Crush One Shots

By 22bburberry

50.4K 312 28

Oneshots about you and your crush. He, or she (I'm not changing the pronouns), can be fictional, celebrity, o... More

Valentine's Day
Ex Fairytale
Ex Fairytale Part two
Ex Fairytale Part 3
NASCAR (or local racing)
High School Football
TicTok challenge
County Fair
Birthday Party 🎂🎂🎂
Field Trip
Break up
New Language
Masquerade Prom
Reservation 2
Best Friend
Percy Jackson
Blind Date
He's your brother?!
Protector Part 2
Protector Part 3
Protector Part 4
Protector Part 5
Protector Part 6
Arranged Marriage/ Romeo and Juliet
End of the Summer
Take me home, country roads
Take Me Home Country Roads part 2- Double Date
Shakespearean Tale
Mermaid Part 2
Mermaid Part 3
Flight Attendant
Tomboy (Farmgirl) vs Cityboy
Tomboy vs Cityboy Part 2
camping part 2
coffee shop
BFF/N Party
Road Trip
Talent Show
She's your sister
superhero part 2
Team Meet
Being clingy for 24 hours
With or without you
With or Without you part 2
The Mortal Instruments
The Mortal Instruments part 2
Class Discussion
in love with my neighbor
in love with my neighbor part 2
in love with my neighbor part 3
Clingy best friend
Miraculous Ladybug
The Lost Riddle
Class trip
In love with my brother's best friend
Another Jace x reader
group trip
BFF/N wedding
BFF/N wedding Part 2
Learning new language
abc part 2
nightmare part 2
dog and babysitting
the reunion
dual birthday party
Another Percy Jackson idea
Quarantined with your best friend
Fast food
handcuffed together
C/N wedding
C/N's Wedding part 2
lots of random ideas in one
Snowed in
college visit
basketball game
Girl in an all boys school
Another Harry Potter
Tree climbing
Tutoring the player
School news
homework stress
Next door neighbor (apartment)
"I'm studying"
Dream AU
St. Patricks Day
C/N twin
Werewolf triplets
college party
easter egg hunt
Ruin Our Friendship
sunburnt- rollercoaster pt 2
the soul exchange
horse riding lessons
Horse Riding Lessons pt. 2
Soulmate AU
new Percy Jackson
Who's Spiderman?
spin the bottle
run away alarm
Civic duty
Beach Party
Percy Jackson character x reader
Drive thru
False Queen
Easter Bunny
co worker

heroes and villians

60 1 0
By 22bburberry

I walked into the apartment after a long jog home. In the freezing rain and snow. I shook most of the snow off myself before unlocking the apartment.
I saw my roommate in the living room as I shook my jacket and boots off. C/N waved and stared at me.
"You good?"
"I regret to inform you but I'm not fine. I had to run the past 3 miles because it's December and it's cold here. Kind of regret not watching the weather, wearing a heavier coat, or any other choices I've made," he stood up and strode over to me. He flipped chunks if frozen hair around.
"You sure it was 3 miles?"
"Maybe it was the full 5. I'm going to take a shower to deice," I went to my room and hopped into the shower and ran my head under the hot water. I washed then changed my cloths. I blow dried my hair and went into the kitchen. I served myself a bowl of soup and sat on my section of the couch and I saw C/N's eyes on me.
"Whats wrong?" I looked at him in concern.
"You walked 5 miles in winter weather and your wearing shorts?" I rolled my eyes and ate my food.
"And your wearing a blanket. So?" I teased and put my bowl in the kitchen. My watch buzzed and rolled my eyes. "I'll be in my room," I shut the door and opened the map. I made my outfit change to my hero outfit and I flew out of the apartment window.
I went to an abandoned building and looked around. I pulled out my signature weapon and checked the perimeter.

Villain POV
I hit (hero name) from behind and stood in front of her. She already started to stir and I ran to the nearest staircase. I jumped over the railing as I heard (hero's weapon) attack where my heels had been.
I fell a few stories and I heard her coming after me. I took out my dagger and sliced the air. She danced just out of reach and attacked me. She caught my ankle and I stumbled.
"Come on, (villian name). It's been 2 years. What do you want?" I winced as a shooting pain went through my leg.
"You are the only obstacle in my way now," she kicked my leg and I fell over. My dagger flew from my hand and she leaned over me.
"Its over," I smirked and shrugged.
"Thats what you think," I vanished.

