In Your Dreams

By normamikorslayme

359K 11.1K 2.9K

just another imagine about your favorite celebrities... taking requests... More

"Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?"
"I don't want to just be your best friend."
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Just A Fling...
Just A Fling...
You Missed It.
You Missed It.
Ungodly Hour.
Halloween Party.
This Christmas.
This Christmas.
A Sneak Peek...
Old Flame.
Old Flame
Old Flame.
Old Flame.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Leaked Sextape.
Agruments & Ice Cream.
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
The Nanny?
The Nanny?
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Ms. Y/L/N
Ms. Y/L/N
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
They Didn't Believe Me.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Cradle 2 The Grave.
The Purge.
"You're not my child anymore."
Poetic Justice.
One of the Finest Women in Hollywood.
Drunk Texting.
Almost Ruined Trivia Night.
The Game Plan.
The Game Plan.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
I Wanted You First.
Nice To Meet You.
Nice To Meet You.
im not gone do it girl. i was just thinking about it.
Soccer Player.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
Y/N Y/L/N Must Die!
Get Over It!
Get Over It!
Thee Stallion.
F.U.C.K. (Teaser)

I Wanted You First

2K 98 33
By normamikorslayme

Part II

Six Years Later...
Your POV

Once we went off to college, I dropped contact with everybody. I just wanted to have time to myself and I wanted to grow. Honestly, they had all peaked in high school and still thought life was a game. Marshall was still one of those guys that grew up with money and never stepped a foot in the hood. But still thought he was the most gangsta nigga to ever exist.

"Y/N, you good?" Kyle asked snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah, my bad. I'm hungry as fuck," I replied slipping on my hoodie.

"Let's go get some sushi," he suggested and I nodded.

"Okay, I needed to drop off my essay and I'll meet you there," I told him.

"Okay, Tasha is coming with us by the way," he said and I nodded.

"That's cool. I'll see you there," I told him as I grabbed my car keys and my backpack that had my folder in it. I left our shared apartment and went down to my car.  I started my car as I walked off the elevator to the parking garage. I tossed my bag in my passenger seat and got in. I drove to campus and went to the English building. I hopped on the elevator and got off once I reached the third floor. I mindlessly walked to my professor's office and knocked on her door.

"It's open," she said. I opened the door and stepped into the room.

"Hi, Dr. Reid, I came to drop off my essay," I told her.

"Hi, Y/N. How are you today?" she asked as I handed her my essay.

"I'm doing good. About to go get sushi with Kyle," I told her and she rolled her eyes at the mention of her son's name.

"Tell him I said, 'I hope he falls on his ugly face.' And that I love his sister more," she told me and I laughed at her.

"Why are you two like this?" I asked.

"He started it when he came in my house and ate my damn Oreos. They was the thins, too. I knew I should've taken my key back," she said and I laughed again.

"Dr. Reid, I have the copies you wanted. Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were having a meeting," someone said as they came in.

"Honey, Y/N ain't nobody," Dr. Reid said and I gasped playfully.

"Yeah, I'm outta here. I'm never coming back," I told her and she laughed. I turned my head to see who it was and it was Samantha.

"I'll talk to you later, Dr. Reid," I said to her and she nodded.

"Don't forget to tell Kyle what I said," she reminded me and I laughed. I took a piece of candy from her desk and left her office.

"Y/N," I heard someone say softly. I turned around and Sam was standing there.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, you?" I asked her.

"Same here. You kinda disappeared on everyone," she said to me and I nodded.

"I did. Everyone there peaked in high school," I told her and she agreed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went to Xavier," I asked her.

"I'm getting my Masters here," she replied and I nodded.

"Me too. How's everybody? How's your family?" I asked.

"They're all doing great. Yours?"

"I don't know. I don't talk to them anymore."


"Toxic. You still dating ole boy?" I questioned.

"No, that was over as soon as we graduated from high school. You would've known if you picked up your damn phone."

"Look, I'm sorry. I wanted to forget everyone there."

