My Teacher (gxg)

By sparkler37

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please comment or vote :) Brooklynn is just starting her senior year of high school. She has taking an admira... More



601 9 3
By sparkler37

Now it's Sunday morning. I really enjoyed my weekend with Parker. He actually saw me, so maybe my comment about Andrew got to him. Hell, I don't care. But I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my time with Brooklynn. She is beautiful and makes me feel deserving and wanted. I never got to text her back after Friday night, but I'm pretty sure she understands.

"Good Morning Sunshine," Parker kisses me softly as I open my eyes. "Morning," I replied back with my groggy morning voice. "I need to get up and get a shower and then we can talk about the boys." I really needed to wash my hair and my body. I had just laid in bed most of the weekend, and did some hard working with Parker. "Alright, I'll meet you in there," he said with a wink." He walked out of the room and disappeared into the kitchen.

If I was actually honest with myself I don't know if I enjoyed my weekend with Parker because I was with him or because everything we had sex I imagined Brooklynn. That girl is always on my mind.

I got up and got into the shower. I let the hot water run over my hair and down my back. As I washed my hair, I could smell the lovely strawberries and it brought me right back to Brooke. She had like my strawberry hair. A wide smile formed across my face and I couldn't get it to go away. I rinsed my hair and as I turned around to wet my face I felt a warm presence behind me. Parker.

He was hard. I felt him against the small of my back as he pulled me back against him, as he rested on the wall. His hands wrapped around my neck as his kisses ran down my cheek. "Mmmm Parker," my moans made his hands run down over my nipples and squeeze my breasts and my head flip back. fuck. "I love you Raelynn." He pinches my nipple between his fingers as his other hand moves in between my legs. His fingers spread my lips, circling my clit. "Uuuuuhhh Parker." My chest rises with every deep breath he causes me to take. I raise my arm around to grab his dick. I slowly stroke and he circles my clit faster. I close my eyes and see Brooke. She's looking at me with her beautiful dominating eyes "Mmmm babe, I'm gonna cum."

"Cum for me baby," he says. I continue to stroke his dick and, shortly after, feel his ejacualtion on my back just as I cum. I turn around and kiss him as he picks me up and slaps my ass. I like it when he slaps my ass, the pain and the excitement that runs through my body is such a turn on. He rubs his duck against my already sensitive clit. "Ooooo," I cum again and he walks us back into the water to wash off.


"Do you want me to pick up the boys?" I ask Parker as he sits eating cereal. "No, I'll pick them up and take them to lunch so you can relax, if you want to." "Works for me. I'll probably just go out and run a couple errands." He placed his bowl in the sink and grabbed his coat. "See you later, my love," he says, giving me a kiss on my forehead and heading out the door.


Brooke's POV
It's finally Sunday night and I totally forgot I had homework. Mrs. Sumner still never texted me back. Which I guess is fine, I'm learning she has another life and it doesn't revolve around me. It's only like 6pm so I decide to cook myself some dinner. I pop in my earbuds and hit play. A new song comes on, Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk.

I relate the song to me and Mrs. Sumner. The song starts out with someone just meeting someone new and they were having a bad day. But then the other person (mrs. sumner) sees them for who they are and everything for them is now better. "fall into me and i'll catch you darling. we'll dance in the street like nobody's watching." I imagine us doing that and dancing in the street late at night under traffic lights as they go green and red and we have no other cares in the world. I would love to dance in the street with her. To be alone with her and laugh and have a good time; To bond together. Another part is "I'm drunk on your voice, high on the moment". I love listening to her talk. Her voice isn't too high, but it's cute, especially when she cracks a joke. Honestly, I want her, so bad. The song says "Until I had met you, There was no sun in my sky" Mrs. Sumner is my sunshine, ever since I met her.

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