
By serinaazul

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Five Nights At Fredy's characters do not belong to me. Only the OC's and the plot. And please excuse me if th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Q & A
Q & A

Chapter 29

162 10 14
By serinaazul

Bruce's P.O.V

I watch as my stupid nephew comes out of the hospital, he was holding hands with a guy.'Who the fuck is he?' I ask myself. I then see something on the weakling's finger, I look closer and see a... Ring!? I ran to my car and started it up, I drove past them slowly hearing what they were saying.

"Hey Mike, what if I am going to have one." I hear the weakling say.

"Don't worry Jer, I will do anything you tell me to do." I hear I think it was Mike said.'What are they talking about.' I quickly parked and got out of the car. I walk towards Mike, tapping his shoulder. He turns around and so does my nephew, Jeremy quickly hides behind Mike."What do you want?"

"What were you two talking about?" I question.

"It's none of your business, dick bag."

"Mike, please don't tell him, he'll do something bad to it." Jeremy says, I was a little surprised that he didn't stutter. I bawl my fists, ready to punch someone.

"Come one Jer, we don't need to waste our time with him." Mike starts to drag him away.'I'll teach them a lesson later.' I think as I stormed off.

Time skip one week later + Mike's P.O.V

Jeremy and I went back to the hospital, I was really excited one cause Jeremy might have a baby, and two cause we are getting married in a few months.

"Mike, can you please slow down." Jeremy pleaded out of breath. I slowed down."Thank you." I nod, we walk the nurse at the front desk.

"We have a appointment with Dr. Petersen." I state, the nurse quickly types on her computer.

"Okay, you will be seeing him in a few minutes, help yourself to drinks." I nod and walk towards the waiting room.

"Mike, I'm going to get some water."

"Okay." I reply back. Jeremy walks off to where the drinks are at. I sigh and plop down on a chair. A couple minutes passed and Jeremy finally came back."Heh, sorry I took so long, the machine was broken, but I fixed it."

"Jer, the water is coming out from the machine, and it's spilling on the floor." I say pointing at it.

"Well... Meh... Never mind." Jeremy said frustrated.

"Mr. Fitzgerald." A nurse calls. Jeremy and I get up from the chairs and walks towards the nurse."Follow me." She leads us to a room with a weird bed and stuff."Okay, the doctor will see you in a couple minutes." The nurse explains.

"Thank you." Jeremy and I say.

"Mike, I'm a little scared." Jeremy whispers. I grab his hand making him look up.

"What ever happens I'm here for you. If you have a baby, that'll be great. Don't be scared, I love you, Jerbear." I give Jeremy a peck on the lips making him smile widely.

"I love you too, Mike." We hear the door creak open and there stood Dr. Petersen.

"Hello, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Fitzgerald." The doctor says, we both say hi back."Okay, Mr. Fitzgerald, I would like you to lay on the bed."

Jeremy's P.O.V

I walk towards the bed and lay on it, I was very nervous."Okay, I'm going to lift up your shirt for the ultrasound." I nod and gulp nervously. I turn my head to see Mike dozed off again.

"Mike." I whisper loudly. Mike snapped out of his little world, he looks at me smiling and rubs my hand. I smiled back, I felt something cold on my stomach. I look to see the doctor looking at the screen, while moving this thing around my belly. (Is there a name for the thing when they do the ultrasound?)

"You see here." The doctor points at some weird figure."That's the fedus." The doctor explains. Mike just looked plainly confused.

"Which means..." Mike said. The doctor sighs.

"It means that Mr. Fitzgerald, is pregnant." It took a moment for Mike to react. His face lit up and hugged me tightly."But, you have to be very careful, in the early stages you can't let Mr. Fitzgerald fall, or let anything hit his stomach. That will result as the child being disabled, or it dead, he will have morning sickness, which is not only during the morning, but anytime of the day, he will eat and crave a lot of things, one very important thing when he does give birth he have a very low chance of survival, but judging by his health he will be perfectly fine, and he will have mood swings." The doctor explains, Mike nodded."I want you two to come back in two weeks."

"Okay." I say smiling. The doctor shuts off the t.v. He leaves the room leaving Mike and I alone.

"Jer..." I see Mike's eyes start to water.

"Huh? Why are you crying?" I ask.

"I'm not crying, I'm just very happy." Mike hugs me again and kisses my forehead.

Bruce's P.O.V

'What the prick is going to have a baby?' I was standing outside there room.'Ooo, wait until Brice hears this, it will be the end of Jeremy and the baby.' I think as I walk out of the hospital.

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