Your New life with Darkness

By PotatoWriter1229

15.5K 358 90

Your name is Ren Takahashi, and after dying in a terrorist attack you get transported to another world where... More

An Adventure In This New World
Helping Out
Dinner Night?
Darkness is Dark
Your New Family
A Successful Day
Forever Together
A Night To Remember
A Wonderful Day
Common Battles
Adult Fun
She's mad
After Dark
A Small Chat
Date night
Wonders worked
Bar Fights
Non-Relaxing day
Your Darling
Journey Begings
Getting Ready
Her Feelings
Dangers of the World
The Chase
The Ambush
The Return
The Celebration
A new Friend
Story Update

Inevitable Death

136 3 0
By PotatoWriter1229

"Was that is?" one of the men blurts out. "Yeah i think so, he was the only one there" Wiz answers. That huge cloud was way more than you expected, so much water added with the strength of the lightning, the caster couldn't have survived that. Aqua is still healing someone to allow him to get back on his feet, then we can all get out of here.

"It is done, lets get out of here!" Aqua shouts out. You all make your way back to the mouth of the cave to make an escape, but the gold seems so alluring it makes you want to take some. "Feel like snatching a necklace or a ring maybe?" Kazuma casually speaks over your shoulder. "These things are probably cursed, it would be risky if we took it, they do look pretty though" You shake your head and run back to the group with Kazuma, "this isn't worth the risks". You hold Darkness' hand and slow down, after all this you managed to keep your promise.

After the journey back home, a celebration will be held back at the mansion, food and booze for everyone. Celebrating ourselves and our courage to complete this mission without any casualties. All of you will be there, a party with all the friends you've made in this new world. The journey back will be dangerous but it's all worth it. You look over your shoulder and see Aqua bonding with her loved one, the happiness on her face makes you happy. You pull Darkness to you and land a kiss on her forehead, so much stress and anxiousness has been relieved.

You all make your way to the mouth of the cave and begin heading out, but as you are all walking out you hear an eerie voice echo out "Die!". You turn around and see the magic caster standing on the other side of the cave. His figure is so damaged that it baffles you on how he is still alive, he lifts a crossbow and shoots it, driving an arrow straight through your chest. He drops the crossbow and slowly evaporates, disappearing into thin air.

Everyone rushes to you and holds you as you fall to your knees. The pain slowly starts to sink in. How is this hurting? Usually there would be minimal pain and you would just pull it out, but this is different. You hear Darkness and Aqua talking, but you can't make out anything they're saying. The taste of blood fills your mouth as Aqua is trying to heal you. "It isn't working! the magic isn't  taking any effect and nothing is happening!".

Aqua inspected the arrow for poison but she ended up finding the tip has been enchanted. An enchantment that lets no magic pass through the body, that's why it hurt so badly. Not even the enchanted armor you had on could stop an arrow enchanted like that, it passed through like a finger on a wet napkin. Your vision starts to get blurry and your hearing fades, all that you can hear are cries coming from the girls. Especially Darkness'.

You feel someone hold you, a gentle hand caressing your face followed by a voice you could clearly hear. "You idiot...". It was darkness holding you. You smile and gather all the energy you have, using it to take off your glove, and place your hand on her cheek. You open one eye and see her face, a smile so hurt, eyes that have seen so much, the pain makes them water. "You never got to keep your promise...".

Your eyes tear up as reality sinks in, making the physical pain nothing compared to the emotional pain. All those words you said to her back at the mansion, saying you'll all come back alive and that no casualties will be caused, all of that was turning into promises never kept. This life was filled with so much mistakes, the same thing as your past life. So much promises that were never kept, so much things you never got to do. All of that ended by your urge to be a hero and save people just for the good of it.

You swallowed the blood in your mouth and pulled Darkness' face over. Looking deep into her eyes, you land one last kiss on her lips. You feel a pain in your chest and lose the strength in your arm, letting it fall to the ground. Your vision gets worse, now you can't even see her face. Although it would be better like that, because seeing her in pain just grants you more pain. Everything gets heavy, to the point where breathing is a problem. Your only active sense is your hearing, but its the most painful one. Hearing her cries, her begging and pleading you to hold on, it inflicts such a pain on you, it makes you feel like the worst person ever.

The cries start to fade away, until you hear the softest voice speak. "I love you...". Even through all this pain, you forced yourself to speak, "I... I love you... too...". Your hearing fades away and after all that, you're finally gone.

You can't hear anything else, you can't see anything else. Nothing. You're just gone. You have left your physical body and you're just floating here, out in the nothingness. All you can remember are her tears, her cries and her words. You caused her so much pain in her life, probably more than anyone else has ever done. If there was one more thing you could do back there, it would be apologize for what you have caused her, she doesn't deserve to be hurt in this way.

As you're there, letting time pass you hear a familiar voice. "I didn't expect to see you here again this soon, weren't you here like a week ago?". You feel a surge of energy running through you and you quickly open your eyes.

Y/n: H-Huh? W-Whats going on?

Eris: You don't recognize me? You're back here cause you died again.

Y/n: I-Its you, the girl from last time.

Eris: Yes, it's me, and I am back to give you another offer like last ti-

Y/n: I want to go back! send me back! I have a lot of things i need to fix and i can't just leave everything as is! I need to get back there and fix all the things I did wrong!

Eris: A-Alright alright! I'll send you back!

She snapped her fingers and the same portal that appeared on your first time came back, you bid her thank you and say goodbye, as this chance you're getting to redeem yourself is something you could never pay her back.

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