The Doctor & The 13 Reasons W...

Von espinosa1989

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Hannah Baker is about to end her own life. She has already recorded tapes explaining why she did it. Just whe... Mehr

Chapter 1: One Last Try
Chapter 2: Hannah Meets The Doctor
Chapter 3: The Instructor
Chapter 5: An Adventure Through Space & Time
Chapter 6: The Paternoster Gang
Chapter 7: The Weeping Angels
Chapter 8: A Session With Madam Vastra
Chapter 9: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 1-5)
Chapter 10: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 6-8)
Chapter 11: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 9-11)
Chapter 12: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 12 & 13)
Chapter 13: Back At Liberty
Chapter 14: The Clubhouse
Chapter 15: Attack of the Cybermen
Chapter 16: Back To The Future
Chapter 17: Hannah To The Rescue
Chapter 18: Saving Evergreen County
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: Graduation

Chapter 4: Enter, Clay Jensen

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Von espinosa1989


Hannah had just left the TARDIS as The Doctor takes off. The Doctor turns on the monitor on the TARDIS console and watches over Hannah. He sees that Hannah's parents had arrived home and that Hannah didn't go through with it. The Doctor took it upon himself to go back a couple of hours. The Doctor followed Hannah around after she got of school. He followed Hannah to Tony Padilla's house where she dropped off the copies of the tapes on the front porch. After Hannah left, The Doctor sneaks around the front porch and grabs the tapes before Tony can even come out to get them. He then follows Hannah to the post office where she is mailing the tapes to Justin Foley. The Doctor enters the post office and sees Hannah gave the tapes to a post officer. After Hannah leaves, The Doctor goes up to the post officer.

The Doctor: Hello there, I'll take that from you.

Post Officer: Who are you?

The Doctor takes out his psychic paper and shows it to the post officer.

Post Officer: Department of Homeland Security?

The Doctor: Yes, that's what it says. I'm here making rounds, making sure that there's no anthrax or something like that. I'll deal with this, takes the stress off of you.

Post Officer: Ok?

The post officer give The Doctor the tapes with confusion as he heads back to the TARDIS. The Doctor takes off as he inserts tape 1 into the console of the TARDIS and presses play.

Hannah Baker: Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're hearing this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you're listening to this tape... you're one of the reasons why. I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story. But fear not, if you received this lovely little box, your name will pop up. I promise.

The Doctor listens on to all the tapes. As he listens to the tapes one by one, he hears some of the things that Hannah never told him about. Hannah never told him about Jessica & Alex, Tyler stalking her by taking pictures from outside her bedroom, window, Courtney throwing her under the bus at Winter Formal, her Valentine's date with Marcus, Zach taking her compliments. But most importantly, she never told him about her relationship with Clay Jensen. She told him that he was a friend, but never told him that she has feelings for him.

Hannah Baker: I wanted you to do everything you were doing... so I don't know why my mind took me everywhere else. And I thought of every other guy. And they all became you. Part of me was saying... "Please don't leave." Part of me never wanted to see you again. But you walked out the door... like I told you to. Why did you have to leave? It was the worst thing ever. And then it got worse. Clay... Helmet... your name does not belong on this list. But you need to be here if I'm going to tell my story. If I'm going to explain why I did what I did. Because you aren't every other guy. You're different. You're good and kind... and decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you. I never would. I would have ruined you. It wasn't you. It was me... and everything that's happened to me.

The Doctor: Poor kids. She didn't deserve this.

The Doctor continues to listen on as he reaches to tape 12, Bryce Walker. He already knew what Bryce did to her, but to listen to every detail of what happened, The Doctor now understands why Hannah wanted to end her own life, he then listened to last tape. Reason 13, Mr. Porter.

Hannah Baker: I think I've made myself very clear, but no one's coming forward to stop me. Some of you care. None of you cared enough. Neither did I. And I'm sorry. So... it's the end of Tape 13. There's nothing more to say.

The Doctor has listened to all 13 reasons.

The Doctor: This is why you brought me to her. Now I know what I must do.

The Doctor sets the coordinates on the TARDIS and returns to Evergreen County. He first goes to the year 2016 when Hannah moves to Evergreen County. The Doctor followed Hannah around for a year as he witnessed everything that Hannah said on the tapes. Meeting Clay, her date with Justin, her friendship with both Jessica & Alex, the Hot or Not list, Tyler taking the pictures, Courtney throwing her under the bus to Montgomery de la Cruz, her date with Marcus, Why Me?, the poem, Jessica's party, Jeff Atkins' death, & Bryce's party. He returned to the night after he dropped Hannah off and went to Mrs. Bradley's home to give her food poisoning. The next morning, The Doctor arrives to Liberty High as he makes his presence known.

The Doctor: Hello, my credentials.

