The Club

By Spirit_5758

392 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four

Thirty- Three

5 0 0
By Spirit_5758

-Joz’s Pov-

“So, you’re saying Lonnie did all of this?” I ask, looking at the burned down academy.
“Yeah, she destroyed the entire school and lots of people have gotten killed.” Hector answers staring at the school, which was still smoking. 
“Wow. I didn’t think my magic was that powerful, especially since they did not give her the full use of them.” I say, confused but impressed at the same time. 
“What do you mean by that?” Hector asks, turning towards me. 
“I mean, my powers aren’t that strong and shouldn’t have been able to burn down an entire academy.” I explain, turning towards him as well. 
“So, are you saying that Lonnie has strong magic hidden somewhere deep inside of her, which made your magic seem powerful?” Hector asks, squinting at me in question. 
“Come on Hector, you’re a smart guy and seem to observe people well. What do you think?” I ask, staring at him knowingly. 
“I think there’s something special about Lonnie that nobody understands, because they only see her for the demon blood she has. Lonnie never believed in magic before she started coming here, but that doesn’t mean she never had it inside of her locked inside. Everyone does, and it just determines if people want to reach for that flame of power or not.” Hector explains to me seriously. 
“You are absolutely right, my good sir. Lonnie is certainly special, and while I was inside of her head, I could sense some sort of power coursing through her. I could sense that she didn’t exactly tap into it, but she must’ve tapped into some of it.” I explain, rubbing my chin in thought. 
“Then that makes her someone from a powerful family.” Hector says in deep thought. 
“Is she really, though? Lonnie parent’s died pretty easily.” I tell him nonchalantly. 
“Listen demon boy, her mother sacrificed herself to bring her daughter back and her father died in a car crash. Powerful or not, accidents happen every day.” Hector nearly growls at me. 
“Yes, but if her father was so powerful like Dubuik then he could’ve saved Lonnie from dying in that crash. Teleport her out of the car or force the door open. You know, do something? But, as we both know, he let her die along with himself.” I explain to him, irritated by this conversation. 
“Maybe it wasn’t her father who was powerful, but the mother. I mean, think about it, she knew Dubuik and was even willing to sacrifice herself to bring her daughter back.” Hector explains to me. 
“Maybe, but the question is why? If the mother was so powerful and knew about demons and rituals and shit. Then why not just do it herself? Then that way she could’ve still been here with her daughter.” I explain, knowing full well that the mother wasn’t the one who was powerful. 
“Then who else could she get such a powerful magic from?” Hector asks, sounding annoyed. 
“What if she’s adopted?” I suggested. 
“That’s insane! Why would she be adopted?” Hector asks, not believing me. 
I didn’t answer right away, as I knew the answer already. It’s one of the many secrets that Lonnie doesn’t know about yet. When I first could contact Lonnie, then I didn’t care about if she found out about the truths or not. I didn’t care if she suffered or not. Well, until everything changed. Now, I care and I worry and I want her to know everything. Lonnie might not forgive me for keeping it a secret for so long, but she has a right to know everything now. But she can’t now. She has to wake up and then focus on getting better. Then she needs to learn to control hers and mine powers before she hurt anyone or herself again. 
“You know something. I know you do.” Hector spoke up, making me look over at him. 
I noticed he’s been observing me this whole time, which honestly he does a lot. It makes me wonder if his demon is very observant, or that’s just who this guy is. I stare at him, observing him myself. Hector is powerful, but he still isn’t as powerful as Tynan or Grimshaw, and defiantly not as powerful as me. I know he has secrets himself, but he isn’t telling anyone. I’m not that good at observing people, but I can at least tell when someone is hiding something. If it’s good or bad, then I still deserve to know, especially if it involves Lonnie. 
“I can say the same about you.” I say, crossing my arms. 
“Don’t turn this back around. You already told us that there was something that you weren’t telling us, weren’t telling Lonnie. Now, you’re saying shit about her being adopted and her father letting her die. What’s with that shit?” Hector growls, pointing at me. 
“Because it’s the truth.” I simply tell him. 
“What?” Hector asks wide eyed. 
“There’s so much that you don’t know about Lonnie Hector. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know the whole truth about everything either.” I explain to him, feeling guilty. 
“Then enlighten me.” Hector says, watching me closely. 
“I can’t. Well, at least not now. Not when Lonnie is still unconscious.” I tell him seriously. 
“Your planning on telling Lonnie everything once she wakes up?” Hector asks, observing me once again. 
“Well, not the moment she wakes up. I’m gonna wait until she healed up and got used to what’s going on first before I spilled everything.” I tell him honestly. 
“You are a strange demon.” Hector comments. 
I smirk as I remember Lonnie saying the same thing at some point. It still feels kind of weird not being in her head anymore, but it feels great being in my physical body again. I glance around the destroyed academy, as I can still distantly smell death and blood here. Lonnie never wanted to hurt anyone, and she ended up killing so many people. I don’t know if she will ever forgive herself for this. Therefore, I wanted her to learn to control her magic, but she kept putting it off. I wish she didn’t and I know she’s going to wish she hadn’t either. 
“We should head back and see how Lonnie is doing.” Hector says as he turns to head back to the shack. 
“Agree.” I say as I turned and followed him, but stopped as I glanced back at the destroyed academy as I thought I sensed something. 
“You coming, demon boy?” Hector asks. 
“Yeah. I’m coming.” I answer as I turned back around and followed him. 

