[OLD] Luna Mew Light Johto Jo...

By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

203K 3.2K 551

Xx BOOK 2: Sequel to 'Luna Mew Light Kanto Journey' Xx Xх Second FanFiction Story! хX Luna Mew Light is a you... More

Prologue: Before Johto
Character Profile
Chapter 1: Johto Starters and Meeting Casey
Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!
Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!
Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!
Chapter 5: The Pond, Houndour and Pokémon Swap Meet!
Chapter 6: Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town
Chapter 7: Tyrogues Evolutions, Goldenrod City and Pokéathlon
Chapter 8: Bug Catching Contest! The Dojo and The Wannabe Trainer
Chapter 9: Fishing Contest! Beauty Contest! Grass Pokémon Tournament!
Chapter 10: The Burned Tower History and Ecruteak City Gym!
Chapter 11: Meeting Todd Again and Articuno!
Chapter 12: The Naughty Murkrow Thief! The Dunsparce Swarm! Brock is Sick?!
Chapter 13: A Sumo Competition? Electric Company. A Cunning Smergle and Kecleon?
Chapter 14: The Light House! Shuckle Group and Cianwood Gym!
Chapter 15: Whirl Islands Adventures Start!
Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!
Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!
Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc
Chapter 19: Tomo 10th Birthday! The Aircraft? Back to Olivine Gym!
Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!
Chapter 21: The Extreme Pokémon Race! Meet Phanpy! The Loyal Ninetails!
Chapter 23: The Lost Piloswine! Mahogany Gym!
Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?
Chapter 25: Larvitar. The Unown? The Pokémon Reserve.
Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!
Pokémon List Update
Chapter 27: The Silver Confernce Begins!
Chapter 28: The Last Two Final Matches of the Silver Conference!
Chapter 29: Separation and Back to Pallet Town!

Chapter 22: Johto Champion Lance and The Red Gyarados Rage!

5.4K 92 9
By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

The gang were now getting close to Mahogany Town.

"I can't wait to battle the gym in Mahogany Town." Luna said.

"I can't wait for an earned rest in Mahogany Town." Misty said.

Only thing was they were a little bit lost.

Suddenly Growlithe and Togepi started to faint.

Pichu and Zorua looked at them wondering what happen.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked. She checked Togepi all over. "Togepi does look sick, but she doesn't feel sick, no fever or anything."

Just then Brock saw some wild grass and bug Pokémon and they all looked sick.

"There's something weird going on around here," Brock said, "and I don't like it."

Luna, Tomo and Misty didn't like it either.

"Pichu and Zorua are the only two Pokémon that is not effected by it."

Luna suddenly felt pain in her chest, "Ouch." She said trying to calm down the Jade Orb.

"Luna!/ Mew!" Tomo, Brock and Misty shouted out in alarm.

"I'm okay." Luna said and then she told a breath the Jade Orb stopped, "See."

They nodded.

Suddenly a roaring noise was heard not far from where the gang was standing.

"What was that?" Tomo asked.

"That sounded like a Gyarados," Luna said, "and a very angry one too."

"We better see what's going on," Brock said, "there might be trouble about."

The gang came to a huge lake, and then suddenly a red Gyarados burst out of the lake.

The gang got scared by that.

"That Gyarados is shiny like Triton." Luna said.

Gyarados began swaying about in the lake.

"I think that Gyarados is sick too." Brock said.

"Your right Brock," Luna said, "and it seems to be in terrible pain too. We should go and get some help."

The gang were about to leave, but then three men came up to them.

"You kids aren't going anywhere," one of the men said, who seemed to be the leader, "especially you have seen the red Gyarados."

"You are Team Rocket!" Luna shouted noticing the R sign on the men's vests.

"Since you kids also know who we are," the man said, "it's all more the reason to not let you kids go." The man sent out a Fearow to battle gang.

Luna sent out Pichu to battle Fearow and gave it a quick thunder that cracked the ground and it hit Fearow and fainted.

"You like brat!" He shouted. The man was about the call out another Fearow.

