Dandelions II Baek Kyung II (...

By _mxhiiistic_

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II Chapter 1 II
II Chapter 2 II
II Chapter 3 II
II Chapter 4 II
II Chapter 5 II
II Chapter 6 II
II Chapter 7 II
II Chapter 8 II
II Chapter 9 II
II Chapter 10 II
II Chapter 11 II
II Chapter 12 II
II Chapter 13 II
II Chapter 14 II
II Chapter 15 II
II Chapter 16 II
II Chapter 17 II
II Chapter 18 II
II Chapter 19 II

II Chapter 20 II

182 3 0
By _mxhiiistic_

Soojin's P.O.V.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Do Hwa asked me as we stood in the school garden. "I'm not sure, but we have to give it out best." I replied.

24 Hours Earlier:

As we came back from the hospital, my mom agreed to take all of us home as school was over. Me, Dan Oh and Do Hwa agreed, but Baek Kyung didn't. My mom asked him why he didn't want to go home. Baek Kyung looked at me in doubt and I gave him a pat on the shoulder to indicate that it was okay to tell my mom about his situation. He nodded and sighed before saying, "Mrs.Park, I get abused by my father. He got me engaged to Eun Dan Oh just so that he could get a lot of money from Dan Oh's dad to invest in his business. He's using me to get the money and he wants me to pretend that I love Dan Oh and care about her," My mom gasped. Baek Kyung continued, "But to be honest Mrs. Park, Dan Oh is just a friend to me, and I care about her like a friend, not like fiancé. I love your daughter very much. She means the world to me and she's my girlfriend now. I know that my dad broke off mine and Soojin's engagement, but really, I've loved her all along Mrs. Park, I can't live without your daughter." My mom smiled and hugged Baek Kyung. "Honey, you can live with me until all this over. You are 18 now and are an independent individual so you can file a case against your dad as an adult. I'll help you. But before that, I need to ask Dan Oh if she's fine with breaking off the engagement so that you can be together with my daughter." My mom said as she held Dan Oh's hand in the last sentence. "Mrs. Park, Haru is my boyfriend. I only take Baek Kyung as friend, not a lover. Please go ahead and do whatever you need to do to make our engagement break off and make him get rid of his dad." My mom nodded and gave all of us a hug, saying that everything will be fine. "And Haru, I will be legally adopting you so that you can be my son and Soojin's brother. You won't be homeless anymore, okay?" Haru wiped away his tears of happiness and nodded. "I love you, oppa!" (older brother in Korean is oppa) I said teasingly to Haru. "Yah, we're the same age!" He said. "But you're a few months older than me so... you're my oppa!" I replied cheekily. "Arasso, arasso." He said as he smiled and messed my hair up.

Time Skip.

It was night time. Haru was sleeping in the guest room and Baek Kyung wanted to sleep in the same room with me. My mom was hesitant but she said he could sleep in my room as long as he sleeps on the floor. "I can't let you do the nasty with my precious baby." She said. I burst out laughing when I remembered what my mom said to Baek Kyung. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" Baek Kyung asked. "I could ask you the same thing." I said. He snickered. He suddenly got up and jumped up on the bed. I gasped as he landed. "What are you doing? We're dead if mom finds us!" I whisper screamed. "I'm sleeping with my babygirl, did I do anything wrong?" He replied. I blushed and said, "Get down! We'll be so dead!" "I don't care." He said as he kissed my cheek and put his head down and closed his eyes to sleep. "Get down!" I whisper screamed again but he put his finger on my lips and said, "Shhhh. We'll get caught sooner with your loud ass voice." I stopped because I realized that he was right. I hugged Baek Kyung and kissed his forehead. "What are you doing? Weren't you the one who was scared?" "If we'll get caught, might as well make the most out of it!" I replied to him. He smirked and kissed my lips. I kissed back and we both fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up and got ready for school. While we left, I kissed my mom a goodbye and Haru stood in the corner smiling. My mom gestured him to come near. He pointed his finger towards him and gave my mom a look saying, 'me?' My mom nodded and he came near her. She kissed him on his forehead. I smiled as her sweetness and realized that I have one of the most sweetest moms in the world. We all waved her a goodbye and got out of the car. We immediately got transferred into a stage where Nam Ju was punching Do Hwa. I was going to run towards them but Haru held my hand to stop me. I shook my head sadly and watched as Nam Ju beat up Do Hwa. Baek Kyung tried to stop them and Nam Ju finally did stop. We were transmitted out of the stage and I shook my head disappointedly. "The author's getting more and more violent. We have to stop him/her." Do Hwa said as he held a tissue near his nose to make it stop bleeding. Baek Kyung turned towards me and said, "Didn't you say you had a plan?" I nodded and said, "How about all of us give it a try together? You, me, Dan Oh, Haru and Do Hwa. All of us together." All of them nodded in agreement. "Wait!" Yeo Joo Da said as she ran towards us. She said, "To be honest, I'm aware of myself too. I always thought it would be fine if I just went along with it but it isn't, so I want to join ya'll and stop this author from going any farther." We all agreed to let her in our group. "Tonight, 10 p.m., in the school garden. Deal?" Haru asked as he put his hand forward and faced it downwards. We all put our hands on top of his hand and said, "Deal."

Time Skip.

It's 9:30 p.m. now. We're all eagerly waiting for 10 p.m. Throughout the day, the author made all of us very violent in the stage, including making me and Dan Oh fight because in the stage she thought I was flirting with Baek Kyung.

We all were gathered in the school garden together with the supplies. "Do Hwa, you got the bunch of flowers?" He nodded. "Dan Oh-" "I got the book bestie." "Alright." I replied as she showed me the comic book we all were stuck in. "And I got the necklace." Baek Kyung said as he handed me the his necklace with my dandelion petals ashes. "And we both memorized the lyrics." Haru and Yeo Joo Da said as they high-fived. I nodded. We all waited anxiously for 10 p.m.

