ELUSIVE (Book 2)

By hidden_1nk

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Sawyer & Opal, how it starts. More



78 9 42
By hidden_1nk

The new year doesn't feel like a new and fresh start. Instead I feel like everything from the past year is continuing on into this year and I'm kind of tired of it. 

Tension between Evan and me has thickened and I try to avoid him as much as possible but play it cool if Sawyer is in the room.

"Have any of you seen Sawyer?" Nancy asks and everyone looks to me. I stop eating my pancakes and stare at them.

"Well, do you?" Avery asks and I roll my eyes.

"No." I quickly say and go back to reading my book while simultaneously eating pancakes.

The truth is, the last time I saw him was after he kicked me out of his room, very rudely and angrily I may add.

"He hasn't come down for breakfast." She says to everyone. No one moves, we all just stare at each other, little concern in our eyes. Well I try to hide my worry.

"He's probably still sleeping." Drew chimes in.

"No, Sawyer never sleeps in." Evan shakes his head.

"We can all find the answers if we just go to his room." I say out loud.

"Not it." Evan and Drew say at the same time.

"Not it." Avery touches the tip of her nose and so does Nancy.

Everyone turns to me.

"Looks like you have to check." Drew pats me on the back. "Good luck." He whispers and I give everyone a glare and groan as I walk out of the kitchen. When everyone is out of sight, I smile. I actually do want to see Sawyer, if he even is in his room. 

When I finally make it to his door I knock. No answer and no annoyed grunt. I knock again, but this time lean my ear against the door. No sign of life in Sawyers room. He probably left to work early, who knows.

I slowly open the door and see Sawyers bed empty. I hear the water so I slowly make my way to the noise, afraid I'll find a naked Sawyer.

When I'm in front of the door Sawyer is on the ground, face down. I rush to his side,

"Sawyer." I shake him but he doesn't respond. I quickly scream for help and run back downstairs.

"It's Sawyer! He isn't breathing!" I scream in panic. I hear everyone rushing in and I notice blood coming from Sawyers head. "We need to call the ambulance!" I scream when everyone is by Sawyers side. Nancy is the first to push us away as she puts pressure onto Sawyers open wound.

Drew immediately calls the emergency line. I don't know what to do with myself as I pace back and forth.

"Hey." Avery whispers and I turn at her gentle touch on my back.

I let a tear slide.

"What do you think happened?" I question, still trying to pace back and forth but Avery holds me still.

"Don't stress out. The baby." She whispers as she looks at my stomach.

"What if we didn't come check? What if we thought he left? He could have bled out. I would have found him dead." I over analyze what could have been and Avery immediately shakes her head.

"No. No, that's not what we're going to do. Be thankful you found him when you did. He's going to be okay."

As soon as she says those words we hear the ambulance right outside. I don't remember much after that, I just remember the ambulance people barging in and the next thing I know is we're in a car driving right behind the ambulance.

It seems like an eternity passed by the time we got to see Sawyer. Only one person at a time and only two people.

They all voted me because I found him and I've been shaken up ever since and Evan because they're family.

Evan let's me see Sawyer first and I slowly walk into the hospital room Sawyer is in.

Sawyers eyes are closed,

"Sawyer." I whisper but no answer. I carefully lie down beside Sawyer and stare at his features. His head his wrapped in a bandage and he looks pale. His lips aren't the usually tint pink but a white light pink. I close my eyes and try to remember what he looked like before.

When I open them back up Sawyers eyes slowly start to open and he smiles when he sees me.

"You're okay." I whisper. He grabs my hand and leads it to his cheek. His hands aren't as warm as they usually are, they feel cold.

He doesn't say anything as he stares at every inch of my face and he gives me a sad smile. I breathe out trying to hold in my tears but failing miserably.

"I'm still here, Opal." He whispers into my ear and I relax at his words and I debate telling him I'm pregnant but hold it in.

"How did this happen?" I whisper and Sawyer hisses in pain.

I try to fix his pillows but he grabs my arm to stop me.

"I told you." He says and I get up to sit in the empty chair beside him but he pulls me back to him.

"You kicked me out." I tell him.

"It's dangerous that you're in here." He warns and I lean into his chest.

"Then why won't you let me go?" I question.

"I'm sick." He springs on me and I frown.

"What?" I question and pull away from him. "Dying sick?" I question. I feel like my world is falling apart.

Sawyer sighs, "When you went back in time and talked to me, that set off a lot of things. It's not good to talk to past me or future me. You don't know who you're talking to. That could have been a different Sawyer from a completely different time. The fact that he didn't stop you means he's new to the whole time travel thing." Sawyer turns to me to see if I'm following.

"Why is it bad?" I ask. "Why did you kick me out of your room?"

"When people from different time zones meet it messes with our heads." He says.