But then, at that moment the Fearow was struck by a thunder wave attack.

A man, with red hair, was riding a Dragonite. "You kids get away from here." The man said.

The gang did as they were told and started to run away into the forest.

The Team Rocket agents didn't want the kids to get away, but the man had his Dragonite distract the agents with whirlwind, which blew the agents off their feet.

Then the man left with Dragonite to where the gang was.

At that time, the gang had now stopped running, and then the man and his Dragonite showed up.

Luna realised that the man was actually Lance the Johto region champion, he introduced himself.

Lance was surprised seeing kids here himself and he show one which was Luna the Indigo League Winner. Bruno and Lolorei told him and the Elite Four that they battle Luna on one on one and lost, it was quick a shock to them since a girl who just started on her Pokémon trainer quest no more than a year already at an elite level.

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Brock introduced themselves too.

At that moment, Growlithe and Togepi stopped feeling sick, which made Tomo and Misty relieved.

"What are you kids doing here in the forest?" Lance asked.

Luna explained that they were on their way to Mahogany Town, but they got lost and they heard the red Gyarados in the lake.

"That red Gyarados is the reason why I'm here." Lance said, "The truth is I'm a member of the organization called the Pokémon G-men."

"I've heard of that organization," Luna said, "the members patrol around the whole Pokémon world, arresting those who abuse Pokémon and arrest those who capture Pokémon to use in evil ways. As the matter of fact, I'm actually glad that a member of that organization is here. I mean I don't know if you already know this, but Team Rocket have been making moves here in Johto lately."

"I do know Luna and that's why I'm here," said Lance "there have been reports that Team Rocket has been doing some experiment here at Lake of Rage."

"What kind of experiments?" Luna asked.

"I don't know, but it has something to do with that red Gyarados." Lance said.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Brock asked.

"No you kids continue on to Mahogany Town," Lance said giving the kids directions, "because of Team Rocket, this forest has become too dangerous for you to be here. You leave this to me."

The gang just continued to Mahogany Town, so not to disobey Lance's words.

Deep in the forest, near Lake Rage, was one of Team Rocket's bases. It looked like a warehouse.

The Team Rocket grunt from earlier, whose name was Tyson, was talking to a scientist.

This scientists name was Dr Sebastian and he was another scientist who worked for Team Rocket.

Dr Sebastian was more calm and clever than Dr Namba, and he loved creating experiments that would make Pokémon stronger and would trap them.

"This experiment is still incomplete," Dr Sebastian said, "the red Gyarados was the only Pokémon that evolved from its previous form. That's why we need to catch it and examine it. Once the data is complete, the radio waves will be able to make all pokemon evolve without fail."

"With that, we will have a very strong Pokémon army for Team Rocket." Tyson said.

"Unfortunately we don't have the equipment to capture the red Gyarados, while it's on the lake floor." Dr Sebastian said.

"So that means we need to lure it to the surface, and then catch it." Tyson said.

Just then a Team Rocket informed Tyson that Jessie, James and Meowth had arrived at the base.

"Great," Tyson said, "those three will be perfect bait of luring out the red Gyarados for us."

Jessie, James and Meowth were in a hallway of the base, waiting for Tyson to give them orders.

"What do you think Tyson wants us to do?" James asked.

"Probably wants us to guard something." Jessie said.

"Might be something top secret, like experiments or equipment." Meowth said.

Just then Tyson came up to Jessie, James and Meowth.

"What are your orders for us Tyson sir?" Jessie asked.

"I called you three here because I have a task for you." Tyson said.

Tyson explained that there was a red Gyarados in the lake and they needed someone to lure the Pokémon to the surface on the lake.

Jessie, James and Meowth were surprised about knowing that a shiny Gyarados was around, they have only seen one shiny red Gyarados from twerp which was Luna.

"You can leave that to us sir," James said, "our water Pokémon will easily guide it to the surface."

"Good," Tyson said, "my men and I will take care of the rest once you bring it to the surface."

"Yes sir." Jessie, James and Meowth said together.

Then they set off towards the Lake of Rage.


