Losing it | A Doctor Who Fanf...

By bluemerry_berry

3.7K 157 1.2K

What happens when a virus unknown to man decides to reside within the Doctor's body? And what does it mean wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

197 10 47
By bluemerry_berry

Day 4

Rose sat on a swing in the newly found TARDIS garden and admired the view. The walls were covered in lianas, moss, and bushes filled with flowers, blue, yellow, pink, and white. The ceiling was high, so high that you could not see the end of it with a naked eye, and a beam of light shone down.

The floor was made of dirt and grass, strongly representing the Earth smell- she dipped her toes in it and sighed, gripping the rope of the swing tightly. Birds flew by, butterflies danced and insects roamed. The place felt like magic, only it was not so magical enjoying it on her own.

She stood and walked to a tree, the palm of her hand against the wood. Naturally, she'd rub it, sensing a wave of peace inside her mind. And then she'd think about the Doctor and what had happened the previous evening. He said something was wrong and she knew, oh she did. But the outburst he had was something she'd never encountered before and it scared her. Who was to say he wouldn't do much more?

And yet she'd hoped, that whatever resided within his body would soon pass and they could go back to where they were before. The Doctor was sick and he wouldn't let her in, would stop her from helping.

„I'm sorry." the door opened and the Doctor entered. He ambled towards her, an apologetic expression on his face. „The stuff I said yesterday, I'm sorry, Rose."

„Do you feel better now?" she crossed her arms.

„My head's clear again. But that thing, I can still feel it." he pinched at his nose.

„Well...What can we do? There's something I can help with, yes?"

„No." the Doctor shook his head. „I'm sorry, but this is beyond you, Rose. It's even beyond me."

„Can't anyone help? There's a whole galaxy out there. There must be someone."

„Wish there was."

„Okay, then...We think, yeah? Every bacteria, every kind of virus must have some kind of weakness." she paced around the room, a hand under her chin.

The Doctor smiled in the corner of his mouth.

„So, you're really thirsty." she said.

„Narrows it down." the Doctor replied.

„You're behaving like a teenager on steroids."

The man raised a brow. „Narrows it down."

„And you forget things."

„I do?" the Doctor tilted his head.

„That was not the first time I saw Woman Wept, Doctor."

„Really?" he rubbed the back of his head. He closed his eyes, contemplating. „No, you're right. We've been there before. Why'd you not tell me?"

„You seemed so happy. I dunno. I didn't think of it as a bad thing." she shrugged. „Anything else you've noticed off?"

„Yeah, I've been having these headaches. And I don't get headaches."

„When does that usually happen?"

„When I don't hydrate enough."

„Sounds normal to me." Rose scoffed. „It's human nature."

„Oh, don't say it like that." the Doctor grimaced.

„Oh, come on, there must be some similarities between you and I besides physical."

„I mean, yeah. My temperature is slightly higher, but still around the same base. We eat, we sleep, we drink. We fall in love. We..."

„What?" she arched an eyebrow.

„Well, you know...we..."



„Dance?" she let out a chuckle.

„Anyway, back to the point. You like the garden, yes?" the Doctor looked around.

„That was not the point."

„No? Oh. Err. Oh, yes, the virus." he bit his inner cheek. „I actually came to discuss something with you, Rose."

„I thought you came to apologise."

„That and...to offer you a trip back home."

Rose's face fell.

„I don't want you around me. Not until I sort this out." the Doctor looked her in the eye. „I think I might be dangerous."

„You don't want me anymore?"

„That's not what I'm saying." he shook his head.

„So you do want me?"

„Rose." he sighed. „You saw what I did yesterday. I nearly hurt you. I don't want that to happen."

„Well, great, 'cause you're doing it now." she put her hands on her hips. „I'm not leaving you."

„One day. Just one day. That's it. And I'll come back, I promise."

Rose thought for a second. „And what are you gonna do?"

„I might pop in for a chat with the Sisters of Plenitude."

„What, the cats? Can you do that after what happened with Cassandra?"

„Yeah, I'll just have to pop in earlier." he rocked back and forth on his heels. „See if there's anything they know."

