Bix's Tall Tale

By uitenhama06

422 0 2

Bix is a cat and I'm a wolf... Crazy that he fell in love with me a little bit despite my stubbornness and fe... More

19 SPECIAL: AAYAME AND QUINN.{this is also apart of the book.}


21 0 0
By uitenhama06

I woke up and saw Bix sleeping shirtless, I press my finger on his nose and he twitched. 'So cute!' I thought. I fell back to sleep a little while. "Mari get up!?!" Bix screamed and I fell off the bed, "I'm gonna kill you....." I said and Bix saw a death glance in my eyes, he started running and I chased him. "Get your ass over here!!" I said and Bix fell down and I pinned him, "Don't do that or else.." I said and Bix nodded. I walked off stretching my arms and decided to take a bath.

I took a bath and I sank in the water for a few seconds, I opened my eyes and I see Bix in cat form and in the water. "What the hell!" I said and I looked him in the eyes, "You're so cute.. I can't take it, fine you can stay." I said to him and he meows at me and placed his tiny paw on my nose again. After the bath, I put on leggings and a sweatshirt, "That bath felt nice." I said and drew todoroki in my journal.

Bix hopped onto my shoulder and watched me draw, he would meow at me over something's. "I know silly cat, just let me finish." I said.

Bix changed back and put on the clothes I laid out for him on the bed, then he wrapped his arms around and across my chest. "Mi amor, what are you drawing?" He asked and I kissed his cheek.

We fell asleep and Jack was messing with Leon and they'd do something whenever I'm not around or looking for the matter. I fell asleep on my comfy bed that was shaped like a flower, I felt the bed dip beside me as Bix sat down. "Rest well, I love you." He said and slept along with me, I cuddled him and burrowed myself in his bare chest while his arms were around me.

Bix saw me burrowed in his chest, he smiled and kissed my head. "Mari, time to wake up.." he whispered and I slowly opened my eyes, "it's 6:00, too early.." I said and he kissed my head, "I know...but can I at least see your face?" He asked and I got up, my legs were numbing all night and I walked around a little bit.

Leon and Jack were grimacing each other, they're arguments were intense and I decided to go out, I packed extra clothes and a towel, headed to the hot springs. After I got there and I took off my clothes, and jumped into the water, "Mari? Mari? Mari where are you??" Bix called and I rose up and the mist went away, only surrounding Bix and me, "Bix, Why the hell did you follow me?" I asked and he looked at me, "I wondered where you were and your clothes were on the ground." Bix said and I blushed and splashed water against him. Then he took his clothes off, I turned away. He came in the water and pulled me into him, "Reminds me when we came here and you choked on water a little bit." Bix said, I dove in the water, pluck a small grass and tickled him. He soon ended up diving and me below him. I swam around a little but and an invisible person was on Bix and went away. "Mari are you okay??" He asked and I looked up, then down then up at him again. I blushed after looking straight at him, "Y-yeah." I said while getting out of the water, putting clothes on. I dried my hair off and sighed. Bix snagged his arm around my waist, "Now you're not thinking of going out again are you?" He asked and I looked at him, "Says the person who isn't wearing any clothes and is behind a werewolf girl." I said and Bix blushed.

I walked back to the house and sat on the porch, it rained and Bix came back, "Hey stay out of the.." Bix almost said and he saw that my white T-shirt was soaked and exposed me a little. Leon gave us towels to dry off, "This girl will be in the rain regardless of getting sick." Leon said and I laid there unconscious, "Leon, calm down." Jack said and Leon looked at him, "Fine." He said and Bix laid me in my bed, "Mari, stop being stubborn." He said and my hands were turning blue from the cold, Bix warmed me up and stayed by my side the entire time.

"Achoo!" I sneezed and Bix got up, "You're sick again, Mari." He said and Leon patted my head, "It's alright Mari, just don't be in the rain too long." Leon said and Jack was worried a started hugging me tight. "Poor Mari, you waited out in the rain!! You almost caught a cold and now you've got a fever." Jack said, Bix looked at me. Leon and Jack left my room, I felt the bed dip beside me as Bix sat down, "Hey Mari...are you feeling better?" He asked, and I shook my head. Bix slightly chuckled, "Aww it's okay, feel better soon." He said and I fell asleep.

The next morning Leon,Bix and Jack were all in cat form, 'Okay, let's just do this.' I thought. Leon hopped on my lap, "I know Leon, I have to get up." I said to him and Bix slept. Jack climbed onto my shoulder, I carried Leon downstairs and I fed them. "There you guys go." I said and put my hair in a ponytail, my hair was in my face, but I never cared. I took out my sword and started practicing, I sweated and cried a little, "I won't let you break me down, not anymore." I said as the image of my cruel family always been in my memory. Leon changed back and hugged me, "'s okay don't cry." Leon said and I couldn't hold my tears in. Jack changed back into his shirtless self. "Mari...what's wrong?" Jack asked. Leon told him about my past... Jack pulled me from Leon and hugged me so tight, "You'll be alright. You're safe, you're safe." Jack said and I cried until I fell asleep on both my brother and best friend, Bix came down and saw me sleeping, he started meowing. "Bix, she's asleep, her past painful memories hurts her so much. But she's in wolf for right now." Leon said. Bix changed back, "Mari, open your eyes." He said and I woke up. I jumped onto him, licking his face, "Mari slow down. Sorry she does that in wolf form too." Leon said and Bix got up, he was shirtless and stared at my eyes. I changed back to normal, "Sorry.." I said and Bix saw me right in front of him, clothes less and bare, my hair was down too. I grabbed Bix's hand and placed my hand on his, "My hands are far more rare than yours, yours are like a cats paw, quiet yet very vengeful." I said and he looked at me. "You clever girl." Bix said placing his head on my chest, "Just, let me stay like this." He said, I placed my hand in his hair... "Okay..alright." I said

Leon remembered a story about a wolf and a cat. 'The wolf with a painful memory and the cat who's looking for a bride in his family....the wolf is stubborn and feisty ,yet she's beautiful, kind, and sincere. The cat was loving and caring, but his soul was very dark, the cats father kidnapped the wolf girl in the old days, the wolf girl was stubborn and the cat was caring to help her... she remained a wolf if he was able to set her free...the cat let her have freedom..The wolf girl changed back to normal, she knelt down and the cat lifted her, and covered her up... "Please stay with me.." the cat said and the wolf answer, "If you given me freedom, then why must you choose a bride for you own terms?" She asked... her heart was heavy, sadness was her only friend... The wolf and the cat got along and fell in love. Until the day the wolf died, the cat grieved and died along with her... the tragic story of the wolf and the cat.' Leon thought and Jack was happy.

Jack looked at Leon, "What's the story between the wolf and the cat?" He asked and Leon answered, "It's a tragic love story...they died together..A wolf girl with a painful memory but a loving heart and soul, a cat with a caring heart but a very dark soul in need of light."

Bix carried me to bed and placed me down, he held onto me whenever I sleep... little did I know what lies ahead of me.

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