A Very Bori Story

By Tumblrbaby99

89.7K 1.7K 483

Bori. That's all there is to it! Please read! More

A Very Bori Story
Prom dates
How can I ask you this?
A lil' bit of Cabbie
A lil' bit of Jandre
The Plan
Not again..
What's wrong with me?
I need your help
The Prom - Part 1
The Prom - Part 2

Let's Just Forget.

5.4K 110 16
By Tumblrbaby99

Hey, you likey so far? I hope so! Anyway, a biiiiiiig shoutout to 'VavanInLove' thankyou so much for commenting on my chapters, it means sooo much to me! :D Thankyou! Oh and yes, this story is set after Jade and Beck break up (and before Tori Goes Platinum).. I probably should have mentioned that before I started.. but anyway, thanks for reading!

 DISCLAIMER: I do not own victorious. 

Tori's POV: 

I am at my locker at the moment, hoping Beck wont find me. I know he is looking for me and I know why as well, but what am I supposed to say? He leant in to kiss me and to make it worst, I leant in too. Why? Why, was I so stupid? I had been avoiding Beck all morning and I think he knows about it, earlier today I walked around the corner and spotted him so I quickly turned back. I am pretty sure he saw me though, damn it. 

'Are you avoiding me?' said a voice, sounding like Beck. I jumped in fright, he had crept up on me. 

'Uh, um no?' I say stuttering, 'I've got to go, class.. don't want to get in trouble!' I shut the locker door and started to walk away, but he stopped me. 

'Tori?' he said pleadingly, 'can we please talk? Please!'

I turn around to face him, 'uh, okay?' I say, extremely nervously.

'Okay, about yesterday..' he said shyly, while blushing.

'Um, yeah yesterday..' I mumble, 'i dont think it meant anything, i.. i think we were just confused, and we were alone.. soo?' 

'yeah.. yeah, thats exactly what I was going to say!' Beck said, sounding like he had slight dissapointment in his voice. 

'So, just friends? No awkwardness or anything?' I say, to make sure. 

'Deal!' he said, happily.. but I could tell something was still wrong, but what? 

'Okay, well i better go..' i said, 'um, talk later?' 

'yeah, see you later!' he says, as I walk off.. well, that was slightly awkward. And worst of all, Jade would kill me if she found out. Great :/ 

Becks POV:

I watched Tori walk away, great. That could have been my chance, but no.. I blew it. I don't know how I could ask her out again, unless- 

A/N: Hahahaha! Cliffy, cliffy, cliffy :p comment please, it would mean the woorrrlllddd to me :) 

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