„Or hide." Rose sighed. „Alright then. One day. If you find nothing, you come back here, mister." she raised a finger. „Don't go through all this by yourself, yes?"


Rose brewed herself a coffee in her mother's kitchen, before turning on the telly and sitting down. She wondered if the Doctor was okay and was hopeful he'd find the answer he sought. Her mum entered the flat, a shocked look on her face.

„You didn't tell me you were coming." Jackie put down some groceries and Rose smiled, but it would soon fade away when a man would scoot from behind. Rose rolled her eyes.

„I'll go get some air." she stood up to leave but stopped to face the man. „Who are you then?"

„Name's George."

„Well, George, you look a bit too old for her, but I'll give you a pass. I don't want you kids messing the house too much, understood?"

George furrowed his brows, taken aback. Who was this woman and why was she talking to him that way?

„Alright?" he replied.

„Nah, mate. That's not good enough. Give it some power."

„Err- I...understand?"

„That's it, then." Rose smiled, patting the man on his shoulder and exiting the flat.

„What a nutter. Who was that then?" George looked at Jackie, who was staring at him, arms crossed.

„That 'nutter' is my daughter." Jackie scoffed. „Right, out. Out with you, go!"

Rose looked at the sky, a shade of pink and orange emerging with the clouds as she walked. It had already been three hours since her arrival back on Earth, and yet it felt longer. The evening was settling in, so she decided to grab a bite at the nearest restaurant. She could do with some food and maybe a drink.

Once there, she sat down at a table close to the window and reflected while waiting for the menu. The situation was bollocks. She should've been there with him, and she understood he was doing this to protect her, but who was protecting him?

What if something went wrong? What if the TARDIS stopped working and he'd be stranded away in the Galaxy with no way of returning? What if his symptoms got worse?

Rose sighed.

„Oh, that reaction could do with some warm soup and maybe a side dish."

„What?" Rose turned to the man that spoke. The waiter placed the menu on the table.

„That sigh. There's more to it than just a sigh, isn't it?" he stopped. „Sorry, I shouldn't have pried. I apologise."

„No." Rose shook her head. „You're fine. And yes, you're right." she sighed again. „My friend's sick. Only we don't know what it is."

„They saw a doctor yet?"

Rose smiled. „He is the Doctor."

„Oh my." the man looked concerned. „What could be so bad that not even a doctor could recognize?"

„That's what I'm worried about."

„Tell you what though. A pretty lady such as yourself should not worry too much. I'm sure your friend will be fine. Just kee-"

„I'll have steak and chips, thanks." Rose rolled her eyes. Typical.

After dinner, she walked along the city bridge, reminiscing. Then she'd stop to take in the view. It was getting slightly chilly, it was nearly winter afterall. Lost in thought, she'd ignore the voice calling her at first.

„Well, well, well. Who do we have here? I've missed you, babe." a man joined her and when she saw his face, she jumped back.

She felt her jaw clench and her blood boil. Rose stood frozen, staring at him.

„Oh, don't be like this. Give me a kiss, will you?" he stepped to her.

„You're supposed to be in-"

„Jail? Nah, those times are over, babe. Got out. Long ago. Oh, but my heart ached when I saw those missing posters of you. Yet here you are. Won't you give me a hug?"

„Jimmy, stay away from me."

„I said." he came in closer, pulling her into a forceful embrace. „Give. Me. A. Hug."

Rose tried to fight him off, but he was stronger. He reeked of booze and weed, a smell she wished she'd forget. But this guy was not letting go.

„You're hurting me." she cried.

„Oh, but I would never hurt you, would I, darling? Let's get back together, ey?" he pulled away, but kept his hands on her shoulders. „All those great times we had."

„They were not great, Jimmy. I dropped out of school because of you. You stole money off me for god knows what. You manipulated me." she tried to shrug him off. „Leave me alone."

„There's one thing you found great about me." Jimmy looked down at his pants and smiled at her. „Don't you miss it?"

„Not in a million years."

„Why years when it can take a second?"


Jimmy pulled out a gun, pressing it to her chest. „You'll do very nicely for my customers. I bet they're gonna enjoy you."

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