Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

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This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

I Am Curse From Above!
Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Road Trip
A Bond To One Another
You Are My Ideals
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Over Coming The Dark Within
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
Crimson Blood
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 2
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 3

The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince

488 15 1
By StarGizer789

Warning: I advise the reader to use his or her discretion, intended for mature readers only.

Contains scenes of explicit sexual nature activities, strong language, bloody violence for short [L.S.V.], and unsuitable for children under 17, you have been warned.


/We start off from chapter 37, Team Kakashi are walking toward they're way to Tenchi bridge while the four are walking and Sakura who deep in thought while walking next to Naruto and holding his hand/

Sakura: (Now thinking about it, Kabuto was able to escape since the original Sakura failed to capture him, also Yamato the guy who was also originally suppose to be here in this mission and there is Sai, I can't recall every detail of the events that are going on right now since Kakashi isn't hospitalized, this hold thing does makes me nervous, but...)

/Sakura glance at Naruto for a moment who looks serious but calm then Sakura return her gaze on the road ahead of herself to think more/

Sakura: (Naruto and I have mastered sage mode and also Kakashi, with his Mangekyō Sharingan I think we could do something with both Kabuto and Orochimaru, but given what I recall Kakashi feared Orochimaru so I'm going to need some kinda game plan since I alone know the events that will play out, but I shouldn't get careless either, not everything will play out in the story like it original should, like my relationship with Naruto something like that didn't happen in the original story plus...)

/Sakura looks at Kakashi who's ahead of the group while keeping his eyes open for anything and then Sakura return to thinking upon her thoughts/

Sakura: (Like I mentioned Kakashi shouldn't be here but Yamato so what could happen, it could be possible that Sasuke won't be here but I don't know, too many things could happen, what ifs and what not, reviewing everything that happen so far for starters, Naruto was able to do the tree claiming steps earlier since I nudged the idea to him back when we were kids, same with Sasuke, Haku should be dead a long time ago but who knows I haven't heard or seen him ever since the hidden mist, I guess me having Excalibur and Avalon along with meeting with an elderly version of Artoria Pendragon in this world, plus meeting with princess Diana during my monthly visits to the United Kingdom for the usual royal parties and political meetings for trades of goods and serves, but I still need to get a better grasp of it, but anyways back to my crazy reviewing of the events of my life that my brain could recall, ah yes now thinking of what to do, originally I wanted Kabuto dead so I wouldn't have to worry about Kabuto joining forces with Obito since Kabuto was the one to do the reanimated jutsu that cause so much death during the 4th great ninja war, but now thinking about it if we do capture Kabuto, not only we'll be infiltrating Orochimaru but his many secret bases as well, that means we could find many other secrets that Orochimaru might have, but I don't know if somehow Kabuto does escape then I guess I will have to kill him but how would I-.)

Naruto: Hey Sakura.

/Then upon hearing Naruto's voice Sakura snap out of her thoughts and look at Naruto in question/

Naruto: You're thinking again aren't you, is it about what happened?

/Naruto looks to Sakura with a bit of seriousness which Sakura shakes her head/

Sakura: No, I was thinking about the mission and the many possibilities of it in how it'll turn out.

Naruto: I'm kinda afraid to ask since I know you'll explain it all so just give me the short version of it.

Sakura: *Sigh* I'm just worried about if the spy either came alone or perhaps this hold thing was set up as a trap for the Akatsuki to capture you, after all that guy with blonde hair and the weird hands, Deidara he did escaped.

Naruto: Oh yeah...

/Naruto recalling the events of facing off against Deidara and recalling on how he escaped by chapter 33 [The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2] and then Naruto ended his flash back and return to gazing on Sakura who seems deep in thought then Naruto speaks up with Sakura/

Naruto: There's nothing to worry about, regardless of Akatsuki or who ever, we'll deal with them all the same.

Sakura: Yeah, you're right.

/Sakura smile for a moment while both Naruto and Sakura are still holding hands, but now Naruto noticed something about Sakura, well mostly to her eyes which takes Naruto by surprise for a moment/

Naruto: (Why am I now realizing it now...)

