By SagittariiAsteri

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EarthMix AU UN x MuangNan TOL x FUTS More



407 24 3
By SagittariiAsteri


Third is typing on his laptop as he finish the reports about their successful play. He is smiling as the dimples on his cheeks appear.

He finished the report and sigh happily. Third looks around to find his boyfriend, but still he isn't at home. He looks at the clock, 8:33 in the evening. Where the hell is Khai? On cue Khai came banging the door of their apartment.

"Third! Helpppp!" Third run towards the door and open it to see a tired Khai and a very drunk Two. They didn't tell him they're going to drink tonight? Maybe confusion is written on his face that Khai had to say something.

"The waiter there got his phone and contact me since they always hear there that we drink with him," Khai said dropping Two on the couch. He sat on the floor and sigh heavily. Third is worried, Two has been weird and he is sure it's about Un.

"I heard he broke up with Lyn," Khai said quietly making Third's eyes wide. No way.

"Are you sure?" Khai nod leaning his back on the couch.

"They said he was drinking from 12 noon till the time they called me. He was saying he broke up with this chick for this man and blah blah blah,"

"What the fuck is he thinking? He can get Un back?" Third is reeling. Khai sigh. This is messed up. Is he really in love with Un or he is just wanting the guy because he isn't available anymore?

"I don't wanna think anymoreeeee! That guy is way too heavy to drag while drunk. He was singing sad love songs out of tune in the cab that I wanted to pay the cab driver triple because I'm sure his eardrums shattered,"

"Will he try to go for Un?" Third's question hanged in the air for awhile.

"I can see it happening," Khai said standing up. He look at his worried boyfriend.

"Third, what do you-"

"I think he shouldn't do anything stupid and just talk to Un, so that Un can reject him this time and he have to accept that,"

"You think that will fix this?"

"It won't but it will put him in his place," Third sounds so cold that it actually send chills up on Khai's body. Do Third remember all the things Khai did to him before, doing that just to give up on him? Khai walk towards Third and hug him from behind. His boyfriend's body got tensed but relaxed when he placed his chin on Third's shoulder.

"I'm sorry,"


"The things I did before,"

"You don't have too, it's all in the past,"

"I'll forever prove to you that giving me a chance is worth it," Third just smile and nod. Let actions determine your words, Khai.


Muang Nan is studying alone in a cafe near the University, he is waiting for Un. Then they all enter the cafe.

Khai, Third, Bone and Two. This is the first time Muang Nan will meet Two, he was curious about this guy before. When he met Khai, Third and Bone before in Un's apartment they said their other friend already gone out for a date. So this is him.

Khai look around and saw Muang Nan is already looking at them, he is about to wave at the young man but he saw Nan's eyes are pinned with the person on Bone's side. Two. God, he already know about them?

"Muang Nan!" Third called Nan with a cheeky smile, dimples out. Third is really glad to see Nan. The guy looks so nice and seeing Un so focus with his studies and smiling occasionally out of the blue is a good sign for him.

They all go to his table, Nan gave them his famous smile.

"Come sit with me," Nan said warmly, very welcoming.

"So you are Muang Nan," Two said in a harsh tone making Un's other three friends to widen their eyes. They all looked at him warningly.

Muang Nan gave a chilling smile. He isn't happy being called out like that.

"So you are Two," Nan said as his elbows rest on the table and his chin resting up in his clasped hands. Looking directly on Two's eyes.

Third already feels the tension. Two is already intimidated by how Muang Nan is looking at him. That smile Nan is giving him the feel of pure vile.

"Ah, why don't we just sit together no, drink coffee peacefully-" Bone started.

"Sit, I'll treat you all some coffee," Nan said. Eyes still on Two. Both still having that staring contest.

Khai already feels the tension on the air suffocating them. He open some buttons of his polo. This is going to be a long, long day.



Un frown on the message, he just finish passing his research to their professor. Then he saw his boyfriend's message.

🐱: I'm with your friends.

Why does that dot on the end of Nan's message send chills to his body. He replied;

🐺: You okay there babe?

He is now walking faster. A ping on his phone caught his attention, so he checked it.

🐱: Met Two, a lovely lad.

Fuck, so that's why Third's message screams help.


