
By JonnyCasimer

121 1 0



Amdromalius: Chapter 2

35 1 0
By JonnyCasimer

My heart raced as i lept over shrubs and dashed through the rocky plains that seem endless to my eyes. I felt i couldn't get far enough away from the site in which i had taken a soul so mercilessly.

i stopped running and vomited in the bushes. I now started to panic. I know they will find me. Will they kill me? Where do i go? Who am I? All these questions race through my mind until i hear a faint hum.

Far off, i see lights shining in the distance, moving towards my location. I recognize it as one of the ships i had seen taking off at the town. I quickly ran for the nearest tree, dug myself its its neighboring bushes and mud, hopeful i will be missed by the hunters. My heart sank as it came close and slowed down by my tree. It moved slowly like a dog that may  have caught a wisp of its prey's scent. 

After what seemd like an eternity, it sped up again and flew off into the horizon. I began hyperventilating, too strucken with fear to move any further. But something inside me was telling me to get up, keep going. It was something with more courage than i had now, more spirit, and more violence.

Finally, i realized lying here would only bring certain death, that i had to keep moving to find something. I got up shakely, and began to run once again.

It was still dark, but the sun had begun to creep up from its slumber, which gave me a sign of urgency. I knew that once the sun came up, i could no longer hide in the dark, and more patrols would be in the skies. I had been on the move all night and had nearly convinced myself that i was literally running in an endless field of dirt, shrubs and sparse trees.

Then suddenly, a streak of grey appeared in the distance. A thin strip of smooth grey. Curious, i pressed on. Once i had arrived, i had found something. A road. A road that could lead to my death, or lead to my escape.  This wasteland had not assured me any survival, so i began to follow the road.

I didnt have to travel to far before i started seeing signs of civilization. Signs on the road signaled upcoming rest stops and checkpoints. The closest one was only another mile. Ed's Stuff N' Such. Sounded reassuring.

It was a small place. A dirt lot and an old building. It was open, so i walked in. The place was empty, except for one person working there, who i assumed was Ed. He didnt notice me walk in, and was seated behind a counter organizing cigarette boxes. I walked up to him.

"Excuse me," I said quietly and politely, hoping not to scare him. It didn't work.

He whipped around wielding a gun, a different one than the man with the hemlet. Long with red glowing crevices near the trigger. It pulsed with ferocity. I could feel its hot breath pouring out its barrel. I stepped back and quickly raised my hands.

"What the hell do you want," He replied, in a strange accent, as if half his mouth couldnt move. "We're closed."

The sign had clearly said open. "I'm sorry," I trembled. "I just need directions, im lost."

We stared awkwardly at eachother, until the humming from the rifle stopped and he lowered his gun.

"Damn right your lost. Where are you headed?" He asked, impatiently.

"I need to find some transportation." Im not sure why i said that. i dont know where i would be going anyway.

"Off planet or on planet?"

The question took me by surprise. Off planet? What did that mean? I didnt quite know how to reply, but i guess as far away from here was best. "Off planet," I answered cautiously. "As quick as possible."

He raised an eyebrow. Why had i said that? There would be no reason for me to hurriedly leave a planet unless an apocolypse was coming. But i was sure my own apocalypse was on its way. He eyed up my jacket, and saw the symbol on it, and his stare darted back to my face. His eyes wide, and his face in disbelief.

"Come with me." He blurted. I wondered if it was safe to trust this man i had only just met. But he was my only hope of getting some answers, so i did. We walked to the back of the building and walked out a door that led outside, where it was daytime. A vehicle sat near the side, rusted and worn. He walked up to it and opened the door leading to the drivers seat.

I heard a few noises, then the vehicle lit up and roared to life, blasting a cloud of dust out from under its fuselage. It hovered over the ground, and rocked back and forth.

The man peared out the window and looked at me. "Get in." He demanded.

By now, i had become defensive. I only just met him.

"I'm not going anywhere with you unless you tell me whats going on." He went back to the window, and stared aggrivatingly at me.

"The nearest off planet transport is over 100 miles away," he said. "Get in now if you want to get back."

"Get back where?"

"To the Andromalius"

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