Love On Tour - H.S.

By horaansprincess

156K 2K 703

Harry and Y/N's relationship was one everyone wanted. Everyone loved seeing them together because they were a... More

Day Before Tour
Las Vegas
San Antonio
The Days After The Break up - 1
The Days After The Break Up - 2
The Days After The Break Up - 3
St. Louis
Drama 1
St. Paul
MSG Night 1
MSG Night 3
The Days After The MSG Shows
Holmes Chapel - 1
Holmes Chapel - 2
The Days Before Harryween
Harryween Night 1
Harryween Night 2
The Days After Harryween - 1
The Days After Harryween - 3
The Days After Harryween - 4
The Days After Harryween - 5
San Diego
LA Night 1
LA Night 3
LA Night 3 (cont.)
Little Rock
Long Island
Epilogue - The Dinner
Epilogue - The Baby Stuff
Epilogue - The Birth
Epilogue - The Baby

The Days After Harryween - 2

3.1K 50 12
By horaansprincess

no tiktok reference

y/n's pov


I internally groaned when I felt Harry's side of the bed completely empty, he had left in the middle of the night, but of course didn't leave me without giving me any kisses. I rose from the bed and rubbed my eyes with the heel of my palm. A pink note laid on my nightstand with Harry's messy handwriting.

Hi, baby girl.

Drink lots of water, I bought you those flavoring packets that you like along with some medicine to help your stomach.

I'll see you in a couple days, won't be back until Friday or Saturday, have some stuff to do, but I'll call you every night.

Be strong for me, keep your head up, and keep my spot warm.

P.s The flavoring packet is pink lemonade, your favorite xoxo.

All of my love, H.

This boy knows the way to my heart. Always so caring and thoughtful, Anne surely did raise him and Gemma very well. I wished to be like Anne and my mom combined when I become a mother, they're the epitome of perfect mothers.

I got up from the bed and sauntered towards the bathroom. The only plans I had today was to take a stupid pregnancy test. The huge problem was, how was I gonna get it? I obviously can't pop over to the nearest store and grab myself a pregnancy test without getting papped. New York paparazzi are crazier than ever. Harry finding out about the baby through the paparazzi will be my biggest nightmare.

After I finished doing my business in the bathroom, I headed over to the kitchen where I saw a bouquet of blush and lavender peonies laying on the counter surrounded by many packets of flavored powder. A little note dangled from the peonies and saw Harry's handwriting once again.

Just a little something for my girl.

Missing you so so much.

P.s Don't forget about me xoxo.

Written with even more love, H.

I sat on the couch with my breakfast while reruns of Friends played on the TV. My mind wasn't in the mood to watch television at the moment, but I thought it would be a good distraction from everything going on. I was surprised I wasn't freaking out about Olivia and Max pulling me out of the movie, if I wasn't meant to be in the movie then I wasn't. I was so tired of the stress and the fighting, that maybe this movie really was meant to be just a wake up call, nothing more. Acting is something I want to do and most times it doesn't always end up being how you want it to be and I was fine with that. Letting go of this movie was much easier than letting go of Harry. If this movie slips out of my grasp then I'll just get up and try again later on, but for now it's time for me to focus on my relationship with Harry and possibly this new baby.

But now it's back to my other problem.

Who's going to get me this damn test?

My parents are out of town. Sarah and the girls are obviously in Milwaukee. I couldn't ask Timothee because paps are gonna follow him as well.



God, I haven't spoken to Amanda in so long, but it was worth a try.

I clicked on her contact and waited for her to pick up the phone. I really hope that she's still in New York or this mission is going to be an absolute failure. After 4 rings I finally heard her familiar voice.


"Amanda thank goodness."

"Oh my gosh, I miss you. I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you? I'm sorry for what's happening. I-"

"Amanda...breathe." I laughed. "You're going to pass out."

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm just excited that you called."

"I'm sorry for not reaching out earlier. A lot has happened and it's all just hectic."

"Don't be sorry. I understand. So, what did I do right in order for you to call?" She giggled through the phone.

"Um...are you in New York?"

"Yes ma'am indeed."

"I need a huge huge favor from you."

"What? Yeah, of course what is it? Do I need to kill anyone? Maybe someone who's name starts with an O and ends with yuck."

