Slowly Decreasing Mental Heal...

By KokoroHamasaki

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An x reader with the infamous Korekiyo Shinguji the Ultimate Anthropologist. Hope you enjoy this story comple... More

Part 1: We don't talk about Korekiyo
Part 2: Killing Butterflies
Part 3: Pleasing The Dead
Part 4: Panic Room
Part 5: Overthinking Romance
Part 6: Sister Sister Complex
Part 7: Lunch with a Homicidal Maniac
Part 8: Amendments Unmade
✨🌈 Pride Month Special 🌈✨
Part 9: Realization Over Pie
Part 10 (Finale(SIKE)): Deep Thoughts
Part 12(Finale) Slowly Increasing Affections
Comment what you want to see next
I want you guys to make a decision

Part 11: Seal it with a Kiss

627 13 3
By KokoroHamasaki

Previously on Slowly Decreasing Mental Health...

"I know this one of your coping mechanisms you told me about, but you have been doing that for quite some time. If it is alright with you, since we are close friends, may you tell me what you're thinking about?" Asked Korekiyo shyly.

Now continuing...

Crap! I didn't assess how long I could do this crap for.. And I definitely cannot tell Korekiyo because he'll feel at fault.. If I don't, then he may get upset at me or himself.. Come on,
Y/N! You are the Ultimate Psychologist! Just say something. "Uhm, I was just thinking about something Kokichi said. You know how he's always lying, haha! It's hard to figure out the truth." I said, half lying and half telling the truth. Hopefully a little Kokichi rubbed off on me.. Korekiyo looked at me and smiled. "He has definitely stressed out the school with his whole demeanor. He usually never goes to classes and somehow has all A's. I think everyone has given up on figuring him out."

I laughed at the thought of everyone stressed about the short little demon kid. "Well I never give up on a person! I'm the Ultimate Psychologist, and I'll help everyone to get their mental health in a good place!" I said with a smile. "Speaking of, I have a nice idea to get you thinking of a new Ultimate for you! There's an event that I was invited on Halloween where there'll be a whole bunch of different people where you can get some ideas on what you want to do! What do you say?" Korekiyo smiled, as he held my hand, putting another one top. "I would love to accompany you to this event. I'm grateful you thought of inviting me." The tall man said in response.

I was frozen in place. There is no way he is oblivious to the way he acts.. "O-Of course! I'm your friend and psychologist!" I said as I pissed off about stuttering. "Not only that, you're in my future as well." The ultimate Anthropologist said with that adorable smile. "Yes, how could I forget?" I said, laughing a little at the end.

Korekiyo's POV

Their laugh is beautiful, and so are they. I had my suspicions that I would feel empty without Sister, but it seems someone up there had a replacement... No.. more of alternative to what Sister and I had. They make me feel... safe. Comfortable. Much different from Sister. It won't be the same.. But better. "Kehehehe~ Thank you for allowing me to be in your future." I said, still holding their hands. Their face was tinted with red. "Yeah yeah sure. Um, I think you should get ready for your next class. Kokichi was right, us skipping together isn't right." said Y/N, taking their palm out of mine.

"I enjoy these moments with you. My grades are even better with the time I spent with you. You can't end this." I said, with a rasher tone than I expected. I know that voice.. Those excuses.. They want to put me at a distance. "Don't take this the wrong way! You are making more friends now! I want you to branch out and you can't do that spending all of it with me." Said The beautiful person. They started putting their things away. This is how it starts. They're going to start being with me less and less. Then they just stop. Then everyone else will go away. I will be all alone again. Sister can't be with me this time.. I'll truly be all alone.. Unconsciously, I grabbed Y/N's hand.

"I thought we were each other's future. We will fade away from each other's future if we don't stay together. I know we will. I just lost someone who I held deep on my heart. I can't lose another space in my heart." I said, on the verge of tears. "Korekiyo..." They said with sad eyes.


Poor Kiyo.. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't replace me in his heart for his sister when he already had a place for me elsewhere. He truly is traumatized by being alone. God knows how much he depended his sister.. I have to make this right. "I'm sorry, Kiyo. I will always be in your future as I hope you will always be in mine. I will never fade away. The space you hold in your heart for me will never be empty." I say as I give him a hug. I pulled away just slightly to face him. I forgot where I was and all I could see was Korekiyo's single tear dropped from his eye.

