
By Cosmo_Knight

128 16 31

A broken promise between two can effect quite a lot more. But who's to blame when control is in the hands of... More

Author's Note
Prologue: The Surface
Chapter 1: Your Best Fiend
Chapter 2: Ruins
Chapter 4: Home
Chapter 5: Heartache
Chapter 6: Shake My Hand
Chapter 7: Snowy
Chapter 8: Dogbass
Chapter 9: Dogsong
Chapter 10: Snowdin
Chapter 11: Bonetrousle

Chapter 3: Ghost Fight

7 1 0
By Cosmo_Knight

A/N: Who's ready for the best ghost boy?


The rest of the Ruins proceed kind of like normal. The puzzles were the same, the rooms were the same. Battles still went the odd way they did before, where Frisk was given no choice of Acts, but instead had to guess how to Act themself. While they normally knew how to Act to certain enemies, this wasn't so useful, as a lot of Act were different now. I soon figured out that Froggits needed to be calmed down to Spare, and that Whimsums needed a bit of space to be Spared. Frisk, somehow, seemed to know this already. Sparing Whimsums proved to be a challenge for Frisk, who suddenly had the habit of stepping forward every time they Acted. But they did it, and didn't get hit the whole time.

When they reached the first rock puzzle, their phone rang. Toriel calling.

"Hello? This is Toriel."

"Oh, hello miss!" Frisk said cheerily as they shoved the rock into place.

"Did you end up continuing through the Ruins?"

"I did. Hope you don't mind."

"Oh, not at all! I'm glad to see you are so independent!" I hear a bit of sadness behind her voice. "Anyways, I have a question for you, my child. Do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch?"


Uh... I prefer butterscotch...

Whaaaaat? No way, cinnamon is much better!

Heheh, no, butterscotch is!

Children, please, stop arguing! I can do both.

Aw, thanks mom! You're the best!

I freeze up at the sudden memory. Gosh, things seemed so much better then...

"I'll, uh... I'll do cinnamon!" Frisk said. That's weird. They normally choose butterscotch.

"I see. Thank you very much, my child!" Toriel hung up the phone and Frisk continued through the Ruins. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except that Frisk glared at the uncooperative rock so hard when it first refused that it moved into place instantly after. We also encountered a Moldsmal in that room, which Frisk was able to Spare instantly. The room after that was a Save Point, so we stopped for a small break there. They reached out to touch the point, but before I spoke, I hesitated. There wasn't a mouse in there, as there normally was. The room was just... empty. So I made something up.

*(...The feeling from glaring at that rock so hard still fills you with determination.)

*(HP fully restored.)

Lv 2
Ruins- Empty Room


File Saved.

Frisk pulled their hand away and leaned against the wall.

"Ugh... my head hurts..." They muttered, letting their head rest in their hands. They sat there for a moment. Then they stood back up. "Okay, better." They turned to the next room and stopped again, this time gasping in excitement. For in this room, lying on a pile of leaves, was none other than a ghostly figure wearing headphones. Napstablook.

Frisk strode into the room and stopped right by Napstablook.

"zzzzzzzzzzz..." The ghost said. "zzzzzzzzz..."

"Hey, excuse me Mx Ghost, could you please move?"

"zzzzzzzzzzz are they gone yet zzzzzzzzzzz..."

"*He's saying 'Z' repetitively, pretending to be asleep," I said. "*Move him with force?"

"Yes," Frisk said.

And then they kicked Napstablook.

Now, it wasn't really a kick, as Napstablook is incorporeal, and Frisk's leg went right through him. But it was enough to make Napstablook shoot up from where he was lying in panic and pull Frisk and I into a fight, a mix between a sad and angry expression on his face.

"*Here comes Napstablook."

Frisk cracks their knuckled unsuccessfully. "Let's do this." They hit the Action button, followed up by Act. They give Napstablook a thumbs up and a big smile, cheering him on, as they would normally. But, unlike slightly cheering up, Napstablook seemed to look a bit more provoked.

"yeah, not feeling up to it today. so could you leave?"

Napstablook attacks, his bullet patterns in the shape of tears. The attacks are normal, although they seem a bit more aggressive. Frisk dodges it all, then tries Acting again, making a ghost pun. It only sparks the same reaction as before, Napstablook looking a bit more frustrated.

"Ohhhh, whoops," Frisk said, followed by something incomprehensible. Napstablook took his turn. The attacks had increased in difficulty, and Frisk, who wasn't paying too much attention, got hit once. Then, choosing the Action button again, they chose this time to Check.

