
بواسطة exemo6969

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Oneshots. ~ The man was fucking whipped. What could he say? ~ STARTED: FEB 2022 ENDED: N/A TRIGGER WARNINGS A... المزيد

Birds | Angst

Whipped Without Whips | Smut

69 3 62
بواسطة exemo6969

A/N: i live for chubby sapnap stop writing him like a twink or a hunk, give my man some MEAT on his bones. a bit of this is not gramatically correct but its literally fucking porn so i dont want to hear jt fuck you !!! i skimmed over this for like 30 seconds after i wrote it its not very good but it gets a point across enjoy (or dont idc this is for me not you)


Nick wasn't all that picky when it came to sex. If it pleased his boy, he'd do it; that was pretty much his moral code anyway. That didn't mean he'd never ask for anything, though. Except Nick's way of asking for things didn't usually entail a simple, "Could you...?"

That's what Karl had soon come to figure out, and that's where he was now--with Nick lying on the ground at the skatepark, after he'd gone literally flying off his board, following a shitty attempt at a kickflip off the curved rails by the stairs that were absolutely not intended for shitty kickflips.

Karl was kneeling next to him, frowning as he groaned in pain, his cheeks and chin stinging profusely. There were small scrapes on his hands and knees, and sure, they hurt, but nothing beat face injuries given by cement.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Karl asked softly. Nick flashed a grin.

"Better than, sweetness," he giggled, reaching up to ruffle his hair. Karl frowned.

"You just ate shit on cement!" he fought, voice high pitched and full of concern. "You can't be better than okay! Wait. Are you fucking with me? You are. Crap, fuck I'm sorry. I'm so f-"

Nick clamped a hand over his mouth. "Baby, c'mere." Karl frowned behind his palm, leaning closer. Nick glanced around quick, eyeing the few others that were at the park, then grabbed Karl's hand with his own free one. "Honey," he smiled, resting Karl's hand just above his crotch, laughing more when Karl's eyes followed and widened. "I'm better than okay. Okay?"

Karl pulled away his hand, and then Nick's hand, huffing, bewildered. "But you- what?" His frown deepened, showing just in that how much he felt as though he'd missed some big inside joke. Nick sighed, holding onto Karl's shoulder to help him sit up.

"You missed nothing, dear," he said quietly, leaning down to kiss Karl's neck. The boy flushed pink. Nick snaked a hand over his tummy, onto his hip, making a slow attempt at the underside of his sweater. Karl shrieked and jumped up to his feet, leaving Nick with a shit-eating grin. He kicked Nick's thigh teasingly, a lighter harder than intended, and so Nick let out a strained whine. "Killin' me, babe..."

Somehow, he got redder. Nick used Karl's hip to help him stand, stumbling a little when he reached his full height. "You wanna get to the car and talk, bubs?" he asked, but it sounded somewhat demanding. Karl squeaked out an 'mhm,' bending down quick to grab his boyfriend's skateboard, then shuffled off to the car with the aforementioned following close behind.

When they'd eventually arrived and were seated, Karl in the driver's seat with his knuckles clenched to paleness on the wheel. "I'm- um- I don't- there were p- people, and-"

Nick cut him off with a series of gibberish sounds. "Shh. Honey, relax. Let's go home, yeah? We can talk about it there," he smiled, placing his hand on Karl's knee. The mentioned nodded, wiping his nose of nothing, and started the car.


About halfway home, when they'd gotten to the dirt and gravel roads, Nick had started to move his hand up to his thigh. It flustered Karl, but that was somewhat normal behavior for his boyfriend, so he payed it no mind, until he went further, further, stopping only when his palm rested on the mild bulge in his jeans. Karl yelped and smacked his hand, his face so red that Nick could feel the heat radiating off him. "Nicholas, I'm driv-"

"Do that again," Nick interrupted. Karl huffed.

"Do what again?" he asked meekly, afraid he already knew the answer.

"Hit me," Nick replied simpky. Karl frowned. "Harder this time, though. That was a pussy slap." His frown deepened.

"It was not..."

"No?" Nick questioned. "'Cause to me," he replaced his hand on his boy's upper, inner thigh again, "it sure felt like a weak little pussy slap."

Karl whined, feeling Nick's hot breath on his neck and smacking his hand again, barely any harder, so it didn't budge. Nick pouted. "Oh, baby. You can do better than that, can't you?" he mused, pressing his palm down a little harder.