When it was finally time, I sighed nervously. Baek Kyung gave me a hug. When I got out of the hug, I nodded to indicate that I'll start. They all gave me an approving smile. I took the necklace and tied it around the book. Do Hwa handed me the dandelions and I placed the flowers on the book. "Ya'll ready?" I asked, still unsure if we should do this. "Let's do it!" They all replied. I nodded and we started singing the song Dandelions by Ruth B. To be honest, I think that this song has something to do with this book. I sang this song to make Baek Kyung remember how much I love him, Baek Kyung sang this song to get my memory back, and now we're all singing this song to destroy this book and have a free life. And the necklace is very important too. The mysterious old lady who gifted the necklace to Baek Kyung was like a lucky charm for us. The necklace helped me remember who I was and now it's helping us destroy the book just like the dandelions. The book shot up dropping the dandelions on the ground. The book flipped open to try and take the necklace off but it wouldn't budge. I tried to hold the book in my hands but my scar burned a lot. The scar felt like it was on fire. I screamed in pain at the same time as someone else. I looked around and saw Haru on the ground, clutching his hand to try to stop the scar from burning. I looked at my scar and then his scar and then the book. All of them had the same color! My scar was glowing gold just like Haru. I told Haru what I observed and he looked at the book. My scar, his scar, and the book, all were glowing golden. We both were still groaning in pain, and Baek Kyung, Eu Dan Oh, Do Hwa and Yeo Joo Da were sitting there helplessly with pitiful looks on their face. Haru grabbed my hand place it on the book(the one which had the scar on it)and I flinched in pain. Then, he put his scarred hand on the book. We both were in immense pain. It hurt like shit. I felt like my hands were about to burst. There were tears in my eyes and Haru was also crying. It hurt, but this is least we could do to destroy this book. The book burst as both Haru and I screamed in pain together. When we all looked at the book, it was on the ground, shredded into small pieces of paper. The dandelions were all dark now and the necklace had disappeared. "WE-WE'RE FREE NOW!" Yeo Joo Da screamed as she stood up and jumped. Baek Kyung smiled in agreement and took out a hanky to wipe the sweat off of my face. Eun Dan Oh hugged Haru tightly to comfort him. "Did it hurt a lot baby? I'm so sorry I couldn't help even though I was right here with you!" Baek Kyung said to me as he blew on my scar which was now red. I nodded as he wiped his teary eyes. "I'm so sorry." He said sadly. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Hey, baby, it's alright! Look at the bright side! We're free now! No fighting, no loving other people, no crying! We can love each other freely now that the book is destroyed!" He nodded. We all got up and high-fived each other. Yeo Joo Da went over to Do Hwa and kissed him. Do Hwa widened his eyes in surprise. We all cheered and Yeo Joo Da let go of him. "Actually, I've liked you for a long time, I just didn't want to admit it. Do you want be my boyfriend?" She asked. Do Hwa said, "Tsk, is that even a question? Yes!" He kissed her again and me and Eun Dan Oh jumped around as we saw our childhood best friend have a girlfriend now.

"NO, NO, NO!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" Jinmichae said as he ran over to us furiously. We gave him a questioning look. "Why are you so mad?" Dan Oh asked. "IT'S BECAUSE I WROTE THE BOOK! THE OLD LADY WHO GAVE BAEK KYUNG THE NECKLACE WAS MY MOM. SHE WAS A WITCH AND SHE ALWAYS TOLD ME NOT TO WRITE THIS BOOK BUT I DISOBEYED HER. YOU ALL DESTROYED IT!" He screamed. We all gasped. "You've got to kidding right? Why would you do this to us?" Do Hwa asked as he ran over to him and grabbed Jinmichae's shirt collar aggressively. Jinmichae let out a laugh like a psycho. Someone suddenly punched him in his stomach and he fainted. We all turned around to see who it was. "It-It's the same nice and mysterious lady who gave the necklace to me! It's Jinmichae's mother!" We all were shocked. "My children, I am so sorry you had to go through all of this because of my stupid son. Actually, I don't know if he has mentioned this, but I'm a witch. He got my genes and can do magic. He has a unique talent. Whatever book he writes, it becomes reality. I always forbade him from writing a book after finding out about this because I didn't want the characters to suffer like you all did. He never listened to me though, and ended up writing this book in secret. Once I figured out about this book, I tried my best to help you kids by giving Baek Kyung the necklace. Since this book is now destroyed, you all are going to disappear soon. To prevent that from happening and to go to the real world, wear these necklaces. It'll immediately take you to the real world. Never take the necklace off, as small things can always make a big difference." She said as she handed all of us a necklace. "What about you and Do Hwa?" "I'm going to die soon as I used up all my magic to make these neckalce for you guys so I'm going to die here. Jinmichae will be staying in this world for the rest of his life for bringing pain to you all and betraying all of you." She replied to me. I sighed as I hugged her. She hugged me back. She pulled out of the hug and gestured us to wear the necklaces. As soon as we wore the necklaces, we all got transmitted into the real world before we could thank her. We all got into a big group hug and made our way to a place which was familiar. It was my house! We all ran inside my house. "Kids, ya'll are back! It's so late, I was wondering where you all are! Come have dinner, it's getting cold!" My mom said. We all nodded and sat down to eat dinner, not being able to believe that everything is normal now, and we can freely live in this world.

* * *

Hi guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this book! I can't believe that this the last chapter! Feels like I started writing this yesterday! Please write your comments and shower love! Tell me why you liked this book! Thank you and meet you in another book!

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