My heart immediately shattered. "Korekiyo, I am so so sorry.. How can I make it up to you?" I said, trying my best to make it up to the sad male in front of me. He leaned his face so close to mine, our noses touched. "Stay in my future. That's all I desire. For you to stay in my future as long as I live." Said Shinguji. Then he pressed his lips against my forehead. Now.. It feels as if I am in a dramatic tv show. I know the audience must be laughing at me for blushing at this stupid scene, but good God... He has my heart... Completely...

Later, inside Kokichi Oma's dorm

"And basically that's what happened." I confessed to Kokichi, flopping face down on his bed. Kokichi looked at me with the straightest face. "Y/N L/N. I am going to say this in the most calm way possible." He said, taking a deep breath after. "Why are you stressing over this still when it is clear you not only have no need to worry about his past relationship and his mental health, but you also is showing clear signs of feelings for you, you stupid idiot." the purple haired short man said with a smile that seemed almost sarcastic.

"Hey! Stop judging! It's a lot easier to help others than yourself. I'm here to confess my sins to my bestie here. It's your unofficial job to hear me out and be nice about my life choices ." I said, pouting. "It's also my job as your bestie to set you the hell straight. I told you, you are the best person to handle him. You guys are literally perfect for each other and I'm sick of you two. I loved the K-Drama at first but I'm wishing the main characters will get together so we can all move on happily." Kokichi said, a bit ticked off.

"It's just all so.. ah!! You get it??" I said, praying he would understand. "No. No I don't." Said Kokichi. I signed dramatically while kicking my legs. "Look, in my opinion, I say make a move." He said, laying down beside me. "It's not like he's me. He never lies like that. And it's not like he's the waste of space Miu because he doesn't joke around." Kokichi is right. All I'm getting is green flags. Then why am I so hesitant....

Flashback to when Y/N was about 10 or 11 years old

I was playing with one of the few toys I had when all the sudden I heard Screaming."You idiot!! How dare you do such a thing? It's already enough we have this pathetic excuse for a child, but you just have to bring more drama in the mix." screamed my mother. "You know damn well this is not my fault. Maybe if you weren't such a waste of air, I wouldn't be doing this! You better be lucky I'm cheap or I would've left years ago!!" yelled my father.

I peeked from the stairs when I was caught by my mother. "You.... This is all your fault!! We would still be happy without you." She screamed at me. My mother took my toy away and smashed it into pieces on the ground. "You caused us all this stress because of crap like that. So go out there and earn for yourself so you can buy a new one." I ran out the house, crying til I reached the gas station. The owner let me work there for a year or two, then I bounced from job to job. Luckily they never kicked me out. Only took the meaning out of my existence.

Back to present day

"The leading person had trauma themself. Mainly with romance. Until they met Maki and Kaito, they have never seen a healthy relationship. Which is why they are the Ultimate Psychologist and not the Ultimate Marriage Counselor." I subtly explained. "That's the whole point of a first try though. If it doesn't work out the first time, you know what to do for next time. It's kinda like se-" Kokichi said, before I covered his mouth on that last insolent comment.

"Okay I get it idiot. You know, you are good at this. Wanna trade Ultimates?" I said smirking. "I dunnooo. Could you handle leading a group of thousands??" Kokichi said turning around to face me better. "Sir. It's literally you and like 9 people putting roaches in people's milkshakes." I said laughing. "SHHHH! I have a reputation to uphold you piece of crap!" The Ultimate Supreme Leader loudly whispered. I started laughing louder as Kokichi kept protesting and yelling at me to be quiet.

It's always nice to have people in your corner. I guess that's what Korekiyo was craving. This is nice. I'm glad I have these new people and an extremely special new one.

(Sorry this one took so long. It's gonna be hard to go back to my 2 week schedule like it used to be. During my mental health break, I started writing a new story. So focusing on this one has been a challenge 😅 I'm surprised I got 1600 words. I hope you guys still enjoy this series and will be patient for the end. I think I just might make this the 2nd to last part. Thank you guys and I will see you all in the next one!!)

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