"Messes how?" I question.

"I won't know what reality is real. I will hallucinate things from my past, present, and future." He warns. "Each time that happens I get headaches, fevers, uncontrollable shaking." He adds on and my eyes widen.

"For how long?" I question.

"Weeks." He says. I turn away from him and stare at the wall as I think.

"Can it kill you?" I quietly ask the dreadful question.

"Yes." He says. I look down at my fingers and pull at the loose skin.

"It's all my fault." I cry, tears blurring my vision. I hear laughing over my crying and turn to Sawyer. "This is serious." I hit him on the stomach.

"Exactly so don't do it again." He says between laughs. "I'm not going to die." He says and I glare him and push him away from me.

"Mean." I tell him and sit in the chair beside him.

"I'm serious Opal. Don't do it again." He warns like I'm a five year old child and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not five." I tell him. He doesn't say anything as he looks around.

"I'm starving." He says and I look at the tray next him. I hand it to him.

"How did this happen?" I question again.

"I knew I was going to be delusional and out of it. I didn't want to hurt you so I kicked you out."

"How did you know I traveled?" I whisper.

"The headache. It was the worse pain I ever felt and I knew you took the watch in that moment, so I waited for you to get back." He says and I nod.

"You're not going to die, right?" I ask again and he stops chewing his food and looks down at me.

"Travel again, and we'll find out." He threatens and I roll my eyes. He teasingly smiles at my reaction and remember he's on pain meds so he's a little loopy and happy.

We both hear a knock at the door,

"Who is that?" Sawyer questions.

I shrug, "probably Evan."

I stand up but Sawyer pulls me to him and pecks me on the lips.

"I'm sorry, I scared you. I could hear you crying and screaming but I couldn't do anything." He gives me a sad smile and I once again try to hold in my tears.

"I'm glad you're okay." I whisper into his lips and he kisses me one more time.

Evan knocks again before barging in. I quickly let go of Sawyers hand and back away before Evan can see anything.

"Opal." Evan says evenly, with a nod and I try to hold back my glare.

"Evan." I say as I pass by him and out the hospital door.

I breathe out relieved and walk over to Drew, who is immediately by my side.

"Is Sawyer okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Thank god. You two can't live without each other." He says and I look at him.

"What?" I question.

"The way you reacted. You reacted less when you found out mom and dad died." He says and I look around, not knowing what to do or say.

"Can we talk, in private?" I tell him and Drew's face goes serious.

"Yeah. Come on, we can talk at the food court. I'm starving." He grabs my hand and we head to the food court.

I wait for Drew at an empty table, when he comes back with a tray full of food he starts digging in. He takes a bite out of his burger. He takes his time to eat before he remembers that I want to talk.

"Whatever you need to say, you can always come to me." He says and I go blank.

"Can I have some fries?" I ask but don't wait for him to answer as I stuff my face.

"Avoiding." Drew says and he takes a couple of more bites. He doesn't push it and when I'm at my last fry, I breathe out.

"I just want to say." I stop. "There's no easy way to say this." I stop again and look at him, his attention fully on me.

"Mhmm." He nods his head, encouraging me to go on. "It can't be that bad." He continues and I make a noise. "So it's bad bad." I make a noise again as he tries to figure out what's wrong.

"I'm pregnant." I tell him. He drops his burger onto the tray and he stands up and holds his head.

"What?" He says, catching the attention of everyone peacefully eating. He sits back down and leans in. "What?" He says again, in complete shock and disbelief.

I don't say anything as he processes everything. "Holy shit. Opal. No. You're my little sister." He shakes his head. He doesn't seem angry or disappointed. He just kinda seems surprised.

He sounds like he just ran a marathon.

"Drew. You can't tell anyone. Please." I beg and he crosses an 'X' over his heart.

"Promise. Holy shit, Opal. I'm going to be an uncle." He says but then his smile drops.

"What?" I question, confused with the sudden change in mood.

"Who is the mother fucker who knocked you up?" He says and I debate telling him.

I stay quiet and he gives me a look.

I roll my eyes, "Joseph." I quietly say.

"Army boy?" He says and I cover my face in shame and guilt.

"It was an accident." I try to convince with all my soul.

"Are you in love with him?" He asks and I quickly shake my head no.

"You're lucky he left when he did. He would not be walking today." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Is it a boy or girl?" He asks and I shrug.

"You'll have to find out." I smile.

"Who else knows?" He asks and I debate telling him but decide against it.

"Only you. So forget I ever told you this." I tell him.

"Already forgotten." He lifts his hands up in surrender. I take more of his fries.


"Hey, listen. If you ever get a craving, I don't care what time it is, tell me." He says and I nod. I didn't think Drew would take it like this, I thought he would be angry.

