The fallen mech soldier

By TheLazyAlpha

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Jason, a former mech soldier, has been asleep for hundreds of years. When he wakes, things aren't the same a... More

Chapter one: Wake up call
Chapter two: A new friend??
Chapter 3: Civilization
Chapter 4: Home for the Holidays
Chapter 5: To catch a human
Chapter six: Reuniting with the Kitsune Family
Chapter seven: Bounty hunter
Chapter Eight: A blind date
Chapter 10: Homecoming
Chapter 11: Furry town
Chapter 12: Rescue mission
Chapter 13: Kidnapped
Chapter 14: Family Issues
Chapter 15: Good times and bad times
Chapter 16: Breaking point
Season 2 Chapter 1: The rise of the Hybrids
Season Chapter 2: rising back up
Season 2 Chapter 3: Crisis in the snow.
Season 2, Chapter 4: Different Times, Dimensions and Problems
Christmas special
Season 2 Chapter 5: Beach Life
Character Bios 2 pt. 1
Character bio 2 part 2
Season 2 Chapter 6: The beginning of the end.
Season 2 chapter 7 part 1: The Ether War
Season 2 chapter 7 part 2
Season 2 chapter 7 part 3

Chapter nine: the festival

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By TheLazyAlpha

Chapter eight: The festival

Jason: So what exactly is this festival?

Blaze: It's a festival that happens every ten years. It's where the wolf, foxes, kitsunes get together and have a massive sword fight where the champion gets dinner with the princess.

Jason: A date with the princess, no thanks.

Lily: I hear she's super nice and sweet.

Jason: What's your point?

Lily: Like you might wanna hook up with her.

Jason: That's a hard pass.

Lily: But why

Jason: I already met someone, someone who is even nicer and sweeter than this princess.

Blaze; Then do it for the money.

Jason: Fine, plus I wanna challenge some opponents. You know, see how I compare to others.

Blaze: Alright, let's get the group loaded up and get going.

I and the others nodded. Me, Blaze, Mist, Raine, Lily and a couple others were going to drive all the kitsunes to the airport, and head to Pawdon. Practically London back in my time but furries took over. Once situated, I got onto the van and looked back at the kitsunes who were riding with me.

Jason: So, who is ready for a bumpy ride?

They cheered, so I put the pedal to the metal and zoomed off.

(Timeskip ten minutes)

We all laughed as we got outta the car and awaited the others.

Jason: Y'all gotta try a sports car. Those things are made for speed. Jay, talking to you dude.

Jay: You know it.

We both chucked and waited for the others to arrive. When they did, I led them all to the plane we were on, but realized that it was all very similar.

I paused for a moment, remembering the heartbreaking scene that happened here.

Lily: Is something wrong?

Jason: I stood right here when I had to say goodbye to her, the worst moment of my life.

She patted me on the back and smiled.

Lily: Chin up, she might be at the festival.

I grinned and nodded at her, my hopes somewhat being restored. I hope to see her, I really do.

I sighed and boarded the plane and got seats with Blitz on my right and Lily on my left while I held Rose.

Jason: This is going to be a long trip.

Lily: I can't wait to go and see the festival. It's been over ten years since I've gone out and had some fun.

Jason: To think I was the one who doesn't get out and have fun.

(Another timeskip, twenty hours later)

I yawned as I got off the plane with the others.

Jason: We're here, what now?

Blaze: Well, the king and queen have been kind enough to rent a whole hotel for us to stay in.

Jason: Well I'll send my regards when I see her.

Blaze: You and me both, the king and queen are indeed very nice. I hear the princess is also very promising.

Jason: Who is the princess?

Blaze: I believe her name is Scarlet.

I looked over at him, more interested in the princess.

Jason: What does she look like?

Blaze: Your guess is as good as mine.

I sighed, disappointed that he couldn't describe who this "Scarlet" was.

Jason: You guys go on right ahead, I'll catch up with you guys later.

He nodded, so I left and pulled out my briefcase and transformed it onto my motorcycle and took a ride.

The streets were really busy, but I was skilled enough to maneuver through all the traffic. Then I noticed some smoke coming from a couple blocks away.

Fearing that someone was injured I sped to where the smoke was and got ready to help anyway I possibly could.

