Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth

By zxmoonstoriesz

26.9K 464 14

Willow Smith, the lost witch, the scarlet witch of middle earth, and the deadliest woman alive. When a bunch... More

Scarlet Witch of Middle Earth
One; "I will not be the fault of her death"
Two; "What is it Wizard?"
Four; "Shooting stars"
Five; "It's a look"
Six; "No dip Dwarf king"
Seven; "I know my value"
Eight; "Beorn"
Nine; "You will rot in those dungeons"
Ten; "look who decided to show up"
Eleven; "Provoked"
Twelve; "I do not fear you"
Thirteen; "Queen of the forest"
Fourteen; "fish and toilets"
Fifthteen; "You can't be her"
Sixteen; "gold quest"
Seventeen; "not on my contract"
Eighteen; "war or peace"
Nineteen; "protecting the people"
Twenty; "you killed my family!"
Twenty-one; "finest healers"

Three; "the book of damned"

1.8K 30 0
By zxmoonstoriesz

After getting all the dwarves untied Willow walked over to Gandalf as he hit one of the stoned trolls. He looked down at the green eye girl and sighed. She groaned as she felt a lecture coming on from the old wizard.

"You can not keep tricking their minds, Willow. Sooner or later you will have to tell them what you are," he rested a hand on the girl shoulder and she looked down. "It is to dangerous to keep changing their memory, so no more," he stated.

"But Gandalf you saw how scared they looked when I used my magic," she bleated. He gave her a gentle look. A look that made her feel guilty inside. "Fine, I won't use my magic on them no more," she said and he nodded.

"Very good then," he said.

"Where did you go to if I may ask?" Thorin deep voice appeared and they both turned to face him.

"To look ahead," Gandalf answered.

"What brought you back?" Thorin asked. Gandalf looked down at Willow and she cleared her throat before walking off. As much as she wanted to know the answer she didn't want to listen to them.

"Willow over here!" Fili waved the girl over and she walked towards them. "That was smart," he said and she raised a brow.

"What was?" She asked.

"With the trolls," Kili said stepping beside his brother.

"Oh, um, thank you," she said.

"There must be a cave close by," Gandalf said to everyone.

Willow nodded before walking back toward Gandalf. Kili watched the girl walk away and a grin appeared on his face. Fili noticed this and it made him chuckle before handing his brother his bow.

They walked towards a cave that was filled of awful smells. The girl cringed as she walked further into the cave holding a torch. She looked around and her eyes landed on the treasures and swords. She cared nothing about the money nor the swords. The one thing that her eyes fell on was a book. Covered with spiderwebs. She walked away from Bilbo and towards the book. She ran her hand over the hard covered book. The spiderweb slowly came off by her touch and she felt the creases on the book. It was like a key in a way. She closed her eyes and laid her hand on it again this time pain shot through her body and her eyes glowed red. She backed away with a gasp and looked around.

The dwarves were to busy with burying their treasures so she lifted the book and slid it into her bag. She made her way back towards the dwarves and stood beside Dwalin. He looked up at the girl but didn't say a word. She watched as they finished burying their treasures before turning on her heels and walking out of the cave. She took one last look at the book in her bag before she was pulled from her thought when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned around and spotted Gandalf.

"What?" She asked. He just shook his head and walked off.

Willow walked over to a tree that was pretty far away and pulled the book out. She slid down the tree and rested the book in her lap. Her hands glowed red as she held it off her body and the pages opened.

"The book of damned," she mumbled as she flipped through the spells. Her eyes glowed red as she read through the darkest of spells. She felt like she was being pulled into the magic until soft footstep came her way. She slammed the book shut and slid it in her bag before standing up. She looked down at the dark haired dwarf and smiled. "Kili..."

"Willow..." he returned a smile. "We are about to head out," he said and she nodded.

Kili took her hand and helped her back up the hill to where the rest were. They were all standing at the edge of the forest staring at a open field. She looked at Gandalf confused but he stared at the open field. That when she saw them. Orcs.

The dwarves began to run into the field and she followed. She made sure to stay in the back so nobody fell behind. They kept switching up direction and hiding behind rocks as the orcs chased after Radagast. Finally they pushed themselves against a rock and she was beside Fili and Kili. Thorin looked over at Kili and nodded. Kili slowly pulled a arrow from his quiver and quickly shot the beast then the orc. It fell from the rock still letting out awful howls and yelps. The dwarves attacked the beast and orc but the screeching from the beast never stopped.

The howl of more orcs were coming closer and the girl looked around. Gandalf yelled to run and they all listened. They ran up and down the hills until they were surrounded. She looked at her surroundings and saw she was closest to Thorin at the moment. She looked around again for Gandalf but he was gone. She mumbled hateful words under her breath before the dwarves came closer to them. They made a circle formation as she stood beside Ori. Her hands began to glow as she moved them around a bit. She was ready to attack when a voice appeared.

"This way you fools!" Gandalf yelled from behind a rock.

The dwarves ran towards the rock and slid down the opening. She stood beside Thorin counting the dwarves as they went down. She counted eleven and she looked around. Twelve counting Thorin. She looked into the field seeing Kili still fighting the orcs off.

"Kili!" She yelled out and he turned towards her and started to run.

Thorin killed off one of the beast that was getting close as Kili ran towards them. Before he jumped he grabbed onto Willow hand and pulled her in with him. She slid down the hard ground and Thorin entered after them. She jumped up ready for the orcs to start coming down but the sound of whistling arrows was the only thing left to hear with the sound of hooves. A dead orc corpse slid down the hard wall to their feet with a arrow coming out of it. Thorin pulled the arrow from the orc and frowned.

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