The daily life of a full-leve...

By Darkknight123457

46.7K 974 12 Author: Erting Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2021-10-21 Late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180

Chapter 40

336 7 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 40 Happy Dragon Boat Festival

    The tea is the abandoned tea tree planted on the collective land in the village, and it is also the land that Huang Jin’s grandson wanted to buy. Because the young leaves have grown into old leaves, there is no such thing in the village.

    Qu Zhong took a few tables. The mythical beast happened to pass by while walking, and picked up the good buds and came back.

    The process of frying tea is very complicated. It needs to be stirred by hand in a pot and then kneaded. This is repeated until the tea leaves are completely dried, and then they can be dried and canned.

    Qu Zhong added a few drops of medicinal spring and a piece of leaves from the Sancai original tree when frying, and the aroma of the tea leaves slowly overflowed after only one frying.

    "It turns out that those waste tea piles in our village can make such good tea."

    Duan Weiguo's subordinates did not stop, and his eyes were always in the direction of Qu Zhong. If he hadn't been there the whole time, I would have doubted the origin of this tea.

    Zhang Chaohong is wearing a pair of reading glasses and is concentrating on embroidering the soles of her shoes. This is her and the other old ladies in the school, and she is completely obsessed with it recently.

    Qu Zhong finally turned over the tea leaves: "It must have been many years since Tuo, so you should gain weight."

    "Then I will bring a few tins when I go back to school ." "Okay

    ." Qu Zhong nodded, and fell asleep in front of him meat dumplings.

    This guy recently fell in love with the badger sac food, and after eating, he went to sleep, and his weight went up in a straight line. Now his body width is the same as that of the Lingmo dog.

    ...Where is the shadow of the King of Monster Beasts half a century ago!

    Rou Tuanzi raised his head: "Ow, woo," he quickly lowered his head and continued to sleep, forming two extremes with Phoenix, who was still concentrating on cultivating on the tree.

    Yizhang Hei and Wan Lixue were diligently digging a hole in the corner. Lu Jun, who was next to him, couldn't bear to put down his cell phone, and his whole mind was on them.

    Originally, Ling, who lived for two months, has been staying here for almost three months and refuses to leave. Recently, he seems to have become fascinated by the promotion of Qu Zhong.

    Lu Jun not only has first-class photography skills, but also is very familiar with the process of how Weibo can attract fans. Even after his one-pass operation, Qu Zhong's fans have exceeded 10,000, and the growth rate is still accelerating.

    Hanako was lying under the tree, looking up at the two little ones from time to time, Wuyue lay down next to it like a follower, and kept licking Hanako's head.

    Qu Zhong looked back at the scene by the tree and couldn't help but laugh.

    "Lu Jun,

    I'm going to downtown Tongzhou in a few days, do you want to go back with me

    ?" "Ah?" Lu Jun was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Qu Zhong to say so himself, he hesitated for two seconds before Nodding his head: "It's time for me to go home."

    "That's right, I'll take you off."

    Qu Zhong spread the tea on the dustpan and motioned for Lu Jun to come and take it away, so that he could cook another pot.

    Lu Jun stood up gloomily, but put the dustpan away obediently.

    "You don't want to go home so much?" Qu Zhong looked amused, and his eyes were full of smiles. Lu Jun was only four years younger than him, but he still talked and acted like a child, no matter what happened The expression can tell a bit.

    "Neither." Lu Jun shook his head and turned his eyes directly to Yizhanghei and Wan Lixue: "Just thinking about not being able to see the two dogs again makes me feel gloomy."

    "Who said you couldn't see them again?" Qu Zhong rhetorical question.     "Ah?" Lu Jun looked up stupidly

    , Qu Zhong said with a smile, "I also want to invite you to come and promote my orchard from time to time in the future."


He took it into his arms and rubbed it for a long time, his joy beyond words.

    Qu Zhong went back to Tongzhou this time. First, he was in the labor market to see if he could recruit people. Second, he went to the cattle farm he found on the Internet. The cattle pen had been ventilated for several months, and he could already buy cattle into the market.

    As for the rest, they are all taken along. For example, let's take a look at Xiazhou, who has never heard any news, or return the 100,000 yuan deposit for the medicine pestle that Lu Yuanchao gave back.

    Lu Jun said that he didn't want to go home, but as soon as the car drove into the city, he hurriedly called his home and informed him that he was going back.

    Of course... also loudly announced the news that Qu Zhong sent him home.

    The car with an ordinary license plate was not stopped at all when it entered the community, and the security guard even enthusiastically showed him the way and let him drive the car directly into the community.

    The two-story building of the Lu family is as low-key as always. If it wasn't for Lu Jun's guidance, Qu Zhong would never have imagined that the bigwigs would live in such an ordinary house.

    "Look, my dad is waiting for us at the door." Lu Jun excitedly pointed at Lu Yuanchao who was standing at the entrance of the garden.

    Lu Yuanchao looked completely different from the previous time he came to the door, and he even looked a little younger.

    When Qu Zhong

    parked the car, he hurriedly walked to the cab and smiled: "Mr. Qu has not seen you for a long time."

    "Uncle Lu, you can call me Qu Zhong in the future." Qu Zhong pulled the handbrake and opened the door. Yu Guangli glanced at

    Qu Zhong, who was suffocating in the living room, "..."

    "We'll be waiting for you as soon as Lu Jun hangs up, come in quickly." Lu Yuanchao was very enthusiastic.

    Qu Zhong touched the tip of his nose a little embarrassedly, since he's all here, there's no reason why he shouldn't even enter.