When I arrived, there were no first responders there, only a whole line of cars trying and a lot of men trying to help the injured.

(???): Where's the queen and her son?!?

I noticed that there was one car that was still flipped and was catching on fire. I noticed how none of the guards weren't daring to go near the burning, so I knew I had to take a risk and help out whoever was inside.

Sprinting into action, I ran to the car and broke the glass and crawled inside.

I spotted a female wolf who was unconscious and her son, who was crying.

Jason: Hey, hey kiddo!! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. I promise.

I pulled out my knife and started to cut the seatbelt, freeing him from.

Jason: Listen to me, you need to crawl out and go to safety. I'll get your mommy.

He looked really scared, so I took off my mask and handed it to him.

Jason: See this mask, it has super powers. It gives the wearer to not be scared, wear this and it'll help you get out of here.

(???): O-ok.

He took the mask and put it on, and then crawled out and got to safety. Now, it was time for his mother's turn.

I cut her seatbelt and put her on my back, that way as I crawled she would slowly come out with me. Soon I noticed that the oil that was around the car started to burn, so I literally would have to walk through fire. Thankfully I didn't have to be concerned, because I've been burnt multiple times. Once out of the car, I got her off my back and then carried her bridal style and got away from the car.

Literally a second later the car exploded, just barely hitting me with the shockwave.

Soon the first responders came, so I took her over to them and gave them to her.

I saw the kid run over to her mother, but then turned his head to her. I nodded and signaled for him to go after, which he did.

I whirled around and disappeared into the crowd, heading back to my motorcycle and getting outta here before I was spotted without my mask on. As I got back on my motorcycle, I had a gut feeling that I should follow them and make sure that they were alright, so that's what I did. Following them was the easy part, getting to them proved very difficult. My best guess was that they were the royal wolf family, so they had tons of guards all around the premimiter.

Jason: Good thing that I'm good with these kinds of things. I pulled out my grapple gun and aimed at the room they were in, and easily got to the window and tapped lightly.

The kid from earlier, spotted me and yelped but when I took off my helmet he came to the window and opened it for me.

Jason: Thanks kiddo.

I climbed in and sat down next to his mother, checking her and relieved that she was doing fine.

Jason: You were pretty brave out there, not many kids are as brave as you are.

(???): Thank you.

Jason: What's your name kiddo?

Carson: Carson.

Jason: Nice to meet you Carson, my name is Jason.

Carson: Are you a human?

Jason: As a matter of fact I am.

Carson: It's a weird question, but can I touch your face?

Jason: Sure, I don't mind.

I kneeled down and allowed him to poke at my face. Sounds funny but I knew he was curious, plus that kid was royal so I didn't wanna have any issues in the near future.

Carson: I thought that humans were extinct.

Jason: We are, but I was frozen alive for a long time and woke up a couple months ago.

Carson: Why were you frozen?

Jason: Well, someone wanted to hurt me and my squad. So we were frozen in order to survive. But I guess I was frozen until last year, now I'm trying to save the human race from really evil people.

Carson: But why? Humans are evil.

Jason: Some are, yes, but some aren't. You gotta understand, humans were scared of furries. Just like how furries are scared of humans, but things got a lot better as time passed. Then things went wrong, someone hurt a very important furry and that made a lot of people mad. Here's the good part, I can save that furry from getting hurt and possibly stop humans and furries from fighting. Have you ever wondered if humans and furries could become friends?

Carson: I mean it would be awesome if I could meet more humans.

Jason: Me too. Back when none of the fighting happened, all I wanted was for humans and furries to be friends. I wanted others to be happy with furries like I've been.

Carson: Are you scared of furries? I mean there's only one of you and toms of furries.

Jason: Nah, I've got friends who will help me. Plus I'm good at hiding and escaping, it's how I've been able to stay alive all this time.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming, loud ones like a massive wolf.

(???): My husband is coming, you better go before he sees you.

I looked up at the queen and walked over and kneeled next to her.

Jason: You have a very brave boy. Got out of the car like a champ when I needed him to.

She took my hand and smiled at me.

Queen: Thank you for saving me and my son, we're in your debt.

Jason: My queen, you owe me nothing. Saving people and stopping criminals is what I live for. If you ever need my assistance again, I'll be happy to help. Just look for a figure with a hoodie and some exotic mask.

