Bix's Tall Tale

By uitenhama06

422 0 2

Bix is a cat and I'm a wolf... Crazy that he fell in love with me a little bit despite my stubbornness and fe... More

19 SPECIAL: AAYAME AND QUINN.{this is also apart of the book.}


21 0 0
By uitenhama06

I woke up in my bedroom and saw Bix asleep, I touched his nose and my hand touched his ear, those cute cat ears. His eyes were very pretty and serious too.. "It's rude to stare but I'll let it slide, my love." He said and I wanted to get away, but he held me, "Your wounds are still recovering, rest a little longer." He whispered and I fell back to sleep.

The next day, my wounds healed nicely, but left me scarred for life, I saw Bix's brother came and he saw me. "Mari.. I owe you an apology, my men and I shouldn't be so quick to judge you.. you were the one Bix was looking for." He said and I accepted the apology. I started having self doubts about everything, even myself sometimes.

Bix started to notice and I looked away from him, "Mari, are you okay, something tells me you're not." Bix said and I got out of my little trance. "I'm not talking about it." I said as I walked away.

Leon noticed but didn't ask, "Sounds like her ex boyfriend is ticking her off." He said and Bix was shocked. "Who was he?" Bix asked and Leon clenched his teeth, "He tortured her way worse and he cheated on Mari with her sister. She punched him in his face and cut his lower region off." He said and Bix got scared, "Dang she can do that!?" Jack said and Leon nodded, "He had it coming, Mari don't take cheating, dishonesty and deceit." Leon told them and the same was for Shao Ra too.

My ex tried to apologize and I glared at him, "I can cut your hands off if you touch me. We are over and I never will be yours again you liar!" I yelled and he almost slapped me and I broke his hands. "Sorry, my mom raised a soldier, not bitch." I said.

I stomped off, Bix tried to say something but he was too scared to say it, I closed my bedroom door, got to the closet and slumped down. I cried and a knock was on the door, "Mari, can you please come out." Bix said and I opened the door and pulled him in. We stumbled onto the floor, Bix was in my chest as usual, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head, Bix watched me turn into a wolf, I felt his hand in my fur, "Change back." He said and I changed back, fully naked, I never said anything else for the night.

"Mari, are you okay?" Bix asked and I looked at him, "I'm not okay! I just saw him!!" I yelled, Bix noticed my big brown eyes turn red, "Mari, your eyes are turning red, calm down." Bix said and I stopped frozen, my brow eyes turn red, tears came out of my eyes. I cried and cried, Bix turned into a cat, "Mari, don't cry..." he said and I felt him going into my chest. Bix cuddled up and placed his paw on my nose.

He changed back and naked like I am, "I'll do anything it takes to make you happy and also I have a surprise for you. I won't tell you but you have to wait." He tells me, and a kiss was planted on my head.

We fell asleep in the closet, I woke up to the sun beaming, 'Animal form can really leave both of us naked, huh?' I thought and got up, I transformed into a wolf and found Leon with Shao Ra, he was cuddled her too. 'Love birds.' I thought and went into the forest, found the hot spring again.

I shifted back into human form and got in the water, with a sigh, I looked at the burned scar on my arm, 'I'm a survivor.' I thought in my head. Then Bix pounced me, turns out that he's a panther, "Bix, you're a panther!" I said and he smiled, "Darn right! I'm a panther. I'm still your cat." He said and he waded himself into the water. His human form began to take over. "Mari, I love you. I love the way you fight back, the stubbornness and feistiness, the way your hands touch my fur or my hair. You have the softest hands, hair and you're very beautiful too. And you're also the love of my life, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." Bix said and I looked at him, "You can't change the pain but you can change a broken heart." I said and I hugged him.

We got out of the water and into the fields, and Bix changed into a panther again, his brother and soldiers greeted us, "What's all of this?" I asked and Bix looked at me, "Mari, you've been my girlfriend since the first time we met and now I will ask you this: 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑒, 𝒶𝓇𝒾?" Bix said and I cried, "Yes! Yes I'll marry you, Bix!" I told him and he smiled at me.

Bix made the tent and we stayed in it, "I can't believe that I'm marrying the girl of my dreams." He said and I turned around to face him, "Yeah, stupid cat." I giggled.

Bix and I slept the whole day, his brother, meo, saw us sleeping and Bix had his arm around me. I woke up and looked around, I saw Bix asleep and i stared at him, "You're so cute." I whispered, Bix woke up, "And you're so beautiful." He said to me. I kissed his forehead and shifted into a wolf, Bix was a panther still, "Hey my king, where are you and the beloved going?" A soldier asked and Bix roared, "Ah home. So we'll get ready for the wedding and let you know." He said and Bix nodded his head. We left for home and we saw Jack's new mate. He was a merman and I smiled at him.

I found my home and my family.

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