
By Mystorysz

23.1K 451 39

It's a Leonetta story More

•25 - Final part


664 14 1
By Mystorysz

If i was smart i will learn now but yeah i'm that little not so smart sister huh Elza😇So new part now part 20 already wow💗

*Next day.
By Vilu:
•I wake up i see Leon lay next to me then i remember what happened yesterday evening with Leons mum. I take my phone it's hour 8 i know our lessons start at hour 11 so we don't have to worry. Then i've got a amazing idea.•
Violetta stand up and go to the kitchen. Then she makes breakfast for Leon. Ten minutes later it was ready she takes some juice and go upstairs. Leon was still sleeping so she put the breakfast on the ground next to him and write a note:
"For you :). I'm showering i'll be right back."
She put the note on the food and go to the bathroom for a shower.
Some later she returned to the bedroom she see Leon sitting on the bed reading the note. When he see Violetta he stand up without saying something and hug her.
Leon: You're so sweet. I love you.
Violetta: I love you too.
*Later, in the studio.
After her lessons Violetta goes to the singing locale to rehearse for tomorrow. She try to clean her voice so it sounds perfect but it was never good enough for her.
Nati: Knock knock.
Violetta looks up.
Violetta: Hey Nati.
Nati: Hey. Sorry for disturbing i booked this locale...
Violetta: Oh i'm sorry, i was just rehearsing for tomorrow. But i will leave.
Nati: Thank you Vilu. Is this the number you gonna sing tomorrow?
Violetta: Yes...
Nati: It sounds amazing. I never heared you sing it so beautiful.
Violetta: Aw thanks Nati!
Nati smiles.
Nati: Goodluck tomorrow, but i'm sure you don't need that.
Violetta: Thanks Nati. Well, i gotta go. Bye!
Nati: Bye Vilu!
Violetta walks away, to the output of the studio so she can continue rehearsing at home. Then she bump into someone.
Violetta: Oh Andres, i'm sorry, i ,did not see you.
Andres: It's okay. Violetta! Leon is looking for you.
Violetta: Oh, why?
Andres: I don't know. He's looking for you in park now.
Violetta: Oh, okay. I will call him.
Andres: Okay, bye!
Violetta: Bye Andres!
Violetta calls Leon.
Violetta: Hey Leon, Andres told me you were looking for me.
Leon: Yes, i have not seen you all day.
Violetta: I was rehearsing in the singing locale.
Leon: Vilu, you don't have to rehearse so much. You will do it amazing.
Violetta: Thanks sweetheart. But i'm just trying to clean it. I wanna sing as best as i can tomorrow, don't you understand that?
Leon: Yes ofcourse i understand, but you already sounds great.
Violetta: Yeah ofcourse you say that. It's hard to say that i sound like a dying duck.
Leon laughs.
Leon: Shall we meet at you're house? Then i can hear you singing the song.
Violetta: Thats fine... But maybe you first have to talk to you're mum.
Leon: Haha you're right. After i talked to her i come to you're house okay?
Violetta: Okay, see you then!
Leon: See you then sweetie.
And he hang up.
Violetta goes to her house and continue rehearsing. Some later Leon comes and she sing the song for him.
She started but she cough when she try. She try again but she can't sing anymore and she can only talk very soft.
Violetta: Leon... I've lost my voice! How can i sing tomorrow if i can't even talk normal!
Leon: Violetta, thats why you must not rehearse so many!
Tears coming up in Violetta's eyes.
Violetta: I can't sing tomorrow! What should i do now?!
Leon: Come on, we have to go to Marrotti and Pablo.

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