The moment we got back, we heard yelling and things breaking. Hector and I ran into where the noise was coming from, which was unfortunately was where Lonnie was resting. I stop when I saw that wannabe punk dark user here, and he looks extremely pissed off. I noticed Tynan was here, too. I look towards Iridiana and Finn, who are both against the wall who look to have gotten a good beaten. Hector went to move, but Grimshaw throws him back, breaking an old chair. I heard him let out a groan as I turned back towards the two evil wannabe dark users. Grimshaw went to throw me back as well, but Tynan stops him as he steps closer to me, gazing at me. 
“Who are you? I sense great power from you.” Tynan says, watching me closely. 
“You should, considering on who I am.” I answered, glaring at them. 
“Don’t be so cocky, boy. You might be powerful, but you won’t be as powerful as me.” Tynan answers, glaring back at me. 
“No? That’s funny, considering you don’t know who I am. I know who you are, though.” I answered with a smirk.
“This isn’t funny, asshole! Get out of our sight before I kill you!” Grimshaw yells, annoyed. 
“Kill me? Here I thought you only follow his orders, but you’re gonna kill me on your own accord? Thats interesting.” I say, crossing my arms as I continue to glare at them. 
Grimshaw opens his mouth to retort, but Tynan once again stops him, which made Grimshaw growl in anger and annoyance. I smirk as I knew that would get them, but I still don’t know what Tynan will do next. I know little about him, but that he’s Dubuik’s son, and he wants to bring forth my lord by marrying Lonnie and doing the ritual. I can’t let them bring forth my lord or marrying Lonnie. I will stop him, even if I have to stop him myself. 
“Who are you? The power within doesn’t seem like any other dark user I’ve encountered.” Tynan says taking a step closer to me. 
“Maybe it’s because I’m not a dark user and I would have thought you would have figured that out by now. You must not be a very smart dark user yourself.” I commented, making Grimshaw flare up in anger. 
“I’m trying to keep my cool with you, but you insulting me is not a smart idea.” Tynan growls. 
“What are you going to do to me? There’s nothing you can do I haven’t already been through.” I tell him with a smirk. 
“Grimshaw. Get the girl. I’ll deal with this guy.” Tynan growls as he charges at me. 
“Hector protect Lonnie!” I yell as I ran and grabbed Tynan before teleporting us out of the shack. 
I teleported us back to the burned down academy since it was literally the last place I was just at, so it was the first place I thought of. I didn’t want to fight around Lonnie, so I figured I’ll bring him here. I shove him away as he looks around the area before turning towards me with anger. I smirk before waving my hand at him, gesturing for him to come at me. Tynan gritted his teeth before waving his hand at me throwing me back. When I landed with a thud, I let out a groan but shook it off quickly before standing up and throwing him back as well. Tynan flies back and lands on some burned rumble. I smirk as he groans and took longer to stand back up. 
I instantly teleported to him before grabbing him and punching him twice in the face before sending him flying again. I stand up as I watch him land about where the entrance was. I walk towards him as he slowly sits up, coughing and spitting out blood. When I stop in front of him, he looks up at me and I can see his cuts and bruises all over his face, and that his bottom lip busted open and bleeding. I crouch down as I grabbed his dirty shirt before giving him an icy glare. 
“Still think you’re so powerful?” I ask, barely above a whisper. 
“You think you’re the only one who can teleport?” Tynan asks with a smirk that looks so wrong. 