/Naruto is recalling from his memory with Sakura all the way back when they were genins and the expression that Sakura would express without herself knowing it is self doubt, fear, and worry while trying to mask it away with a smile but now Naruto seeing Sakura's eyes is fear and so Naruto gives Sakura a little squeeze to indicate affection by there hands and Sakura look to Naruto in wonder and then Naruto whisper to Sakura/

Naruto: Sakura be honest with me..., is there something your not telling me...?

/This taken Sakura by surprise and it's starting to scare her, well the potential possibilities of Naruto able to see right through herself but Sakura tries to hide her fears for a moment but thinking it over deep down Sakura fear that hiding it would be pointless in the end especially in the long run and so Sakura think for a moment/

Sakura: (I've debated it in the back of my head if I should tell someone, but...)

/Sakura looks to Naruto in a mix of wonder and fear/

Sakura: (But if I do, then we can't go back to the way things were it'll be changed forever, but if I keep it a secret, the longer I try to hide it, it'll only be a matter of time until something breaks, either the secret itself or this relationship since the trust will be broken down..., but I'm not ready too, not now at least.)

/Then Naruto who looks at Sakura with a raised eye brown while expecting an answer from Sakura while two couple whispering to each other/

Naruto: Well...?

Sakura: *Sigh* Naruto please listen..., we'll talk..., but not now..., not here at least..., after the mission then we'll talk...

/Sakura look away from Naruto while feeling afraid for what's to come which made Naruto surprised to see Sakura to express such a state but remain silent and kept his eyes on the road, later during the day team Kakashi had made it to the Tenchi bridge just a day ahead and Sai uses his scroll to create ink rats to look around the area while team Kakashi are hidden among the trees and bushes and soon enough each ink rat has return to Sai's scroll and then Sai close his scroll and put it away/

Sai: It's safe to say that no one else is here.

Sakura: I see, so it isn't a trap from the Akatsuki.

Kakashi: That only leaves us with the spy.

Naruto: Yeah.

Sakura: This is good that means we could set up a trap of our own then.

/Naruto looks at Sakura in question/

Naruto: What do you mean?

Sakura: It's simple really, since we're here a day ahead of the meeting time, we could plan a way to cut off the spy's escape but we should be careful on how to set up our traps, but I'm sure it'll be easy enough.

/Sakura pulled out from her pockets and it was simply paper bombs and Sakura simply smile and then look to Kakashi/

Sakura: If this works we could capture him and have him at our village in a flash.

/Then Sakura got out a kunai that has a symbol on the handle of the kunai and she gave it too Kakashi and so the masked jounin took it and feeling really surprised by Sakura's clever idea/

Kakashi: I see, you're quite devious Sakura.

/Sakura gives Kakashi her devious smile, then we skip to the next day and team Kakashi has return to the Tenchi bridge [here's a pic of it]/

/We see Naruto, Sakura, and Sai who are hidden and eyeing the bridge waiting for the spy to come at the meeting spot [here's a pic of them and once again Sakura wearing the Equilibrium from Final Fantasy 13 Lightning return just love okay ^w^]/

/Then finally they see the spy who's cover by rob and he's making his way to the bridge upon meeting spot for Sasori and so this 'Sasori' who's in his Hiruko human-puppet walks towards in a slow pace and finally the two meet at the bridge [here's a pic of it]/

Unknown Spy: It's been a long time lord Sasori...

/Then this unknown spy turns to reveal his face to look at 'Sasori' and it was Kabuto all along [here's a pic of him]/

Kabuto: It's been 5 years right.

'Sasori': Were you followed?

/Kabuto looks behind himself to see anything off and return to look at 'Sasori'/

Kabuto: It's just you and me.

'Sasori': How do you feel?

Kabuto: Well I haven't shaken that strange sensation when your jutsu broke and I remembered who I was again, my head still feels clouded, heavy.

'Sasori': Now then I have a few questions.

Kabuto: I don't have much time so keep it brief I've risked my life of sneaking out to meet you without Orochimaru finding out.

'Sasori': I want information about Orochimaru including his hide out, including his favorite Sasuke Uchiha.

Kabuto: Orochimaru has several hideout, we keep moving to a different one every week to keep from being discovered by the enemy, of course many are in the hidden sound village but some hideout are in other lands too, he has spies everywhere acting as his eyes and ears, there are so many ways a person could get around it's not easy to track them.

'Sasori': The current hide out.

Kabuto: Right now Orochimaru hold up in a small island in a lake just north of here we'll be moving within 3 days, Sasuke Uchiha is there as well.

