Love Hate Things | Mikey x Fe...

By KarmaToTheStrays

57K 1.7K 804


Intro + info
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Update/im dying
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
3K Special
Christmas special
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
A/N/short break
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
NOT A CHAPTER! Important question

Chapter 020

1K 42 10
By KarmaToTheStrays



Triggers for this chapter



Chapter 020


The air was still and quiet as you slept peacefully in the hospital room. Nothing or no one to bother you as you rested. The only noise being the beeping of the monitor placed next to your bed but it didn't interrupt your slumber.

That is until the door on the opposite side of your room was shoved open and loud yells of two blondes idiots and their sighing friends stepped in stirring you awake.

Looking at the two in front of you with half lidded sleepy eyes, you let out a huff of air and scowled at them as they continued to bicker back and forth about something that you didn't have enough care to listen to.

"Mikey. Draken. Shut up." You spoke quietly at the two boys. They both looked at you before shutting up and mumbling incoherent curses at each other.

"Good morning. Sorry if that idiot woke you"Draken said as he walked over to you and quickly gave you a hug before taking a seat next to your bed.

Mitsuya sat next to him as Mikey, Takemichi and Chifuyu also took a seat around your bed.

"Good morning" Mitsuya smiled at you before handing you a small bowl with food in it. Looking down you saw it was a bunch of fruits sliced up and neatly placed.

Smiling at the food you turned your head up and looked to smile at Mitsuya. "Thank you Mitsuya" you said to him before starting to eat.

Everyone around you started their own conversation but made sure you where part of them as you ate. You knew as soon as you where done they would all want you to explain what happened to you.

Sighing out you placed the half full fruit bowl on the beside table and everyone turned to you. You knew that this was already what was gonna happen.

"So?" Draken asked waiting for you to start. You hesitated for a second before looking up o meet his eyes.

"Well it started the day I told you I was gonna come home... after I had got my stuff from Baji's I was on my way home but needed to stop for gas." You started as you looked at the few of them. A little nervous under their gazes.

"Once I had come out of the store 4 or 5 guys where waiting for me. I tried to run but I wasn't able to for long and they attacked me and knocked me out. Kazutora was among them." Continuing you saw scowls start to appear on their faces. Mikey and Draken's being the largest.

"When I woke up I was in a room. I'm still not sure where exactly it was but the place had an awful smell and looked run down. Hanma and Kazutora ended up coming into the room and they told me that I was there because I could be used against Toman in the fight. Something about making Draken weaker to try and break the spirit of Toman? I'm not sure."

"After that they knocked me out again and later when I woke up I was surrounded by more guys and cars. I could tell that the fight had already started. When the people who where watching me tried to take me somewhere, Baji came out of nowhere and took them all down."

At the mention of Baji name and him saving you the others faces eased up a little but it was still hard as they became more and more angered hearing the way the Valhalla men treated you.

"Once Baji was done helping me I managed to get out of the ropes and I went to see what was happening. At that time I managed to make it to the fight but it was a little to late... when I got to the main fight I saw Kazutora... right as he... stabbed Baji" you slowed down your words not really sure how people would react to hearing everything that's already happened. It hurt to mention it and you looked down before continuing to speak.

"After that I had just stayed in cover until Chifuyu had found me and brought me to Draken... I think we all can remember the rest."You stopped and stayed looking down messing with the end of the hospital blanket.

The room was filled with silence as you stopped telling them the story. At second later the sound of a sigh caught everyone's attention. It was Draken.

"Well there's not much we can do now. We've already defeated Valhalla and Kazutora is back in juvie." Draken said. "Did anything else happen?" He asked.

Stoping to think you need up just shaking you head. If something else happened it was when you where knocked out.

"I'll call a nurse in then so we can leave" Draken said before standing up and exiting the room leaving you alone with the rest of the boys.

While Draken was gone Chifuyu and Takemichi started to have a conversation about something while you and Mitsuya started to talk. Mikey just sat quietly watching you. He wasn't sure why he was but he didn't stop.

He was so focused on you he didn't hear Mitsuya or you call for his name. Once he snapped out of it he turned to his light haired friend and just looked at him.