"Yeah, okay. Nice seeing you again," she said walking off.

"My number hasn't changed," I told her as she walked away.

"Neither has mine," she replied and walked back into Dr. Reid's office. I left the building and met up with Kyle and his girlfriend, Tasha.

"Tasha," I said happily and gave her a hug.

"Hi, honey. How are you?" she asked and I chuckled.

"I'm good. How are you?" I replied.

"Same here. Just dealing with this annoying boy," she said gesturing to Kyle.

"Get off my woman, Y/N," Kyle said and I rolled my eyes.

"Aww, you want some love too," I asked him as I sat on his lap and hugged him.

"You never get that excited to see me," he said fake crying.

"I'm sorry. You know I love you the most," I told him and Tasha just laughed at us. I got up and sat down across from them.

"I ordered you some tea," Kyle said and I thanked him.

"Your mom said that she doesn't love you," I told him.

"That's why her ugly ass going in an old folks home," he replied and I laughed. I loved their relationship.

"I invited a few friends. That's okay?" Tasha asked me and I nodded.

"I was wondering why y'all got this big ass booth," I said and she chuckled at me. We talked for about twenty minutes. That was until she got up to go get her friends. When she had came back, there were three people with her. A couple and Sam.

"Y/N, this is Matthew, Beatrice and Sam," Tasha said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you Matthew and Beatrice. I'm Y/N," I said. Sam sat next to me making me internal groan.

"You and Sam know each other?" Tasha asked me and I nodded.

"We went to middle school and high school together," I replied and Tasha nodded.

"That's the Y/N you were walking about," Tasha said and Sam just nodded. Tasha looked down at her drink smirking.

"What are you drinking?" Sam asked.

"Green tea," I answered. She took my cup and took a sip of my tea. I wasn't bothered by it because she would do it when I was younger.

"That's good," she replied and I nodded in agreement.

"What are you getting your Masters in?" she asked me.

"Political science, you?"

"English," she replied with a soft smile on her face.

"I should've known that," I replied.

"You should've. Heard there's some speculations of you being drafted after you graduate," she said and I nodded.

"The rumors are true. The Lakers, Warriors, 76ers and the Celtics have been contacting me. I scored the highest at the combine," I told her.

"That's great. I also heard that asshole was there," she said and I chuckled.

"He was. He tried to talk to me, but I just kept it short and very plain," I told her.

"He's such a dick."

"Why'd y'all break up?"

"Because he cheated with Lana."

"Yeah, not surprised at that," I told her. We caught up and enjoyed our time with everyone else. Afterwards, I ended up giving Sam a ride back to campus because she had left her car there.

"Y/N?" she asked as I walked her to her car.

"Yes, Sam?"

"In high school... did you have feelings for me?" she questioned.

"I had feelings for you since middle school, Samantha."

"Why'd you never say anything?"

"You were dating Marshall and you were happy. I wasn't about to mess that up for you."

"How'd you like me, but you slept with my best friend?"

"What are you talking about? I never fucked your best friend. That's a lie. I thought I was your best friend," I replied, "who told you that?"

"She did," she replied.

"Ma'am, I'm a virgin," I whispered the last part.

"You are?" she questioned and I nodded.

"I don't like people enough to give up my goodies like that. I am too beautiful for that," I replied and she chuckled.

"I'm sorry for believing that," she said softly and I waved her off.

"I know what she's talking about though. We kissed, but I was not feeling that at all. I was also drunk as fuck. She can't kiss worth a damn," I replied and she laughed. Unexpectedly, she hugged me.

"You got people tryna kill me?" I asked her and she laughed.

"God, I've missed you so much," she replied.

"I missed you, too," I replied. She let go of me and smiled.

"Wanna go play mini golf tomorrow night?" she asked knowing that it was one of my favorite things to do.

"Hell yeah. What time?" I asked her.


"I'll see you then," I told her. She gave me one last hug before getting into her car.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Part 3??? 

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