The Devil's Salvation

By Shadetom00

54 15 15

Suddenly he came back and demanded I marry Hunter; the jawdropping manwhore ceo More

Not An Update
An Explanation

2- daddy issues

11 5 1
By Shadetom00


I stared at her retreating figure in curiosity wondering what someone like her would be doing outside by this hour. I have always seen her around and admired her beauty; I've had my private investigator give me her details and I know her name is Talitha, what a rare name. Its just so sad that I'm not capable of love. Then  suddenly, my ringtone pulled me out of my thoughts; Its dad. Why should he be calling me?

"Father." I said with irritation in my voice.

"Hunter how dare you, how dare you fire my most trusted production manager? Who do you think you are, you're such...." He roared with anger but I had to cut him short, he was getting to far with words.

"Although I owe no one any form of explanation, I have to set things straight. 1. I am the CEO of Ives corps and you have no right to tell me how to treat my members of st..."

"I gave you that position so you have to follow my orders or else you'll have yourself to blame! You ungrateful son." He fumed cutting me short.

Damn!!!! Seems like interrupting runs in the blood.

"I do not appreciate being interrupted and for the notice, that company is mine and I do not freaking care how I got it. And if you're really interested, I fired MR. Sean because of his disloyalty and incompetence. Let this be the last time you'll call me and talk nonsense." I said angrily and cut off the call. Who does he think he is.....I think I know just the answer

An apology of a father and Human.

 Still trying to get over that phone call with my father, my phone rang again. I picked up the phone smiling at the name on the screen;

"Good Evening Mother!" I said with a smile tugging the corner of my lips. I love her more than anything.

"Hello son, how are you doing?" She sounded so excited. She's always like that when talking to me.

"I'm good, just had a little misunderstanding with your husband." It felt good when I referred to him as her husband instead of my father. I don't even think that bastard is capable of any human feelings except for the love he has for mum. I know for a fact that he loves her but why cant he love me the same way? Well that's a discussion for another time. 

"come on, don't be like that, he loves you and only wants the best for you" She said over the phone. She hates it when I refer to him like that

"Mom please don't say that, the man obviously hates me." I couldn't help but think my father hates me.

"Your father loves you and you know it but that is not the reason I called you Hunter." She said sounding more serious. 

Is something wrong? she never calls my name with so much seriousness attached to it. "What is it mom?" I asked nonchalantly, masking my worries.

" Son... don't you think it's high time I go dress shopping with my daughter- in-law." She sounded more serious.

I nearly choked on my spit. I actually can't believe this is what mom called to talk to me about. I thought I already made my opinion on this matter clear earlier on.

"Mom I need you to come to terms with the fact that I'm never getting married and when I'm ready for a child that would later become the heir to the company, I'll go into surrogacy." I dropped the bomb on her thinking she'll explode over the phone but.........there is this uncomfortable silence that pierces from her side of the phone call to mine. "Mom, are you still there?" I asked trying to get a hold of her but then I heard continuous sniffles

"Mom... are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" I asked worriedly

" could do this to, to your family? You know I've always wanted a daughter and since I couldn't bear one, I put all my hopes in you to get married in order for me to feel the joy of having a daughter" she paused " But here you are telling me that you're not getting married but going into surrogacy. There goes my dreams of ever having a daughter disappear before my very own eyes; I've never been this disappointed in you Hunter. I don't think I would like to continue this conversation" She said with her voice filled with disappointment.

"Mom, please stop making me feel guilty I...." I tried to make her see reasons with me but the line goes dead. Mom has never spoken to me this way before, I guess she's really disappointed and I don't feel good about it.

"Are you ready to leave sir?" Gary called out to me. He's my driver.

"Of course Gary, to the penthouse" I replied.

The journey to the penthouse was quite awkward.

 I've never heard a silence so loud. Throughout the journey various questions kept running through my mind.

Why is my father such a stumbling block in my life.

Would my mother ever look at me the same way again?


I dragged my feet slowly, dreading home.

As soon as came close to the house, I saw mum and Tiff {It's actually Tiffany but I'll settle for Tiff} on the porch. I smiled as I approached them

"What took you so long, did you forget that you're meant to sort out dinner?" Tiff glared making me flinch.

"Tiff, you don't get to talk to your sister that way. She is trying for us." Mum intervened. If only she knew I just lost our only hope of survival. "Hey baby, how was work, did you have another long shift" She smiled with a bit of concern.

"I lost the job." I blurted out. Mum and Tiff both looked like their jaws had fallen. Mum tried to speak but I think she was at loss for words and Tiff just stared at me with her eyes clouded with unreadable emotions. "He wanted me to be his fuck-buddy and I told him no." They probably should see reasons with me now.


Hey guys.

So here you have it, the second chapter.

Please do not forget to leave a comment on your opinion, it would really go a long way.



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