Bound to My Human Mates...Boo...

By MKG2012

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Ryker Walker, a lot can be said about him, one of the many things people think and know about him is that he... More

1. Ryker
2. Gaelen
3. Matthew
4. Ryker
5. Gaelen
6. Ryker
7. Matthew
8 Gaelen
9. Ryker
10. Gaelen
11. Maya
12. Ryker
13. Gaelen
14. Ryker
16. Leo
17. Gaelen
18. Dallas
19. Ryker
20. Gaelen
Ranch House
21. Ryker
22. Gaelen
23. Dallas
24. Ryker
25. Gaelen
26. Dallas
27. Ryker
28. Ryker
29. Altan
30. Bradford
31. Dallas
32. Ryker
33. Bradford

15. Julian

370 19 39
By MKG2012

"Wait he did what now?!" Zander was extremely pissed off right now. I had just told him about Altan, Rykers rejection, and how Caleb still hasn't done anything about his son.

"Yes, so we as in Kaiden and Ian and I are going to go see Ryker while you, Seth, and Zeke go and talk some damn sense into our grandson." I was also pissed off. No one thought to let any of us know what was happening in our family so it's time to do some damage control. Starting with my grandson and great grandsons and granddaughter. Once I talk to them and spend a few days with them, I'm personally going to handle those two bastards who hurt my babies.

We teleported to New Orleans to Brent's house, on the porch so I rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before someone I hadn't seen answered the door.

"Who are you?" The young man asked, looking at us with caution in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"My name is Julian, I was looking for Brent?"

"He's at his cafe getting dinner. It's just on the next block, you can't miss it. Line is always out the door and it's the best place to eat on the block." He was about to close the door but Kaiden stopped him.

"I can see you're trying to protect them which is brave of you being a human when we're not but we are family and we just want to talk to them." He spoke softly as to not scare the boy because my man has gotten even bigger over the years so he's more intimidating than before.

"It's ok Jameson, they can come in." We heard a voice that we had never heard before from inside the house and that was alarming. The boy Jamieson opened the door wider and let us walk inside.

"Hey Leo." Kaiden said when we saw his eyes weren't the same color as Rykers, they were a brighter blue than his naturally bright blue eyes and he seemed a little taller and wider.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" He hugged us and I held onto him a little tighter and he sniffed my neck and relaxed in my arms.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" I asked him and he sighed and let me go and went to sit down. We sat down as well and Jameson sat beside Leo and rubbed his back.

"Honestly, I'm doing alright pain wise. The meds are working for the physical pain but emotionally, not so good. Ryker is in a deep sleep and told me he doesn't want to be around right now. It's been hard for him, our mate disliked us before he even met us. Ryker can't seem to come to grips of the situation and neither can I. And Altan, don't even get me started on him and how we feel about that." He looked so upset and stressed that it broke my heart. He should never look like that at his age.

"Just focus on your healing and talk about how you feel, yell or scream, punch something, anything to get that anger out but don't let it stay inside because that will only make it worse in the long run. Trust us on that." Ian with his amazing wisdom said as he held Leo's hand, running his thumb across the back of his hand.

"Ok boys I got din..." We looked to the door to see Brent with bags in his hands and stopped mid step when he saw us. He sighed and put the bags on the coffee table after he shut the door.

"May I speak to you three?" He didn't seem happy we were here so we followed him through the kitchen and out back. He made sure the door was closed and walked to the middle of the yard and crossed his arms across his chest.

"If you are here to try and take my son like your son tried to do, I'm telling you like I told them, you will have a fight on your hands because I raised him, I have been there for him and I'll be damned if anyone takes him from me." I felt the coldness in his voice in my bones! But I also respected how he won't back down when it comes to his kids.

"First off Brent, my son did what now? Second, we're only here to talk to Ryker. We just found out today what has happened and what has been going on. Zander and Seth and Zeke are talking with Caleb now and we three came here. I promise we aren't here to take Ryker away from the only home he has ever known and the only parent who has loved him no matter what. I am so disappointed in them Brent and I am so sorry we didn't know sooner. I knew things were rocky for you after you left but I swear we had no idea it was this extreme. If we had known, we would have handled it then. Family is the most important thing to me Brent and if I had known sooner, I would have helped. I knew you wanted space and time, to be left alone but I should have pushed a little to be in your life more. Maybe I would have noticed what was happening before now. I should have visited SM more often to see how things were going. My point is, we all could have done better and I apologize for myself and my husband's for our ignorance in this Brent and I hope you can forgive us one day." I looked into his eyes as I spoke and I hoped he saw that I was being sincere but what I didn't expect was for him to start crying, falling to his knees holding his face in his hands as he sobbed.