/Then Kabuto and 'Sasori' hear sound from a bush that move and Kabuto quickly turn to see what it is and it was a simple wild rabbit/

Kabuto: It was a wild rabbit.

/But what Kabuto and 'Sasori' didn't know was that they are being watched and it was none other then Orochimaru who's hidden himself deep in the forest and he watches with his sinister smile [here's a pic of it]/

/Then soon enough Orochimaru started to slowly walk his way but now we return with Kabuto and 'Sasori' who are talking on the Tenchi bridge/

Kabuto: Now as I was saying we should discuss the orders you gave me.

'Sasori': Now tell me, could you recover the bodies of the reanimation jutsu?

Kabuto: No, Orochimaru uses a protection jutsu for his specimens for his discarded vessels so I wasn't able to study there cellular structure as you commanded me.

'Sasori': Curse that Orochimaru, not only was he able to reanimated them but also discard them with out having a chance to collect them, that snake...

Kabuto: Now let's end our discussions let's trade the collected info if I waste any more time I'm sure I will be killed.

'Sasori': Very well I do hate to be kept waiting.

/'Sasori' takes out a few blank ninja info cards which surprises Kabuto and 'Sasori' speak [here's a pic of them protend that 'Sasori' was the one holding them instead of Kabuto]/

'Sasori' I'm sure you understand what this is, you'll have the info you want with this.

Kabuto: This does bring back memories.

/Kabuto reach out to grab the cards that 'Sasori' is offering and in that moment we see Sakura, Naruto, and Sai who are hidden and Sakura having a handsign ready and having a confident smile which Naruto notice and Sakura whisper to both Sai and Naruto/

Sakura: Get ready...

Naruto: Right...

/Both Naruto and Sakura started to gather up nature energy slowly but surely, then we return to Kabuto and 'Sasori' and finally Kabuto grab the blank info cards, then suddenly Kabuto realized it but it was too late since he's seeing the world around himself warping around and making him dizzy and in that moment Sakura quickly teleported to 'Sasori' and Kabuto and just when Kabuto sees the familiar pink haired kunoichi which shocks him and Kabuto could only say one thing before Sakura quickly grab his neck/

Kabuto: You...!

/And upon Sakura grabbing Kabuto's neck she quickly place a powerful sealing jutsu on him to cut off his connection of his chakra and more different fuinjutsu seals are being spread around Kabuto's body until his body is covered by blank fuinjutsu seal marking all over his body, then Sakura at the moment quickly used her Flying Raijin to teleport away from the second of Orochimaru who try to quickly grab both Sakura and Kabuto, but Orochimaru failed and both Sakura and Kabuto are gone and now he stands before this 'Sasori'/

Orochimaru: Oh I've seem to lost dear old Kabuto, such a shame really he was useful to me don't you agree Kakashi.

/Then finally 'Sasori' poof himself to be Kakashi all along and once the smoke clears and he looks at Orochimaru with his Mangekyō Sharingan [here's a pic of it]/

/And upon seeing Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan, Orochimaru couldn't help but grin so sinisterly more then normal/

Orochimaru: Ah the Mangekyō Sharingan, my Kakashi you've really developed it well, perhaps taking it would be wise, but I guess you could bring the two other baby rats to play.

/Then we see all the way back with Konoha Sakura and Tsunade are talking and Tsunade has a shock expression/

Tsunade: You found him.

Sakura: Yes we're facing him right now my lady.

Tsunade: Take me to him.

Sakura: Yes ma'am.

/Sakura enter in sage mode and when to Tsunade to use the Flying Raijin, and now we return back to the Tenchi bridge with Kakashi, Sai, and Naruto facing toward Orochimaru who stands alone then suddenly both Sakura and Tsunade were teleported with Kakashi and his teammates which surprises Kakashi/

Kakashi: Lady Tsunade.

Tsunade: Stay back, this it between us now.

Orochimaru: *Grin* How right you are.

/Orochimaru glances at Sakura and Naruto who are both in sage mode which causes Orochimaru to grin even more/

Orohimaru: Oh dear it seems like the children grew even stronger, I was right to try to end that girl's life look how much of a thorn she has become and also taken Kabuto away, truly she lives up to her title as the next 4th hokage.

