By -FakeLove-Yoongi

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Tilbede - Worship in Danish - "I've waited a long time for this" - (Chamber Of Secrets - Deathly Hallows Pa... More

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By -FakeLove-Yoongi

Askel buried himself in his sheets one late night. It was so cold outside and the Black family house lacked a basic heating system. He was currently covered in three blankets and was wrapping himself up in a curled ball when he heard rushed voices that were coming from downstairs.

The house began to light up as people started running throughout it. Askel lifted his head as soon as Mrs. Lee entered the room looking flustered and terrified. She hurried inside towards Askel.

"Get up dear..." she said, "We have to go downstairs."

Askel stared at her confused but hurriedly followed her downstairs while yawning in tiredness. He saw Jay at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for them. Jay's smile brightened when he saw Askel coming down. He held out his hand for Askel to take, which he did and then he dragged Askel into the kitchen where chaos ensued.

Askel heard shouting coming from Moody and Tonks as they argued to someone in a fireplace. Sirius and Lupin were speaking to Mrs. Weasley in a reassuring tone, as she had tears streaming down her face.

Askel looked around confused and saw Hayes approach him with Froot in his hands.

"What's going on?" Askel said as he took his niffler

"Arthur was attacked..." Hayes said sadly, "By Nagini..."

"Nagini!" Askel said surprised, "that ugly-looking snake!"

Hayes chuckled and turned to look around the room.

"The kids are coming back," he said

"How did you even know he was attacked?" Askel asked confused

"Harry saw a vision of him being attacked," Hayes sighed as he collapsed into the chair while rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Vision?" He said confused

"Apparently his mind is connected to You-know-who's," Hayes murmured.

Askel stared at Hayes.

"Connected?" He questioned

"He can see the things Voldemort sees!"  Hayes explained

"Would you shut up!" Sirius snarled, "Stop telling him these things!"

Askel rolled his eyes.

"Come on Sirius..." Hayes sighed, "isn't time for you to lighten up and trust-"

"TRUST!" Sirius shouted as he cut Hayes off.

The kitchen went silent as everyone turned to look at Sirius in shock. Hayes stared at him with wide eyes.

"Why would you trust that?" He hissed with venom in his tone as he pointed an accusatory finger at Askel.

Askel rolled his eyes.

"I trust him, Sirius..." Hayes said, "if you don't it's not my fault. But could you please do us a favor and stop talking about it."

Sirius glared at Hayes.

"As soon as we turn our backs he's going to straight back to Voldemort!" Sirius argued

"Sirius please not know..." Remus pleaded

He looked exhausted as Sirius turned to argue with him. Jay grasped Askel's hand and they sat down together. Mrs. Weasley was still sobbing violently when the fireplace erupted into green flames. One by one, the Weasley children stepped out of the fireplace, coughing and wheezing from the flames they inhaled.

Mrs. Weasley ran at her children and suffocated them in her hugs. Harry then stepped out, looking bewildered as he tried to fix his glasses which were covered in dirt. Askel stared at the boy as he swept his clothes of wrinkles and flame retardant.

Harry glanced at the Weasleys as they hugged each other with a sad smile. He then made eye contact with Askel. Askel stared back at him with a blank expression, then offered the smallest of smiles. Harry's face erupted into flames and he covered himself while rushing out of the room.

Jay erupted into giggles at the two while Askel chuckled at the boy.

"He's fine..." he heard Mrs. Weasley gasp through her tears, "he's a Saint. Mungos right now!"

Everyone exhaled with relief. Soon Mrs. Lee began conjuring up pots and pans as she started cooking a very early breakfast. Soon the kitchen was filled with the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast.

As everyone comforted the Weasleys Askel turned to Jay.

"Jay I need your help with something,"


Year: 1980
Askel age 14

"Again!" The snake-like voice hissed out

Askel took a deep breath as he faced the front again. He was surrounded by several death eaters, all much older than him. Staring at him with curiosity and amazement.