The Doctor shows off his psychic paper to Principal Gary Bolan.

Principal Bolan: Department of Education?

The Doctor: Yes, that's where I'm from. The Department of Education. Name's John Smith, but you can call me The Doctor.

Principal Bolan: The Doctor?

The Doctor: Yes, I'm a doctor.

Principal Bolan: Well, welcome. What brings you here?

The Doctor: I'm here to examine the school. Check to see if everything is up to code, blah, blah, blah. Making sure the students are safe.

Principal Bolan: Safe from what?

The Doctor: Exactly.

Miss Douglas: Principal Bolan, Mrs. Bradley just called. She won't be able to come in today, food poisoning.

Principal Bolan: Great, now I have to find a sub.

The Doctor: I'll be happy to fill in for her until you find a sub for the rest of the day.

Principal Bolan: Really? That would be great. Thank you.


The Doctor: You principal showed me the way here and that's about it.

Hannah just listened to everything The Doctor did in order to help her out.

Hannah Baker: You went back in time, took both sets of tapes, & then followed me around for a year?

The Doctor: When you put it that way, yes.

Hannah Baker: If you went back, why didn't you do anything to stop it? Especially with Jeff Atkins.

The Doctor: Hannah, I couldn't. There are rules to time traveling. Interfering after meeting you would probably cause a paradox.

Hannah Baker: Para-what?

The Doctor: Haven't you ever watched Back To The Future?

Hannah Baker: Yes, I've seen it. Who hasn't?

The Doctor: I made sure you didn't spot me. I followed you everywhere outside of school. When you were in school, I used a micro drone to follow you around. By the way, you weren't completely honest with me when you told me your story. You didn't tell me about Jessica Davis, Alex Standal, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimsen, Marcus Cole, & Ryan Shaver. And you most defiantly didn't tell me that you fancy Clay Jensen. I saw the way you blushed when he caught you in the trust fall.

Hannah Baker: Really, I was blushing? Wait... that's besides the point.

The Doctor: The point is, Bryce Walker must pay and I've got a plan.

Hannah Baker: What kind of plan?

The Doctor: First of, we need Jessica Davis.

Hannah Baker: I tried telling her once but she wouldn't listen to me. She thinks that I'm jealous of her relation with Justin.

The Doctor: Are you?

Hannah punches The Doctor on his arm.

The Doctor: Ow, what was that for?

Hannah Baker: No, I'm not jealous.

The Doctor: Anyway, we'll also need Justin Foley. He's the only one who can confirm your story. If Jessica won't listen to you, then she'll listen to him. Then we'll need Clay.

Hannah Baker: Clay, why?

The Doctor: You need to tell him everything.

Hannah Baker: No, I don't think I can.

The Doctor: Hannah, did you ever wondered who called 911 when Jeff Atkins died?

Hannah remembers that night. Sherri Holland was giving her a ride home when she took her eye off the road for a second and hit a stop sign, knocking it down. Hannah wanted to report it but Sherri was in a rush to get home because she had a curfew. Sherri just left Hannah alone on the road. Hannah's phone had died out so she fled to find a nearby phone. The nearest phone she can find was all the way at the Blue Spot liquor store. When Hannah made the call, she was too late. Jeff Atkins had already gotten in a car crash and died instantly. Someone had already made the call. Hannah thought it was Sherri that made the call.

Hannah Baker: I thought it was Sherri but it wasn't her. I didn't find out about Jeff until the next day.

The Doctor: I was there to witness the crash. Clay was the first one on the scene. He found Jeff, dead.

Hannah couldn't believe what The Doctor has told her.

Hannah Baker: It was Clay? He made the call. That explains why...

The Doctor: He snapped at you. I saw it with the drone.

Hannah Baker: He was close with Jeff. Jeff was the reason that Clay went to the Winter Formal. He even made sure that me & Clay spent the entire party together.

The Doctor: He has a right to know. And he needs to know about Bryce. He's waiting for you. For lunch. You tell him what happened and he will help. Go off.

The Doctor sends Hannah off to lunch. Hannah first goes to her locker to put her notebooks away as she now heads off to the cafeteria. Hannah grabs a trey with her lunch as she searches for Clay. She looks around as she sees Jessica hanging out with Sherri and the rest of the cheerleaders while Justin is hanging out with Zach, Alex, Monty, Marcus, & Bryce. Just seeing Bryce again made her freeze. Her mind took her back to that night.

Clay Jensen: Hannah!

She snaps out of it when she hears Clay's voice. She sees him waving at her as she goes up to join him for lunch.

Clay Jensen: Are you alright?

Hannah Baker: Yeah, why?

Clay Jensen: Cause you kinda looked out of it right now.

Hannah Baker: I'm fine.