Meanwhile, the gang were walking to Mahogany Town again, but Luna wasn't thinking about her upcoming gym battle now, she was thinking about the red Gyarados and Team Rocket.

"We should head back to Lake of Rage and help Lance," Luna said to the others, "I have a really bad feeling that the red Gyarados is in terrible danger because of Team Rocket. And I'm afraid about what's going to happen to all of the wild Pokémon around here."

Tomo agreed with Luna and so did Brock.

"If Team Rocket succeeds in this experiment of theirs, they'll be harming not only the wild Pokémon around this area, but everyone's Pokémon including our Pokémon." Brock said.

Misty started to agree with Luna too, so the gang headed back to Lake of Rage to help Lance and the red Gyarados.


Back at base, Team Rocket was getting ready to catch the red Gyarados. Lance was at the base too. He knocked out a Team Rocket agent and stole his uniform to blend in with the other rocket agents. So now he could find out what was going on, without being found out.

Jessie and James were getting ready to lure the Gyarados to the lake's surface and had Chinchou and Cloyster out.

"Do you want us to fight the Gyarados sir?" James asked.

"No just lure to the surface for us" Tyson answered.

"Roger!" James said.

Jessie and James sent Chinchou and Cloyster into the lake.

The red Gyarados was asleep on the floor of the lake, and it was still in pain. Chinchou and Cloyster swam to where the Cloyster was.

Chinchou shined its light very bright over the red Gyarados and it got woken up.

Once the red Gyarados was disturbed it got angry and intended to attack Chinchou and Cloyster.

Chinchou and Cloyster swam up to the surface as fast as they could.

As soon as Chinchou and Cloyster hit the surface, Jessie and James returned them at once, and then the red Gyarados appeared.

"Our target is here," Tyson said, "release the nets."

The Team Rocket agents fired a gigantic net, which trapped Gyarados at once, and then they released electric shocks at Gyarados.

The red Gyarados became very weak and unconscious. "Capture complete." Tyson said.

"Good, now we take it back to the laboratory for further investigating." Dr Sebastian said.

At that moment, the gang showed up at the lake and saw the red Gyarados in the net.

"It must be Team Rocket's work." Brock said.

"Oh yeah?" Luna said, "Well they aren't getting away with this."

Misty and Brock suggest for Luna not to battle yet since the orb started reacting again.

Luna didn't like it but agreed since they were looking at her with worried face she agreed too. She told Pichu and Zorua to hide in her backpack.

So Tomo and Misty sent out sent out Totodile and Staryu to help out. Totodile and Staryu swam up to the net and tried to rip it apart to free the red Gyarados.

Dr Sebastian and Tyson noticed the Pokémon and saw the gang.

"It seems those kids wish to interfere with our plans." Tyson said crossly.

Lance saw them too and couldn't believe that they had come back to the lake, but when he saw Luna who was on the ground clutching her chest, she looks like she was in pain.

Dr Sebastian ordered his lab assistants to turn on his experiment, which he called the evolution inducement wave.

Lance heard everything, and stood by to see what would happen.

The agents let of some sort of radio waves, from the base, across Lake of Rage. Totodile and Staryu became sick from the waves, and so did, Togepi and Growlithe.

"What's going on?" Tomo asked. He and Misty returned their water Pokémon at once.

"I get it now," Brock said, "the red Gyarados and our Pokémon are all being affected by Team Rocket's experiments."

"But what experiment is it?" Tomo wanted to know.

Before Tomo's question could be answered, the gang were caught by Tyson and his men.

"I'm afraid we can't have you kids messing with us," Tyson said, "so you will become our permanent guests."

Tyson and his men led the kids to Dr Sebastian. The red Gyarados was being placed into a truck.

Luna demanded to know what Team Rocket was doing with the red Gyarados.

Dr Sebastian explained about his invention, the evolution inducement wave, and that it would make any pre-evolved Pokémon evolve at once.

"As you can guess it worked on Gyarados when it was still a Magikarp." Dr Sebastian said.