/Tsunade whisper to Sakura who's close by/

Tsunade: Sakura listen knowing that he's here that means Sasuke is here as well...

Sakura: Yes and I'm already picking up his chakra...

Tsunade: Good take your team and find him I'll face him alone...

/Sakura glance at Tsunade with a bit of concern/

Sakura: Are you sure...?

Tsunade: I'll be fine...

/Then Sakura started to walk to her teammates and Orochimaru couldn't help but chuckle/

Orochimaru: Do you honestly believe that they'll get far?

Tsunade: Ha, Orochimaru if I learned anything about my student is that you don't underestimate Sakura.

/Then Sakura got a kunai out from her pouch and got close enough to her teammates and soon turn to take aim of her kunai and then she charged her right arm with chakra and using her super human strength to throws the kunai so hard as it zip past Orochimaru easily and further away deep within the forest then team Kakashi when to Sakura and place there hands on her shoulders and Sakura looks to Tsunade with a simple smile/

Sakura: Don't have too much fun grandma.~ 

Tsunade: *Annoyed* Just get going already!

Sakura: Right.

/Then Sakura with the rest of her team teleported to find Sasuke, but we'll keep our eyes on the fight that's going to happen with Tsunade vs Orochimaru as the wind that blows and leaves that fall as both Orochimaru and Tsunade stared at each other/

Tsunade: It's about time we finish what we started over 2 years ago.

Orochimaru: I couldn't agree more and without Jiraiya, this fight won't be so hard.

Tsunade: Don't underestimate me Orochimaru I am Hokage and I will show you what the title really means.

/Now the air around both Orochimaru and Tsunade started to become tense do to both opposing chakras clashing towards one another and cause of this Orochimaru's grin grew wider/

Orochimaru: You have grown stronger, I'm glad for that at least it'll be worth a challenge.

Tsunade: Don't end up crying about it.

Orochimaru: Striking Shadow Snakes!

/Orochimaru quickly summon snakes that are coming out of his arms and now Tsunade acted by using her hand and cover them with chakra making them like a scalpel and Tsunade quickly cut each coming snake that came her way easily then Tsunade quickly rush towards Orochimaru and jump to do a dive kick but Orochimaru dodged out of the way and Tsunade landed on her feet and turn to look at Orochimaru and she sees that he's chuckling with joy/

Orochimaru: Very impressive indeed Tsunade, you've really honed your skills and trained well.

Tsunade: Enough games Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: Very well then.

/Then Orochimaru lower himself which made Tsunade look at him in question then soon enough Orohimaru started to open his mouth more then normal [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Orochimaru throw up a lot of snakes that are coming out of his mouth [here's a pic of it remember they're on the Tenchi bridge]/

/Tsunade upon seeing Orochimaru throwing up so many snakes that are coming out of his mouth and she couldn't help but to be disgusted by that and then acted by jumping all the way back end of the Tenchi bridge and clinch her fist and knee down and throw her fist on the ground of the bridge effectually destroying it and the bridge fall and that includes Orochimaru and his many snakes that were coming out of his mouth and Tsunade looking down at the destroyed bridge that she caused but she couldn't see him and so Tsunade knew that Orochimaru is planning to use a sneak attack and so Tsunade walk away from the cliff to have some distance and she waits for the incoming Orochimaru and finally feeling the shaking underneath her feet then jump back and quickly a blade came out of the ground and so Tsunade catch the blade with both of her hands and keeping a strong grip and of course Orochimaru coming out of the ground and Tsunade who's still gripping the blade that belong to Orochimaru is being pushed back by the snake sannin then Tsunade use her super human strength to break the Kusanagi Blade then Orochimaru jump back with a grin and Tsunade stared back with anger/

Orochimaru: My Tsunade you've broken my Kusanagi blade.

Tsunade: Tsk like you even care about that thing, now let's talk about something really important.

/Tsunade crake her hands with an upset expression on her face while staring at Oochimaru/

Tsunade: You're going to die, end of story.

Orochimaru: Hehehe well if that's what you believe.

Tsunade: That's because it'll be coming true soon enough.

/Tsunade cut her thumb with her own chakra control and Orochimaru tense up and realize and so Orochimaru had to cut his own thumb with his fang from his mouth and both Sannins are doing a summoning and both of them slam there hands down on the ground and say at the same time/

Tsunade & Orochimaru: Summoning Jutsu!