"You good?" Mitsuya asked looking at his friend. It took a second before Mikey could answer.

"Oh- I..." he wasn't sure what to say to Mitsuya. He wasn't even sure what he was doing.

"You got a staring problem?" You spoke up. You weren't sure why but him looking in your direction made you a little bit mad yet you for some reason wanted it to happen more?

Mikey looked at you as you asked that and felt a flush of heat creep up on him out of embarrassment. He was looking right at you but he didn't realize that you had known he was watching you.

"No! I was just looking at the fruit bowl!" He quickly covered as his voice raised a little. It was kinda funny that he had been caught in your opinion and seeing him get so flustered was kinda cute.

"Sure, sure. If you want the rest just ask" you said before turning back to Mitsuya.

"I do! Give it to me" he quickly ordered before you could even continue to talk with the boy beside your bed.

You huffed and turned to grab the bowl from the bedside table. As you went to hand it to Mikey your hand accidentally touched him but only for a split second cause Mikey had gripped the dish like a mad-man and pulled it to him.

Letting out a huff you turned back to Mitsuya and completely ignored Mikey. You weren't sure why he was watching you so hard but it was better that the two of you going back in forth, throwing insults at each other.

As you where talking Mikey's eyes looked at the hand you accidentally touched. Your hand was so soft against his and in a matter of seconds he remembered how your hands cupped his face to see if he was alright during the middle of the battle just the day before.

Thinking about it for a second when you where telling Draken and the others what happened you didn't even mention that you where next to him for a small portion of the fight. Why?

He stopped about that for a second to think about you actions in the fight. You went to him and made sure he was ok when you yourself were hurt. Instead of running to safety you went to him.

Something about the thought of you caring for Mikey made him a little happy. He could still feel your warm hands pressed against his face. Smiling a bit he started to eat the fruit and think about it before he remembered it was you in his mind.

'Shit why the hell am I getting so happy about that!?' He angrily thought before snapping his head up to see you laughing at something Mitsuya said. He then noticed that Mitsuya had moved to Draken's seat which was closer to you. Something about it made him more mad but he just chalked it up to him being mad at the previous thoughts and he also chalked up the previous thought to just wanting some attention and not him having any bit of feelings for you.

A second later the door opened and the nurse walked in with Draken behind her. The nurse asked a few questions and checked your vitals before you could finally go. After all that you found out that you didn't loose as much blood as you thought you did but you did suffer a small concussion.

'I guess getting hit with in the head with a brick then getting hit in the head by Hanma will do that to you' you thought.

After the nurse left you changed into a pair of clothes that Draken had brought you and you and the other finally left the room. As you where walking you remembered what Draken, Mitsuya and you had talked about the night before.

"Hey Draken... can we visit Baji's room before we go?" You asked walking next to him. He looked down at you and nodded before leading the way to his dark haired friends room.

As y'all were walking with you and Draken side by side in the front, Mikey and Mitsuya behind y'all and Takemichi and Chifuyu in the back, you felt someone staring at you. Turning slightly you saw it was Mikey. Again. 'Why the hell is he watching me again?'

As Mikey was looking at you- once again not even noticing himself do it- he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He never really got a lot of messages unless it was for the gang and usually it was only from Draken but right now he was talking with you. Pulling his phone out he saw it was from Mitsuya. He looked over at his friend who was walking a little bit behind him then back at his phone to open the message.



What are you looking at?


Quickly turning his phone off he snapped his head back to see Mitsuya holding in a laugh and he scowled. Turning his phone off he shoved it back into his pocket and looked away from the lavender haired male.

Soon enough you all made it to Baji's room. The lights where off when y'all entered but the bedside lamp was on and it was quite. You all silently walked over to his bed at looked at him.

Looking at the friend you had recently made you felt your heart hurt a little. You loved Baji. Not in a romantic way but in a friend/ sibling type of way and seeing him laying in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm hurt you.

You felt your eyes sting as small tears gathered in them but you held them back. Everyone in the room right now felt the same.