"Why aren't you angry?" I question and he chuckles.

"Oh I am. But for your sake and the baby, I'm holding it in. I'll be pissed at you when the baby is born." He says and I gulp.

"Thank you." I cry into Drew's chest and he holds me tight.

"I'm serious Maeve, call me for anything." He says and I look at him.

"Don't call me that." I say.

"Why? You love that name." He says and I shake my head.

"Not anymore." I frown.

"Hey, when you get fat, how are you going to hide it?" He questions and I smack his arm.

"I'll tell everyone eventually." I let him know and he nods.

"Does the father know?" He asks and I frown.

"Yes." I nod.

"I knew he'd be a deadbeat dad." Drew says and I don't deny it. The way Joseph acted was weird and I'm not sure why he reacted in that way.

"I know how to choose them." I playfully say but Drew doesn't laugh and I frown.

"I'll be okay." I tell Drew and he pulls me into a tight side hug as we walk back to Avery. We left her alone. When we're back in the waiting room, Avery is gone to see Sawyer and Evan is sitting down.

"Have a nice dinner?" Evan asks. I nod and Drew starts explaining everything he ate. I tune them out as I start to read a magazine.

"Sawyer is free to leave later tonight. He shouldn't move a lot and should stay lying down. He will be in a lot of pain in a couple of hours." A doctor lets us know and we all nod.

"Is Sawyer okay? He stared talking in a different language and he sounded angry." Avery says as she comes out.

"He'll be okay." I try to convince myself and her but she gives me an 'are you sure' look and I nod.

Drew takes me home to rest as Evan and Avery stay behind.

"What does this mean?" Drew questions and I turn to him confused.

"Hmm?" I hum and Drew looks at me sternly.

"Have you thought of how you're going to raise the baby? The funds for food, diapers, clothes. You can't rely on the Pierce family. They're unpredictable, you don't know how they will react." He says and I didn't know until now that is how he feels about them.

"I'll worry about it when I get there." I shrug, I've been worried about this to.

"No." Drew shakes his head. "What if they get tired of us one day and decide to kick us out?" He continues and I look away. Would they do that? Joseph and Sawyer wouldn't let that happen, would they?

"I don't know." I quietly say.

"All I'm saying is never rely on anyone but yourself. Always have a back up plan. Even a back up plan for your back up. You never know what might happen." He says. "I'm not trying to scare you, but it isn't about you anymore, it's about the baby." He grabs my hand and he squeezes it.

"I know." I say.

"I don't want to scare you but you have to start thinking about what ifs. You can't get too comfortable. Maybe we both get jobs and save up to get our own place. Away from Whit and everyone." He says and I nod. My heart hurts at his words. The thought of leaving Sawyer, the thought that my baby won't have a father.

"You're right." I nod. On some level I know he's right but I don't want it to be true.

"Im heading to bed. Do you need anything? Craving anything?" He asks and I shake my head no. He hugs me tight and says goodnight and he heads over to his room. "Call me if anything." He gives me a small smile and waves at me. I nod and plop myself onto the living room couch.

I stir awake when I hear the front door open and everyone comes barging in. Sawyer looks fine, he's walking by himself and looks like himself, minus the head bandage.

His eyes land on me before he makes a confused look.

"Who is she?" He asks and my heart sinks.

Evan rolls his eyes and pats Sawyer on the back and heads to his room. "Go to bed and get some sleep."

"Shut up, Sawyer." Avery says and I look at all of them, confused.

"If I threw a stick, would you leave?" Sawyer rudely remarks and Avery pulls at her hair.

"God, I can't deal with you. You're acting like you're fifteen." She says and I remember Sawyer saying he isn't going to be himself but a mixture of himself from past and future.

Sawyer plops down beside me and closes his eyes. He opens them when he hears Avery stomping away after she hands him a water bottle.

"Good luck with him." Avery shouts and I stare at Sawyer.

"I can feel you staring." He says but my eyes don't wander. They stay stuck to his face and he finally opens his eyes.

Sawyer bursts out laughing, "I know who you are Opal." He says and I smack him on the arm. "Just wanted to see how you would react." He evilly smiles and I stare at him.

"Not funny."

"Don't travel again." He counters.

"I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry." I tell him and he stares at me.

"I know you, Opal. This isn't the last time you're doing that." He says and I look away. It's true, I might use it again. "That right there, the mischievous thinking face." He pokes at my arm before holding his head in pain.

"Maybe you should get some sleep." I get up and he pulls me back down.

"No, don't change the subject."

"I'll pinky swear. Is that what you want?" I ask and it takes a while for Sawyer to answer but he does.

"Yes." He says and he extends his pinky out. I take his pinky in mine,

"I solemnly swear." I roll my eyes. He squeezes my pinky hard. "I'm serious." I add and he lets go.

