Family comes first- Kailani A...

By awkwardteen4ev

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Koda is one of WWE's best wrestlers in its history. She is athletic, charismatic and just an overall badass... More

Meet Kalani


444 8 0
By awkwardteen4ev

(Her outfit is above)

It's the day of the family barbecue and I'm driving to my parents house. My phone buzzes and a message from Noa pops up.

*"Hey Kal. I have a today and tomorrow off so I was wondering if your in town, would you want to meet up?"*

Awww. Once I pull up to my parents house, I pick up my phone and reply to him.

*"Yeah that would be amazing. I can't today because I have a family thing but you could always come to my place for lunch tomorrow??"*

*"That sounds amazing. I'll be there around 1:00."*

*"See you tomorrow🥰"*

Aaaah ok so that's happening. Are things getting serious between us? I kinda hope they are but at the same time after the shit show known as my last boyfriend I kinda have a almost fear of having another one. Oh well. I guess that's a problem for later cause I've just realised I've been sat in my car infront of my parents house for 20 minutes.

I climb out and lock my car before walking to the front door. As it is my parents house, I just walk on in and hear a bunch of noises coming from the kitchen and garden. Well, it seems I am amongst the last ones to get here. Oops. Walking into the kitchen, I see my mom and aunts in the kitchen preparing some of the food.

"Hello." I say walking up to my mom and hugging her.

"Hey baby. What took you so long to get here? Your normally here earlier." She asks me.

"Well I woke up later then I meant to and there was a bunch of traffic." I say lying a little bit. I did wake up like an hour late but there was next to no traffic. My mom seems to believe me because she nods her head and goes back to cutting vegetables. I walk out into the garden to see the rest of the family. Today is gonna be so fun.

-----------------------------time skip------------------------------

It's early evening and all the food has been ate and we are all just sitting around while the kids play or rest.

"So Kali, what's been happening with you?" Dwayne asks from where he's sat. From the corner of my eye I see Trin giving me a look that says something like 'she's been hanging out with a boy none of you know about'.

"Well nothing much. Mainly been focusing on work." I say sipping my tea.

"That's all good baby but when are you gonna get a boyfriend? You should find someone who makes you happy." Mom says with the mom look. Really? Why has she gotta bring that up?! It makes me feel kinda bad that I am not telling them about Noa. Out of no where, the voice of my niece comes from behind me. Saying the one sentence I do not want to hear.

"But she does have a boyfriend Nana."

Everyone heard her. Everyone looked at me with a mix of emotions on their faces. Shock. Joy. Minor anger. Trin, Jon and Joe all look slightly scared as they already knew about it all.

"You what?" Dad says at the exact same time mom says "You have a boyfriend?" Time to try and escape this conversation.

"Oh...umm......well. Not my boyfriend...but we have met up for coffee and been texting and talking on the phone for a very small period." You could hear the fear in my voice as I try to give them as little info as possible.

"You said to daddy after Jon told him that you told Trin you had something called a 'one night stand. What is that?" My lovely niece speaks again. Well I'm going to die. My cousins and brother started laughing but my aunts, uncles and parents all looked, how should I put this, MURDEROUS.

"Why did you have a one night stand? You could've gotten pregnant with a strangers baby! Why would you talk about it infront of niece?! Why would you tell your brother?!" These are just a few of the questions thrown at me. How does one escape an uncomfortable situation while being stared at by a bunch of their family? Any ideas??

"I was drunk. I don't even remember it for god sake. Plus I am not stupid. I always bring protection. Now can we please stop talking about this?" I plead with my family.

"What's his name?" Dad asks slightly calm.

"Noa Samuela." I say.

"Oooh lovely Samoan boy." My aunt says clapping her hands.

"What does he do for a living?" Dad asks again in the same tone as before. Jesus I should of made a run for it as soon as Jojo told everyone.

"He was in a family company as an architect." I say practically near death from awkwardness.

"That's a cool job." Dwayne says.

"Ok no more questions please." I beg sinking even more into my chair.

"When can we meet him?" My mom asks. Aaaaaaah I thought I said no more questions.

"Mom we aren't even official yet. We are just hanging out. That is all." I say. I send a signal to my brother saying do something so I can leave. Luckily, the dumbass gets it.

"Ok. I think we better be getting off. It's past Jojo's bedtime." He says helping Galina up.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go to. Bye everyone." I say rushing out. I hear them all say bye as well.

Well that is not how I wanted then to find out about Noa.

Hope you all enjoyed.

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