"Oh my god, Amanda. That was the worst joke ever. There is no killing involved, but if I tell you what it is, you need to keep it 1000% percent to yourself. You can't tell a single soul about it."

"This sounds more serious than I thought. You have my word, Y/N. You can trust me with whatever it is. I swear."

"Amanda, I need you to keep your word because I really don't want anyone finding out about this until I'm ready."

"Y/N! It's your turn to breathe, like I said before you have my word, I promise. It's not like you're pregnant or something." She joked and that's when I fell silent. My vision was blurring and everything around me was spinning. "HOLY SHIT!! You're pregnant! That's so exciting oh my gosh...Y/N? Are you there?"

"I- sorry. Yeah, I'm here. I just needed to sit down."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out, this is just exciting."

"Nothing's your fault. It was just weird to hear it out loud."

"I understand. Wait...I mean, I don't understand obviously because I've never been pregnant, but I mean I know how you feel about it being said out loud. It does get a little too much when you've thought about something for so long and then hearing it out loud gives you that moment of realization that, that shit is real."

"Wow, you took the way I felt and said it exactly the way it was."

"I told you, I'm a great person to talk to. I know my shit, but I do have a question."

I nodded my head, but remembered she couldn't see me so I let out a "Mhm."

"Are you telling me about this because you think it's Timothee's...? Or?"

"Oh my gosh. No, no that's not why I told you. It's Harry's, 100%. Timothee and I never got to that point in our relationship and Harry's the only one I've been with like that. I called because I was wondering if you can get a pregnancy test and bring it over."

"Oh, yeah of course I can. I can even stay with you if you need me to." She suggested.

"Yeah, actually that would help a lot."

"Perfect. I'll see you in 20. I gotta give Timothee an excuse to leave."

"Sounds great. Thanks, Manda."

I got off the couch, placed my plate in the sink, and decided to clean the apartment a bit. A lot of blankets were sprawled out on the couch from the previous times Harry and I spent cuddling and watching movies. The apartment wasn't messy and if it was it was probably because of me. Harry has his messy moments where he'd throw his jacket on the ground or even his suspenders, but he would usually come back and pick it up later on in the day. I, on the other hand, tend to forget about the messes, one of the things I know Harry didn't like.

I missed Harry a lot. The apartment felt colder, bigger, and more quiet when he's not home. Don't get me wrong I was the one who suggested for me to stay home, but it was for a good reason, but I didn't know I'd end up missing Harry this much. I noticed a small picture frame laying flat on one of the bookshelves, must have been knocked over or something. The picture was of Harry and I when we first met Sarah and Mitch's little boy. We were both sitting on the couch, while I held the munchkin in my arms, Harry had wrapped his arms around the both of us as we stared at the little one in awe, our smiles were so big, we couldn't keep our eyes off of him, and we even begged Sarah and Mitch to allow us to babysit for the night. It took some convincing, but they let us do it and said we needed the practice for the future.

The idea of being pregnant used to scare me, but at the moment I saw Harry melt when he held Sarah and Mitch's baby I knew I wanted him to be the father of my children. Just seeing Harry with a baby felt so natural, it's like he had a special charm when it came to them. Harry around pregnant woman was also a sight for sore eyes, he became so smiley when he saw someone pregnant, he'd ask me if he could go talk to them and when I would allow him he'd bombard the lady with so many questions about how it felt, if they were excited, if it was a girl or a boy, and when the they had to leave he'd come over to me to make sure I knew all about it.

Harry was obsessed with Sarah's pregnant belly, in a non-weird way. Sarah would have to call me to drag him away from her, it's like as soon as Sarah found out she was pregnant Harry was over at their place 24/7 which I didn't mind at all. It was cute to know how Harry would react if I became pregnant.

One time Gemma and I were having a conversation about babies and Harry overheard and immediately went into spiral thinking one of us was pregnant. When it came to his sister he was protective so his reaction was quite funny. We eventually told him that none us were pregnant and we sensed his mood change. Gemma said it was because he wanted us to have a baby, but was just shy to talk to me about it, which now that I see it she was right.

My train of thought got interrupted when I heard the buzzer from the intercom start to ring.

"Yes, Mark?"

"Ms.Y/L/N, I have somewhere here named Amanda, says you know her."

"Oh, yes. Please send her up. Thank you, Mark."

A couple seconds later the elevator was dinging, alerting me that Amanda had finally reached the apartment.