Un stood in the entrance of the cafe. He spotted them right away. Nan is standing, looking at his hand and Third is holding Nan's hand with a towel. Huh? Khai is talking to Two, anger is evident on his face, Two's back is facing the entrance and there is Bone looking blank. The cafe attendant run towards the table giving Nan a cold compressed? What the hell happen? Luckily there's a few people inside the cafe.

"What the fuck happened?" Un asked growling. Nan saw a different side of Un, his eyes looks crazy. Muang Nan got scared. He stepped out of the table to stop Un.

"I'm fine Un, look at me," Nan realized, his trauma is not his alone anymore. Un deals with it also. Nan being hurt right now is making Un look like this. He forcefully grab Un's chin for the older man to look at him.

"I am fine Un, look at me," Un's eyes is still looking at Two who gave no emotions at all.

"Look at me," Nan said in a soft but firm voice making Un look into his eyes. Un is looking for something, what is it? What is he searching for in Nan's eyes?

"What happened?"

"Oh Two just accidentally knocked his-" Nan started.

"Two knocked his newly brewed coffee on Muang Nan," Third said with his blank face. Looking dead straight to Two who is looking down on the table.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on with all of you?" Un asked in a menacing tone of voice. It's low but it sounds different coming from a guy who didn't show strong displeased emotions before.

"Why don't you ask Two who clearly have a problem, that even if I glare he won't understand," Third spat.

"I want to talk to Un," Two said quietly.

"Alone," He said looking up at the guy who once follow him around and confessed too many times.

"Will this talk stop you from doing shit like this in the future?" Two watching the lovers in front of him. Un's left hand on Muang Nan's waist, Nan's hands are on his sides but still skin to skin on their arms like it brings comfort to the both of them.


"Do you have to do this? Just so you can talk to me? Why not ask me like a normal person?" Two smile. How can he ask him? How can he face him like a normal person after what he did before?


Muang Nan tried to be positive. He wanted to tell himself not to doubt Un's feelings for him. But every people who walk pass him is making him re-think things about them.

"Un and Two talking? Oh, Un's smitten with Two before. Aren't he pursuing him before?"
"I thought they were together already but I saw Un with different guy,"
"Un follow him around before, asking for his attention. Now they're talking about it again?"

"Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about," Third said taking him out of his thought.

"Did Un really love him that much?" Muang Nan asked as he watching Two and Un talking inside the cafe.

"Loved," Khai emphasized.

Muang Nan inhale sharply. Fuck, thinking that Un still loves the guy feels like someone stab him and pull the knife out, leaving him to bleed to death.

"It's been a year. They parted ways, by that time Un already have no feelings for him. You can't keep pushing people away and expect them to love you the same intensity that they had on the first time they loved you," Third said looking at their friends that are talking, Nan is looking at Third. His face is blank, he wonders, what is Third's story? Why do he feel that Third's words are all based on experience?

Nan looked at Un and Two again and saw Two grab Un's hand on the table. He clenched his fist, he saw Un's frowning and shake his hand to let Two's hand fell. Un sigh in resignation and said something, standing up looking out to find someone. Find his Nan.

"I miss you already," Un mouthed to Nan with a warm smile. His face looks much better. Nan nod smiling with a light feeling. No need to doubt now. He'll risk everything for Un. Even his sanity.


They're in an emergency room, Nan rolled his eyes. He told Un not to take him to a hospital just for his burnt.

"All done, will write you some ointments for the burn," The doctor said at the couple and smile leaving them.

"I told you, I'm fine. We could just apply a gel on it for-"

"Nope, what it gets an infection or something," Un is worried at his boyfriend like Nan is a baby.


"Muang Nan?" Nan's world halts as he heard the voice. He knows, he knows the voice so much that even in his nightmares they echo. His face pales. Un knew it. Just by the reaction. Thank god it's Un who's facing the doctor, the older man can only see Nan's back.

"Is that you? Nan?" The older guy asked again.

Un hug him, hiding his face. He glare at the man wearing a doctor's coat. He really do look older. Tat smile awkwardly at Un and scratch the back of his head.

"I'm sorry, I thought he's someone that I know," The doctor said turning to leave them.

How bad can this day go?

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