strength and begin being pushed back by his sheer power. I stand tall as I watch slowly the cracks of the door begin to grow larger and larger. I let out a evil laugh as the door breaks.

Scream from the other side begin to fill my ears as their guards begin to hurry. "TO ARMS" I yell as my army begins to run past us I look to my little angel. "Now, as for you can stand by my side as queen and rule or I can kill you where you stand your choice" Her eyes never left the beasts. "W-what have you done to him" she cried out as I smirk. "He is no longer the man you once knew he's a weapon now as he was meant to be... now your choice my dear" she moves away from me before I growl.

"I'll give you some time I must go conquer the thrown of the gods" I let out an evil laugh as I walked maliciously towards the Gates of the gods.

"it's finally time to show them hell"

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