Queen: This won't be forgotten Jason, I'll remember what you've done for us for the rest of my life.

I slowly got up and walked over to the window.

Jason: Please rest my queen, you'll need your strength for the next couple of days. Also, if you would please keep our encounter a secret. I don't wanna be chased around town.

Queen: You have my word Jason.

I nodded and grappled down to the ground and bolted to my motorcycle and headed to meet with the others.

When I finally reached the place we were staying. I found the place me and my sister were staying, so I knocked on the door and saw Sapphire opening the door.

Jason: Hey sis, how's it going?

Sapphire; What happened to you?

Jason: Long story, I just wanna rest for a bit.

I nodded as she let me in and allowed me to grab Rose and take her for a nap.

A little while later, I was awoken to someone knocking on my door.

Sapphire: Jason, come here for a second.

I groaned and got up and carried Rose to the living room.

Jason: What?

She pointed at the TV and I saw myself carrying the queen to the first responders.

Jason: Yeah, so what?

Sapphire: You just saved the queen, literally the queen of the country.

Jason: What about it? I saw the smoke and I did what I did best.

Sapphire: O-ok.

Suddenly the queen was shown and started talking.

Queen: I don't know what he looked like. But my son tells me he didn't waste any time getting him and me out. Whoever this masked furry is, I wanna thank him for saving me and my son. His actions will be remembered all throughout the ceremony.

Carson: He gave me this cool mask too.

Carson came into view and showed his mask, which made me chuckle.

Sapphire: He saw you?!?

Jason: They both did, but at this point I really don't care who sees my face and who doesn't. I only wear it that way I don't have to deal with the whole police force and human haters charging me all at once. Plus they seemed trustable.

Sapphire: Honestly Jason you are asking for someone to put a bullet in your head.

Jason: I'd like to see them try.

She sighed as we walked outside and joined the others outside.

Blaze: You ready to go?

Jason: Of course.

Blaze: So far you, Raine, Lily, and Jay are the ones who are going to join the tournament in the name of the kitsunes.

Jason: Alright, how many competitors will there be?

Blaze; Four from each side. So a total of twelve contestants will be competing.

Jason: Alright, shouldn't be too hard.

Blaze: Right? You should go talk to the others and get mentally ready. We're ;saving in ten minutes

Jason: Alright.

I went around and gathered up everyone and had a pep talk with them.

Jason: Ok, everyone in their right minds?

They all nodded, but Jay seemed distracted about something.

Jay: Guys, can I ask for a really big favor? Can you all lose the competition that way I have a date with one of the princesses?

We all looked at him, grinning as our friend had a crush on someone.

Jason: Sure, but under one condition. You gotta tell us who it is and point her out.

He sighed and nodded hesitantly.

Jay: Ten years ago, I met princess Azul. She kinda got lost when she was little and I helped her find her parents. Little did I know at the time she was a princess. One thing led to another, we've been secretly sending letters to each other and I promised to win the tournament and go on a date with her.

Jason: Alright, I'm down.

Lily: Same.

Raine: Split the money and we got a deal.

Jay: Deal.

Jason: Alright, when we face off against Jay we surrender and let him win. If you're not fighting against them then show no mercy.

We all nodded and headed to the tournament, but then I remembered to get my armor.

I ran back inside and carried it all to the car.

Jay: What's with the armor?

Jason: Well, since I gotta hide myself in plain sight, I thought why not have some fun. So I used Crimson design and made it into a suit of armor. That way those who know me will know it's me. Only those close to me know about Crimson.

Jay: Nice, looks sick.

Jason: I know, and they think that it's not actually armor. Just simply some plastic and clothes. The actual suit of armor is back in my room.

Lily: You and your ideas, I question how you come up with all these ideas.

I shrugged and got into the van, then drove us all to the tournament.

(Time skip ten minutes)

With me and the others walking through the crowd of cheering foxes, wolves, and kitsunes, we made our way to the stadium where the tournament would be held. We all headed to see the bracket and saw that I was up against some fox.

Jason: Wish me luck everyone.

They all nodded and I headed to the back and waited patiently. As I did, I wished Scarlet was here cheering me on. Maybe she is and I just didn't see her.

