Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvator...

By itiskatiehenza

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Y/n l/n has been binge watching TVD for a whole month now. And she had finally finished it. What happens when... More

About This Book
Where Am I?
The Night Of The Comet
Friday Night Bites
Family Ties
You're Undead To Me
Lost Girls
162 Candles
History Repeating
The Turning Point
Children Of The Damned
Fool Me Once
A Few Good Men
There Goes The Neighborhood
Let The Right One In
Under Control
Miss Mystic Falls
Blood Brothers
Founder's Day
The Return
Brave New World
Memory Lane
Kill Or Be Killed
Plan B
The Sacrifice
By The Light Of The Moon
The Descent
Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance
The Last Day
The Sun Also Rises
As I Lay Dying
The Birthday
The Hybrid
The End Of The Affair
Disturbing Behavior
The Reckoning
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Ghost World
Ordinary People
The New Deal
Our Town
The Ties That Bind
Bringing Out The Dead
Dangerous Liaisons
All My Children
Break On Through
The Murder Of One
Heart Of Darkness
Do Not Go Gentle
Before Sunset
The Departed
Growing Pains
The Rager
The Five
The Killer
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
My Brother's Keeper
We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
O Come, All Ye Faithful
After School Special
Catch Me If You Can
A View To Kill
Into The Wild
Down The Rabbit Hole
Stand By Me
Bring It On
Because The Night
New Book??
New Book Is Out

Bad Moon Rising

293 7 0
By itiskatiehenza

"Thanks for coming, Ric" said Stefan, yes, we were at his place

"You need something to drink? Coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?" asked Damon

"Do people really do that?" I asked, Damon shrugged

"Y/n mentioned you needed my help" said Ric

"Yeah, we were uh, hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family" said Stefan

"I can give you all the information you need. They're werewolves, and that's why Mason was so strong to beat you on the arm wrestle. Because he triggered his curse by killing someone, which the person he killed started it and attacked him because of a misunderstanding. And uhh, yeah, he's fully a werewolf now, with all the features. Tyler hasn't triggered his curse yet, though" I said

"Come on! There is no way they're werewolves. Werewolves are not real" said Damon

"Vampires are, and so are witches, so are werewolves, so are siphoners and hybrids, and bruh, have you been paying any attention at all? I'm literally a werewolf" I said

"Ohhhh" realized Damon


"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Stefan, as I was packing some bags

"Which part? Digging through Isobel's lifework, or going to duke with Damon?" I asked

"Either...Both" said Stefan

"I'm fine with the first part, but then again, Ric is a good buffer. So we can bond in our anti-Damon solidarity" I said, Stefan smiled

"I really wish you could come" I said

"You know what? Maybe we should wait a couple of days, huh? Wait til, uh, Caroline is a less of a danger. And then I can go with you" said Stefan, getting up, and coming by me

"It's ok that I'm going, right? Because if it's not I'd be more than happy to stay, so we could take care of Caroline" I said

"Listen, I want you to go, ok? I do. You have some questions about your lineage and about Katherine...And...Look, I'm not gonna let the fact that Damon is going, keep you from an opportunity to get some answers" said Stefan

"You hate it, though" I said

"I hate it, and I love you" said Stefan, I smiled "I love you too" I said, leaning in as my hands cupped his face, and we kissed


We were not at downstairs, and we were about to go, when I saw Jenna there

"Hey, you ok?" I asked

"Yeah, just men and their baggage" said Jenna

I nodded, and went outside

"Sorry, you can't come too, Stef" said Damon, I looked at him in a "Rlly?" way, and put my bags in the car

"Call me if you need anything" said Stefan

"Oh, I'll take really good care of her" said Damon, I looked at him with the same look, before putting my hand on the back of Stefan's neck, and kissing him, he put his arm around my waist, we then pulled away and smiled

"Ok, time to go" said Damon, as we got in the car


We were now on the road, and I was on the back seat

"I'm soo not used to this, being in the back seat" I said as I talked to B/n through my head, the others couldn't hear me, they just heard mumbles

"Relatable" said B/n 

"How you doing back there?" asked Damon, stopping my connection with B/n

"Leave her alone" said Ric

"Yk, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly" said Damon

"I'm not pretending, I'm just following the storyline" I said

"And you did kill her brother" said Ric

"There is a huge asterisk next to that statement. He came back to life" said Damon