Though the silence was peaceful it didn't last long as it was soon broken when you sniffed a little. Not knowing where it came from the others looked over to see your watery eyes and soon enough Takemichi and Chifuyu also started to silently let tears greet them.

Draken pulled you into a hug and you returned it and finally felt your tears fall. Everyone eventually looked away and down at the floor fighting their own mental battle to not cry.

Though once again Mikey's eyes made it back to you. Though he couldn't see your face anymore cause it was hidden in Draken's shirt as he hugged you, he still knew you where crying and something inside of him switched.

He wanted to leave the room with everyone else in hopes you stop crying. Seeing you like that hurt him a little and he didn't like it. Sighing out he looked down at the floor.

After everyone had calmed down a little y'all said goodbye to your resting friend and left the hospital room. Finally you could go home and rest.

Or so you thought...


"Sharing is caring!"

"What if I don't care!"

"What if I don't care that you don't care!"

"I still won't care!"

"Just give me it!"

"No! It's mine go get your own!"

"There are no more your fat ass ate them all!"

"What did you just call me!?"

"A fat ass!"

Well despite you getting out of the hospital just hours ago you felt perfect fine- or fine enough to have a screaming match with Mikey about a pack of dorayaki.

How did that happen you ask? Well once you and the others left the hospital, Mikey told Draken and you that Emma wanted to see you after you got released and you and Draken agreed. Now you where at the Sano house hold with Emma, Mikey and Draken.

At first it was you and Emma hanging out in her room while Mikey and Draken were doing what ever they do but eventually you and Emma got hungry. Unfortunately Mikey was also hungry and all four of y'all ended up in the kitchen at the same time. Leading to where everything was now.

You and Mikey fighting over a pack of Dorayaki.

Though the fight looks like it is about to end with you victorious and Mikey 6 feet under after he just called you a fat ass.

Emma and Draken were sitting at the table watching the fight go down kinda enjoying the view and thanking the gods that Grandpa Sano was out at the time but after hearing what Mikey said they worried that you finally take him out.

"Manjiro. What did you just call me?" You asked calmly still holding the snack in your hands. Mikey looked at you a little surprised that you used his first name.

"I- a fat as—" before he could continue the pack of food came flying at him and hit him in the face before he could dodge it.

Before Mikey even knew what happened you went to him and grabbed him by his shirt with one hand. "What did you call me?" You asked for a third time while pulling Mikey by his clothing to look in your eyes.

Taking a second Mikey didn't do anything but look at you standing in front of him. The thoughts from back at the hospital just hours ago came back to his mind.

Why did he get so riled up and annoyed of you yet when he was this close to you he... enjoyed it?

"Nothing" Mikey finally answered your question after feeling a small tug on his shirt showing your impatience.

"Good" you replied back to him before grabbing the pack of Dorayaki from beside him and walking away from him. You walked over and sat next at the table in front of Emma and opened the snack.

After opening the food packet you split it in half and waved it around catching Mikey's attention. He quickly walked over and took the only seat left which was the one next to you and you handed him the other half of the Dorayaki. He happily excepted it and the both of you started to eat the treat acting like y'all didn't just start a war for it a few minutes ago.

Draken and Emma looked at each other then back to the two of you. They were beyond surprised at the entire interaction and didn't know what to say.

"Y/N how's your head feeling?" Draken asked trying to find out what exactly happened just seconds ago.

"Huh- oh I'm good" you replied before standing up to throw away the trash from the packet.

"Ok..." he said before turning back to Emma and shrugging. "Well we should get going before it gets to late." Draken said as he stood up.

"Bye bye Ken-chin!" Mikey called out as he waved to his tall friend.

"Bye Emma!" You said as you gave her a hug and waved to her before following Draken out of the house.


Honestly I don't know if I like this chapter or not but here it is. I was gonna post this last update day but we all see how that went...

Anyways I'm thinking that it's time to have Mikey and Y/N start getting more time together.

And don't worry to much about Baji he is in no more danger😋


I love y'all so much!!!💕💕💕

Anywayss make sure you stay hydrated, eat something, rest well and keep on doing your best lovelies!! <3

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