/Now both Sannins summon the large size animals of there own 1 being Tsunade's slug name Katsuyu as Tsunade is on top of [here's a pic of it]/

/And Orochimaru who summon a large snake name Manda and Orochimaru is on top of Manda [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Manda looks above his own head to look at Orochimaru and is clearly upset/

Manda: Orochimaru I believe I once told you before if you ever summoned me I would kill you.

Orochimaru: Oh come now Manda haven't my apologizes of feeding you 100 men is enough.

Manda: Tsk you're still scum to my eyes, but...

/Manda put his attention to the large slug Katsuyu and stared at it/

Manda: I still want some payback with that slug and her summoner for making that damn hole in my mouth and this time...

/Manda quickly slither his way to Katsuyu at high speed and open his mouth to bite Katsuyu/

Manda: I'll eat you hold slug!

/Then at that moment Katsuyu spit out slime acid at Manda but Manda moved out of the way in time but now Katsuyu spit more slime acid around her surrounding area quickly and Manda looks at the large slug in question and soon realized it/

Manda: That dirty slug is covering the area.

Orochimaru: It seems so.

Manda: Shut up scum, I'm still pissed with you but I'm more pissed off with that damn slug!

/Then we see Tsunade and Katsuyu as they talk while keeping there eye on both Orochimaru and Manda/

Katsuyu: I apologize my lady it seems that Manda is too fast for me.

Tsunade: It's fine we just have to bait them.

Katsuyu: Yes my lady.

/Then we return to Manda and Orochimaru as Manda thinks while looking at both Katsuyu and Tsunade/

Manda: (That damn slug was cleaver enough to cover the area with slime acid just one touch of that and you'll be feeling the pain of it, damn strong enough to melt rock and that's saying something, but it doesn't matter I am still faster and just one bait of my fangs and that slug is finished!)

/Now Manda is slithering around Katsuyu from a far while Katsuyu is keeping her eyes on Manda who's slowly slithering around in a slow pace while Manda thinks while moving/

Manda: (I just need a moment of streak and it's game over...)

/We return to with Katsuyu and Tsunade as Katsuyu while keeping her eye on Manda who's slithering around in circles not touching the slime acid/

Katsuyu: (I see he's hoping to draw my attention and waiting for a moment that I will let my guard down and also waiting for my acid to dissipate, but I am well prepared.)

/Then Manda notice the slime acid is dissipating slowly but surely while slithering around Katsuyu/

Manda: (Just a bit more and if that slug thinks about covering the area again I'll just jump towards the slug fast while taking the pain to sink my fangs, either way I win.)

/Both Manda and Katsuyu kept an eyes to each other waiting for a moment to strike and finally the slime acid has dissipated and so Manda acted quickly and slithered quickly towards Katsuyu and open his mouth and said/

Manda: I got you!!!

/But before Manda could take a bite on Katsuyu, the large slug turn itself into many smaller versions of itself and quickly the many clones slug including Tsunade jumping out of the way and now they are on Manda which surprises the large snake/

Manda: What!?

/Then the many slugs that are Katsuyu started to spit slime acid on Manda and they are burning Manda from every skin they are on as Manda screams in pain and Tsunade took this moment and use her monster strength to punch Manda effectively knocking the large snake out and so Manda poof away from the battle field and Orochimaru look upset but realize he's surround by Tsunade and the many slugs that are Katsuyu/

Orochimaru: Curses...

Tsunade: It's over now.

Orochimaru: Perhaps so, but...

/Orochimaru started to sink underground while he grins/

Orochimaru: Next time you won't be so lucky.

/The many slugs spit acid to stop and kill Orochimaru before he escaped but sadly Orochimaru escaped just in time and none of the acid burned him and Tsunade felt upset about Orochimaru escaping but soon started heading where team Kakashi is/

Tsunade: (Sakura, Naruto, I'm coming if I know anything about that snake he's heading your way right now.)

/And so Tsunade takes off by running speed, now we put our attention to team Kakashi who are in a cave maze running and taking down a few weak ninjas who works for Orochimaru by easily punching and kicking there way through while sensing where Sasuke is while running/

Naruto: We're almost there.

Sakura: Just be careful we don't know what's down here. (I don't remember every little detail but I don't remember any ninjas being here at this hide out with Sasuke, what's going on here?)

