Make Believe with my Rockstar

By BlackOrchid93

96 0 0

Audrey is successful Campaign Manager, who relocates to L.A due to her new job, but is thrown off tracks when... More

A word to my readers
Relocating to the states
New chapter - Renewed friendships
Renewed friendships - Drew's POV
A self-named father
Something old, something new
Our place is earned, not given
The Disciples
Love isn't always fair!
The Last Supper
Jen, the wife
Drunks tell the truth
A friend in need
Will you be my roommate?
He said yes!
Sweetheart, we got a situation
Do you know what that means for us?
Sobriety issues
Told you I'd make you fall
Audrey's skeletons
Audrey's skeletons - Part 2
I never fell out of love with you
Parting ways, roomie
I did this my way
We might get to keep him
Babysitter club
We all fall down, sometimes
Make believe
Keep on saving our Goodbyes
Reality check
Simon says:
Big time fuck up
Goodbye Drew
To hope
The Ghost of Yesterday
Album release
The End

Little white lies

2 0 0
By BlackOrchid93

Audrey's POV

Ian and I had settled into the new place, but there was something that didn't make it feel like home. A piece of our hearts was missing. It took me quite a while to try and make him understand why Drew couldn't be with us, after he "supposedly" came back from tour.

At first, I didn't tell my son about what Drew did, or that we ended things. It was hard for a kid to understand, as well as heartbreaking for him to learn that Drew wouldn't return in our lives.

Eventually, when we didn't return home, but found this apartment, I had to be creative and approach the topic carefully. For a four year old, soon turning five, Ian was quite mature. He already made peace with the fact that Drew and I need a little time and hasn't bothered me with further question.

The difficult part was how to tell him that our time here would come to an end and we would need to get back home to my parents. I couldn't dare shatter his heart like that, so I kept my mouth shut and tried to enjoy the remaining days with my son.

-Thanks D.D. I owe you big time. – I smile to Damien who was sitting on my couch with a sleeping Ian next to him.

If you're confused why D.D would be on my couch, then here's the story. D.D was the only one that knew where I was. When I got back from Rob's, we accidentally met on the street. At first I pretended to not see him and tried to change my direction, but he came running after Ian and me. He explained to me how they were all worried sick and how they didn't approve of Drew's actions. I made him swear on everyone he loved to not rat me out and he understood. He helped us find this new place that was close to his. Ever since, he hasn't let a word slip his mouth and kept my secret. Also, he's been helping me with Ian while I was at work, babysitting him.

-Don't sweat it love. It's no biggie. – He smiles back and pats the space near him.

I take a sir and sigh tired.

-Bad day?

-No, no. Not really. It's gets too much sometimes, if you know what I mean.

-I feel ya. – He puts an arm around my shoulders and squeezes gently.

The action is friendly and natural, but somehow feels out of place and uncomfortable. I think he notices it too, cause he removes his arm as casually as he first put it there and turns to me.

-Audrey, please don't feel uncomfortable around me. I confess that I like you, though I don't think I've ever denied that. I instantly liked you the first time I saw you.

I nod to his words and I know how he feels towards me. I know he;s a good friend and won't try anything inappropriate, but I let him go on and let it off his chest.

-But that's beside the point, since I know you are still in love with Drew and that feeling isn't going anywhere soon. And Drew is also my best friend so I'd never try to make a move on the woman he's in love with.

I place my hand on his smiling lightly.

-I know Damien and I don't think I can ever thank you enough for being here. I know it is hard for you to keep this for him too, so I appreciate everything you are doing for me.

-I can't let that little angel down, love. Have you seen the way his eyes sparkle every time he sees me enter that door? – he indicates to the sleeping boy

My heart swells at his words. Sometimes I wonder how Drew is doing. I want to ask D.D about him, but I don't find it in me to let the words out. I have been meaning to let the question roll out my tongue for a while now, but it just can't.

-I know what you're thinking A. – He shakes his head with a faint smile. – He's ok. Don't worry, we'll get him up and running in no time.

-So he's not ok. – I sigh and downs but mostly getting back together.

-Damiean!! – I scold him.

He's trying to be funny but isn't helping the hole in the pit of my stomach.

-Audrey, how much time do you have left here?

He changes the topic casually, which only results in breaking me more.

-Less than a month.

-Holly shit!! I didn't realize time flew like that. – He runs his finger through his hair and sighs. did.

-At least, will you still be here for our album launch?

-When? – I ask casually, going to take a cigarette.

-In about two weeks. March 30. – He replies and I freeze, cigarette in mid air.

-That's my birthday...

-What?! – He sounds as surprised as me.

-You didn't know...but HE does.

With that, I leave for the balcony to take some air. Why did you have to set that date Drew? Haven't you tortured me enough?

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