Askel closed his eyes and then thrust his wand out. Spell after spell collided with the death eater in front of him as Askel battled three of them. They were embarrassingly losing to the 14-year-old boy who was ruthless in his attack.

A laugh was heard from behind Askel, a controlling, evil, and cold laugh. Askel growled in anger as he kept attacking them until they were knocked out.

Whispers began as Askel wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He turned to Voldemort with a blank expression on his face.

"Good... very good..." Voldemort said with an evil grin.

Askel followed behind his master slowly.

"You've progressed well young Askel," Voldemort said slowly

Askel tried not to cringe as the ugly look snake, Nagini, slithered below their feet.

"Thank you, master..." Askel said as they continued to walk down the dark black hallway.

"I believe you may even be as good as me!" Voldemort cackled

Askel rolled his eyes at his master's jokes.

"No one could ever be good as you master..." Askel murmured

"Yes, that is true..." Voldemort said as they stopped in front of a painting watching the people in it speak to one another.

"Though... master I fear you might underestimate Dumbledore's powers..." Askel said carefully

Voldemort slowly looked at Askel with fury in his eyes.

"He is strong master. You are his equal," Askel explained, "you have powers that not even he could dream of. But... so does he. I fear... what will happen when you face him."

Askel felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He did not flinch but for a brief second, he wanted to shudder. But that feeling went away like a passing thought.

"No need to worry about me young one..." he hissed, "when the time comes for me and Dumbledore to face one another. I... will be the one to come out on top."

Askel turned to face him. He nodded and watched as his master strode off down the hallway without a second glance.


Askel sat with Jay in an empty room. An easel stood in front of them with paintbrushes laid across it. Jay grinned with a dazed look in his eyes.

"What should we paint?" He said clapping his hands like a child.

Askel slowly tugged a small photo out of his pocket and handed it to Jay. Jay grasped at it and looked confused.

"Is this painting for...?" He said trailing off

Askel blushed and nodded.

"He apparently bought me a present..." Askel mumbled as he watched Jay approach the easel with grace.

"So you thought this might be a nice gesture in return?" Jay giggled

"It might be the last thing I can do that's considering 'nice'," Askel said as he went to stand beside Jay picking up a paintbrush.

"And what do you mean by that?" A voice said behind them.

They both turned to see Opi and AJ enter the room. Askel paused before turning back to the ease and began painting with Jay. Stroking the brush against the easel.

"He will come for me." Askel ground out, "I'll have no choice but to leave with him."

Askel heard the two brothers behind him sigh with frustration. Jay just hummed as he painted his picture while helping Askel.

"There's no use in convincing you to stay?" AJ asked in a defeated tone

"You'd be foolish and stupid if you think I would..." Askel muttered

"Would you stay for me?" Jay asked suddenly looking up at Askel with a bright smile.

Askel paused his painting. 

"No." He said, "you don't even know who I am."

"I know you were important to me. Isn't that enough?" Jay asked confused

"Not enough for me to stay," Askel concluded as he continued painting.

Opi walked up to stand beside him.

"Are you painting..." he started and trailed off with a small smile, "I knew you had a soft side!"

Askel scowled in anger as he continued painting the faces of the people he was drawing. AJ and Opi cackled.

"Why do you people always make fun of me!" Askel snapped, "I'm just trying to do something in return!"

"It looks amazing!" Jay said in a dreamy tone as he smiled at Askel.

Askel laughed lowly as he saw the messed-up blobs of paint smudges.

"It'll look better after this!" He said as Jay pulled out his wand and began to change the painting.


Askel stiffened as he wrapped the painting he had made in Christmas wrapping paper. It had tiny Santa's on it for some reason. He heard a commotion coming from downstairs and he sighed and hugged the tiny painting to his chest while taking a deep breath. He got up and began the descent downstairs.

"Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas." He heard as he entered the kitchen

He saw all of the Weasleys, the Lee's, Harry, and Hermione all standing around the table that was filled with food. He stood beside Jay and placed his present in front of him. Opi, AJ, and Kay all gave him a knowing front o which he responded with a roll of his eyes. He made eye contact with Harry for a brief second and saw that the boy held a tiny wrapped box in his hand and was blushing profusely.