I was brought back to reality when someone tapped on my shoulder.

(???): It's time, follow me.

I nodded and followed him out to the stadium where there was lots of cheering. I looked on the other side and saw a fox, who looked really nervous.

Jason: First time?

(???): Y-yeah.

Jason: Good luck.

He nodded and we both shook paw and hand. We took a couple steps back and got in a stance.

Referee: Alright, I want a nice clean battle. Special moves aren't allowed until the sudden death match. In order to win you either unarm the enemy or touch him with the blade of your sword.

We both nodded.

Referee: Ready, fight!!

Instantly I charged at him, catching him off guard and hitting his sword out of the way and allowing me to get to his side and tap him with the blade of my sword.

The crowd was silent as I stood there with my blade to his hip.

Referee: Winner, Crimson Rose is the winner.

I chuckled at the name he said, literally the only thing I could come up with at the moment.

The kitsunes cheered as I walked off the field, not even breathing hard.

I walked to Blaze and Mist and sat with them, taking Rose from them and messing with her.

Blaze: You could've given him at least a chance to do something.

Jason: No can do, me on a mission to get Jay a date with princess Azul. Couldn't let anyone mess up my chances.

Blaze: I see.

We watched the others fight. Raine of course won hers, she practically chased the poor wolf all around the arena. Plus they seemed trustable.

We watched the others fight. Raine of course won hers, Lily barely won hers. Jay of course won his, and now it was back to me.

I walked onto the field and cheers erupted through the crowd. They knew I was going to put on a good show. My opponent was a buff looking wolf, who looked way too cocky.

(???): I've been waiting for you, just cause you instantly beat the fox in an instant doesn't mean you're going to catch me off guard. Be ready to get your ass kicked

Jason: Being too cocky is one of the many things that lead to defeat.

He chuckled and got into a battle stance, and when the referee started the match he instantly came after me, expecting to catch me off guard. I merely deflected it and took a step back, watching his every move to find an opening. Like lots of others, he was merely doing the same thing over and over again. Left, right, above and then another to the left. When he started to get frustrated his moves became more harsh and less planned, so I used that and was able to find an opening and get behind him.

The ref ended the match and the crowd erupted in cheers.

I looked at the guy and patted him on the back.

Jason: Don't worry, I'm also very cocky.

I looked at the royal wolf family and noticed they seemed very interested in me. Then I looked to the side and saw a hidden figure behind the curtains, clearly trying to hide.

I tried to make out the figure but I couldn't due to the curtain. Deciding to ignore it, I headed back to the others and had a seat.

Blaze: You're not even trying are you?

Jason: Meh, what's the point when you're going to lose anyway. I mean I'm just clearing off the bracket and what not.

He chuckled and we both drew our attention to the tournament.

Lily and Jay had to fight, she put in a fight but allowed him to win of course. Raine had a tough match, but barely held in and won the match.

Thankfully I didn't have to go back out there for another couple matches in the semi-finals. But the guy I was going to face was the commander of the king's guards, so I was in for a good match.

Jason: This is the match I've been awaiting.

I pulled out my sword and approached the center of the field.

(???): I've been waiting for this match.

Jason: You and me both.

(???): So, who are you wanting to go on a date with?

Jason: None, none of them are the girls that I love. None of them are the scarlet wolf that I love.

(???): What's her name?

Jason: Scarlet.

(???): Does she have green eyes and white hair? Very beautiful, bubbly and kind.

Jason: Possibly. What's it to you?

(???): I'm the one getting a date with Scarlet. She's my love interest and nobody will get in my way.

I was triggered by what he said, if he was talking about the same Scarlet I was talking about then I wasn't letting him win. No holding back, it's all out.

Jason: You're not going to get her, not if I can help if. So come on, let's do this!!

My voice quieted the crowd, all who were eager to see this match. It was as if they could sense the tension between both of us.

Ref: Alright, you ready? Fight.

I instantly threw everything at him, not a single swing missed. I kept hitting and he kept dodging, until I became tired. He took notice and started attacking me, starting to push me back. He pushed me back all the way to where I was a couple yards from the wall. He swung his sword and sent my sword flying out of my hand and into the air.

(???): This is the end!!!