Karl gasped and hit him again, a good one that left Nick's wrist stinging for a short while. Nick moved his hand down and grinned. "Aw, good boy," he smiled, lips curling further when he whined again.

Karl furrowed his eyebrows among pink skin, letting a weak huff escape his nostrils. He tensed his knuckles around the steering well, thanking god they lived only a mile or 2 away from the park.

He heard Nick giggle quietly, like he was up to something, and of course he was. He always was. Usually, that's what Karl loved about him, but right now he loved driving home safely.

"Nick, I-I'm- I need to get us ho-me- Nick," his voice cracked into breathy whines as his boyfriend returned his hand to his lap, squeezing his cock through his jeans before removing his hand entirely. He let out a quiet cackle and crossed his arms in confidence as they pulled up into the driveway.

Karl could only park haphazardly, but because it was his own private property, he couldn't bring himself to give any more than half of a fuck. He rushed out of the car and into the house, leaving the door open, welcoming.

From where he sat, Nick grinned, taking his sweet time in making his way up to their home.

Once he was finally inside, he cracked his back and sighed, clicking the door locked behind him. He scanned the room, the only recent trace of Karl found being an empty cup of water smacked down on the counter.

Unfortunately for him, Nick had never learned how to whistle. If he had, that's what he would be doing, as he strolled up the stairs to his and Karl's room, where the timid boy sat, cross-legged on fluffy bedding. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Nick knocked on the doorframe, releasing a nervous squeak. "U-um-"

Offering a warm smile, Nick came forward, bending down to press a kiss to Karl's forehead. "Hi, baby. How are you feeling?"

Karl gave a short groan, bowing his head. "How are you feeling? You- you ate shit on concrete, Nick, I-"

Hurriedly, Nick shushed him, laying himself down 130⁰ on the bed. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, princess," he said lowly, mocking, knowing Karl's distaste for the name. Just as the boy began to scrunch up his face, he was dragged into Nick's lap, gasping quietly as his partner groped every part of him. Thighs, hips, waist, ass, nothing between his knees and chest was left untouched.

"You're so pretty, baby," Nick said fondly, running a hand from his tummy to nearly his collarbone, bringing his shirt up in the meantime. "Pretty little whore for me, yeah?"

Karl whined. The shirt was discarded onto polished floors. Nick smiled and grabbed the thinner boy's hands, bringing them up to his scalp. "Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, though Karl was smart enough to know it wasn't a question.

Nevertheless, he nodded, blood rushing to the high and low parts of himself. "U-um- mmhm..."

Nick took his own hands into Karl's hair and tugged gently. "Can you do that for me, baby?"

Hesitantly, Karl did. Nick closed his eyes for a moment and hummed. "Again, honey. Harder, a lot harder."

"I- I- um- 're you sure..?" he frowned. Flickering his eyes open, Nick nodded.

"Would I tell you to do something I didn't want?" he questioned rhetorically. Karl bit his lip and pulled hard enough that Nick's head jerked back. He let out a deep and breathy moan, gripping Karl's waist. Immediately, the mentioned whimpered, letting go of his hair and pressing what had to be a million kisses all over his face.

Nick laughed quietly, pushing him away only slightly. "You did so good for me. You don't need to apologize, okay? I want it. I want the pain."

Karl had been pulled up to make eye contact with his other half. He scanned his eyes for any hint of a lie, and eventually nodded. "O-okay."

"Do me one more favor, love," Nick started, "the next time Mommy asks you to do something, don't question him. Okay?"

Letting out a pornographic moan at the use of his favorite honorific, Karl nodded quickly, burying his face into his chest. Nick smiled. "Good boy."

Another whimper. Nick sat up a bit and pulled his boy into a kiss, reaching a large hand down to unbutton his jeans. Karl bucked his hips up to ease the process, and once they were down to his thighs, he got up to pull them and his underwear down the rest of the way and threw them to the area where his shirt had landed. He quickly got up and onto Nick's lap again, where he found his cock had been pulled out of his jeans.

He went red, struggling to find a place to look between that and his eyes. Nick watched this fondly for a few moments, before finally intervening with a hand under Karl's chin. "Do you still have your plug in, my sweet boy?" he asked, a soft lull to his voice that made the other swoon. He nodded. "Words, dear."

"Um- yes- yes, M-Mommy.." he trailed off, no longer having the strength to make eye contact. Nick reached a hand behind him and trailed down until he felt cold metal against his fingertips, and tugged until it released with a loud whine from the boy on top of him. He set it aside on the nightstand to be cleaned and used later.

