Bête noire

By H_Gold307

712 17 12

She has always hated him. He has always hated her too, he envies her. He wants to break her, to destroy her a... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1

163 3 0
By H_Gold307


In the middle of the night, I ran, my feet hurt, the high heels not helping the cause. I almost trip, on my wedding gown, the net tearing as it stuck under my pointed pencil heels. But, I did not fall. My arm was grabbed, and I faced my savior, who was also the one I ran from.

"Destined to be mine", he uttered with a smirk

"Sierra !" my mother's voice snapped me out of my nightmare.

"Yes, mom" I rub my eyes, trying to avoid the bright lights.

"Thank God, you are up. Get going now, or you'll be late again", she said.

I nod and stretch, getting out of bed. I rushed to the restroom to freshen up.

As, I washed my face, I recalled my dream.

Why did I dream this again? Some say dreams are the products of your desires. Others say, they represent your future in a way. But I do not desire him. I don't even think about him. But randomly, he appears in my dreams, not a lot, sometimes. Once in a few years I get this dream. Where Antares Buonarroti, is the man I am married to, getting married to, or running from. I get angry, or simply laugh at the thought. It's not possible. I wouldn't allow it.

Antares Buonarroti, is the man I dislike. Or hate, is the proper word I think.

The perfect guy, the perfect son. The most intelligent, obedient, disciplined guy , in the Familia. He is everything I could want in a husband, as believed by mine and most of the other families.

The Buonarroti's, are the boss family of our world. Adriano Buonarroti, the founder of this extensive family, and Antares's great, great grand father. For years, the family has been ruling the Guccia clan. My father, Antonio Managham, though born amongst the one serving the family, decided to stay away from the crime business, and decided to become a professor. He fell in love with my mother and despite the tradition, married her, even though she wasn't the part of our clan. I know what love is, thanks to my parents. Antares, however, does not.

He is like his mother, very traditional, but unlike her, he doesn't follow the traditions. He does what he wants and makes sure everyone does what he orders, or else, consequences are deadly.  And he's ruthless, cunning and cunning people are hard to deal with. And he knows it, so no one dares to mess with him.

He has never been involved with drugs, gambling, sex, no one has heard of him having any short term flings.

But, he is violent. As violent as anyone could be. He thrives on his anger, torturing his enemy being his favorite hobby.  And he always wins, no matter how much blood is spilled.

That's why, no one ever messes with him, especially my family.

But I did.

As a child, I pissed him off, not once, not twice, but many times. Where all girls played with dolls and stayed far away from boys, learning to be obedient wives in future, I went ahead and did everything I was forbidden to.  Like making fun of him, calling him names, playing pranks on him. It was only when I was older, that I realized I had stepped on the lion's tail. Thankfully though, we had stopped visiting the members of Familia and stayed far away from everything.

Living away from the clan, doesn't mean that you are no more a part of it. My father's love and adoration for Antares, proves that. While we never do, my father annually visits him, and makes sure they are well and know he means well. Antares's mother, being my father's distant cousin, makes his relationship with them stronger. The fact that Antares's father isn't around and his mother is sick, makes my father's heart grow tender.

And this, perhaps, is the reason why I get these dreams. Although, my father has left that world, he doesn't approve of their ways, but he would never cut ties with them. And, as a I am the second in line of girls of age, my father has a hope of getting me married to Antares . He has never voiced it. But I know it. I have since forever. And hence, the dreams, I suppose.

With one last glance in the mirror, I grab a coat, a jacket and some shoes, and run down stairs. My mother greets me in the kitchen.

"You will come back after the ceremony, right? You can't miss such an important event". She says worriedly

"Of course, mother". I smile at her.


My mind is filled with thoughts.  I know exactly what will happen tonight. My mother would doll me up to the best she can, as after ages, we were invited to the grand Ball of the Familia.  At first, I didn't understand why father wanted us to attend such a gathering. We were never accepted. But then I realized, if Antares had send out the invitation himself, that meant he would include us in the Familia.  Which, to be frank, I really didn't want to be part of. But, I promised my mother and knew she wouldn't take no for an answer. So, here I am, putting on the best gown, makeup, and most expensive pieces of jewelry my mother owns to attend the ball.   As I look into the mirror, I admire myself and smile slightly. I know I look good enough to impress any man I want. But that has never been a priority.



I wanted to get a moment of peace. Ever since the death of my father, the burden on my shoulders has been so immense, I barely get to catch my breath.

"Antares ! You are home!" A familiar voice sounded, as my mother entered my room, holding some papers in her hands. She looked at me with worry in her eyes, but smiled when she saw me standing up from my bed and walking towards her. Given her mental illness, I had to be extra careful and protective of her.

"What brings you here?" I asked curiously.

"Well," she started, "I've heard about what happened in the mafia. It seems like there's nothing I can do to help you."

I nodded sadly, trying to keep my tears away. My mother was one of the few people who actually cared for me. She was usually kept away from what happened at work but occasionally, word got to her and she panicked.