"Amanda! It's so nice to see you."

"Likewise." After our 5 minute long hug, I led her straight into the guest bathroom, not wanting to waste anymore time. "Are you ready to find out if you're truly pregnant?"

"I'm really fucking nervous. This can ruin my relationship with Harry and I just got him back."

"Oh, please. That man is smitten for you, he's head over heels in love, haven't you guys talked about having a family?"

"I mean, yeah we've mentioned it a couple times, but that was before the breakup. What if he changed his mind?"

"If he truly loves you, he'll stick by your side no matter what. Harry doesn't seem like the type to kick you to the curb after finding out about something this big and plus you both seem like you're ready to be parents."

"I am. This is something I want and I think Harry does as well."

"Well good because there's no turning back now. I bought the digital tests and made sure to get the most accurate ones." She held them up and waved them around towards me.

"Woah, okay. This is really happening."

"Yes, it is. Now pee." Good thing I drank a lot of water because it made this whole process go by faster.

"Okay, now set a 5 minute timer and we'll wait it out."

Amanda and I walked to the kitchen and sat on the barstools, considering there wasn't really anywhere to sit in the bathroom, and I didn't want to feel suffocated in the bathroom. My nerves were kicking in, my palms were getting sweaty, and my body heat became even hotter.

"Hey, take a deep breath, babe." Amanda grabs both my hands and places it in hers. She rubbed circles with her thumbs in an effort to calm me down. "No matter what that test says, positive or negative, just remember that I am here for you. You are the most caring and understanding person in this world, if you are pregnant then this world is just gaining another sweet soul, but if you're not then you have so much time to pop out as many kids as you want. This isn't going to change anything, Harry loves you more than anything in this world, it is so evident in the way he treats you. I mean look at this, the flowers, the notes, these pictures around the room is just a small fraction of the love you guys have for each other. You two always found your way back to each other and I admire the love you two share. This is just another chapter in your love story."

" always seem to know how to calm me down and I fucking love you for that. Thank you for being the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. I'm so glad to have met you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." We sat in each other's embrace for a while until we heard the timer go off. Here goes nothing.

"Let's do this!" Amaanda exclaimed, hopping off the barstool and holding out her hand for me to take. I laughed at her reaction, but continued to grab her hand. The walk to the bathroom felt like an eternity, but I was no longer afraid, I was excited. I took a breath and held the test in my hand without looking. Amanda looked at me eagerly while I slowly brought the test towards my face.

My heart fluttered.


I grabbed the rest of the tests and they all said the same thing — positive.

Tears of joy ran down my face as I took in every single piece of this moment. This is it. The family Harry and I have been dreaming of ever since we moved in with each other, it's finally happening. I held the test so close to my body, not wanting to let go of it.

"Y/N! I'm so fucking happy for you, my gosh. This is the best news I've heard this whole year." Amanda's words were true, this seemingly beats the time we found out about Timothee and I getting the roles in 'Toxic'. "You're going to be an amazing mommy."

"Thank you, Manda. I feel like I'm in heaven. I can't even explain how happy I am."

"I'm happy that you're happy, babe." Amanda was about to say something when her phone started vibrating. "Fuck, I really hate to go, but Timothee needs me."

She gathered her stuff and I followed her around. "Don't worry about it, Timothee probably needs you more than me. I'm just going to call my parents and order take-out."

"Update me, if you need me I'm a phone call away and don't forget to invite me to your baby shower and gender reveal."

"I won't." I replied, giving her a tight hug. "Thank you again for being amazing."

"Amazing's my middle name. I love you, keep the little munchkin safe." She walked into the elevator and gave me one last wave as the doors closed.

"It's just me and you baby." I smiled down at my stomach and placed my hand over it. I'm over the moon right now.

I was slightly nervous to tell my parents about being pregnant, but I knew I needed their advice. My dad and Harry were still at a rough patch and I didn't want that to affect how they see this pregnancy.

"Honey? Is that you?"

"Yes, mom. It's me."

"Can we video chat. I want to see your sweet face, I miss you."

"Of course, mom." I clicked on the facetime button and waited for her to pick up and when she did she had her glasses on and the camera was aimed towards the upper part of her face. "Can you see me mom?"