    "I still have some things I brought to Grandpa Lu in my car." Before Qu Zhong finished speaking, Lu Jun shouted excitedly into the house: "Grandpa and Grandma, come and see what Brother Qu Zhong brought you. Good stuff."

    Qu Zhong: "..."

    Lu Jun's voice was already loud, and this was the time for everyone to rest after lunch, and just after he finished shouting, the garden door next to him creaked open, and he walked out a few minutes later. Fu Lu Yuanchao , who was watching the fun, stepped

    forward and patted Lu Jun on the back of the head, dumbfounded: "Keep your voice down."

    Lu Jun smiled and waved at Qu Zhong: "Brother Qu Zhong, come and show my dad something good."

    There are several cardboard boxes and a burlap pocket in the trunk of the off-road vehicle. It was not like Lu Jun, raccoon dog, Zaixian wood painstakingly introduced, and after moving the things down, he urged him to go.

    He really isn't the type to show off in public.

    The box in his arms looks ordinary, but it is not small in his arms. Lu Yuanchao was leading the Beagle Garden, and his breathing was already a little heavier.

    After finally moving the boxes into the living room, he immediately spoke to his son-in-law who was still resting: "There are still a few boxes outside the house, Lu Yang, you can move in."

    Most of the living room was covered with Chinese-style mahogany furniture Heji Nong sofa In the middle sat Lu Song and Quan Shengli, and Quan Zhengming sat on the armrest, still banging melon seeds in his mouth.

    "Boy Qu is here, come and sit down." Lu Song greeted Qu Zhong with a smile.

    "Hello Grandpa Lu, hello Grandpa Quan." Qu Zhong greeted first and sat on the sofa beside him.

    As soon as he sat down, he saw that there was also a gray-haired old man sitting on the small sofa opposite, and even his eyebrows were snow-white.

    This old man revealed the word majesty all over his body, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly drooping, with a serious face.

    "This is my old comrade Wang Gang, you can call

    him Grandpa Wang." Lu Song introduced.

    Qu Zhong stood up again and said hello to Master Li Zongba. "

    "Hmm. Wang Gang nodded slightly, his straight back didn't even bend, the only thing that could tell that he responded to Qu Zhong was his slightly raised index finger.

    Lu Yang moved the last box in, swinging his arms He retreated to the dining table chair behind the sofa and sat down, looking at Qu Zhong with his eyes,

    "I heard you brought me some good things, are these boxes? "

    Seeing how laborious Lu Yang was moving, Lu Song became interested in the contents of the box, so he simply got up and walked to the box to open it.

    "Wine?" Lu Song was really overjoyed this time.

    The first box he opened was a large jar of wine in a clay pot. His luck was so certain, because the wine had been swayed along the way, and the smell of wine had wafted out.

    The mellow wine smell quickly drifted into the living room, and Lu Song unfortunately dipped the wine on the wine stopper with his index finger, and just took a sip.

    As soon as he heard it was wine, Quan Shengli rushed over in a hurry: "Boy Qu, prepare it for me too."

    "It's in the other box." Qu Zhong hurriedly replied.

    Several boxes were opened one after another. In addition to the two jars of wine, there was also a jar of wine in a transparent jar that was given to Lu Song alone.

    "Why don't I have this kind of wine." Quan Shengli glared at Qu Zhong angrily.

    "This is medicinal wine. It's specially used to wipe your knees. Grandpa Quan, you can't use it." Qu Zhong said.

    Ji Yu ⒁ Ning Ci ィ Only then did he realize that there were not only medicinal herbs, but also a few scorpions and centipedes in the jar.

    "This medicinal wine wipes your knees every day. Grandpa Lu's legs won't hurt so much in the future when it rains." Qu Zhong opened the lid, and a choking smell spurted out of his nose. Lu Song, who was too far away, was instantly choked and coughed several times violently. .

    "Cough cough... I didn't expect... You can see that my legs and feet are not good, old man." Lu Song said intermittently.

    Qu Zhong smiled slightly and closed the lid.

    This is also the reason why Qu Zhong admires Lu Song very much. He has never mentioned his physical discomfort, but has always been fond of Qu Zhong's rescue of Lu Jun.

    He neither wanted to leave a greedy impression on Qu Zhong, nor did he want to use power to overwhelm Fu

    . This good educational environment made Lu Jun full of kindness. Even if he had to do things every day in the Duan family

    , he had never been self- sufficient. own identity.

    "Just wipe it every day before going to bed." Qu Zhong continued.

    After the other party nodded to show that he knew, Qu Zhong opened another box: "This is the dried fish I baked, it can be used to drink wine.

    " The packaging is really simple, but as soon as I opened it, the numb and spicy fragrance instantly made the buns return to the worms.

    It rained heavily a few days ago, and a lot of fish jumped into the pool. Qu Zhong could only pick them up and use firewood to slowly bake them into dried fish for storage.

    All that's left is some dried fruit, and a box of persimmons that are already ripe.

    Xu Tingfang unfortunately picked out a rotten persimmon, peeled off the rotten side and put it on a plate.

    "It just happened that the persimmons were picked up by the pods for everyone to taste." Lu Song spoke.

    Qu Zhong got up and sat back on the sofa, only then did he see Quan Shengli grabbing Quan Zhengming's ear: "You said you know what you know every day besides eating."

    "Dad, Dad, I really prepared this time." Quan Zhengming defended loudly, his eyes looking at Qu Zhong as if asking for help.

    Lu Song didn't seem to see it. After sitting down, he smiled and asked Qu Zhong why he came to the city today.

    As soon as I heard that I was here to buy cattle, I subconsciously wanted Lu Yuanchao to find the acquaintance of Xie Cadixin and wave his new folds.

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