"*Napstablook. Attack 10, Defense 10. No sense of humor, no sense of time, strong sense of touch," I say, finding myself to be surprised at what I say. The words aren't at all what I'd normally say, but yet these come out of my mouth so fluently it feels like I've always said them.

"Sense of touch..." Frisk mutters. "Right, that's what it is."

"look kid, i'd really like it if you'd just leave, okay?" Napstablook said, attacking again. Frisk makes a few close calls, but dodges all the bullets. They then hit the Action button and Act. After a moment, they take a breath, and speak in a rather forced voice.

"Hey, Napstablook, I'm sorry I kicked you back there. I just wanted for you- I wanted to continue," They say. Napstablook's eyes widen for a moment, then he seems to calm down a bit.

"oh... did you?"

After Napstablook's turn, which was slightly easier, Frisk Acted again. "I just wanted to keep going! Nothing else! But, I'm glad I was stopped, cause I got to meet a cool ghost like you!"

A smile slowly spread across Napstablook's face. "heh... really?"

Frisk's next turn, they gave him a thumbs up and smile. "Yeah, of course! You seem amazing!"

Napstablook beamed. "oh gee... wow, no one's ever said that to me before... hey, could i show you something?"

"Of course, buddy!" Frisk grinned. "Let's see it."

Napstablook's headphones floated off his head thing and over to Frisk. "here, this is what i was working on before you arrived..."

Frisk leaned in to listen to whatever was playing. After a moment, they start nodding their head, presumably to the beat of music. "Woah... wow, that's really good! It's awesome, I love it!"

"oh, uh, thanks..."

We exited the battle. Napstablook had a small smile on his face and his headphones floated back on to his head. "you know, i usually come to the ruins because there's nobody around. i like the quiet, it helps me focus on making music. but i'm glad that i met you today."

"Me too!"

"well, i should probably get out of your way now. enjoy your walk. ooooooooooo"

Napstablook faded away, allowing us to continue, and Frisk breathed a sigh of relief. They stopped at the Spider sale and spent the little amount of gold we obtained on a spider donut, then headed up and through the long corridor. They walked past the Froggits who give tips, ignoring them, and I took that time to think. The Ruins looked the same as I remembered them from past runs. Magenta bricks, cracked with age, but still standing. Vines dripped down from the ceiling, the path below us was worn but not yet faded. There was a lot of dust, but not enough that it was bothering. At least, not for me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Frisk's phone ringing. They picked up.


"Hello, my child." It was Toriel, as I expected. "I just realized I have not called in a while, and I wanted to check in on you."

"Well, I'm doing just fine, thanks for checking!"

"I should have known. Well, if you haven't noticed, the Ruins might seem a bit messy. It has been a while since I've had guests, so there might be things lying around. If you want, you can pick up these things. But be careful, for you can only hold so many things, and there might be more things you want later. So do not carry more than you need."

"Thanks for the advice, miss."

"And one more thing. I know you said you prefer cinnamon, but do you mind butterscotch?"

"I've... I've never had it before."

Now that was a flat out lie. But Frisk's voice sounded so genuine...

"I'd be willing to try it, though!"

"Alright. Good luck, my child!"

Toriel hung up the phone. Frisk entered the next room and fell down the hole that held the Faded Ribbon. I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things when they picked up a torn beanie instead of a ribbon and put it on their head. Another really odd change, although not the weirdest in this run. Frisk cruised through the rest of the Ruins after that. They flipped the correct levers, hit the right switches, and Spared all the enemies that came by, getting hit once or twice but not healing. A few rooms later, they entered a large area, and I could see Toriel's house a bit farther up. Frisk, however, headed into a room off to the side, where the toy knife would normally be. That's odd. Frisk barely ever grabbed this. But upon entering the room, there wasn't a knife. There was an old looking jump rope. They looked at the rope, then shrugged and left, heading up to Toriel's house.

Toriel was just exiting, her phone in her hand, presumably dialing Frisk's phone, because Frisk's phone rang a moment later. Frisk didn't pick up, instead waited for Toriel to realize that they were already there.

"Oh, my child!" She exclaimed, putting her phone away. "I did not see you there!"

"I'm so sneaky," Frisk smirked.

"Good job on making it through the Ruins, my child. Now, come in, I have a surprise for you." Toriel turned around and walked into the house. Frisk stopped at the Save Point by the door.

*(Seeing such a cute, tidy house in the Ruins gives you determination.)

*(HP fully restored.)

Lv 2
Ruins- Home


File saved.

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