He swung his sword, but I dodged and ran up the wall, using it to jump into the air while doing a backflip. While in the air, I grabbed my sword in midair and got behind him. I put my sword against his neck and shocked the whole crowd.

(???): w-what just happened?

Jason: We'll you see, you let your guard down when you hit my sword out. So with some leg muscle and gymnastics I was able to grab my swords in the air, get behind you, and win the match. Nothing personal.

I patted him in the shoulder as I went back to the middle to face off Jay.

Couple minutes later, he comes walking over to me and faces me.

Jason: Before we go through this, please tell Scarlet that I miss her and I hope to see her soon.

Jay: Wait, so you're telling me that you too are in love with one of the princesses?

Jason: I guess, the Scarlet I knew never told me about her occupation or her life. But the commandeer of the royal guard gave me a good description of the Scarlet I knew. So please just get this over with that way I don't have to regret my decision.

He looked at me like he was trying to make a decision, but sighed and nodded.

Jay: Thanks Jason.

Jason: Don't make me regret my decision. You make sure you tell her that I was thinking about her.

He nodded and the referee came over and began the match, but instantly ended when Jay put the tip to my chest.

I nodded and walked off the field, hiding the matter of fact that I was devastated about not having the chance to possibly see Scarlet again. I walked to the others and sat down, letting out a long sigh.

Lily: What's wrong?

Jason: I literally gave up a chance to get a date with my girlfriend for Jay and his romantic life.

Lily: Who is she?

I pointed at the royal family, specifically at Scarlet.

Jason: Princess Scarlet.

I watched her look around and look at me, but got up and slowly left.

I sighed, not wanting to dwell on my decisions. I was able to easily get through the crowd with the occasional compliments and what not. I got on my motorcycle and got ready to leave with Rose in my arms. There was really no reason for me to be here, so I just drove off at max speed and got ready to tuck Rose into bed. I didn't think that twelve competitors would take so long, but literally a third of the day passed us.

Once I got back to the house I was staying in, I went to my room and laid down with Rose in my arms.

Jason: Well, now I know where she lives. Just can't get to her.

I sighed and looked at Rose, who had already fallen asleep. I knew at some point she was going to need a motherly figure in her life, and I wanted to give her one. Just gotta be patient.

I closed my eyes and dozed off, just hoping that Jay was having a good time with his date.

Twenty minutes later, I got a text message which of course woke me and Rose up. I looked at it and saw it was from Sapphire.

Sapphire text: Answer the door.

I groaned as I put on my mask and made my way to the door and opened it, only to fall down onto the floor due to someone tackling me.

I looked up and saw it was Scarlet, who had tears in her eyes.

Scarlet: Jason!! I've missed you so much.

She hugged me tightly, which really confused me.

Jason: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the festival?

Scarlet: I should be asking you the same thing, it's very disrespectful for you to keep the royal family waiting.

I looked at her weirdly, then noticed she was indeed right. The royal family was literally outside my door, standing by their limousines.

Jason: Yeah, I'm going to pretend that this isn't happening. This is all a dream, and I'm going to wake up.

She pinched my cheek and gave it a tug.

Jason: Hey!

Scarlet; What? I'm proving this isn't a dream.

I chuckled as she let me up and took my hand and pulled me outside.

I looked at the others and noticed that they were smiling at me, not looking at me in shock. Well, except Carson who was beaming at me.

Jason: You didn't tell the others?

Scarlet: Tell them what?

Jason: That I'm a you-know-what.

Scarlet: You want me to tell them?

Jason: Might as well, I'll be right back. I gotta get Rose.

She nodded and I headed inside and picked up the child, plus a gun just in case things got a little sketchy. I mean this is literally the royal family with a whole ton of guards.

I walked out and they looked at me in shock, some guards were grabbing their swords.

Jason: Relax, I'm not evil, power hungry, nor wanting to kill any of you or any other furry. I'm just, well, stuck here.

Azul: What do you mean?

Jason: Long story short, I was frozen alive three hundred years ago and awoke last year. I'm currently with the kitsunes awaiting for a very terrible event to unfold in my timeline.

King: What are you talking about?

Jason: Furries from this timeline are going to go back in time and start the war that furries and humans fought in a long time ago. Ask me how I know, I'm just going on a recording from a mech from three hundred years ago and some research I've managed to steal from the government.