"Yeah, thanks to a ring that you didn't even know he was wearing" I said

"Why are you so sure I didn't know?" asked Damon

"Are you the one who finished a whole series with 8 seasons with only one of them being 16 episodes and the other 7 being 22?" I asked

"She's got a point" said Ric

"Thank you, Ric" I said

"No problem" said Ric


When we arrived:

"So, Isobel was officially employed by the anthropology department given that most paranormal phenomena is rooted in folklore" said Ric, then went by someone he saw in there "Excuse me, Hi, I'm Alaric Saltzman. I called earlier" said Ric

"Yes, of course. I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant. Comparative folklore. Uh, let me just grab Isobel's keys" said Nessa

"I'm sorry, these are my friends, Y/n, and Damon. I hope this isn't too much of an imposition" said Ric, introducing us

"Please, Isobel's office is right through there. Isobel was one of my first professors. I'm a grad student, she was brilliant. One of the reasons I went into folklore. Uh, I have to ask, um, has there been any news?" asked Nessa

"No. No, I'm afraid not" said Ric

"It's right this way" said Nessa, leading the way

"I'll grab the light, feel free to look around. It's fascinating, isn't it?" asked Nessa, bringing us into this huge library looking place

After a while "Where'd she go?" asked Damon, looking at some stuff, then Nessa came out, in front of me, about to hit me with an arrow, but when she threw it, I put up my hand in a fist, stopping the arrow

"Nice try" I said, then opened my palm, making the arrow break into shreds 

But then, she threw another arrow...I was not expecting that, Damon saw that, and got in front of me, making the arrow hit him in the back, then Ric went by Nessa, pinning her to the wall, in the bad way.

Damon went to a table, and leaned down "Pull it out. I can't reach it, Y/n. Just pull the damn thing out, it hurts" 

I then sighed, and pulled it out, it was pretty easy.

"Oof. Ahh" said Damon, at the feeling of the pain going away "That bitch is dead" said Damon

"No, she isn't. You're not gonna kill her" I said

"Watch me" said Damon

I stopped him from going away "You touch her, I swear I will actually hate you this time"

"What makes you think that has any power over me? Cuz I took an arrow in the back for you?" asked Damon

"Damon, the arrow wouldn't have killed me. We both know that, and you did it anyway" I said

Damon laughed humorlessly "You are severely overestimating yourself"

"Isn't that what you always do? Fine, go ahead. Do what you want" I asked

"You're trying to manipulate me" said Damon

"I can compel you, if I really focused. But if by manipulate, you mean telling the truth, ok" I said

Then we went to where Nessa and Ric were

"I'm Y/n L/n. Well, Y/n Gilbert. Isobel's daughter, and the doppelgänger of Katherine Pierce. And this is Damon Salvatore who you just shot" I said

"I'd be extra nice to me right now" said Damon

"Look, we need your help. We need to see Isobel's research. Anything related to Mystic Falls" I said, Nessa grabbed a box from somewhere and came back to us

"This box tracks Katherine's arrival to Mystic Falls, in April of 1864" said Nessa

"That's all there is about her?" I asked

"All that I'm aware of" said Nessa 

I then grabbed a vervain and gave it to Nessa "Here, take this" I said

"Does vervain really work?" asked Nessa

"Yeah, it does" I said

"Nope, not at all" said Damon

"Damon, please. I was wearing vervain the day you compelled me to think I wanted to kiss you, so it didn't work" I said

"Can he hear us?" asked Nessa

"No, that would be creepy" whisper screamed Damon

"Yeah, he can. It's one of our gifts" I said

"Can he read minds too?" asked Nessa

"Not unless he is Silas. Not to talk about him. But we can compel you to tell us exactly what you're thinking, which we totally won't do" I said, trying NOT to sound sarcastic

"If you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is ask" said Damon

"Damon, please. She isn't thinking that.....Wait, are you?" I asked

"No. I'm more freaked out right now, and I'm processing everything" said Nessa

"Oh, good. I was like, "wait, wut?" for a second" I said, Nessa laughed

I then started to go over the boxes

"Any luck?" asked Damon

"I already know a lot of things about Katherine, including how she was turned. So I'm just doodling around with these papers. But I guess I should follow my script and say....There's nothing in there about Kat that we don't already know" I said