"You want Mommy to fuck you good and hard, KJ?" Nick smiled, leading two fingers up to his lips. Karl gasped and swallowed them almost hungrily, his only response being the airy sounds he was letting out. After they'd been deemed ready, Nick led his fingers out of Karl's mouth and spit in his palm a few times, wrapping it around his dick and sighing contently. He lubed himself up and then grabbed Karl's hips to bring him forward, easing him down slowly.

"Fuck," he cried out, "s-so big, oh god..."

Nick grabbed his ass and groaned. It was taking everything for him not to flip them over and fuck his boyfriend into the mattress, but that wouldn't work for the other things he had in store.

"That's it, honey," he breathed, "take Mommy's cock good, that's- f-uck!" He'd finally bottomed out, moaning loudly and squeezing his eyes shut. "God, fuck, so fucking tight..."

Karl waited patiently to be instructed to do anything. He needed to be a good boy, Mommy's good boy.

"Go ahead baby, be a good toy for me, okay?" Nick breathed, bucking his hips experimentally.

Karl whined high in his throat, tugging at Nick's shirt. "Mommy...off..." he requested timidly, making Nick smile. Antagonizingly slow, he peeled off his shirt, revealing bruises and scars hidden among stretch marks that travelled down under the fabric of his jeans alongside a thick happy trail.

"What do you say now, honey?"

Karl whimpered, closing and opening his fist on top of his stomach a few times. "Um- th-thank you..."

Curling his hands onto Karl's sides, Nick thrusted up into him, hard enough to punch out a loud moan. "Thatta boy," he breathed out gruffly.

Karl whined as he started to move his hips, doing whatever it took to please his boyfriend. It worked, he determined, because Nick grabbed his hips so hard he could feel bruises forming under his fingers.

Karl let out quite whines that Nick would have cooed over for hours if the boy wasn't suffocating his dick. He smacked his ass hard, a loud moan harmonizing with the resounding slap.

"Such a good- good boy for Mommy," Nick groaned, closing his eyes tight. "God fucking damn, kitty, you sound like a bitch in heat..."

Karl choked on a cry, forcing out broken wails of "Mommy, please!" and "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He newly considered the pet name a favorite.

With every buck of Nick's hips, Karl would respond with a following ah!, getting higher in pitch and much louder as they went on.

Karl didn't realized his eyes had fallen closed until he was startled by a hand on his throat, bringing him down into a bruising kiss. He whined, muffled by sharp teeth biting down onto his lips until they bled. He gasped in pain, but let Nick lick up the blood and kiss him even more.

Trying to articulatethe best he could, Nick panted,"So good for Mommy, you're my sweet boy. Would do an-nything for me, wouldn't you, baby?"

Karl, fucked practically dumb, could only nod, emitting a fucked out sob that would have been concerning to anyone else. "S-s'good M'mmy..y'r g'b-boy...pleas'..."

"Fuck," Nick cried, punching up his hips harder. "You look fucking wrecked, oh my god."

Karl only held ability to cry harder, grabbing onto Nick's chest and dragging his nails down to a soft stomach. He moaned high and breathy in his throat, releshing in the feel of skin nearly breaking.

"Shit, kitty, Mommy's close," he huffed, squeezing his ass. In the back of his mind, he hoped to see hand shaped bruises there in the morning.

"M-mm' aah, c-lo- close--!" Karl concured, forcing his eyes open to look down at Nick, flushed red and sweaty.

"Don't cum yet," he forced out, squeezing his hip to get his attention. Despite how upset the words made him, Karl complied with only a short whimper.

"O-okay, Mommy," he sniffled, rolling his hips a few times. "'Ll tr- try..."

Smiling, Nick tilted his head back. "Good boy," he said airily. "Mommy needs you to do something for him, oh, fuck, o-okay?"

Immediately, the other nodded. "An- anythin' f'r you.." he pushed out. Nick's smile grew wider.

"I need you to hit me, honey."

Eyes blowing wide, Karl slowed, but Nick grabbed his hips to guide him and make sure he kept his speed. He could see the cogs turning in head foggy head. It would have been cute if he wasn't so goddamn close.

"B-but- I don'- don't wanna hurt Mommy," he sniveled.

"Come here, baby," Nick grunted, bringing Karl's head down to his chest, slowing his hips just slightly. "You wanna make me feel good, yeah? Wanna be Mommy's good boy?"

Karl nodded, but tears welled up in his eyes. "U- uh-huh.."