The gang couldn't believe their ears.

"How could you?" Misty said, "controlling a Pokémon's evolution is absolutely against nature."

"But even nature can be beaten with science." Dr Sebastian replied.

"You won't get away with this." Luna said angrily. She had enough of Team Rocket.

"Complain all you like, but there is nothing you kids can do about this." Tyson smirked.

Tyson had the gang locked up in a prison cell in the base, while he, Dr Sebastian and some grants got ready to transport the red Gyarados to Mahogany Town.

They had a hideout there, and they planned to study the red Gyarados there.

Jessie and James asked Tyson if there was anything else that he needed them to do.

"Guard the kids and make sure they don't try anything." Tyson commanded.

Lance was in one of the cars, listening to Dr Sebastian's plans. Then the truck, carrying the red Gyarados started to leave.

In their prison cell, the gang started to think what to do.

"We have to get out of here somehow," Luna said, "we can't let Team Rocket get away with this."

"I agree with you Luna," Brock said, "their experiment to make Pokémon evolve is so wrong."

"But what can we do?" Misty said, "I mean we are locked up tight, and our Pokémon are in no good condition to do anything, because of that machine."

"Not really." Luna started and smiled, "My Pokémon's aren't affected by the machine."

The gang smiled understanding.


Meanwhile Lance was contacting Officer Jenny in Mahogany Town. He told her about Team Rocket, their hideouts at Lake of Rage and Mahogany Town, and about the red Gyarados.

"I'll have my men ready to deal with Team Rocket at once," Officer Jenny said, "thank you contacting me about this Lance."

"My pleasure." Lance said and the conversation was over. He drove back to the hideout at Lake of Rage to help Luna and the others.


Back at the prison cell, Jessie, James and Meowth arrived on the scene.

"Why am I not surprised that you three are here too?" Luna said annoyedly.

"Just lucky I guess." James replied.

"Now that you twerps are tied up, this is a good opportunity to grab your Pokémon." Jessie replied.

"You're not taking our Pokémon anywhere!" Misty shouted.

"Sorry twerpette, but you don't have a choice," Jessie shouted, "besides I have the gadget which can set you free, but you aren't getting it."

"That's what you think." Luna said.

Pichu and Zorua came out of her backpack and grabbed the deceive out of Jessie hand. Pichu press the button on the gadget, and then the gang were free.

"No way!" Jessie gasped.

"How did the twerp Pokémon get here?" James asked.

Luna released Dunsparce from her PokéBall and had it use glare on Team Rocket.

Jessie, James and Meowth were paralyzed and couldn't move.

The gang used this chance to escape.

At that moment Lance arrived on the scene. "I warned you kids not to come back to Lake of Rage." He said.

"We are sorry Lance," Luna said, "but we couldn't allow Team Rocket to get away with their Pokémon evolving experiment. Nor could we let them continue of doing cruel things to the red Gyarados."

"That's right," Tomo said, "we hate Team Rocket as much as you do."

"But then again if you did try to stop us. Mew wouldn't listen anyway she's to stubborn when it comes to helping Pokémon." Misty said.

Luna pouted she is not.

"I understand." Lance said. He stared at the hideout. "If we destroy this place, we can destroy Team Rocket's machine." He ordered his Dragonite to attack the hideout with hyper beam.

The hideout got destroyed at once by the hyper beam attacks.

Then Lance and the gang got into the car to get to Mahogany Town.

"Team Rocket must be at their headquarters in Mahogany Town by now." Lance said.

"You better step on it Lance." Luna said.

Lance agreed with Luna and started to drive fast at once.


Meanwhile Tyson, Dr Sebastian and the agents arrived at their hideout in Mahogany Town.

Dr Sebastian took off in another helicopter to get some things ready for the red Gyarados.

Just then Tyson got a phone call from Jessie and James, and they told him that the kids escaped and about Lance destroying the hideout at Lake of Rage.

Of course Tyson was furious with the report, and said that he will deal with the situation himself.

One of his men told him that the helicopters were ready to transport the red Gyarados and then Tyson gave the command to start.