"Uhh, one second...There, I can see you now...Have you been crying, my love?" I looked at myself in the mirror, only to see that my eyes were still bloodshot from all the crying.

"Mommy, is dad there? There's something you both need to hear."

"Yeah, let me get him."

Seconds after the phone was placed onto the nightstand, I heard her yelling my dad's name over and over again. They soon appeared on the phone screen and my heart was now pounding.

"Hi, honey. I miss you."

"I miss you too, dad."

"What did you have to tell us?"

"I wanted to tell you both in person, but I really need your guys' advice on this. Considering you both have done this twice now, I just really need someone to tell me what to do next." My eyes were once again getting watery. Keep your shit together, Y/N.

"Honey...please tell us."

"Mom, dad. I'm pregnant." I breathed out. I closed my eyes because I was scared of their reaction, the whole room was silent, and it made me want to keep my eyes closed forever.

"Honey, look at us."

"No, I'm scared." I mumbled.

"Honey we're not mad at you." My mom assured me. I opened my eyes to see them with smiles on their faces. "We're happy for you, bug. This is a big step in your life. Are you ready for it? Is Harry?"

"I-I am ready, mom. I've been wanting this for so long, I thought I would be more scared, but I'm excited. I can't wait to experience everything, I can't wait to do it all, go shopping, build baby furniture, hold him or her." I couldn't stop smiling at the thought of Harry building the baby's crib or him walking aimlessly in the baby clothes aisle. Harry's going to be the best daddy in the world. "Dad? Are you okay?" I looked behind my mom to see my dad sobbing uncontrollably.

"Mhm...I'm fine. There's just something in my eye."

"Dad...are you not happy?"

"No, it's not that. I'm so happy for you baby, it just hurts to see you so grown up. You and Harry are going to be the best parents in the world, well besides me and your mom, but that's besides the point."

"I-You're not mad at Harry anymore?" I asked genuinely confused, because the last time they saw each other my dad had almost killed Harry.

"As much as I wanted to strangle him, he came over the week you were gone. He somehow found time in his busy schedule to come over and apologize and explain what had happened. He's a great guy, I wasn't expecting him to come over after what I did that day, but he did and it shows how much of a gentleman and mature guy he is."

"Wow, I didn't know he had come over, but I'm glad you think that dad because I really love him and I'm having his baby whether you like it or not." I joked. I earned a laugh from the both of them and I was beyond ecstatic that this whole thing is going the way I had hoped it would.

"Bug..." My mom started.

"Yes, mom?"

"You're 100% on this? You may be excited about all those things, but this baby comes with bigger responsibilities. Harry's going to have to put his career on pause and you're going to have to do the same even though yours just started. You're going to have to wake up in the middle of the night, you're going to change diapers, I mean this is a lot. You both are so busy and in no way shape or form am I suggesting you get an abortion, but I just want to know if you're really ready for this."

"Mom, I really really am. I'll probably regret saying this in the future, but I'm excited to wake up in the middle of the night so I can cradle the baby to sleep. I'm excited to change his or her stinky diapers, I'm all ready for it mom and with my career. That's another thing I wanted to talk to you both about."

"Go on..."

"I think I'm going to drop out of the movie."

"What? Honey, this is another big decision, are you sure?"

"I've been thinking about it and it's a lot. I don't want to be pregnant while filming, I know stress can be a big thing when working in the industry and I don't want to harm the baby in any way. I've already dealt with so much drama this past month, that I need a break from it all. I can always try for something bigger and better in the future. I have my whole life ahead of me. I want to focus on my relationship with Harry and focus on this growing baby. My career can wait a little longer."

"It looks like you've thought this out, huh?"

"I have."

"Well, we support you fully in all your decisions. Does Harry know?"

"No, but I plan on telling him soon. I want to go to the doctors before I jump in further. I think I'll have the appointment on Friday before Harry gets home."

"We'll go with you to your appointment."

"What? You guys are still on vacation."

"Your dad and I are bored out of our minds. We want to be there for you, we'll book a flight for tomorrow. We love you and we'll see you on Friday. Drink water and don't forget to book your appointment."

"I love you guys too. I'll see you Friday."

I've planned out most of the chapters in the book and I'm so excited to write it all.

Anyways, how do you feel about Y/N dropping out of the movie? 😥🧐

Big things are happening for Harry and Y/N!! Baby Styles here we come 🥳

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