King: All I wanna know is if you're going to hurt my family or my kingdom.

Jason: No! Why in the world would I wanna do that? I mean I love furries, more than my own kind. I mean sure I was a part of the most advanced military in the world, but I would never kill innocents. I at least have that much sanity.

King: You were in the military?

Jason: Born and raised in the military, all I've ever known sir.

They all looked at me in pity, and even Scarlet came and hugged me.

Jason: I really don't understand why everyone is like this? I mean I'm alive and healthy, so what's the big deal?

Queen: Nobody should have to bear the sins of so many other beings, especially a child. No child should be put in the military and serve for so long, it's enough to drive someone insane.

I chuckled at the words "insane." That word doesn't come close to describing what I feel deep down inside. Utter chaos is more like it, especially back when I was really young. Nobody will know how I felt when I had to watch those who I cared for die in front of me.

Scarlet: Jason, it's alright. Calm down.

I looked at everyone and saw their concern.

Jason: Sorry, my past really doesn't settle well with me.

She took my hand and led me to the car, which I helped her in and got in with the rest of the royal family.

As I sat there quietly, I started to remember everything I left in my own time. Sure I made a lot of new friends here, but I need to go home and finish my mission.

Scarlet: What's the matter Jason? You seem lost in thought.

I looked at her and sighed.

Jason: I'm just considering what's going to happen in the next couple months. I need to go back and ensure that everything that the war has never started. I believe there is a way to stop the tension between humans and furries. Only issue is that I'm here and not there.

King: So you're saying that you wanna go back to your time and stop the war?

Jason: That's the whole reason I'm here, to stop the war. Now I plan on making sure that it doesn't happen.

King: Jason, I don't think you understand. What happened three hundred years ago was all because of humans. There is nothing that you can do to stop them. I'm sorry.

Jason: You knowI take that really offensive. You're not only blaming my race, but my purpose in life.

King: You're purpose in life is unmeaningful, humans shouldn't have messed with us so many years ago.

Scarlet: Jason, just let it go. You can't change the past, I'm sorry to say that but I have a hard time believing you. This is crazy, you need to see someone. No offense but you're kinda crazy and I can't have you like this if you're going to be my boyfriend.

I grabbed the door and made my leave, refusing to deal with this anymore. Peace was all I've ever wanted, nothing else.

Scarlet: Jason, please come back.

I looked back at her with mixed emotions.

Jason: Get the hell away from me. If you can't understand that millions of innocent lives die, both human and furry, then you're no friend of mine. Especially my girlfriend. You don't understand the weight I've borne these past couple months, knowing that so many lives rely on. I didn't ask for help, but I wanted someone to support me in my decisions and keep my spirits high. Clearly you're not that woman. So take your luxurious self and beat it, I'll handle things all by myself.

With that I used my grapple gun and disappeared.

Once at the room I was staying in, I packed my things and told my sister to pack her things.

Sapphire: Where are we going?

I clenched my fist and slammed it against the wall in anger.

Jason: That stupid bitch just blew me out of the water. Do you believe me? Do you believe that there are time travelers who wanna ruin the relationship between humans and furries?!? A-am I that crazy?!?!

She looked at me and saw my pain and didn't waste any time hugging me.

I pulled her close and dared myself to cry, something that I was forbidden to do.

Jason: I just wanna save them, all of them. This war shouldn't have happened, it's unfair to everyone that this happened. So many lives were lost because of the hatred between humans and furries. I wanna prove to everyone that there is hope, hope that we can coexist together. Plus I'm tired of hiding, I don't wanna hide and put everyone at risk. So, make a choice. You come with me and help me make a better world, or you stay here and most likely never see me again.

She looked at me and thought hard on the choice she was given.

Sapphire: I'll help you, I too believe that none of this should've happened. Plus a lot of my friends dream of living with humans. Furries can't admit it but they regret their decisions, but can't get themselves to admit it.

Jason: Alright, let's get down to business.

A/N: Hey fellas, hope you're all doing good. Got two chapters for you guys, hope you all enjoy. Please do express your thoughts on the story, I possibly might make a new story, depending on your guys's thoughts but not sure. Until then see you all later!!

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