I studied the map that appeared. I saw (villain name)'s dot move through the city.
"I have you now," I flew from the building and followed a few miles away from the blinking dot on my wrist. I slowed in midair. He had landed in my apartment building.
Does he know who I am and where I live? I rushed to my apartment and I watched the blinking dot come to a halt right in my apartment. Dang it. I'm coming, C/N. I heard a ringing in my ear.
"We have an urgent message you need to attend to."
"I'm in the middle of something. I'll talk in a while," I opened the door to the main room of our apartment and I held out my weapon.
"C/N? Where are you?"
"In the living room," his voice sounded in pain and I rounded the corner, expecting the villain to be holding C/N hostage. "Wait, (hero name)? What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for (villain name)," I saw a bandage around his ankle. "I put a tracker on him and it says he is here," C/N pretended to not be worried.
"Maybe he is on another floor," I pulled up my map.
"So (villain name). After all this time and I know who you are," my earpiece buzzed again.
"You can't ignore us forever. Jake is back and he's on a killing spree. Cops can't stop him. Your our only hope," I went pale and C/N looked at me.
"What did your agency say?"
"Jake escaped and killing a lot of people. You stay here. I'll deal with you later," I flew into the air and pushed any thoughts of C/N and (villain name) from my head.
I heard reports on where he could be and I flew several miles to his last known location. I touched down and located his trail.
"I was wondering when you would show up again, Y/N. Missed you," I growled low in my throat.
"Why are you back? I put you away for the rest of your life," he shrugged and smirked.
"Jail can't hold me. Nothing can, except you of course. Who's this?" I looked around and I glared at (villain name)... C/N. He limped forward and held out his hands, one clutched his dagger and the other held a dark sphere.
"He's a villain. We just fought and I guess he followed me," Jake smiled and gestured C/N to his side.
"We can destroy her together," C/ N went over to him, hiding his limp well. I felt the hope draining from me as I stood against two of my biggest rival's. Before anyone could move, Jake fell to his knees, a dagger through his chest and C/N stepped aside as another C/N disappeared.
"Honestly, death is too good for you," I said to the corpse and heard sirens in the distance. I looked at C/N and shook my head. He slumped against the wall and waved off.
"I'll see you later," he waved and passed out. I picked him up and took him to the apartment. I healed his leg as best I could and went to sleep.

I felt pain all over my body and sat up. I saw a glass with some pain relief beside it. I took the pills and found Y/N in her room. She was sitting on her bed with her head and back against the wall.
"Are you okay?" She saw me walk in and I nodded. "I... I heard that you were with (hero name)? She brought you here last night," she looked down at her feet and I sat down.
"Kind of, yeah. Its a long story."
"When were you going to tell me that you are (villain name)," she wrapped her arms around her knees.
"Did (hero name) tell you?" She shook her head. "Then how do you know?"
"I am (hero name). You should have just stayed here. Jake was dangerous and you were hurt, because of me."
"I couldn't stand by and not help," she glared at her calender.
"You were also going to blame that on yourself. If it wasn't for me, not of this would have happened. Our rivalry, Jake. Nothing," she cried out. "I wouldn't be here," tears streamed down her face and she sniffed. I pulled her towards me.
"Put the past behind you. I don't blame you for any of this. I'm just glad we can end our disagreement. 2 years is a bit long for a fighting sequence," she was quiet for a while.
"Your not mad? We've been roommates longer and I didn't say anything.
"I didn't either. Let's quit fighting each other. We can go after criminals or something instead," she nodded.
"How'd you come up with (villain name)?" I chuckled.
"Out of anything you could have asked me and you asked how I came up with the name," I rolled my eyes.
"The costume is simple. You like black. Easy. What about the name?"
"Old nickname turned evil," she stared at me.
"Really? Interesting," she shrugged. "A fan gave me mine," she wrapped her arms around me. "Now that we are confessing dark secrets, I've loved you for a while," I smiled.
"Really? Me too," she shook with laughter. "Whats so funny?"
"That would be q funny story. Hero's and villains: the epic love story that probably wouldn't have happened if hero didn't temper with the science lab," she pulled away from me.
"Wait, you did that?" She nodded proudly. "You prevented us from even going to school for 2 weeks?" She nodded again. "You sure you aren't a villain? There's still hope for you," she shook her head and I put my hand on her cheek.
"Nope. Not a villain," I leaned down and pressed my lips to her lips for a second. "You on the other hand, is most definitely a villain," I grinned at her and she tried to stand up.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her next to me on her bed. I laid down beside her and she blushed. we sat like that for a while then went to sleep.

This was cute. I hope you guys enjoyed it !

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