Meanwhile Jessie, James and Meowth, who had fully recovered from their paralysis, tried to think what to do now.

"Should we go and help Tyson with the red Gyarados?" Meowth asked.

"I don't think that there is any need, because Tyson is strong and smart," Jessie said, "besides I don't really want to go anywhere near that Gyarados. I'd it is like the twerp Gyarados then it's dangerous."

James and Meowth didn't want to either.

"I suggest we go to another area to find different Pokémon." James said.

Jessie and Meowth agreed to James's idea and they left Lake of Rage.

At that time, Team Rocket were flying in the helicopters, carrying the red Gyarados in the net.

Just then the red Gyarados woke and began struggling in the net, causing the helicopters to get out of control.

The evolution inducement beam was wearing off on Gyarados, so the red Gyarados was no longer weak. The pilots were having trouble of controlling the helicopters, and then the red Gyarados made them fall into the river.

Gyarados escaped from the net, attacked Team Rocket's warehouse and vehicles with hydro pump, and started to swim down the river.

Tyson ordered his men to go after it at once. "The red Gyarados must not escape." He said.

Meanwhile Lance and the gang were still catching up in the van. Luna did a switching for her two Gyarados would be the best help for this mission. Especially her shiny Gyarados.

Suddenly they saw the red Gyarados swimming down the river.

"It must have escaped from Team Rocket." Brock said.

"That's good to know." Misty said.

Lance drove up the car near to the red Gyarados and then stopped it, and everyone got out of the car.

"I think the red Gyarados is heading to the town." Brock said.

Gyarados was roaring like crazy and was firing hydro pump like crazy.

"That Gyarados is out of control with rage." Lance said.

"We have to go after it and stop it, otherwise Mahogany Town will be in danger." Luna said.

The others agreed with Luna and so did Lance.

Lance released his Dragonite for help.

Lance and the gang were just about to run after the red Gyarados, but Tyson and his men showed up. Tyson intended to deal with Lance for destroying the lab. He ordered his men to continue going after the red Gyarados.

Luna and the others went ahead to help Gyarados, leaving Lance with Tyson.

"You will pay for meddling with my plans." Tyson said angrily.

"Those who cruelly force Pokémon to evolve, like you, deserve to be stopped." Lance said.

Lance got his Dragonite ready to fight and Tyson released two Fearow to battle.

Meanwhile Tyson's grunts caught the red Gyarados in a net and shocked it.

Luna and the gang arrived at the scene and Luna had her Flaffy cut Gyarados free from the net with swift.

The rocket grunts planned to take care of the gang, but the red Gyarados woke up and sent the grunts flying with hyper beam.

As soon as the grunts were gone, the red Gyarados continued swimming down the river and kept on firing hydro pump.

"Gyarados is really angry, I sense it." Luna said, "And it's in pain."

"It's because of Team Rocket," Brock said, "I mean they forced it to evolve from Magikarp, and then they've kept on trying to capture it for experiments. So it's no wonder that it's filled with rage and pain."

"Yeah, it's Team Rocket's fault that the red Gyarados is like this." Tomo said.

"What should we do?" Misty asked.

"We follow it." Luna said. She released her two Gyarados from their PokéBalls and they all went after the red Gyarados.


Back with Lance and Tyson, Tyson ordered his Fearows to fight Dragonite with fury attack.

Lance ordered Dragonite to dodge and attack the Fearows with wing attack. Dragonite dodged the Fearow's beaks, and then struck the Fearows with wing attack.

"Use hyper beam Fearows." Tyson said.

"You too Dragonite." Lance said.

The three hyper beam attacks collided with each other.

Then Tyson ordered his Fearows to use agility and peck all together. Thanks to the speed of agility, the Fearows were able to hit Dragonite with their peck attacks.

"Dragonite use twister." Lance said. Dragonite created a strong twister from its wings, and then the two Fearows got hit and trapped by the twister attack. The Fearows fainted from the twister attack.