"Antares , my dear son. Have you given a thought to getting married?"  She asked, gently touching my cheek.

Married? To whom?

A beautiful woman that I could not see myself loving more than anyone else?

No way. Not a chance.

I shook my head, avoiding looking into my mother's bright brown eyes.

"That is okay. But I have something for you anyway." She continued.

She turned around, leaving me speechless. What did she mean by this? Was she going to give me an engagement ring or something?

She placed a small box in my hand, closing my fingers around it.

"What is this?" I asked hesitantly.

My mother smiled at me reassuringly.

I opened the box, and inside, lied an engagement ring, which made me gasp.

"This is too much". I stated, "I'm not ready for marriage"

My mother sighed sadly. "You can at least try? For my sake? Just look around and see if you like someone tonight?" I shrugged, "Sure".

My mom gave me a kiss on the forehead before excusing herself. This ball was for me to choose a bride, as I had expected it to be. But the familia was in for some more disappointment. Antares Buonarrati, cannot marry so soon, not before I take the revenge of my father.

“Your suit is ready, sir”

I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to look at him. He was wearing a suit, also as black as night, yet it seemed lighter than the sky. His features were clean shaven, but there were scars along his cheeks.

“Thank you, Marco” I said, taking the suit, putting it on and stepping in front of the mirror.

“It looks fine” he answered, smiling, “you're going to make a wonderful groom.”

“Not now Marco”

I said irritated, “I don't have time for all this.” Marco sighed, looking at me with pity in his eyes. “Sir, you are turning 30 next month, with our work, having a heir is a necessity”

he put his hand on my shoulder, “you should atleast try tonight”

The bell rang, announcing the arrival of the guests, “we'll talk later”

Marco left, and I sighed, knowing Marco was probably right.

I turned around, facing the mirror again, and took a deep breath, before opening the door. In front of me, stood three men, each wearing suits and masks. One was tall with a beard; another with glasses, a third was short, balding; and the last was shorter than the rest, with blonde hair.

I walked out and the men followed, as they have been trained to.



I stared at the dress that my mother gave me. It was white silk, decorated with tiny jewels and lace and flowers. It was sleeveless, with spaghetti straps that rested on my shoulders. The neckline dipped and I could see the soft skin of my cleavage, which was perfectly exposed and showed off my delicate collarbones. Even though I was already dressed, I still felt uncomfortable. I hated dresses, and I hated parties. I hated everything about this whole thing.

“Are you alright?” I heard a voice ask. I turned around and saw a young man, who was staring at me with concern.

“Yes, I'm fine” I answered.

“Okay, I'm just making sure you're not sick or anything.” He smiled kindly at me.

I returned the smile and nodded. “Thank you”

I glanced at the clock and groaned. “I need to go” I told him quickly before leaving. All the young men in the ballroom were staring at girls, the wife hunt going on. And I was a target too, knowing very well that these men were mafia lords. All ruthless killers.  I couldn't imagine myself living through their kind of violence. And yet here I was. Going out to dance, while my own body screamed at me to stay home, safe and sound.

But I wasn't safe. That was the only reason why I came.

The music started, and I could feel the eyes of several men, deciding to ask me for a dance.



The room was full of people from the Familia. Every young male of age looking for a girl. Every girl of age wanting to get lucky. As I entered the ballroom, the dancing had already started, but it stopped for me. Everyone standing still to greet and bow in front of me. Being the boss meant being the king, and it came with a lot of respect and fear. I saw the girls hiding their smiles, their cheeks burning with color. All of them hoping, I would spare them a glance, ask for a dance, select for marriage. All, except one.

She was staring at me, but her eyes weren't wide. Her head wasn't lowered, her cheeks weren't flushed, not yet.  Instead, her mouth was closed tight, her eyebrows furrowed together, as if she was confused. She wasn't scared nor was she amazed. And she was beautiful. Perhaps, the most beautiful girl in the ballroom, or, the world. 

Her long hair cascaded down her shoulders and back, her face was breathtaking, as if she was carved by an angel. Her blue eyes looked straight at me. She was wearing a white dress that hugged every curve she has. Long, flowing sleeves, exposing her fair skin. It hugged her curves tightly, accentuating her slim waist and her hips. The skirt fell down gracefully, creating the illusion that it was made from pure gold.

Her breasts rose and fell rhythmically as she breathed. She held herself proudly, her arms crossed over her chest.

I could almost sense the hostility radiating from her. There was an air of authority about her, a confidence in herself, a pride I hadn’t seen among other women , especially not in such a young woman.  And even though she seemed calm on the outside, I knew that underneath that cold exterior she was terrified. Terrified, of me, of society… Of everything.

I had never felt such pleasure before, to see such beauty in front of me. I walked straight to her, everyone else just didn't matter anymore. Because I had found her.

"May I have the pleasure?" I asked,  smiling lightly as I extended my arm towards her.

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