"Well, I guess I could follow my script, if I have one, and say...You know, its a bummer we're not friends anymore, because I can tell you what I know" said Damon

"Who said we weren't friends anymore? I knew that Jeremy had that ring, and you were just pissed, you didn't know what you were thinking, I'm just mad right now, no one said that we weren't friends anymore" I said

"I knew exactly what I was doing" said Damon

"Now you're just trying to get me to hate you, who's manipulating now?" I asked

"Hey, guys. Check these out" said Ric

"There's no record of werewolf mythology in Mystic Falls, but here are some records of some of the lesser known legends. Everything from Scandinavian skin walkers to the Marshall dreads" said Nessa

Damon looked at the book

Nessa said something in latin "Which roughly translates into the curse of the sun and moon"

"There is no curse of the sun and moon, it's made up, but there is another curse that is similar, and we will talk about that later" I whispered to Damon, he nodded

"It's native American" said Ric

"Aztec. It explains one origin of the werewolf curse traced through Virginia. The short story, 600 years ago, the Aztecs were plagued by werewolves and vampires. They terrorized the countryside, made farming and hunting impossible. Until and aztec shaman cursed them, making vampires slaves to the sun, and werewolves servants of the moon, as a result, vampires could only prowl at night, and werewolves could only turn on a full moon. When the full moon crests in the sky, whosever unlucky enough to fall under the werewolf curse turns into a wolf" said Nessa

"Can they control the transformation?" asked Damon

"If there were a choice, it wouldn't be called a curse" said Nessa

"There is a choice. If you're a hybrid, or a tribrid, or in my case, a quatbrid, you can control your transformation. Or you could have a witch spell a ring to make it a moonlight ring" I said

Nessa then started talking about that werewolves pray on the vampires, they may attack humans, but their actual enemy are vampires. 

"Well, if werewolves are hunting vampires, I would know about it" said Damon

"Damon, a werewolves bite is lethal to vampires. They may survive a 24 hours, but without a cure, they die after a while of suffering. Unless they're an original, or a hybrid" I said

"How do you know so much about that?" asked Nessa

"I'm a quatbrid, which means, I'm half vampire, half werewolf, half witch, and a little bit of a siphoner, which basically means I can summon magic from other supernaturals, or objects that have been spelled" I said

"That's cool" said Nessa

After a while, I called Stefan, letting him know what happened in our little trip, and giving him all the information. 

I then went back to the others, I wasnt gonna ask why kat and I look alike, I already knew what I needed to know.

If she tries to kill me, because that's what usual doppelgänger's do to their others, then she's gonna fail. I'm stronger than her, no matter how old she is. 


Well, it was time to go back home, and I went to the car, ignoring I have the ability to open the door, and just tried to open it.

"Here. *Unlocks door* allow me" said Damon, opening the door for the car

I was about to get in when he stopped me "You're not gonna be able to hate me forever"

"I don't, can we just go?" I asked

"You didn't dig deep enough" said Damon, handing me a book

"Thanks, Damon. But I already know everything, more than you do. Katherine was from Europe, Katerina Petrova was her real name, she had a baby that got taken away from her, then she started running from problems, blah, blah, blah, she is a 500 years old, maybe more, vampire" I said

"Wait, she had a baby taken away from her?" asked Damon

"Yeah, I mean, she kind of deserved it, honestly. I did feel bad for her, I did. But I wasnt the one sleeping with literally every boy in the fricking country, and not even knowing who the father of my daughter was. So....." I trailed off

"Oh, yeah. Whatever" said Damon, I was about to go in, when he stopped me, again.

"You have every right to hate me" said Damon

"Damon, is your vamp hearing working? I don't hate you" I said

"Why do I keep saying that? Gosh" said Damon

I smiled "Let's go" I got in the car, and so did he. Then we went home. 


When we arrived at home:

"Tell me the truth, Damon. You didn't know that he was wearing that ring, when you snapped Jeremy. Did you?" I asked

"No. I didn't. Katherine really pissed me off, and I snapped and--" started Damon

"So this is Katherine's fault? I can live with that. I will never underestimate anything when you blame it on Katherine, she's the queen of drama anyways" I said

"I'm just so glad you understand" said Damon

"Ofc" I said, and went inside my house, speeding up to my room

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