"Here we go. Daddy's back!" Mrs. Weasley stated as she wheeled Mr. Weasley in, "Sit down, everybody, sit down. That's it."

They all sat down as Mrs. Lee began serving everyone food.

"Now, presents," she announced as she passed them down, "And a nice big box for Ron."

"Big box for you."

"And... Fred and George." She stuttered as she struggled to differentiate between the twin boys.

Askel chuckled and then his eyes blew up in surprise when she handed him a wrapped box as well.

"Come on, open up. I want to see your faces. Yes. Try it on." Mrs. Weasley encouraged

Askel opened his box and saw a yellow scarf in it. Askel smiled and wrapped the scarf around his neck.

"Thanks, Mum. It's perfect," Ginny stated

"Just what you wanted, actually," Mrs. Weasley gushed.

"Yeah. Right."

"Thanks, Mum."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley..." Askel mumbled with a smile

She smiled back brightly.

"Come on, then, everybody. Let's clear this away," she said then she turned to Harry, "Oh, Harry, Harry. There you are. Happy Christmas."

She handed him a box as well.

"Thank you."

"Lovely to have you with us."

"Thank you."

Askel smirked when he saw the bright orange scarf get lifted from the box. Harry seemed embarrassed as he put it on.

"Now, Daddy. Pass that to Daddy. Thank you. Has everybody got? Fred? George? Hermione."

Suddenly Mr. Weasley cleared his throat and raised his glass.

"A Christmas toast. To Mr. Harry Potter... without whom I would not be here." He stated




Askel smiled as he raised his glass. He stood up and slowly exited the room and he could hear Harry following behind him.

"That is delicious. I shall be needing some more of that. Daddy, don't forget last Christmas," Mrs. Weasley's voice trailed off as he went underneath the stairs.


Askel was nervous. No, he was terrified and he had no idea why. He clutched the painting to his chest as he heard Harry approach him. His hands trembled.

"Hey..." he heard Harry mumble

Askel nodded at him.

"How have you been...?" Harry asked with a smile

Askel scoffed.

"Oh you know me..." he started as he leaned against the wall, "I spend my nights getting drunk and partying with girls. Spend my days studying for my classes. Isn't that what the muggles say!"

Harry chuckled.

"Meet anyone you like?" He teased

"Not particularly," Askel chuckled back

Harry rocked back on his heels as he held tightly at the small package in his hands.

"Got something there?" Askel questioned

Harry blushed and nodded. He thrust his hand out with a nervous expression. Askel chuckled again and took it from him. He carefully opened the box and moved the tissue paper to see an object that looked like a net with beads and feathers. He looked up at the boy confused.

"It's a dream catcher," Harry explained carefully, "It's commonly believed in the muggle world that the dream catcher is meant to protect sleepers from bad dreams by "catching" them while letting good dreams pass through."

Askel smiled at him.

"Thank you," he said and carefully passed Harry the gift he made him.

Harry's eyes widened and his mouth opened his shock when he saw the wrapped present. He pointed at himself and looked up at Askel. He started stuttering.

"Take it, you blithering idiot!" Askel snapped

Harry snatched it from his hands and eagerly tore the wrapping paper off. He gasped as he stared at a mini painting of him, Hermione, and Ron laughing. Tears entered his eyes as he stroked the painting. It was such a happier time back then.

He looked up at Askel surprised. Askel offered him a soft smile.

"Happy Christmas Potter..." he murmured

To his surprise, Askel leaned in and kissed the boy's cheeks. Harry's face erupted into flames and Askel sighed as a sad expression crossed his face.

"I'm sorry that I can't be the person you hoped I'd be..." he murmured, "but I just want you to know that you made these past few years... good."

Then Askel turned and walked back to the kitchen. Leaving Harry still standing there, underneath the stairwell, clutching the painting, and touching the cheek Askel kissed. The tear fell down his face.



I totally forgot about this acct. Sorry for the wait. Hope y'all like this chapter.

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