"Good," he spoke softly, "then I need you to hit me as ha- hard, fuck-," he was cut off as Karl clenched around him, and squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, "as you can. With- with your fist closed. Can you do that for Mommy, kitty?"

Crying a little harder from the pleasure and the sweet words Nick blew into his ears, he nodded. "Can- can try, M'mmy," he muttered. Nick squeezed his ass.

"Thank you," a groan, "thank you, honey. Gonna be so good f- for me. Want you to do it as I cum, okay? Then I'll help you feel good."

Another nod, as Nick helped him sit back up, and they both picked up their pace. Watching his boyfriend's face contort with pleasure, Karl clenched his fist a few times, starting to attempt to work up the courage to do it. He wanted to be a good boy, Mommy's good boy, but he was nervous to hurt him. Though, he supposed, that was the point, wasn't it?

A few moments passed before Nick's low sounds got louder, grasping his waist tightly beneath calloused hands. "Oh, fuck, Karl, hit me, gonna fucking cum!"

Karl chewed on his already bloody lip, tasting metal in his mouth. He raised his fist, shifting quickly to get a better angle, and then swung.

As soon as he felt the impact, he closed his eyes tight, like he had done some horrible thing that would ban him to a life sentence in prison.

Of course, that wasn't the case. Instead, a shockingly loud moan seeped into his ears, and he opened his eyes to see Nick's rolling back into his head.

"Oh, bitch! Fuck! Thank you, fuck!" Strings of curses left his mouth. "Good fucking boy, fucking hit me again!"

Feeling a bit dizzy, Karl did it again, even harder this time. Nick's head flew to the right with the force, and he shut his eyes tight as a sob formed in his throat, almost choking on it. He forced Karl down harder on his cock as he reached the edge, crying out and fucking him through his orgasm. "Motherfucker! So good, Karl, fuck!"

Karl yelped quietly, falling forward a bit and catching himself on Nick's chest.

Eventually, Nick slowed his thrusts, and then came to a stop. "Oh, my god," he groaned. "I think I almost fucking blacked out...c'mere, bub."

Karl lifted himself up gently, flushing when Nick, of all people, whimpered. He sat on his knees beside him, watching as his eyes fluttered open to look up at him.

"How do you wanna cum, sweet boy? Or d'you want me to choose for you?"

Sniffling quietly, Karl averted his eyes. "W-w'nt Mommy to choose, p-pretty please."

"Such good manners," he gave a small smile, spitting into his hand and wrapping it around the boy's cock. "You close, kitty?"

Karl mewled and grabbed onto his tummy for support, bobbing his head quickly. "Yes, yes, Mommy, fuck, g'nna cum, please please please!"

"Go ahead, baby, cum for Mommy. Did so good, good little slut."

With that, Karl let go, digging his nails into the soft flesh and weeping as he came, bucking his hips up into his fist. "Please, fuck!"

When he was done, Nick removed his hand, reaching up towards his pretty boy's face. Obedient even without a verbal command, Karl licked it off, looking absolutely wrecked. Tousled hair nearly covered his eyes, tear stains covered his cheeks, and drool threatened to drip off swollen lips.

"Mommy's good boy," Nick repeated, haphazardly wiping his hand off on the sheets (they were gross enough as it is) and pulling Karl down into his arms. "You did so good, baby, thank you so fucking much. Think that was the hardest I've ever cum." He offered a quiet laugh. For a moment, they just laid there, perhaps a bit too long as Karl began to fall asleep. When Nick noticed he began to nod off, he poked his side, leaving a kiss at the top of his head.

"Up, honey, I need to clean us up, okay?" Even using the softest tone imaginable, Karl flinched, burying his face into the crook of his neck. Nick ran his fingers through soft brown hair, tilting his head up to look at him fondly.

"Can I go get a washcloth, kitty?" he asked quietly, hoping he would like the name outside of a sexual context. He certainly did, which was proved by the way his eyes went all glazey and his cheeks flushed pink.

Still, he shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "No- no, stay, please stay," he forced out, holding onto him tighter like he would run away.

Nick frowned, but complied, holding his boy closer. "Okay, honey," he smiled gently. Even though it would be harder to do, they could clean up in the morning.

Karl was pretty much already passed out, and it didn't take Nick long to follow that. He woke up the next day with a black eye and bruised nose, which Karl peppered with kisses (and apologized for about a million times).

Nick probably liked the look of it a bit too much, but in all fairness, he would like having two broken arms if it was Karl at fault. The man was fucking whipped. What could he say?

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