"What's up with you and Evan?" He randomly asks.

"What?" I question.

"Don't tell me that wasn't you trying to act normal at the hospital. Spill." He says and I stare at the kitchen door.

"There's nothing to spill."

"Opal." He says my name like I'm a child.

"Ask Evan." I shrug. "He's been avoiding me. I'm not sure why." I shrug giving him the half truth which he seems to hesitantly believe.

"I'll talk to him." He says and I grab onto his arm,

"No. Don't." I beg and Sawyer sits up straighter and turns to me.

"Why?" He asks and I let go of him.

"Nothing, never mind." I shake my head but that just makes Sawyer more suspicious.

"Hypothetically, would you ever kick me and Drew out?" I question. Sawyer groans at my question,

"What is it with you and all these hypotheticals. Does Evan know something I don't?" He asks and I shrug again.

"It's just a hypothetical." I counter.

He sighs out and looks off somewhere behind me before focusing on me again,

"No. We brought you in. You're both family. Family isn't who you're born with. It's who you'd always die for." He says.

"But sometimes family betrays you and you can never forgive them." I say.

"I don't believe in never." He shrugs.

"I don't believe in always." I counter. It's true, we can't always be there for someone, we can't always be in love, we can't always.

"Well, opposites attract."

I raise an eyebrow, "Never."

"Always." He finishes, a smirk lacing his lips. I sigh out hoping his words hold truth and weight.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." I say and he nods.

Thirty minutes after I get ready I head over to sawyers room to see if he's okay. He's lying down and I knock on his door.

I swallow hard as he tells me to come in. I look at the spot he was in hours earlier. The blood is cleaned up and it looks like nothing never happened.

"You okay? I thought you were going to sleep." He says and I slowly turn to him. "Cleaning crew cleaned up." He answers my thoughts.

"Just want to make sure you're okay." I say and he smiles and taps the spot beside him. I happily join him.

"I'm fine. The wound wasn't that deep. Just a few stitches. If I were dying, you'd be the first to know." He pulls me to his chest and I lay my head comfortably, hearing his breathing and gentle heart beat.

"I know." I breathe out.

"How did it happen?" I question again.

"I passed out from the pain. Hit my head on the corner of the bed and tried to get up or crawl not sure. That's all I remember." He shrugs while yawning.

I feel him soothingly rub my back with his fingers which makes my eyes droop and I fall asleep.

I wake up to Sawyer mumbling and pacing the room.

"Sawyer?" I sit up, but he doesn't hear me. I slowly get up and follow after him. I touch his back and he turns to me angrily.

"Amelia. Where the hell have you been? I told you so many times not to leave." He holds onto my shoulders. I feel like I'm being scolded.

"What?" I question.

"Where's Elias? I'm going to talk to him." He says and I look for a way to get out of Sawyers hold. He finally lets go.

"You could have gotten hurt. I don't know what I would do without you Amelia. I can't lose you too." He angrily states.

"Sawyer!" I raise my voice and Sawyer immediately snaps out of his trance.

"Opal?" He asks confused. "Where's Amelia?" He says and I look up at him confused. He stares at me, "You look..." he stops himself and runs his fingers through his hair frustrated.

"Who is Amelia?" I question, the jealousy feeling in my stomach returns.

"No one." Sawyer curtly says.

"Why won't you tell me?" I plead and he turns to me.

"I think it's best if you slept in your room. I'm unpredictable and dangerous right now, and I'm not sure how long it will last." He slowly guides me out of the room.

"Who is Amelia?" I question again, but he ignores me and slowly shuts the door behind me.

For the second night in a row, Sawyer has kicked me out. I barge right back in and Sawyers head is in his hands. He looks exhausted and frustrated.

"I'm...It's...it's like torture." His voice is strained, just above a whisper. "I think I'm losing it."

I walk over to him slowly,

"I think I'm losing it. I don't know what's happening, or what happened. But I look at you, I look at you and I love you so much. Not because of anything you've said or done, or anything at all. I look at you and I just love you. That terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you."

I sit beside him and stare at the wall in front of us.

"Please. You have to tell me. Opal, tell me I'm not crazy. Please just look at me." He pleads and I continue to look at the wall. I know if I turn to look at him, if my eyes drift to his, it's over for me. I can't allow myself to do that. Especially since I know he's talking to future me and he isn't himself.

He's right. He is dangerous, but not in the way he thinks, but by his words.

"I shouldn't have come back in. Goodnight." I quickly rush out.

Hey guys!!!
I hope you enjoy this chapter! 💕

My goal for the next couple of months is to update once every other day or once a day. It's going to be a challenge but a fun challenge.

Thank you to everyone who continues to read my book. I really wouldn't know what to do without you guys. Thank you! 😭🤎

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