Rich and Alone

By thewiseone12

271 10 0

Phoebe Evans has everything that any girl could even want. Her parents are rich and CEOs of some rich company... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

18 0 0
By thewiseone12

Phoebe's POV

Zoe was already in her seat with her writing piece in front of her when I walked into the English the next day.

"Hey, did you go to athletics day yesterday?" she asked

"Nope, I did other shit," I said using all my self-control not to yell at her.

I snap at pretty much everyone. I have a temper; everyone in my family does so Ryan calls it the Evan's Temper. My Father definitely has it, my Mother not so much and my sister took class to control it. I don't talk to many people so I don't really care and when I came talking it is usually to yell at them.

I can easily talk to Ryan without snapping but sometimes it all boils over and I do but he understands. My therapist that Mother forces me to go to tells me that it is a defence mechanism to shut everyone out but I think it is just because I can't be bother talking to anyone.

"I want you to each read one paragraph of your comparison. Phoebe how about you start?" Mr Johnson smiled at me.

Of course he picked me. All teachers hate me because I don't listen but easily pass the classes. I stood up the front and looked out at the class.

"I am paired with Zoe Edwards and it is pretty obvious that we are very different. The first thing that I compared was our answers to the question about what colour the sky is. She answered blue and I answered black. This immediately shows a difference in the way that we think. I see the darkness and she sees the light. I believe that this links into some of our other answers. She had more positive answers and I had more negative answers and that is reflected in our view of the sky," I said and sat down.

I dozed through the rest of the speakers. I didn't even listen to what Zoe had to say about our answers. I dozed through the rest of the day as well barely listening to anyone. Ryan was already in the car by the time I got out. He knew that I had had a bad day so he left it. The door was open to the house when we walked in and my Mother was sitting with her back to us at the bench.

She had her bleach blonde hair pulled into a bun. She had a navy jacket hanging over the seat back that matched the tight fitted skirt. She had a pale peach blouse and diamond earrings. When she turned around I saw a matching necklace hanging around her neck.

"Phoebe, how nice to see you again," she said in a clipped tone.

"I can't say the same for you," I snapped.

"I see you haven't got rid of Ryan like I said you should," she smirked at him.

My whole family hates Ryan except for me. All the maids and help around the place love him though because he is really nice.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I am going to one of the fancy dances with Margaret tonight and you are coming," she said and left.

The only time that time Mother ever wants anything to do with me is when there is a dance ball thing on. She gets me invited so that she can come and sometimes bring Margaret. It means that while my two bitchy relatives get to talk to people like them I have to pretend to be nice to people from my school that don't know who I am at these dances.

I only introduce myself as Phoebe and they don't quite have enough brain cells to put it together. There is one guy there that is kinda nice to me to me but this girlfriend is a complete bitch. I vaguely know of him at school but he still hasn't put it together who I am. Lots of the guys there are part of the track team because it makes them more popular and he is included in that lot.

Mother had laid out what she required for me to wear. It was a floor length pale pink colour. The top is mostly lace with gold in it. The skirt is relatively straight and made of silk and a slightly darker pink. She has placed 3 inch heeled shoes that match the skirt.

 I head into my bathroom and start to clean up. I leave my hair relatively simple. I pin the front bits back and the rest is hanging down to my waist. I apply minimal makeup before headed out to sit next to Ryan at the desk. He is puzzling over a piece of maths homework.

"The answer to 8 is c," I teased.

"I'm guessing that isn't what you are wearing," he smirked.

I was still wearing a tank shirt and shorts.

"No, I have to go in a minute so I'm just going to change," I said.

The dress fitted perfectly but I knew it would. Mother wouldn't buy something out of a shop; it will be perfectly fitted to me. I walk downstairs in the heels and see that Margaret and Mother. Margaret is in a black dress. It has a very low neckline that has silver gems around it. It only comes down to her knees and it hugs her curves.

Mother is in a navy dress with hot pink highlights. It has a low neckline as well with pink around it. It comes down to above her knees and waves of pink in it. Both were wearing 5 inch heels and we headed out to the car together.

Mother and Margaret disappeared to talk to some random people as soon as we walked in. Jordan came over and smiled. He is only person that even talks to me here.

"Hey, Phoebe," he smiled.

 "Hey Jordan, How's the girlfriend?" I asked.

"Horrible, if she wasn't so rich and pretty much blackmailing my parents to make sure that we are still dating I would have dumped her ages ago,' he moaned.

Speak of the devil. Olivia came over and dragged him away for the first dance.

I danced with a random assortment of guys that were only doing it to say that they danced with someone. The music stopped for a minute like it always does. They have a ten minute break for some reason. I get cornered my Olivia and her group of friends.

"I see you are slutting around with different guys there," she teased.

"Including your boyfriend," I smirked.

"You bitch. Do you know who I am?" she snapped.

"And do you know I am?" I repeated.

"This isn't the Phoebe show. You are a pain in my ass and I know you are hooking up with my boyfriend," she snapped.

"Olivia, we aren't hooking up," Jordan said from behind me.

"Of course you are here. The only time you talk to me around your girlfriend is when you have to defend yourself," I snapped.

"Go be a whore somewhere else," Olivia smirked.

"If this is what I get for trying to be nice?" I sighed and headed for the door.

Two guards where blocking my way out. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at both of them. It only took a couple of seconds before they opened the door. It was closing behind me when I heard my name being called. I spun around but it was around driver Michael.

Michael is one of the nicest people we have helping us. He is always friendly and he picks Ryan up as well even though Mother has told him not to. He doesn't if he knows that any of my family is at home which is once in a blue moon. He still won't let me drive though.

I ignored him tonight though. He won't take it personally. I know that he is chasing me because Mother wants me to come back inside and stay for the end of the dance ball thing which is in 2 hours. There is no way I am staying with those bitches for another 2 hours. I pulled my shoes of and ran down the path and out onto the main road. It is a ten minute walk home which I enjoy the peace.

Ryan is still in my room when I return.

"I wasn't expecting you for another few hours," he said smiling.

"I ran, Mother won't be pleased though," I said pulling the dress off and swapping it for more comfortable clothes.

 Zoe's POV

I floated around with Olivia for most of the dance. I didn't have the courage to go and talk to Zoe so I stayed with Olivia and her friends. I realised what Felicity and Alex said is right. They are really bitchy and I don't think that they really care for me that much.

I didn't really want to come. I love dances but I don't know anyone here so I wanted to wait until I knew at least one person here. I recognise a few guys from the track and field team but I don't know them except for their names.

Mom told me that I should go and so did Dad. Even though I'm not happy with either of them at the moment I still went. I was listening to Phoebe's spat with Olivia and I noticed that someone ran after her, probably a servant or something like that. We aren't a really rich family but my Dad works for some rich CEO and he wanted me to be introduced into this so we got invited.

"Are you enjoying this?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah," I said vaguely.

I was busy thinking about Phoebe. I'm guessing that she didn't want to come as she doesn't seem like the person that would. The dress was a nice looking dress and fitted her shape but it didn't suit her so I'm guessing someone picked it out for her and she didn't try it on then. I wanted to know why she even came.

The rest of the evening passed quickly. Soon enough Mom was taking me home again. I had trouble sleep. There was something about Phoebe that I wanted to know but I knew she wouldn't tell me


Sorry for the slow updates but I think most of them will be slow at the moment.

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The Wise One


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