I looked at my two mate's and we three went and knelt by him and we hugged him as he sobbed. Poor man must have felt alone all these years, dealing with two boys and a sick wife, apparently also without much help from Altan with Ryker, a business and helping anyone he could, it's a lot for one person to handle on their own.

"It'll be ok Brent, I promise." I said when he calmed down so we let him go but he held our hands in his and shook his head.

"Not for me, I'm cursed to be alone forever. It's my punishment for how I lived my life and I made peace with it but my son? He doesn't deserve to be going through such pain with his father and the rejection. He didn't do anything to deserve it. He is the sweetest boy and has the biggest heart. He has been through so much for his young age that it literally broke my heart in half seeing how hurt and lost he is, and it's not because of his mate it's more so his father. He may not admit it but he needs him and I try to fill that void but I'm not Altan, I can't be who he needs and that is what hurts the most. I have done everything I could to give him the best life possible and I have, he has a wonderful life, he's so amazingly smart, he has wonderful friends and he's an incredible big brother but he needs his father to heal from those wounds and to be able to truly be happy but I'm afraid it's to late for Altan. Maybe before Ryker actually heard the truth from Amar he may have had a chance but now, there's no way he would ever forgive Altan and have a good relationship with him. I don't blame him either. I don't want anything to do with him anymore myself so I know Ryker won't have anything to do with him now. I only ask for Amar to be there, even if it's for Leo, he needs his papa, especially now. So if there's a way you can try to convince Altan to let Amar take control so his cub can see him, I would appreciate it." He looked so lost and desperate, it truly was heartbreaking to witness this strong man break down like he is.

"You do deserve to be happy Brent, just look at me. I'm Satan and I have a happy life and I promise you, I have done far worse than you and I have happiness so you will too. We also will get Amar here even if I have to make him come forth if Altan won't let him. It will be done. We are here for you both, for however long you will let us stay. It's time someone in this family is here for you. You have been alone far too long and like Julian said, if we had known sooner, we would have helped. Let us make it up to you now, please? We will make things right, just trust us." Kaiden said and Brent gave the slightest of smiles and wiped his face and took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Ok I'm trusting you guys. I don't do that often but I believe you meant what you said because I know the kind of men you are and you always help and keep your word so yes, stay and work your magic as much as you can."

"Ok we will. So who's the guard who wouldn't let us in?" Ian asked and Brent laughed.

"That is Jameson, he's been a very good friend to Ryker since the night they met. His Rykers mate's cousin and he even flipped on him for hurting Ryker and hasn't left Rykers side since the rejection. He said if he goes home he will probably kill his cousin so it's safer if he stays here. I also think he has a crush on Ryker and the same for Ryker. I think their mate's but Jamieson won't be sixteen until next week so we won't know until then. If he is at least that will ease some of my son's pain, right? I know he won't ever replace Gaelen, no one can but at least he will be happy and pain free."

"I understand, no need to explain. Come on, let's go see how they are doing." I said and so we stood up and we each hugged Brent before we went inside.

"Are you ok Mr. Walker?" Jameson asked Brent and he looked really concerned for Brent which warmed my heart.

"I'm fine son, thank you. Did you boys eat?"

"No, we waited for you." Leo answered as he nuzzled his head in Brent's neck and was purring softly.

The rest of the night we just talked and spent some time alone with Leo, per his request and I made myself a vow to help him and Ryker through this, no matter how long it takes. My mate's feel the same, all five of them. After the talk with Caleb, they came to see Leo as well and have decided to stay with us and Brent welcomed them so it looks like we're going to be here for a bit to knock some sense into Altan to make him make things right with his son and also to maybe help Brent realize he isn't destined to be alone and maybe, just maybe, get him to go out with someone new, even as friends if possible but if not, that's ok to because I know he's still grieving over Kensi and he can take as much time he needs to move on. I just want him to know he doesn't have to be alone, him or Ryker.

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