/While team Kakashi are running and getting closer to Sasuke cause they do sense him with there sage mode being active and Sakura thinks to herself a bit more while being focus and running within the cave labyrinth [here's a pic of Sakura just imagen her wearing her Equilibrium and still having her long hair]/

Sakura: (It doesn't matter not many of them are strong, but what is this feeling I'm sensing when we're getting closer to Sasuke, what the hell is going on I can't help but sense something sinister that is hidden within him and the chakra that's coming off from him seems to be stronger since we're getting closer, I don't like the feel of it and it's making me nervous.)

/While team Kakashi are running and during there runs there doesn't seem to be anymore guards or ninjas around within the cave labyrinth but none the less they keep at a running pace but Kakashi thinks to himself while running with his younger teammates/

Kakashi: (There doesn't seem to be anymore ninjas around, it's kinda making me nervous and I'm willing to bet that Sakura is thinking the same as well given the expression she's making, I can't let my guard down and I must be ready... too face and bring Sasuke back...)

/Kakashi while running recalls a memory of his old teammate when he was a kid himself back in the days with the two who are a boy and a girl, the boy who's name is Obito and the girl who's name is Rin as he recalls what they look like with a picture they had together being in a team together with there sensei who is the 4th hokage [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Kakashi ended his call back memory and focus on the here and now moment of finding Sasuke with his younger teammates he has now/

Kakashi: (As there teacher, I won't fail them this time.)

/Team Kakashi kept running then they found an open big area within the labyrinth and they all stop suddenly and seeing the open room and mostly the other side end of it and it is clear that someone is there who seem to be waiting with his eyes closed but the little candle lights illuminated the room just a bit for Naruto, Sakura, Sai, and Kakashi to see someone they've been trying to find for 3 years perhaps and he remain seated covered in dark shadows [here's a pic of him]/ 

Sasuke: Well isn't this a surprise.

/Then Sasuke finally open his eyes and has them activated his sharingan and he stared at his old teammates once again [here's a pic of it]/

Sasuke: I never imagen I would see any of your faces again, especially you.

/It was clear that Sasuke is staring at Sakura who grins and she place her hand on her chest pretending to feel flattered by Sasuke's commend in a show of mockery towards him and voiced it/

Sakura: I'm touched, I didn't think you would ever think of me like that, but...

/Then Sakura's expression changes to anger and its all towards Sasuke/

Sakura: You had your fun Sasuke and it's time for you to come home and face your punishment.

/Sakura started to crack her knuckles [here's a pic of it]/

/Which causes Sasuke to grin even if it's hidden in the low lighting of the room and so Sasuke got up/

Sasuke: Think you can Sakura, it won't be like before I promise you that.

/Just as Sakura was about to take a step forward Sasuke but Naruto's arm raised up to stop Sakura from going to fight Sasuke and so Sakura looks to Naruto in question/

Naruto: Sakura remember what we talked about before our mission, I told you to leave the hard fights to me and this is...

/Now Sasuke stares at Naruto and Naruto stares right back and both boys are determine to face each other/

Naruto: One of them, so just leave Sasuke to me.

/Kakashi takes a step next to Naruto and place his hand on Naruto's shoulder/

Kakashi: Don't think you'll face him alone Naruto, as your teacher it is my job to guide you 3, I may have failed Sasuke, but I won't stand by allow you to throw away your life.

/Then now Naruto look at Kakashi and both men nodded in agreement which Sai who stood aside of his teammates and think to himself while keeping his eye on Sasuke/

Sai: (So this is Sasuke Uchiha.)

Sasuke: Well if you think you can all take me back, then by all means...

/Sasuke reach to his sword that is on his lower back that is tied there and draws it out from it sheath and point the very blade towards his former teammates with a cocky smile [here's a pic of it and imagen him still having his sharingan active]/

/Now with Sasuke pointed his blade towards team Kakashi and they stand ready for a battle and I'll end this chapter right here/

End of chapter 38


Hey everyone thanks for waiting for this sorta moment I have thought about how the meeting of Sasuke with his old teammates would happen and I have to say I think this is the best idea I have ever done so far, but I hope your psyched and I really wanted a development for Tsunade a bit more, but I did the best I could for this chapter and I am so going to do my very best for the rest of this, so I hope to see you all in the next chapter, bye!!! XD

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