I stood up quickly when he suddenly teleported out of my hand, making me wonder where the hell he went. Shit! I should’ve known better he could’ve teleported as well if he’s so powerful. I turn around and suddenly got punched right in my nose, making me fall onto the ground. I glare up at Tynan, who just smirks at me as suddenly I felt the ground shaking. Shit! He’s a lot more powerful than I thought. Boulders and rocks came flying out of the ground before he had thrown them right at me! I instantly teleported away before appearing behind him, kicking him under his knees. Tynan falls but didn’t stay as he teleported and made me look around the area again. I’m doing my very best not to kill this guy. He’s still human, and I know my lord wouldn’t mind, but Lonnie would. I need to figure out how to stop him without killing him. 
I screamed when fire was suddenly on me, but since it wasn’t the fire from hell; it didn’t kill me. It just burned and naturally annoyed me. I dropped and roll trying to get rid of the fire as it’s really stinging and burning my body like actual fire would. I’m just lucky I’m a demon and this wasn’t hellfire or this would’ve killed me for sure. The fire eventually went out, leaving burned marks and making my body feel uncomfortable now. I slowly sat up to sit on my knees, feeling slight pain all over my body from the stupid fire. Stupid, idiotic mortal trying to kill me with simple human fire. 
“Interesting. Normal people would’ve died from that fire, so either you’re just that powerful or you’re a demon.” Tynan says coming up next to me. 
“It took you long enough to realize. You can never defeat me.” I hiss a glare up at him. 
“Your a demon, yet you don’t seem so powerful to me.” Tynan comments. 
“I’m still powerful than you, and you know it.” I sneer, standing up. 
“No one will never be as powerful as me!” Tynan growls as grabs onto my throat, which didn’t faze me one bit. 
“You think choking me will make me fear you? I’m not afraid of you, mortal. I’m stronger than you, and you can’t accept that, can you? You are just another wannabe dark user to me, and if I really want to. I could and will kill you.” I threaten, making my eyes turn pitch black. 
Tynan jumps back as he saw my eye change, and I just smirk as I just grasped his throat, making him gasp for breath. I watch as he clawed at my arms trying to make me let go, and this scene made me feel guilty, which was odd. My eyes went back to normal as I released him and took a step back from him. I heard Tynan coughing as he rubs his now sore throat. I hate this guy, so I should be able to rough him up, so why can’t I even choke him a bit? I thought little about it as I’m thrown back and land on the rumble of the academy. I groan as I sit up and saw Tynan glaring at me as the ground shook again. I rolled my eyes as I teleported once again before the boulders hit me. I teleported behind him before making his body freeze so he couldn’t move. It’s what I’ve always done to Lonnie when I was in her mind. 
“What the hell did you do to me, demon?” Tynan yells angrily. 
“Froze your body and muscles. You keep on insisting on trying to kill me, even after my threat. So unpredicable.” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Your the one who started this war demon, not I.” Tynan growls. 
“I think you got that backwards. You started this, or well, your father did when he helped brought back Lonnie from the dead. You and your father are planning on bringing forth my lord, and you’re going to use Lonnie to do that. I don’t know what Grimshaw has to gain in helping you accomplish all of this, but I know all of this is pointless. Lonnie doesn’t love you. She doesn’t want to be with you. We both don’t want my lord to be brought back, and we both will stop you. You will lose this war.” I growl at him. 
“Oh. I see. You’re a strange demon, and a demon in love. You’re in love with Lonnie, aren’t you?” Tynan asks with a smirk. 
My upper lip twitched as I try to think what to say in response, but he bursts out laughing, making me angrier by the second. I tried to control my anger, but his laughing just made me so pissed. I grabbed onto his throat tightly again, which made him shut up as he chokes on his laugh. My eyes turned pitch black as I flung him away from me before I did ended up killing him. I took deep breaths before I’m calmed down. I then teleported away to the others to see how they were handling with Grimshaw. 

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