Then suddenly, Officer Jenny and her men arrived on the scene and arrested Tyson.

"You caused trouble around here for the last time." Officer Jenny said to Tyson.

Lance was relieved that Tyson was now going to jail, and then he went to red if the red Gyarados and the kids were all right.


At the time, the red Gyarados continued swimming towards Mahogany Town. Luna ordered her two Gyarados to stop the red Gyarados in its tracks with dragon rage.

"Mystic, Triton don't let that red Gyarados near the town." Mystic and Triton both roared to get the red Gyarados attention.

The red Gyarados roared back and looked at the other red Gyarados, the red Gyarados was surprised to see another of its kind and a another one but different from any Gyarados.

"Gyarados I know that you angry and in pain but releasing it a the town will never help it." Luna said to him. "Calm down!"

The red Gyarados roared and when towards Luna and her Gyarados away from the town, Misty and the rest were worried but was sigh in relief when they saw the red Gyarados calming down.

Lance appeared surprised and shocked that the red Gyarados calm down and by Luna words, he was even more surprised to see another red Gyarados there and it belong to her. "Is Luna going to be okay?" He asked the gang.

The gang looked at Luna.

The red Gyarados roared agin. Luna blinked and smiled, "Of course you can I don't really mind." She said.

"Luna's fine." Brock said. "As long as he doesn't attack her than its okay."

"Yeah." Misty said. "Or the red Gyarados might be in trouble."

"Yep big sister can handle anything as long she doesn't get hurt." Tomo said. "Her Pokémon hates it when it happens."

The red Gyarados roared again, Luna called out two Marills from their PokéBalls and asked them to use heal bell on Gyarados to heal him. The Marills did it and the red Gyarados was fully heal and he roared loudly in gratitude.

Luna smiled happy that the red Gyarados was not longer in pain, she told her two Gyarados and the red Gyarados to head back to were Lance and her friend were.

"Amazing." Lance said.

Misty and Brock chuckled, "That's Luna for you." They said.

Tomo ran towards Luna, "Big sister are you okay?" He asked.

Luna smiled, "Of course I am." She said and looked at the others, "Hey guys, guess what?"

"What?" Misty and Brock asked.

"Trident is coming with me." Luna said happily.

"What?!" Everyone shouted out.

"Whose Trident?" Tomo asked.

"Gyarados wanted to come with me," Luna said, "in other words Trident is my Pokémon and don't you think that Trident is a great name for him." Her two Gyarados roared in agreement for the name, they like it too.

Lance smiled and shook his head in amusement, after all the incident that the Red Gyarados been through it calm down and now it wants a trainer and it was Luna.

"Well Luna I must say you surprised me a lot than any other trainers I meant so far." Lance said.

Luna smiled at him.

"I think that the red Gyarados had found a great trainer to take care of him."

"Thank you Lance." Luna said and faced Trident, "Well Trident welcome." She held out a Cherish Ball (3/7) and tapped Trident with it and he went in. The Cherish Ball got teleported to the lab, "I better send you back as well to take care of Trident and explain the situation to the rest of them." Her two Gyarados nodded.

Luna returns them back and sent them to Professor Oak lab.

After Tyson and his men were arrested.

Officer Jenny thanked Lance and the gang for their help, and then she left to continue her investigation.

Lance and the gang said to goodbye to each other, and then Lance rode away on his Dragonite back to the Pokémon G-men headquarters.

And the gang went onto Mahogany Town.

13/09/2015- Edited

1. Sorry guys if you through the that Lance would catch it or Misty. But I think that Luna suits another shiny Gyarados better. sorry. I'll have Lance already owning a shiny Gyarados of his own.
Oh yeah the reason why Pichu and Zorua wasn't affected by the magnetic wave that made the Pokémon weak was that they are too strong to be affected by it.

2. I have always thought that Jessie, James and Meowth were a bit too stupid in the anime. I mean they always got in the way of all of Team Rocket's plans. They never thought through before they did anything and they never realised Team Rocket's own hide outs. So that's why I've made them smarter in this story, it's more interesting.

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