Clay Jensen: Well, I sure like to see Mrs. Bradley try to top today's lesson when she comes back.

Hannah Baker: That was weird, right?

Clay Jensen: That guy was. There's something about him I can't put my finger on it.

Hannah Baker: Clay.

Clay Jensen: Yeah.

You can do this, Han. Just tell him.

Clay looks at Hannah as she's trying to tell him everything. Unfortunately, she had second thoughts.

Hannah Baker: Nothing, never mind.

Clay Jensen: Okay.

Hannah's phone dings as she takes it out and read the text she received.

What the fuck?

The text said "Come meet me in the TARDIS in the auditorium. And bring Clay."

Clay Jensen: What is it?

Hannah Baker: Nothing. I have to go.

Clay Jensen: Hannah.

Hannah just leaves her lunch behind as she gets up and walks away walking past Tony. Clay knew that something is up with Hannah. Clay's phone also dings. He takes it out and reads the text he received.

"Follow Hannah. Her life depends on it!".

Clay Jensen: What the fuck?

"Follow her to the auditorium".

Clay looks around the cafeteria to see if anyone is messing with him. He gives it a good thought.

Clay Jensen: Fuck it.

Clay packs up what's left of his lunch, picks up his bagpack, & goes after Hannah. The mysterious text told him to follow her to the auditorium and he does. Clay walks out of the cafeteria and goes to the auditorium. Once he enters the auditorium, he sees Hannah enter a blue police box that's on the stage. Clay is very confused right now. He goes up on stage and circles around the blue box. He then goes to the front of the blue box and knocks on it.

Clay Jensen: Hannah. I know you're in there.

Clay tries to knock again but once his fist touches the door, it opens. Meanwhile inside the TARDIS, Hannah and The Doctor are having a conversation.

The Doctor: You had the chance to tell him and you didn't.

Hannah Baker: Were you spying on me?

The Doctor: Noooo, but the drone was.

Hannah Baker: The drone that you were operating?

The Doctor: Ok, you've got me there. But Hannah, he needs to know.

Hannah Baker: What am I suppose to tell him? Clay, I was about kill myself yesterday by slitting my wrist in my bathtub. Why? I had my reasons. Justin, Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, Ryan, Sherri, Bryce...

Tears begin to come down from Hannah's eyes.

Hannah Baker: I don't want to drag him into this.

The Doctor: You already have.

The Doctor looks behind Hannah as she turns around and was shocked to that Clay was inside the TARDIS as he just stares at Hannah.

Hannah Baker: Clay?

Clay just continues to stare at her.

Hannah Baker: What are you...?

Clay now looks around the TARDIS as he can't believe what he is seeing and what just heard from Hannah. Clay now looks back at Hannah.

Clay Jensen: What the fuck? What the actual fuck, Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Clay...

Clay Jensen: You were going to kill yourself?

Hannah Baker: I was going to...

Clay Jensen: That explains why you were in a hurry after you dropped off your uniform yesterday, because you going to kill yourself. Why?

Hannah looks back at The Doctor.

The Doctor: I may have texted him to follow you here.

Hannah Baker: Damn you.

The Doctor: He needed to know. After all, he cares about you as much as you care about him.

Clay Jensen: And what does Justin, Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, Ryan, Sherri, & Bryce have to with you trying to kill yourself?

Hannah was speechless. She didn't know what to tell him.

Clay Jensen: And what the fuck is this thing? How is it bigger on the inside?

The Doctor: It's my TARDIS, you like?

Clay Jensen: Who or what are you? And don't give me that John Smith shit. I can't believe I actually fell for that.

The Doctor: I'm The Doctor.

Clay Jensen: The Doctor? Doctor Who?

The Doctor: Just The Doctor.

Clay Jensen: Were you really going to kill yourself?

Hannah Baker: I-I...

The Doctor: You know what, maybe this isn't the right place and time to do this.

The Doctor begins to flip switches around the console of the TARDIS.

Clay Jensen: What's he doing?

Hannah Baker: What are you doing?

The Doctor: Like I said, this isn't the right place and time to do this. So I'm taking us to a right place and a right time to do this.

Clay Jensen: What's he talking about?

The TARDIS dematerialized away from Liberty auditorium. Clay sees the TARDIS in action but still has no idea what's going on. The TARDIS lands right away.

The Doctor: We're here.

Hannah Baker: Where did you take us?

Clay Jensen: What do you mean?

The Doctor: Why don't you both take a peak outside. Go on.

Hannah & Clay both head towards the TARDIS doors. Clay opens the door and heads out and could not believe what he is seeing.

Clay Jensen: What... the... fuck...?

Hannah Baker: Yeah, we're not in Liberty anymore.

Clay & Hannah now find themselves on another planet. But where did The Doctor brought them to?


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